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单词 Recognized
1 The head is recognized by the tongue. 
2 A prophet is not recognized in his own land. 
3 I recognized her by her red hair.
4 I recognized Mary by her red hat.
5 The hell of it was that nobody recognized him.
6 The receptionist recognized him at once.
7 He recognized John as his lawful heir.
8 The barking dogs quietened when they recognized me.
9 I immediately recognized the building.
10 He recognized her voice instantly.
11 I recognized her the moment I saw her.
12 Many employers have recognized that age discrimination is unfair.
13 He is recognized to be a qualified announcer.
14 I recognized her soft singsong immediately.
15 I recognized her by her red hat.
16 He is used to being recognized in the street.
17 Listening to the scratchy recording, I recognized Walt Whitman immediately.
18 He recognized Sarah's voice.
19 This letter must be from Frank; I recognized his scrawl.
20 I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.
21 Sundry distant relatives, most of whom I hardly recognized, turned up for my brother's wedding.
22 The college is not an officially recognized English language school.
23 They recognized that the country would revive only if it thoroughly disengaged from the chaos of the old regime.
24 I recognized him as soon as he came in the room.
25 The country has de facto independence now, and it will soon be recognized de jure by the world's governments.
26 After the disastrous collapse accident the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized.
27 I hadn't seen her for 20 years, but I recognized her immediately.
28 The dimensions of the difficulty for the hydraulic project have only recently been recognized.
29 She sidled over to me and asked if I recognized her.
30 She gazed at me for a long time before she recognized who I was.
1 I recognized her by her red hair.
2 I recognized Mary by her red hat.
3 The hell of it was that nobody recognized him.
4 The receptionist recognized him at once.
5 He recognized John as his lawful heir.
6 The barking dogs quietened when they recognized me.
7 I immediately recognized the building.
8 He recognized her voice instantly.
9 I recognized her the moment I saw her.
10 Many employers have recognized that age discrimination is unfair.
11 He is recognized to be a qualified announcer.
12 I recognized her soft singsong immediately.
13 He is used to being recognized in the street.
14 Listening to the scratchy recording, I recognized Walt Whitman immediately.
15 He recognized Sarah's voice.
16 The country has de facto independence now, and it will soon be recognized de jure by the world's governments.
17 After the disastrous collapse accident the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized.
18 This letter must be from Frank; I recognized his scrawl.
19 I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.
20 I hadn't seen her for 20 years, but I recognized her immediately.
21 The dimensions of the difficulty for the hydraulic project have only recently been recognized.
22 Sundry distant relatives, most of whom I hardly recognized, turned up for my brother's wedding.
23 The college is not an officially recognized English language school.
24 They recognized that the country would revive only if it thoroughly disengaged from the chaos of the old regime.
25 She gazed at me for a long time before she recognized who I was.
26 I recognized him as soon as he came in the room.
27 A bill of exchange is a legally recognized document.
28 Everybody recognized the seriousness of the situation.
29 His worried face relaxed into a smile of greeting when he recognized us.
30 The boy has really sprung up this summer; I hardly recognized him.
31 Professor Jones is a recognized authority on ancient Egypt.
32 It's a wonder you recognized me.
33 I thought I recognized your flowing script.
34 A bill of exchange is a legally recognized document.
35 We recognized that the task was not straightforward.
36 When I saw him I recognized him at once.
37 He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him.
38 Fox's abilities were soon recognized.
39 I recognized a few of the other people.
40 The book is now recognized as a classic.
41 The RAF recognized him as an out-standingly able engineer.
