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单词 Python
1, very large python of southeast Asia.
2, I found myself in front of the reticulated python.
3, Along came a man carrying a large python.
4, He says his favourite Monty Python sketch is the one about Jean-Paul Sartre.
5, Some species of python have been measured at over 28 feet long.
6, Our great secret with Python was we got rid of punchlines.
7, Others, such as the Delphic Python, live in dark moist caves.
8, A student discovered the 12-foot python coiled in a corner of the classroom.
9, But in the case of Python that could not be more inappropriate.
10, Fixed Python exception in plotlist mouseover help.
11, Python enables programs to be written compactly and readably.
12, In Python,[http:///python.html] assignment is not an expression.
13, I see you caught yourself a Reticulated Python.
14, Python strings are immutable sequences of bytes or characters.
15, Using Pippy involves entering Python commands.
16, Floating-point values in Python are always done in double precision; hence, Python float types correspond to doubles in a C-like language.
17, In addition, Python makes it easy to determine a variable's type, using the type function.
18, However, unlike a Python dictionary, to actually pull off the value within a key, we have to look at the .value attribute for the key.
19, He opened up a cage and lifted out a 6ft python.
20, A tongue or a mouse's tail retracts within the lipless smile of a green tree python.
21, Who wanted to go to the Snake Park in Nairobi and pay two shillings just to see a python?
22, At first it appeared to be empty, but then, on the dappled ground, I saw a rock python.
23, It was like the search for the Holy Grail, but more like the Monty Python film version.
24, Chapman had died of cancer on Wednesday on the eve of the twentieth anniversary celebration of the first Monty Python show.
25, That heroine of Assassins had distended her jaws and throat and belly by means of Polymorphine, like a python.
26, The voices were cut off as suddenly as the squeaks of a mouse were stifled by the lightning grip of his python.
27, Listing 1 presents a simple, pseudocode outline of how you can write a method in Python.
28, The Cooloola Queen drifts away from the jetty but not before the skipper excitedly reports a big brown tree python camouflaged in the limbs of a river red gum.
29, Ninety percent of the concerns that novice programmers express about the execution speed of an interpreted/byte-compiled language like Python are simply naive.
30, One alternate to object-oriented programming is functional programming, and Python offers resources to program in a functional style, as well as object oriented and procedural.
31, PHP has the ternary operator (foo?bar:baz) and an enormous (and unwieldy) list of function names, with all kinds of naming conventions; you'll find Python a lot cleaner.
32, Forgive me if I stumble through my explanations of the quite remarkable Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), a wonderful tool for teaching, and working in, computational linguistics using Python.
33, However, in choosing to use Jython, you are able to bring to bear the entire Python language and runtime against your problem of choosing which tests to execute.
34, In Asia, there is the Indian python and the reticulated python.
35, On the other hand, Python also offers much more error checking than C, and, being a very-high-level language, it has high-level data types built in, such as flexible arrays and dictionaries.
36, If you do manage to build Pippy from source, you'll have the option of compiling in your own Python extension modules, and you will be able to import them by default.
37, Infact zope and zope developers has influenced Python language itself.
38, They've been holding meetings to try to improve the traceability of python skins used in bags and shoes.
39, Zope provides a very powerful extraction tool to grab all translatable text strings from Python, Page Template and ZCML files.
40, You reach a bottom in defining a Python floating point number .
41, They also manage to gather yams, wild bananas, witchetty grubs, a blue-tongued lizard and a rock python which they cook and eat.
42, That's the Python saying, that is a command,[http:///python.html] that is a specific command to get the value of the expression and print it back out.
43, Python is a freely available, very high-level, interpreted language developed by Guido van Rossum.
44, Of those, the most mature today is Gazpacho (see Resources), written as a Python implementation of Glade3 design ideas.
45, In such cases, Python may be just the language for you.
