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单词 Leaped
1 I leaped into the air with joy.
2 He leaped up at me.
3 He leaped into the river.
4 His heart leaped and he felt himself reddening.
5 We were talking when he leaped in.
6 She leaped out of the house.
7 The goat leaped surely from rock to rock.
8 A frog leaped out.
9 The mother leaped up from her chair when she heard the tragic news.
10 The horse leaped forward.
11 The lion leaped out from behind a tree and captured its prey.
12 His name leaped out at me from the book.
13 Rosie immediately leaped to her feet.
14 Tongues of flame leaped up the stairway.
15 New discoveries have leaped forward.
16 He leaped at the chance.
17 The thief leaped the fence and escaped.
18 The idea leaped into his mind.
19 The flames leaped and sparkled.
20 The horse leaped a stream.
21 She leaped clear of the water.
22 He leaped up from his chair.
23 He leaped onto his horse and rode off.
24 Brenda leaped the gate and ran across the field.
25 He leaped into the house.
26 He almost leaped down the stairs when he heard who it was.
27 The two men leaped into the jeep and roared off.
28 A wolf leaped out of the bushes and took the hunter by surprise.
29 The banner headline leaped out at me from the newspaper.
30 With a lash of its tail the tiger leaped at her.
1 I leaped into the air with joy.
2 He leaped up at me.
3 He leaped into the river.
4 His heart leaped and he felt himself reddening.
5 We were talking when he leaped in.
6 She leaped out of the house.
7 The goat leaped surely from rock to rock.
8 A frog leaped out.
9 The mother leaped up from her chair when she heard the tragic news.
10 The horse leaped forward.
11 The lion leaped out from behind a tree and captured its prey.
31 He leaped out of bed when he heard the telephone.
32 He leaped down from the ladder and ran over towards her.
33 My heart leaped when I saw Paul at the airport.
34 The workers leaped into the work of repairing the roof of the storehouse.
35 My room service breakfast practically leaped through the door.
36 Her heart leaped into her mouth, and she paused.
37 Sometimes small animals leaped out and scurried away.
38 The fish leaped out of the water.
39 He leaped through the window and was gone.
40 Out of the blazing wreck he leaped, stumbling around on fire from head to toe and screaming.
41 A fire leaped in the hearth under a marble mantelpiece identical to the one in her own flat.
42 But all factions have leaped at every opportunity to attack others.
43 Clear as a bell, yet slithery with innuendo, it leaped like a deer,( ) slipped like a snake.
44 A man leaped down from a window five storeys high and drowned in the river.
45 When his dear, weary head appeared under a palm frond I could have leaped for joy.
46 The ship leaped and juddered as if trying to turn to inside out.
47 They leaped about in the form of imps, black baby devils.
48 Mel watched in admiration as the goalkeeper leaped for the ball.
49 Instantly Oliver lashed it harshly with the whip, lashed its mate, leaped to the ground and kept on lashing.
50 His heart pounded as Barnabas leaped from his place in front of the fire and skidded into the kitchen.
51 A young brain leaped at the chance to know something his superiors did not.
52 But this time it leaped straight out of the sea on to the pebble beach!
53 As the sail whipped free of the masthead, he leaped back into the cockpit to loose the spinnaker sheets.
54 The fire cracked as the flames leaped into a dance of warmth.
55 Nevertheless, global television via satellite leaped across nearly all political boundaries.
56 Theseus leaped to the defense of the bride and struck down the Gentaur who was trying to carry her off.
57 How my heart leaped to see a red pillar box once more, on the other side of the compound!
58 Suddenly inspired, she leaped at him and poked her fingers into his eyes.
59 It leaped off the chopping board, and did several laps of the kitchen before three staff caught it.
60 At that, they leaped overboard and instantly were changed into dolphins, all except the good helmsman.
61 Sparks leaped as more wood was cast onto the fire.
62 Quigley leaped into the air like a monkey that has sat on a bunsen burner and gave a sort of primal grunt.
63 Tessa leaped onto the boat just as it was moving away from the bank.
64 They followed the raider then the off-duty policeman leaped out of the car and grabbed him.
65 Zorro leaped through an enormous fountain, but tripped and fell face first into the water.
66 Smiling he leaped from the stage and the audience applauded.
67 Running back at the crack of the bat, Greer leaped high and made the catch with his glove above the fence.
68 His critics leaped on his decision not to run, saying that Kemp was all talk and no action.
69 If our political economy remains backward, our intellectual economy has leaped ahead.
70 Light leaped out through the door, escaped from prison at 186, 000 miles per second.
71 A dark, thin figure leaped out, stick upraised, aiming at Claudel's head.
72 The soldier leaped away, crossing himself and gibbering; some ancient prayer, perhaps, or a magic sign.
73 There was something suicidal about the whole pretentious enterprise, which Dustin should have been talked down from before he leaped.