42 Applicants must hold a recognized teaching qualification.
43 They are each recognized specialists in their respective fields.
44 He is recognized to be their natural leader.
45 He was recognized for having saved many lives.
46 Drugs were not recognized as a problem then.
47 I recognized her the instant I saw her.
48 Everybody recognized the seriousness of the situation.
49 We don't recognized him to be the lawful heir.
50 I recognized him at once by his walk.
51 I recognized her at a glance.
52 I recognized them from a television show.
53 I recognized him by his walk.
54 She's a recognized authority on the subject.
55 I recognized the distinctive shape of a Boeing-747.
56 His pre-eminence in his subject is internationally recognized.
57 Steiner was recognized as an original if unorthodox thinker.
58 He has been recognized as he deserves.
59 He recognized us with a wave.
60 She saw me(), recognized me and cut me dead.
31 He is recognized internationally as an authority in this field.
32 This is the only species of flamingo in the region, easily recognized by its pink plumage.
33 Witchcraft is now a recognized religion in the United States.
61 He recognized the danger signs and gave up smoking.
62 Stella hardly recognized her brother.
63 She recognized in Roger a dangerous man.
63 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
64 I recognized her immediately I saw her.
65 They recognized the need to take the problem seriously.
66 He's universally recognized as an authority on Russian affairs.
67 She recognized the grating voice of Dr. Sarnoff.
68 I recognized him by his raucous, penetrating laugh.
69 Violence in schools is a recognized problem.
70 Marriage without registration is not recognized by law.
71 Nobody recognized how urgent the situation was.
72 The strength of this argument is being increasingly recognized.
73 Even his own mother would not have recognized him.
74 I hardly recognized him in that getup!
75 She recognized his arrogant strut.
76 He recognized the Polish cadences in her voice.
77 I recognized a few of the other guests.
78 British medical qualifications are recognized in Canada.
79 The company recognized Mr Brown's outstanding work by promoting him to chief accountant.
80 He longs for a society in which the dignity of all people is recognized.
81 He has not recognized the seriousness of the present situation.
82 She recognized the potential for error in the method being used.
83 It was recognized that this solution could only be temporary.
84 His worried face relaxed into a smile of greeting when he recognized us.
85 I barely recognized her.
86 After the accident we tried to identify the victims, but the bodies were too hadly mangled to be recognized.
87 Her teacher recognized and nurtured her musical talent from an early age.
88 I had never met his brother before but I recognized him immediately because they're as like as two peas in a pod.
89 He recognized his lack of qualifications/that he was not qualified for the post.
90 Henry II was the first king to be recognized as overlord of Ireland.
91 I recognized a fellow sufferer, waiting nervously outside the exam room.
92 The bird is easily recognized in flight by the black band at the end of its tail.
93 He recognized the painting as an early work by Degas.
94 Lawrence's novel was eventually recognized as a work of genius.
95 His colleagues all recognized that this was a momentous occasion .
96 A man I easily recognized as Luke's father sat with a newspaper on his lap.
97 The boy has really sprung up this summer; I hardly recognized him.
98 The Prime Minister recognized her services to her country by awarding her an MBE.
99 He recognized that he was not qualified for a teacher.
100 He is recognized internationally as an authority in this field.
101 The firm recognized Tom's outstanding work by giving him an extra bonus.
102 The government has belatedly recognized the danger to health of passive smoking.
103 The Medway estuary is recognized internationally as a conservation area.
104 The hospital is recognized as a centre of excellence in research and teaching.
105 I recognized her instantly I caught a glympse of her.
106 It was a voice he recognized, though he could not immediately place it.
107 Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous.