46, In addition to the backports of many features into version 2.6, there is a new command-line switch that enables warnings about features that will be removed in Python 3.0.
47, If you're using a functional language (such as Python), you can follow up on these compositional tricks by experimenting with currying and other such techniques.
48, Python has a single string type, str, that behaves similarly to the version 2.x unicode type.
49, This article will introduce those techniques, and give some pointers on coding techniques and the scope of some Python modules.
50, Most standard Python libraries have been ported to Jython, and others are being adopted regularly.
51, Spark is the first Python program I've used where I really found the speed penalty of an interpreted language to be an major issue.
52, ZODB is a robust, multi-user, object-oriented database system capable of storing and managing arbitrarily complex Python objects with transaction support and concurrency control.
53, The batch program can be implemented using Ruby, Python, Pearl, or Java code.
54, Incidentally, knowledge about this subject is useful for any advanced Python programmer.
55, Jython is not fully compatible with the standard Python language.
56, With some fairly simple changes, you made a Python script call a Ruby script, and it just looks like a normal call to another Python module.
57, Jython is an open source implementation of Python combining with Java platform.
58, In Python, a function is a first-class object, like an integer variable or a container object.
59, Note that we use the _keys() method from SOAPpy's module, as the details component of the results is a SOAP arrayType, which maps roughly to a Python dictionary.
60, This reference manual describes the Python programming language. It is not intended as a tutorial.
61, With Pippy, Python programmers can create custom applications to run on Palm devices, as well as use Pippy as an interactive environment directly on the Palm.
62, The second type of flow control statement in Python is the while loop, which executes a block of program statements while an expression evaluates True.
63, The idea of using absurdist stimuli like Monty Python and the Magritte painting is that, like Kafka's short story, they challenge our settled perceptions of the world.
64, I don't know either Perl or Python. Which should I learn?
65, Python has a very extensive, well documented and portable module library that provides a large variety of useful functions.
66, When you type in the if statement and the terminating colon, then press Return (or Enter) on your keyboard, the Python interpreter realizes you have entered a compound statement.
67, All three are Google employees, and others contribute their "twenty percent time" to Unladen Swallow, but the group insists that it is a Python project, not an effort owned by Google.
68, Mr. Jackson converted a rustic red barn into a herpetarium with displays for a dozen exotic and venomous snakes, including a Burmese python and a monocled cobra.
69, That distinction goes to the Asiatic reticulated python, the longest-known specimen measured at thirty-three feet.
70, When selecting a baby ball python, the snake should have good body weight and muscle tone.
71, Traces the python, has ease of mind, guarantees you bon voyage.
72, Actually, that's not quite all; there are a number of operations on arrays that are much more elegant to express in Numeric or Numarray than they are with standard Python data types and syntax.
72, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
73, But what really makes Linux shine in this environment is the ability to simplify the environment to make robot control system design accessible to anyone through higher level languages such as Python.
74, We see this already begining to happen in the Python example, where we are in effect simulating the code that a compiler would generate to implement a lexical variable.
75, It is a text based adventure game in Python with cyberpunk theme.
76, The towering crag looks rather perilous , exactly like a huge python breaking out of the mountain.
77, And once you need more programming power than what the shell provides, consider a language such as Ruby or Python and any one of several windowing toolkits.
78, The familiar Python idiom for elem in lst: now actually asks lst to produce an iterator.
79, Its cousin, the reticulated python, can reach slightly greater lengths, but the enormous girth of the anaconda makes it almost twice as heavy.
80, To find out more about how to use a dictionary in Python, you can use the built-in help interpreter to learn about the dict class, as shown in Listing 2.
81, Finally, this example demonstrates that the underlying data type for a dictionary in Python is the dict object.
82, The Giorgio Armani collections will include a jacket in blue python skin, a crew neck cashmere pullover, jeans, eyewear with a metal tag, accessories in crocodile nappa, and watches.
