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单词 Whilst
1 She sang whilst she worked.
2 He gained valuable experience whilst working on the project.
3 All men whilst they are awake are in one common world;but each of them,when he is asleep,is in a world of his own.
4 He was at his happiest whilst playing cricket.
5 He wrote this whilst invigilating a biology examination.
6 Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon.
7 Whilst I used to laugh it off, I'm now getting irritated by it.
8 Whilst claiming to promote positive images of women, advertisers are in fact doing the very opposite.
9 Several claimed to have been tortured whilst in custody.
10 Whilst the interior allows you to sit in the lap of luxury.
11 Two years ago it worked out for me whilst I was playing the Greenbelt festival.
12 This week, she's campaigning for privacy whilst giving interviews to promote her new perfume.
13 Corbett chewed absent-mindedly on the bread whilst analysing the problem which faced him.
14 The male is usually a marigold-orange, whilst the female is usually a lively yellow overlaid with tiny orange dots.
15 Wet sand can be moulded, whilst dry sand is much more elusive.
16 But Mr Burke said whilst labour was being induced Mrs Busuttil was given a drug to hasten the process.
17 Training and experience provide the expertise, whilst company culture and experience shape the attitudes.
18 Whilst still a comparatively new system of management those who practised it were very pleased with the results.
19 Laws, whilst they are in force, are in this sense inalienable.
20 Fiction is heavily over-represented whilst many other domains are heavily under-represented.
21 The firm will be able to undercut its competitors whilst still making a profit.
22 The permanent collection is displayed on the first floor, whilst the ground floor houses temporary exhibitions.
23 Minton encouraged them to do as they pleased and a high time was had whilst he paid the bills.
24 It was Major Herriott's turn to get out of the office, having held the fort whilst his leader had been away.
25 Each phase is the outcome of the one before, whilst bearing the chronic imprint of an interior design.
26 The police claimed that the man was armed with a knife and was shot whilst resisting arrest.
27 He had asked the driver to wait two minutes whilst he saw whether or not I was through customs and in the foyer.
28 He attempted to descend a steep staircase which had no handrail, whilst holding a small child by the hand.
29 What is clear is that the costs of memory and storage devices are decreasing, whilst storage capacity is increasing enormously.
30 Again, the atmosphere is friendly with everyone recounting the day's activities whilst making new friends and meeting old adversaries.
1 She sang whilst she worked.
2 He gained valuable experience whilst working on the project.
3 The firm will be able to undercut its competitors whilst still making a profit.
4 The permanent collection is displayed on the first floor, whilst the ground floor houses temporary exhibitions.
5 He wrote this whilst invigilating a biology examination.
31 Sampson used to tie his gloves with straps and whilst batting in this particular game they came loose.
32 Breakfast is continental, whilst dinner is three courses from a set menu.
33 Whilst cricket was played onlookers would sit along the bank at Petts Field with picnic baskets and with gramophones playing.
33 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
34 Whilst regular vacuuming removes surface dirt, crumbs and dust, it can't get rid of the ground dirt.
35 It can be seen that, whilst all regions reflected the higher national unemployment rate, some regions fared better than others.
36 Section 3.4 provides a rather briefer coverage of internal relationships, whilst section 3.5 contains some concluding remarks.
37 Such civil action settlements, whilst absolutely large are again relatively insignificant.
38 Corbett asked the others to stay at the great gate whilst he went across the open square.
39 Some unexpected surprises are in store for you whilst walking around the gallery.
40 A rough-coated collie called Tip, he was offered to me by some relatives down the dale whilst I still had Chip.
41 An extended arm supports the microscope head giving stability whilst allowing room for large boards to be examined.
42 Learners are always given tasks to do whilst listening which encourages motivation and gives them a reason to listen.
43 On-site parking for disabled people is available whilst there is both city centre and nearby pay parking.
44 This ability to move quickly, whilst retaining an integrity in terms of structure and direction, may be a clue for the future.
45 Daily contact with the Partners, whilst a very demanding experience(), is equally rewarding.
46 Combe Sydenham country park has beautiful walks and tasty trout for sale whilst Stogursey boasts a moated ruined castle and Norman church.
47 He laid it carefully out on the long table whilst waving Corbett over.
48 Originally my colleagues and I used to give demonstrations whilst the teacher observed and then tried to copy.
49 Just how bad was the point going to be I wondered, whilst simultaneously trying to exude an air of confidence.
50 Both approaches, whilst encouraging interaction between teachers and project staff, left the teacher in the less influential position.
51 During this decade, whilst there was increased competition, comparatively few policyholders decided to change underwriters with one particular exception.