108 All rivers should be officially recognized as public rights of way.
109 It was malaria, but Dr Lee hadn't recognized the symptoms.
110 Maggie knew that he had recognized her and the game was up.
111 They're striking for the right to have their trade union recognized in law.
112 She recognized the voice as belonging to the man who had attacked her.
113 This is the only species of flamingo in the region, easily recognized by its pink plumage.
114 This issue must be recognized as a priority for the next administration.
115 He recognized the sketch as an early work by Degas.
116 He had changed to such an extent that I no longer recognized him.
117 In old age he finally had the satisfaction of seeing the quality of his work recognized.
118 Nichols was recognized by the Hall of Fame in 1949.
119 His services to the state were recognized with the award of a knighthood.
120 I barely recognized the bedraggled figure who staggered in from the storm.
121 One day a youth espied her as he was hunting.She saw him and recognized him as her own son, mow grown a young man.
122 He didn't want to be recognized, so he travelled incognito.
123 We recognized the possibility and took steps to prevent it happening.
123 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
124 I found it flattering that he still recognized me after all these years.
125 Everyone recognized him to be the lawful heir / as the lawful heir.
126 She felt her pulse quicken as she recognized the voice.
127 He is recognized as the forerunner of all modern-day British Prime Ministers.
128 The United States recognized the People's Republic of China at last.
129 He recognized Mr. Hunter as an old business acquaintance from his years in banking.
130 The princess was not recognized and mingled freely with the crowds.
131 Being recognized in the street is part and parcel of being a celebrity.
132 Witchcraft is now a recognized religion in the United States.
133 The World Health Organization has recognized alcoholism as a disease since 1951.
134 He recognized the man as one of the police officers.
135 Alexander tried to get his work recognized by the medical profession.
136 He was an experienced car salesman and recognized an easy prospect when he saw one!
137 I was in the act of shooting him when I suddenly recognized him.
138 The ceremony must take place in a recognized place of worship .
139 Otherwise, each had separately recognized, the future was circumscribed.
140 Private Smith was recognized for her courage.
141 Paula, he recognized, was thinking with her usual clarity.
142 I recognized the neat plastic skull cap.
143 Maggie recognized a group of chaps from Templeton's.
144 The international automobile industry is a typical case where shortening the product development lead time is recognized as a valuable competitive weapon.
145 Outstanding effort or achievement in any area is recognized and all those with birthdays during the week are sung to.
146 A closer look revealed the familiar Salvation Army logo on the pot, but this bell-ringer was like none I recognized.
147 Once before, following another encounter, a brutal and terrifying encounter, she had recognized that.
148 Right from childhood, he had recognized that these great beasts had potential for almost limitless friendship and loyalty.
149 The privatization programme has been recognized as a major break with the mixed economy consensus.
150 He was grateful to be in a company that recognized the value of education and training for management.
151 Mimi Sheraton, for example, had to don various disguises so she would not be recognized while critiquing elegant eateries.
152 The morning-coated manager had recognized them and was being proprietary with them in front of a dowager customer.
153 Brand names such as Coca-Cola and Sony are recognized all over the world.
153 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
154 Direct speech has that personal quality Jean-Jacques Rousseau later recognized as being intrinsic to the best cantatas.
155 It is very convenient that the three digits are so unlike one another since they can be easily recognized.
156 Even when their specific characteristics are recognized, they are given different interpretations and names.
157 Police recognized Moll and arrested him as a suspect in two grocery store robberies, also involving getaway cabs.
158 She had barely recognized their cool, urbane general manager in the seedy, vengeful man who had made such wild accusations.
159 Robson recognized that, throughout history, courts have performed administrative functions and administrative bodies have undertaken judicial functions.
160 Human beings are funny. They long to be with the person they love but refuse to admit openly. Some are afraid to show even the slightest sign of affection because of fear. Fear that their feelings may not be recognized, or even worst, returned. But one thing about human beings puzzles me the most is their conscious effort to be connected with the object of their affection even if it kills them slowly within. Sigmund Freud 
161 For analytical purposes, the 12 categories of land cover recognized during the classification stage were compressed into five representing: 1.
162 When asked if he recognized the defendant, the witness replied in the affirmative.
163 Diana was now growing in self-confidence,() a quality recognized by her elevation to school prefect.
164 After years of persecution by colonial rulers, Orisha worshipers only recently had their religion officially recognized by the government.
165 She was recognized by a grand national assembly at Scone as heiress to the throne.
166 So Superman, once the most recognized and revered hero in comic books, was sent back to the drawing board.
167 This was a recognized role among the men involved, and Humphreys was accepted as a normal part of this activity.
168 Viral hepatitis has been recognized since the Second World War as being divisible into two distinct types.
169 As Task 55 suggests, another way in which discourse type can be recognized is by title.
170 The trail seemed cold until a woman in Mississippi recognized Pearson's face in a wanted poster.
171 Both Ford and Chrysler have recognized Hansen for the strong customer loyalty at his dealerships.
172 Increments are awarded for years of service and upon completion of recognized courses of study, teachers move to a higher scale.
173 Scientists have long recognized that environmental factors play a notable causal role in many cancers.
174 But, as this Court has recognized, discrimination may be so unjustifiable as to be violative of due process.
175 He recognized each draught of icy air slicing through cracks in doors made invisible by crowding shadows.
176 Aubyn said they recognized the benefits of having the Grand Forks social service agencies in one building.
177 During the course of dissections of cadaver club feet he recognized the role of muscles and tendons rather than bones in this deformity.
