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单词 Granite
1. His grave is made of granite.
2. The valley ended in a perpendicular rim of granite.
3. The old man's grave is made of granite.
4. They squared a block of granite.
5. The granite overlies the older rocks.
6. The towers are made of steel cased in granite.
7. The wolframite is scattered extremely thinly throughout the granite.
8. A granite marker shows where the battle took place.
9. Bronze on granite base. 6.5m.
10. The 50 names are engraved on three granite tablets.
11. Thunder collects, under granite eyebrows.
12. Extensive stretching of the crust above these granite intrusions produces a faulted terrain with active volcanoes.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. In 1891, an obelisk of Aberdeen granite was erected as a memorial in place of the headstone.
14. In fact garden centre granite would do, and is very cheap.
15. The granite tors of the Mountains of Mourne and the open moorland wildscape of the Sperrin Mountains also attract tourists.
16. The most commonly used rocks are granite, quartz, or other similarly stable materials.
17. The site is now marked by a Mull granite memorial stone, erected through the efforts of the Eric Liddell Foundation.
18. Mostly granite and metamorphic rock, it has been heated, stirred and compressed for millions and sometimes billions of years.
19. The centrepiece is a granite boulder from Solovki, a group of islands in the White Sea.
20. Granite and alabaster were also imported with precious materials such as porphyry to give richness and lustre to interiors.
21. It feels like it was a granite block that's been hollowed out to make room for the driver.
22. They imported all the granite gravel for the driveway from Paris.
23. Ahead, a low cairn of granite boulders rose clear of the moor.
24. "Well," I said, grinding my cigarette nervously into the granite step.
25. He was very skilled at pointing down the blocks of granite.
26. The path teetered down into a side gorge - and then the granite slabs appeared.
27. The annular tank providing the weight was filled with granite chippings, to make a total of 20 tons.
28. At summer camp in Vermont they have to dive into dark water from the lip of a granite quarry.
29. Guy froze, unmoving, the light and shadow of his face above her like carved granite.
30. This appears to coincide with the base of the granite batholith and may represent the basal Variscan thrust.
1. His grave is made of granite.
2. The old man's grave is made of granite.
3. They squared a block of granite.
4. The granite overlies the older rocks.
31. The white clay is formed where some granite masses have been changed chemically.
32. Narbutas looked closely at the corners, where two thin slices of granite met.
33. Eventually granite intrusions are emplaced at high levels within the mountain mass and volcanic activity develops.
34. Acorn-grinding mortars can be found in granite boulders scattered throughout the camp.
35. He looked out across the darkening moor, its becks and mires, its hills d bony ridges of granite.
36. In the other direction craggy peaks loomed like soaring granite castles, with crystalline blue glaciers spilling and tumbling down their flanks.
37. Bare granite peaks towered over the south all day and the pools and falls seemed to grow bigger and better every mile.
38. At one place, the round shape of an engine protruded from the granite.
39. The modem phase of orogeny began in the Miocene with volcanism and the further emplacement of granite intrusions.
40. Hollies were dying on the granite outcrop of Charnwood Forest in Leicestershire.
41. