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单词 Tarp
1) A clear plastic tarp flapped and ballooned in the breeze.
2) The tarp rolled askew, one end wrapped around the goal post.
3) There were a couple of men under the tarp with us, shivering with fever.
4) The TARP program's unpopularity lingers even after a Congressional Budget Office report last month said the program would wind up costing taxpayers about $25 billion, far less than initial estimates.
5) If the TARP seeks to buy assets too cheaply, banks will not take part.
6) Backers of the plan, including banking regulators, housing industry officials and bankers, say the about-face for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) would help both banks and homeowners.
7) There was a tarp on the mound, but I went out there to sit anyway.
8) Initially, Paulson was reportedly in favor of spending TARP money to buy up troubled assets.
9) The TARP as originally conceived was to buy up toxic assets off the bank balance sheets.
10) TARP was the Bush administrations administration's Troubled Asset Release Relief Program.
11) TARP program. It also comes out of the blue; the banks' audited accounts still show that their nonperforming loans have fallen dramatically.
12) Why don't we take a look at that tarp from the coffee factory?
13) Pieces of the wings, shorn off by the impact,(http:///tarp.html) peeked out from under one corner of the tarp.
14) In rehearsal, everything went smoothly as volunteers ran on to the field and unfurled the tarp in the allotted time.
15) Along the left side of the car was a rectangular piece of gray tarp.
16) At Oz camp, about a dozen people sat on chairs and blankets beneath a huge blue tarp tied to trees.
17) It isn't clear whether sophisticated investors would want to invest in TARP recipients at any price.
18) Just how America's proposed Troubled Asset Relief Programme ( TARP ) will work is still unclear.
19) Burroughs had retrieved a large object, a cage of some kind, covered with a black tarp.
20) A failure to reappoint Bernanke would only embolden the small-minded members of Congress who don't like what the Bernanke Fed has done, or the $700 billion TARP, or this year's stimulus bill.
21) The core idea of honeypot is to build an artificial network trap to lure attacker, then direct their time and resource to the tarp, thus can also reveal their attacking method and tools.
22) No.2 cargo winch motor has been removed. It terminals should be covered with tarp.
23) Six months at it - and he's still waiting on hiring guidelines from the TARP pay czar.
24) The Fed's willing accomplice was the United States Treasury and the FDIC, extending not only $350 billion of TARP money but literally guaranteeing three quarters of the liabilities of U.S. banks.
25) The Bush administration said it could access the $700 billion bailout already approved by Congress, known as the Troubled Asset Recovery Program or TARP.
26) The Post and Mail appear to be engaged in a dual mission, both to discredit the protesters and to sensationalize the story by including references to (allegedly) acid-fueled tarp hookups.
27) For example, I would have no problem defunding corporate welfare programs, such as the Export-Import Bank or the TARP bank bailouts, right away.
28) The report suggests that jawboning by federal officials for banks to use TARP funds to boost lending is having a limited effect.
29) Some people are living in squalor, with just a tarp tied to a chainlink fence.
30) As one naval commander put it to me, "They can buy a blue tarp for $14.00 at Walmart and cover their boat, and making it invisible to air patrols.
31) Where does the money come from for Tarp (Treasury's program to buy bad bank paper), the stimulus handouts and the cash for clunkers?
32) Republicans, however, have warned the Obama administration about turning it into a "slush fund" for pet projects, and some have proposed legislation that would close TARP at year end.
33) "For the asset purchase program to be effective, it must be done on a very large scale," Neel Kashkari, the Treasury's top TARP official, said in a speech last week.
34) In one cell, a gray plastic tarp protects the straw "tatami" mat floor from bed-wetting.
35) Shelby said , going on to ask whether the new TARP plan is'son of Paulson.
36) Gonzales's includes waterproof matches and chunks from fake fireplace logs for starting a fire, a folding saw for cutting branches, and a plastic tarp and cord for making shelter.
37) The tarp hangs from a barbwire fence which surrounds an abandoned, old compound.
38) The TARP gave them preferred equity, which is nothing more than a bridge loan.




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