178 It has also to be recognized that all owners may need to make alterations and improvements to their property from time to time.
179 Roemer now recognized that earlier attempts to clock the speed of light had failed because the distances tested were too short.
180 At first, only chil-dren of visible saints were to be baptized and thus recognized as part of the covenant.
181 Though the war had interrupted her schooling, her intellectual precocity had quickly been recognized and appreciated by Stewart.
182 At Iberian, the dealer initiative members recognized the need to build better teamwork among dealers and dealers' direct reports.
183 Ever since time began,(Sentence dictionary) people have recognized their true Love by the light in their eyes. Paulo Coelho 
184 How then is the full communicative intention to be recognized?
185 Little recognized that the cause was an abnormal birth which produced brain damage and secondary spasticity of the limbs.
186 It could be recognized with ease, and the criteria for its presence were precise and immutable.
187 Primo recognized one of the men-he had seen him in a designer jeans commercial-doing just what he was doing here: walking.
188 A cashier thought she recognized him as the man who had done it.
189 Maggie stared at people walking about far below, tiny creatures that could hardly be recognized.
190 His claim to the house was finally recognized by the court.
191 A contact lens holder - I recognized it, Mum wears them - still with the lenses in them.
192 On the other hand, Elgar's greatness as a composer was becoming increasingly recognized.
193 She recognized the typical cockney liveliness of these two girls.
194 It is now generally recognized that the attempt to analyse consciousness in terms of behaviour amounted to flying in the face of the facts.
195 If that candidate wins a certain percentage of the vote, the party then would be recognized in the following election.
196 He believed that the government recognized that it must change its policy since the old policy had not worked.
197 The Labyrinth at Knossos is generally recognized to have been one of the greatest architectural achievements of the ancient world.
198 Economic changes have been generally recognized as being very important, but their influence has been conceived in diverse ways.
199 It is thought that there are some generalized cultural patterns that can be recognized.
200 In all, it seems that Leapor has, at last, been recognized as a poet worthy of serious consideration.
201 The chemical signal can be recognized by other defensive organisms in our bodies.
202 None of these skills are recognized by their male colleagues in the workplace.
203 Contrary to most political and economic models, parental love is generally recognized by biologists to be a very precious evolutionary asset.
204 State laws or local district policies usually allow teachers to be absent from school for the major holidays of recognized religions.
205 Manutius is now recognized by the cognoscenti as the father of the modern book.
206 When the daughters were ten, their talent was recognized by a well-known theatrical director.
207 The transient nature of the binding may be because this sequence is recognized on account of its structure without additional hydrogen bonding contacts.
208 The change in the socio-moral context was hardly recognized, and the corresponding change in religious social ethics had remained unformulated.
209 More trade-union sponsored Labour candidates were put forward in the 1929 General Election as unions recognized the failure of industrial action.
210 One of the most interesting facts about communicative intentions is that they are intended to be recognized.
211 I recognized one species that I had seen commonly on lily pads in the summer.
212 They recognized that some of their objectives could be reached by administrative action without running the gauntlet of the legislative process.
213 Two further categories of incisor digestion can be recognized here, covering all the diurnal raptors.
213 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
214 Instead, they recognized an interlocking trinity of types: animal, human, divine.
215 The citizens of Athens recognized that responsible citizenship would not come about automatically; it had to be carefully cultivated.
216 It should be recognized and accepted that coping with hearing loss can be utterly exhausting.
217 The recognized way of doing this was to own a boarding house and take in summer guests.
218 His look of annoyance abruptly changed to a delighted smile when he recognized the young cavalry officer.
219 This was not fully comprehended by everyone at the time, although Macmillan and the Treasury recognized it.
220 For every pebble several possible diameters may be recognized along the three principal axes of the pebble.
221 The room dissolved into a pandemonium of quips and shouts as viewers recognized themselves or their friends on the video.
222 The therapeutic properties of amber were widely recognized in the classical world.
223 The importance of work and employment to those with mental disorder has, however(), been recognized since Victorian times.
224 She recognized Telemachus instantly from his likeness to his father and she called him by name.
225 It was a habit of disguise that she recognized as costly but could not be rid of.
226 This, it was recognized, constituted a potentially dangerous situation, but what else could the Romans do?
227 The mud here has long been recognized for its curative properties.
228 The Kazakh government has recognized the problem and has accepted a programme for the construction of appropriate burial sites.