83, This article was somewhat experimental, as it went from Bash and PHP, to procedural, object-oriented, and finally functional Python using the same basic code.
84, The classic version of the story stems from the classic Monty Python spam sketch where a couple enter a restaurant and are given a menu that has nothing but the tinned meat spam on it.
85, But thanks to one eager rock python we're going to see some things not advertised in the safari brochures.
86, The good news about Pippy is that it allows a Python programmer to write and run programs right on the Palm.
87, Let's invest more money into at least developing the science of the naked mole rat, the marmoset, the python — whatever.
88, Python has five simple built-in types: bool, int, long, float, and complex.
89, The research backed up this idea. Both Python and Magritte produced the same counter-reaction in people, leading them to restate values in which they believed.
90, In its native habitat, sub-Saharan Africa, the African rock python eats small mammals, antelope, warthog, herons, and other animals.
91, Python is a powerful, free, open source, general purpose, interpreted programming language.
92, The second form leaves func as a standard Python function, but optimizes calls involving newname.
93, Overall, however, the Vaults of Parnassus has provided an invaluable resource in building the architectural prerequisites of a strong Python community.
94, The same result can be accomplished using an inline Python dict object, shown in Listings 6 and 7.
95, Listing 5 is client code that takes a word and returns the hyponym chain as a Python set.
96, The function body is almost identical to the statements shown in " Discover Python, Part 6" (the previous times table went from 1 to 10).
97, And " Discover Python, Part 5" introduces the concept of compound statements in Python, and the if statement and the while loop.
98, Jones I think we've all relaxed a bit about Python.
99, Dynamically typed languages like Ruby, Python, Groovy, JavaScript, and Smalltalk offer very high productivity due to their flexibility, powerful metaprogramming, and elegance.
100, To actually use SQLObject, you need to set up a database package and the Python interface to that type of database.
101, Jython doesn't support Python extension modules written in C or C ++.
102, The southern African python occurs in open savannah, riverine scrub and rocky areas.
102, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
103, Many programs utilize Boolean expressions, and Python provides the full range of Boolean comparison and logical operations, as detailed in tables 1 and 2, respectively.
104, In Python the serialization process is called pickling, and you can pickle/unpickle your objects to/from a string, a file on disk, or any file-like object.
105, The page refers to it as a structured data type similar to variables in Python or Perl.
106, Fish and chips, Sherlock Holmes and Monty Python have joined cricket, pubs and red double-decker buses on a growing list of England's national treasures.
107, Python also has a concept of mutability and immutability: a tuple, for example, is an immutable list.
108, Python is not any slower than many other dynamic languages, but van Rossum wanted readability and understandability to be a primary attribute of a Python program.
109, An African rock python has become the toy of two leopards!
110, The range() function is simply a list constructor, very similar to the range() function in Python, or the ..
111, The unladen swallow group is now referring others to PyPy instead; another Python runtime which uses a custom JIT in order to speed up execution.
112, In addition, the API is in Python, which has a reputation for fast development; it is a highly productive interpreted language.
113, By way of background for any Python beginners reading this, Python has long had some semi-formal documentation standards.
114, I myself have added the ability to infer data types from text patterns in XML nodes to the Amara XML toolkit, one of the XML processing libraries I develop for the Python programming language.
115, Members of the XML-SIG (Special Interest Group) do much of the work of maintaining a range of XML tools for Python.
116, At Python conventions, it is now common to see developers wearing black T-shirts showing the nosetests command, followed by the field of periods with which it denotes successful tests.
117, For the most part, Pyrex runs faster than Python by avoiding the need to continuously box and unbox variables of simple data types.
118, When the Python interpreter is invoked with the -O flag, optimized code is generated and stored in . pyo files.
119, The Python interpreter provides the only two bool objects needed: True and False.
120, Syntactically, it is singled out in Python by being named before the dot -- everything following the dot, method name, and left parenthesis is just an argument.