52 Whilst a mirror can allow a clear view of a painted ceiling, it can none the less be disorientating and disquieting.
53 Whilst surveying land for new railways, he began measuring and drawing medieval buildings.
54 Personal liability on shares could occur whilst the company is still a going concern.
55 Whilst working, I stayed in an apartment only 20 minutes' walk from Times Square.
56 Suppose the lexical procedure had been damaged whilst the non-lexical procedure remained intact.
57 Buckingham was arrested: he went to the block whilst poor Taplow was burnt at Smithfield.
58 Whilst they are not obscenely fat, yet, they are well on their way to hippo status.
59 The Second-in-Command organised the company into the final order of march whilst the other commanders carried out final checks.
60 Lady Horne told them to sit whilst behind them the girl lit candles.
61 He was alone in the school playground whilst the other children were at their Good Friday assembly.
62 Whilst this is a major problem, a short illustrative example can be given.
63 Teachers have a duty to ensure that students are not injured whilst they are in their care.
64 I can not consume the products of that department in their natural form,() whilst the products of Dept.
65 Clients are apt to minimise numbers of assignments, whilst headhunters maximise them, and neither are willing to divulge exact figures.
66 Whilst matrix isolation attempts to reproduce this situation, the target molecules are in intimate contact with the matrix material.
67 With nervous steps, I crossed from one slippery wet boulder to the next whilst the water swirled and gurgled beneath.
68 Another method of subordination is a prohibition on repayment of the debt whilst other creditors remain unpaid.
69 Maybe he's not the man she thought he was when she first met him in prison whilst serving time for rape.
70 Most of my driving is on tarmac with some beach work whilst on hols launching my boat.
71 Yet whilst certain cabinet-makers and upholsterers occasionally furnished funerals there is no evidence to show that iron founders did likewise.
72 I see an overweight middle-aged man struggling to close it again whilst trying to hold his towel around his middle.
73 They exist only whilst the computer is turned on and the word-processing program is active.
74 The enclosed water area now covers some 89 hectares whilst the land area is in excess of 150 hectares.
75 This system ensured reasonably fair representation for each party(), whilst preventing a large number of parties being elected to parliament.
76 By the looks of them, they had been playing whilst the cat was away.
77 Whilst our cities wheeze from the effects of chemical pollutants there is another form of pollution gathering in the atmosphere.
78 The South Lake is a haven for watersports enthusiasts whilst the North Lake has a rich and varied array of wildlife.
79 One Easter, whilst visiting Benbecula, my thoughtful daughter-in-law, Barbara, suggested a fishing picnic to Stilligarry.
80 They replace essential moisture whilst forming a protective layer to hold it in.
81 Whilst the others joked, drank and flirted, they would sit in awkward seriousness.
82 Miss Scrine conceived her campaign whilst attending an archaeological conference in the Midlands.
83 Whilst the truly adventurous will wish to pay a visit to the gliding club at nearby Dinnet.
84 Some occupations are entered directly after graduation whilst entry to others follows completion of a postgraduate course.
85 It is human nature to advocate change in some one else's affairs whilst vigorously opposing its necessity in one's own.
86 Lord Wellworthy can enforce the covenant only whilst he retains the legal estate in the Stately Mansion Hotel.
87 Sir Robert Catesby greeted Agrippa warmly, taking him aside for secret consultations whilst ignoring Benjamin and me.
88 Whilst a new date has been named, I understand, for the coronation - again it could be postponed.
89 That's the vital element, and whilst it remains the human body can survive the most amazing injuries.
90 A very pleasant morning or afternoon excursion, whilst on holiday, is a visit to the Madeira wine lodges.
91 Some group members will inevitably be shy whilst others will tend to dominate the discussions.
92 Whilst Mrs Ledingham fumbled with the border, I confronted him with his folly.
93 The remainder of the transition process consists of the growth of these local regions of turbulent motion, whilst they travel downstream.
94 Catesby looked furious whilst Doctor Agrippa, eyes closed, arms folded, sat like some benevolent friar after a hearty meal.
95 Thus, therapy for a particular ailment may specifically be excluded from a policy, whilst surgery would be covered.
96 All fee quotations exclude Value Added Tax and any outlays that we may incur whilst carrying our assignments.
97 Whilst the introduction of competition will undoubtedly benefit some aspects of efficiency, additional costs might also be incurred.
98 Whilst this may be attractive for the marketing companies it is of very little help to the consumer.
99 Voice over Whilst drinking habits and drinking houses have changed, the beer making process hasn't.
100 The night staff finally congregated outside my room trying endless combinations of key card whilst I ranted and raved.
101 In some places, women have been directly responsible for its introduction(), whilst in others feminist ideas have influenced the law-makers.
102 These structures need to be erected and dismantled quickly with a minimum of disturbance whilst encountering many difficult locations.
103 The more enterprising economies experience a gain whilst industries located in less enterprising countries languish.
104 I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. Isaac Newton 
105 He died, unexpectedly, after a short illness aged only 39 whilst staying at the Phoenix Hotel in Taunton.
106 Kelly jumped, whilst Beeney cam to punch, unfortunately Kelly just got there first and the ball fell into the goal.
107 The former provides a remarkable education resource whilst conserving a very important Anglo-Saxon burial ground.
108 Lady Beatrice became hysterical, crouching against the wall, covering her face, whilst Rachel tried to comfort her.
109 Whilst I am still in favour of a mutual fund, I think the current risk banding is rubbish.
110 It is most annoying to have unintelligible chattering somewhere behind you whilst watching the fish or beating the eggs.
111 Whilst the consequences of these changes may be hotly debated, their marketing impact on business enterprises has been immense.
112 He broke his hip whilst hunting and the poor man walked with a limp from then on.
113 They all looked suitably taken aback by his entrance, muttering disapproval whilst he insisted that Ockleton step outside.
114 You can use this function to accept and evaluate an expression, such as a mathematical equation, whilst the program is running.
115 Whilst at public school, the young Joe Strummer was an avid stamp collector.
116 Whilst we stress the artificial nature of most time-cues, it would be misleading to suggest that natural light is without effect.
117 Whilst in bath remember what you've done and race down naked to reverse the contents of freezer and microwave.
118 They also enable weaker members of the family to point out what is happening to them whilst it is actually happening.
119 Furthermore, he saw incompatibility in Britain spending large sums on atomic weapons whilst accepting Marshall Aid.
120 The project has enabled farmers to reduce environmental pollution whilst raising crop yields.
121 As predicted, the Republican contest was duly won by Bush, whilst Harkin massively outscored his Democratic rivals.
122 Some artists prefer the springy sensitivity of an open canvas whilst others prefer the hardness or smoothness of a board.
123 The compression figures, whilst not particularly low, suggest that it may be camshaft wear.
123 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
124 What remains is an acceptance of peripheral existence on the social level whilst being totally integrated at a work level.
125 It's very important not to intrude on the family's grief, whilst still helping with the funeral arrangements.
126 May we learn to appreciate its beauty and its comforts whilst we still have them to enjoy.
127 A To help alleviate the personal security fears of lone lady drivers, and allow drivers to make business calls whilst enroute.
128 The collection, which included rare artefacts and manuscripts, was encased in the bubbles whilst the bookcases were treated for woodworm.
129 Whilst Riley speaks specifically of the primacy of sight, her paintings constantly allude to states at the limits of meaning.
130 For 56 per cent this was down to time constraints, whilst 33 per cent cited cost as the reason.
131 He hooked and landed an enormous conger eel, whilst fishing from one of the boats in the harbour.
132 Whilst Jansher remained calm and serene, I was sweating profusely.
133 In Manchester, the Church of All Saints across the road was reduced to rubble, whilst the deaf institute remained unscathed.
134 Some of its theories stress the role of local processes, whilst others analyse national structures.
135 Whilst I agree with many of Mr. Shelford's comments I find it hard to believe his comment on high tackles.
136 Whilst training, I worked in three main areas: litigation, commercial property and company commercial.
137 Simon first met his future wife whilst on holiday in Majorca three years ago.
138 A form of strict liability is also created for damage caused by articles falling from an aircraft whilst in flight.
139 I am here for about a fortnight whilst you settle in.
140 Now the Government is taking action to stop offenders committing crimes whilst on bail.
141 Joachim cleaned my face, wiping dirt from the bruises whilst I greedily gulped the thick red claret.
142 He'd been staying at a bail hostel in Gloucester whilst waiting for the case to come to court.
143 Its walls and floor were sheathed in gypsum slabs, whilst its ceiling was painted blue and supported by a gypsum pillar.
144 Mr. Russ was an excellent teacher - a fair man, but whilst a strict disciplinarian, was kindly.
145 Whilst living at Bedford Gardens he began taking Bobby Hunt around his favourite haunts.
146 Toplis was eventually cornered by police, I believe in Cumberland, and the murderer was shot dead whilst resisting arrest.
147 He remained in hospital for two nights whilst prescribed medication re-established a regular heartbeat.
148 Whilst I was there, some one came out of the gatehouse and started walking towards me.
149 Venner grinned amiably around whilst Clinton, as cool as ever, drummed his fingers soundlessly on the table top.
150 Mode A is the identification mode, whilst Mode C is the automatic altitude reporting mode.
151 The berths were practically dry at low water and vessels lay aground on the mud bottom whilst loading and discharging their cargoes.
152 Whilst the Technology was being built there was a fire at the school which meant an extra classroom had to be built.
153 She was also attracted by the opportunity to do advocacy whilst serving articles(http://), which is only possible in a local authority.
154 It has been sympathetically modernised and restored whilst retaining beamed ceilings and open fires in the lounge bar and television lounge.
155 Whilst accidents are increasing, health and safety inspectors have been cut by 20 percent.
156 He delivered the letters and ran a little bit of a farm he owned, whilst his wife looked after the Post Office.
157 Your main objective should be to sail as close to the wind as possible whilst maintaining speed.
158 Whilst doing this you need to avoid the other competitors.
159 Whilst these preparations have had to be cancelled, we are most anxious to rearrange the programme for later in the year.
160 Whilst it is true that some mentally handicapped people suffer distress, this is equally true of other people in society.
161 The boat is rowed slowly round the lough whilst an angler sitting in the stern casts out at right angles.
162 Whilst some welcome the opportunity of early retirement, others see it as an unwanted imposition on their lives.
163 He then went to wash his hands whilst I, stupidly, started to play with my beloved ball.
164 Whilst on their way a blizzard struck and some were trapped and froze to death.
165 Traditional circumpolar cultures live on little except animal fare, whilst some of the planet's largest populations are vegetarian.
166 Riven hung on to his mount's bridle grimly whilst it bucked and reared in a desperate effort to get away.
167 The Turnbulls struggled to cope, whilst those in need from another country are given the red carpet treatment.
168 The party has had to bail out its merchandising section, Ecotrade, from party funds, whilst running at a loss.
169 Whilst many of the developments will be beneficial to all disciplines, certain aspects are particularly relevant to the electronics sector.
170 On machine-made paper the watermark is embossed into the sheet whilst it is still wet.
171 Whilst the issue of alcohol abuse is quite properly a matter for concern, it should be seen in perspective.
172 It already had a well-developed product on the market, whilst its rivals were struggling to get one on to the drawing board.
173 Essence remains in its infantile state, whilst the human entity grows.
174 Whilst these local authorities were developing in form, other bodies were set up to administer special functions.
175 Whatever their standards, they were successful, collecting money for the charities whilst making good business contacts.
176 Whilst these articles may make slight demands upon your mathematical skills, be assured that your indulgence will bring its own reward.
177 We pushed through these into the tavern whilst our guide stayed outside to hold the horses.
178 I stayed in a flea-ridden inn whilst outside the sea began to seethe and boil under a sudden black storm.
179 Whilst most bryozoa require microscopic examination, a few form colonies large and distinctive enough to be easily recognizable.
180 Whilst disagreements remain, I believe and trust that the underlying spirit is one of amity.
181 Charlemagne's baggage train is attacked whilst crossing the Alps on one of his campaigns.
182 Local organisers are responsible both for the academic and technical staffing of a vehicle whilst it is in their charge.
183 Some religious have moved into smaller communities whilst carrying the responsibility for caring for their own elderly and sick brothers and sisters.
183 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
184 The toilet can also be flushed whilst the fan is in operation.
185 The royal favourite sat in a quilted window seat whilst young Edward lounged in a chair near him.
186 Whilst the dates of Autumn sales for disposal of breeding stock may be the final factor.
187 Its neighbouring census tract to the north exhibited diametrically opposite trends, suggesting that whilst one area improved another declined.
188 It also served as a useful stop gap exercise whilst the band started work on a new studio album.
189 And whilst derelict land supports the activities of man it provides a home for plants and animals.
190 Whilst doing this Marvell can live in his own world which has no connection with anything external or real at all.
191 The North receives a kind of colonial tribute in debt service, whilst getting its raw materials at rock-bottom prices.
192 Whilst this is a generally convincing thesis, closer examination reveals some historical inaccuracies.
193 Whilst this is more difficult to remember, it involves less typing.
194 Captain Dennis Wise was singing his little heart out whilst the rest stood there looking distinctly unwise as to the lyrics.
195 For example, one cost centre may be highly mechanized whilst another may be labour intensive.
196 Whilst the computer is quite happy dealing with angles expressed in radians, you may prefer to express angles in degrees.
197 The injury was caused by fighting with maces whilst not wearing a gauntlet.
198 Whilst crop rotations are being established and fertility built up, it will probably be necessary to buy in some feeding-stuffs.
199 He pocketed the money, whilst Liti, his wife, appropriated the jewel on its fine gold chain.
200 They spread their bedrolls whilst Ratagan and Isay prepared food for the company.
201 Whilst cutting her garden hedge with a chainsaw one recent summer, a woman slipped and lost her grip.
202 Whilst not yet approaching the sophistication of biological assemblies, synthetic systems of increasing subtlety and considerable aesthetic appeal have been created.
203 By now I was talking and singing on automatic pilot whilst my heart and brain were thudding with a heady mixture of adrenalin.
204 Whilst individual counselling recognizes the uniqueness of human problems, group-based counselling recognizes shared problems.
205 Ratagan set himself to starting a fire whilst the rest rubbed down the horses and searched for firewood.
206 He's also accused of aggravated vehicle taking, driving whilst disqualified and driving without insurance.
207 I chatter with enthusiasm whilst knobs of butter slide off the fishes' backs and sizzle to blister bubbles.
208 Whilst the latter is not always possible it should be kept in mind.
209 Place wine in microwave and frozen fish in freezer, take all your clothes off and apply face pack whilst running bath.
210 Whilst files are stored in Mac format, MachTen will allow both Unix and Mac programs to share the same data simultaneously.
211 Whilst some now characterise the relationship as grossly unfavourable, others draw the line at calling it less favourable.
212 All partners are unlimited in their personal liability for the debts and obligations of the firm incurred whilst a partner.
213 Among excess alcohol offenders, 10% are learner drivers or riders and 11% drive whilst disqualified or have no driving licence.
214 Whilst these seminars will not produce a negotiated document, particular attention should be given to improving follow-up. 15.
215 More recent evidence, whilst not addressing this issue directly, tends to suggest that this desired relationship is still important.
216 Manufacturing industry has declined, whilst service industries, which employ a lower proportion of manual workers, have expanded.
217 That is why some people adore eating spiders and grubs, whilst others would throw up if fed a pork chop.
218 Whilst this is on the screen, you will also hear the disk spinning in the disk drive.
219 However, whilst such a provision can prevent the business losing the battle of forms, it can not guarantee victory.
220 Whilst a high degree of integration is possible within the InteSoft series external integration is rather more limited.
221 Capacitor C2 is included to reduce the gain at d.c. to unity whilst appearing as a short circuit to a.c. signals.
222 They sing a buoyant chorus song and march around the stage whilst performing evolutions.
223 Flower sprigged fabrics in pastel colours create a relaxing background, whilst dark mahogany toned furniture adds a feeling of rich tradition.
224 Pesticide use was reduced by 65 percent in the first year whilst crop yields increased.
225 She wrote a long and moving letter, describing her terrifying experience of being raped whilst on holiday with two friends.
226 Whilst most user groups can be identified with relative ease, the various types of material or service often resist clear definition.
227 Shareholders invest their capital in the firm, whilst employees invest their human capital.
228 Some people can get by on three or four hours a night whilst others seem to need much more.
229 Whilst belaying you can look across a sweeping valley covered by vineyards and broken up by lines of cyprus trees.
230 They can be disposed of easily, whilst their weapons stand little chance of piercing the adventurer's plate armour.
231 Whilst riding, children are experiencing various speeds and directions which are influenced by their own body weight and steering ability.
232 For years they have marched, waved flags and mouthed slogans whilst the people elected them to offices of wealth and privilege.
233 Whilst still in employment, there was an implied term imposing a duty of good faith.
234 Watercolour would never have dried and I would have died of exposure whilst setting up for oils.
235 We will abolish tax relief for private health insurance, whilst protecting the rights of existing policy-holders.
236 Enhanced: Enhance their existing skills whilst building new ones.
237 Whilst talking to Rose, she kept a sharp eye on the door.
238 Fixed crash if user retires whilst on the Jobs screen.
239 Whilst Marc did gradually harden himself to the poverty, he did not become immune to the sight of death.
240 Whilst this might sound like a truism, it is nevertheless a crucial problem to address.
241 Whilst the detoxification requires energy, slow decay may still occur.
242 Whilst I disagree with you on this matter, I respect your choice.
243 There was dead silence in the court, whilst the white rabbit read out these verses.
244 Whilst the claimant remains in service with pay ( including pre - retirement leave ) throughout the school terms covered.
245 UD elements make it possible to correct aberrations whilst maintaining low weight.
246 Whilst he was laid up, Gerald come to see him.
247 Whilst talking to Lucy, she kept a sharp eye on the door.
248 "The main objective is to beat the benchmark, whilst carefully managing downside risk." she says.




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