229 At present, more can be achieved by avoiding exposure to recognized carcinogens than by relying on the discovery of new remedies.
230 Troops on both sides recognized spots on the battlefield where they had fought the year before.
231 They have recognized that their business depends on world of mouth, and that world of mouth is based on customer satisfaction.
232 Implicitly it is conceptualized in terms of the personal behaviours which individuals indulge and which are well recognized as risk factors for various diseases.
233 The document stated that Kurdish cultural rights were to be recognized and that Kurdish regions would enjoy increased autonomy in local government.
234 The course is recognized for producing graduates who are immediately employable and who can play leading roles in the development of computing.
235 The crucial point is that such expressions should be warranted by conceptual and communicative purposes recognized as having point in classroom activity.
236 She seemed a little embarrassed, but pleased that I recognized her name.
237 She recognized the coldness inside her as also present inside the Doctor.
238 In time, Alexander will be recognized as a pioneer worker in establishing the conscious control of the use of the self.
239 Willie recognized Mr Miller from the corner shop and the young man behind the mesh in the Post Office.
240 In the light of this, the way forward in climatic geomorphology, already recognized in studies of fluvial catchments, becomes evident.
241 By the end of the first year StarNet was in the black and Cauthorn was recognized nationally for his accomplishments.
242 In contrast, communicative intentions are always intended to be recognized.
243 The balance sheet in Table 16.2 shows the various sterling assets of the recognized banks in descending order of liquidity.
244 It is now more widely recognized,(http:///recognized.html) leading to earlier diagnosis.
245 If he hadn't been covered with blood I would have recognized him.
246 These are the kinds of conflict recognized as lying behind the bureaucratic politics of colonialism.
247 Verio was recognized for its progression from an Internet-access provider to an e-commerce and Web hosting leader.
248 A viable marketplace must have a recognized mechanism for resolving disputes among buyers and sellers.
249 Bush recognized and established relations with the new republics on December 25, 1991.
250 I recognized that what I liked in Dad and Charlie was their insistence on standing apart.
251 He recognized his limitations, but he made little attempt to develop another technique.
252 She recognized his intricate paperweight on the desk, his books, the old chess set, the orderly arrangement of things.
253 Suddenly, the economic miracle of the past decade began to be recognized for what it was.
254 The insider must deal in securities on a recognized stock exchange, which includes dealing in securities through an investment exchange.
255 Though not all laws are enforced with equal vigour, criminal law defines crime as it is officially recognized.
256 By 1880 he was recognized as an international authority on alkali manufacture.
257 But this point is already clearly recognized in the legal framework through such elements as the block exemptions.
258 Indeed ideally it will employ more than one of the skills which one has recognized as being competitive strengths.
259 When I knocked at the door, Mr Rochester's old servant, John, opened it and recognized me.
260 A peaked cap was cutting its way through the crowd towards me and I recognized the Feldwebel.
261 Like his father he recognized the evil in human bondage.
262 Recently, John Fagin, an internationally recognized molecular biologist and former genetic engineer from Fairfield, Iowa, made a stand.
263 Paths were worn between one friendly community and another, between markets and recognized assembly points.
264 The district court recognized that the Alabama statute violated the establishment clause as construed by the Supreme Court.
265 A puzzle that immediately arises is how this complex reflexive communicative intention is meant to be recognized by the recipient.
266 I liked being recognized in the pub afterwards, and made myself conspicuous in case anyone wanted my autograph.
267 The existence of vitamin deficiency had been recorded long before vitamins were recognized, and successful treatment had already been introduced.
268 Einstein also recognized that the stress-energy tensor provided the appropriate tensor description for the distribution and flow of energy in space-time.
269 Professor Taylor is generally recognized as one of the state's most respected educators.
270 To Bowman, every actuator in the ship had its own distinctive voice, and he recognized this one instantly.
271 We want to engage recognized leaders in discussion.
272 As a multi - ethnic country, indigenous cultural values are increasingly being recognized.
273 I recognized the blank , resentful stair of incomprehension in her eyes.
274 He recognized the coast of England through a veil of mist.




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