74 Despite his warnings against escalating prematurely, Giap rashly leaped ahead in 1951 and suffered badly.
75 Guiltily realizing that she hadn't finished yet, Jezrael leaped just in time to rewind the cuber.
76 He leaped to his feet and began to applaud.
77 Operating profit leaped 70 % to 6.56 billion euros.
78 I leaped about the room ecstatically, shocked.
79 The reaper leaped over a heap of cheap weapons.
80 Uncounted millions leaped they before me.
81 He leaped on to the platform with a thump.
82 The reaper leaped over cheap of cheap weapons.
83 Yahoo shares leaped 5 percent to $13.80 in after-hours trading.
84 Some men, tried out with listening and applauding, furtively leaped over the walls.
85 As the blow still hung inpending , I leaped in a trice upon one side.
86 A cormorant dived into the water next to me and leaped back to the surface just inches in front of my kayak.
87 Once diners got a taste of tiny passion-fruit souffles and shots of creme brulee, priced at $1 each, dessert sales leaped.
88 That night I slept well for the first time in days. The next morning as I leaped down the back steps, I saw Bogy next door and stopped.
89 While the count picked up the paper he put spurs to his horse, which leaped in astonishment at such an unusual stimulus, and shot away with the rapidity of an arrow.
90 For two days invasion barges drew into the shore and German soldiers leaped out and waded shorewards, while light tanks landed on the esplanade under dummy fire.
91 Henrik leaped at the chance to be a stay-at-home dad: "I wanted to bond with my son. My job is not more important than Anna's, so there was no reason not to stay home, " he says.
92 Again the Dagda touched the strings, and this time the magic Music of Mirth leaped from the harp.
93 Once he had leaped the psychological hurdle, preparation took over.
94 Ignoring the command not to move, he grabbed a heavy pipe wrench, raised and leaped forward.
95 No vivacious Bacchanalian flame leaped out of the pressed grape of monsieur Defarge: but, a smouldering fire that burnt in the dark, lay hidden in the dregs of it.
96 As Dooku was about to administer the deathblow, Anakin leaped forward and saved his master.
97 I leaped up , circled the willows and emerged on the other side of the cove.
98 The next morning as I leaped down the back steps, I saw Bogy next door and stopped.
99 A young man in dark glasses leaped out into the drizzle holding what looked like a carrycot and snaked toward the entrance.
100 Exasperated, he leaped the stream, and strode towards beech clump.
101 The window shade snapped up like a gunshot. Her cat leaped four feet off the floor.
102 The last time in human history in astronomy that we leaped a factor of ten, in one step,() was when Galileo stopped using his eye and put the first telescope to his eye.
103 Once he had leaped the psychological hurdle toward decision the momentum of preparation took over.
104 Dusty leaped after the mustangs. Jack nearly fell off. He clutched the reins in one hand and the saddle horn in the other.
105 Debra leaped out of bed, running past me down the hall to our baby's room.
106 Against the bull's coming horn, the leaper touched the back of the bull gently and leaped it in gymnastics.
107 He attached a safety line and leaped into the water, moving hand over hand along the static rope toward the dinghy.
108 Then Lying Lou and Gabby darted into sight, leaped up on the mossback's hump.
109 I sprang to my feet, and leaped, stamping the coracle under water.
110 When she came out on the doorstep my heart leaped.
111 Suddenly, with a loud huzza, a little cloud of pirates leaped from the woods on the north side, and ran straight on the stockade.
112 The Grasshopper jumped only half as high; but he leaped into the King's face, who said that was ill-mannered.
113 He stripped down to his underpants and leaped into the river.
114 At the sound she leaped to her feet, snatching up her bonnet.
115 Rainsford leaped up on the rail to get greater elevation.
116 While she watched him, Archie turned suddenly toward the fire and spat a stream of tobacco juice on it with such vehemence that India, Melanie and Pitty leaped as though a bomb had exploded.
117 The window shade snapped up a gunshot. Her cat leaped four feet off the floor.
118 I should have leaped out and run for it, if I had found the strength; but my limbs and heart alike misgave me.
119 Upon this the goat without any more ado leaped in.
120 The beside morning as I leaped down the behind steps, I saw Bogy beside entrance and stopped.
121 I "hooked" the apples, leaped the brook, and scared the musquash and the trout.
122 He sensed the danger and leaped back with the agility of an ape.
123 I leaped to cover our granddaughter who had gotten into the fiberglass one-piece tub enclosure.
124 Up until recently, this was accomplished by accelerating the clock speed, which has leaped from kilohertz to gigahertz in my lifetime.
125 He leaped over the corpse as if it had been a burning brazier.
126 The wolf leaped lamely back, losing its footing and falling in its weakness.
127 Miriamele made an anguished sound, trying to bury her face in her long blue veil, then leaped up to dash past on velvet-slippered feet into her bedchamber.
128 Dunk was pinned in front while the roadster leaped ahead.




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