121, All other Python code is allowed inside a transaction function.
122, This article introduced the Python programming language and the built-in data types: bool, int, long, float, and complex.
123, The area is known for its wide range of fauna, including 260 bird species, the Bengal tiger and other threatened species such as the estuarine crocodile and the Indian python.
124, The program in Listing 3 shows how to do that in Python: The code takes a tar filename as a command-line argument and then prompts the user with several options.
125, Python is a high-level, extensible, interpreted, object-oriented programming language that combines remarkable power with clear syntax.
126, You'll use another Python library function, os.walk, to recursively build a list of files in each directory.
127, When a module is imported, the Python interpreter processes each line in the module file.
128, II animals: monkey, pangolin, giant squirrel, otters, large Viverra, sambar, birds of prey, silver pheasant, peacock pythonsteindachneri, python s, etc. 12.
129, Python 3 has multiple layers for I/O on stream-like objects—a raw I/O layer, a buffered I/O layer, and a text I/O layer—each defined with it own ABC with implementations.
130, Any of various snakes, such as the python or boa, that tightly coil around and asphyxiate their prey.
131, The first three lines of code check out the latest version of sqlalchemy and add it as a package to the Python installation on your local system.
132, Remi Delon has created a Web host service that specializes in providing Python tools and libraries (including Twisted).
132, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
133, The St. Petersburg resident lassoed the African rock python out of the toilet, under the watchful eyes of his wife and three-year-old daughter, the St. Petersburg Times reported.
134, In contrast with other open source languages like Perl and Python, PHP lacks a robust community effort to develop a math library.
135, Object models such as lxml's objectify or Amara might be more natural for Python developers when speed is not a consideration.
136, Pippy is an interactive environment, similar to the Python interactive shell, but owing even more to another PalmOS language/environment called LispMe (see Resources later in this article).
137, Amara XML Toolkit: Check out this toolkit, an easy way to process XML in Python, used in Listing 1 of this article.
138, Most of the container types in Python, including the tuple, allow you to access items easily from the collection using the square bracket operators.
139, Yes! it is one of the gratest Python application ever written.
140, Introduce how to develop interface of weather server using Python toolkit PyQt.
141, Recall that running the cheetah compile command on the Skeleton.tmpl file generates, a package containing a Python class called Skeleton that acts just like Skeleton.tmpl.
142, Choosing Python and Eclipse as the core technologies for this development makes it easy to create unit tests to add built-in testing to the end product.
143, Returning briefly to my first article in this column, Python is a free, high-level, interpreted language developed by Guido van Rossum.
144, But this dismisses a vast library of prior and future Python art.
145, By using IPython, it is now possible to combine the best features of a Python shell, UNIX shell, and your favorite text editor.
146, Raymond: It was, I mean I built an intelligent configurator -- basically a baby rule-based expert system -- for configuring Linux kernels, and I did it all in less than 8,000 lines of Python.
147, There was no Halloween bogeyman in the closet for one Brooklyn woman — just a 7-foot-long python in her toilet.
148, Programmers can compile the Python source code to java byte code, running it on JVM ( Java Virtual Machine ).
149, The first step in improving the social infrastructure of Python was probably Tim Middleton's creation of the Vaults of Parnassus (see Resources later in this article).
150, In well-chosen cases, a Pyrex module can run 40-50 times faster than a Python version of the same module.
151, This is important in Python programs because file input and output are, by default, buffered; data isn't written as soon as you call a print statement but is instead written in chunks.
152, For all of these reasons, relational databases offer what we might call a noticeable impedance mismatch when we try to use them to persist objects in a dynamic language like Python.
153, When an end-of-line character (such as a newline character) is read, the Python interpreter advances to the next line and continues until there are no more lines of code.
154, Guido van Rossum is the author of Python, an interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language.
155, In regular Python, the eval_frame() function is the inner loop of the Python interpreter.




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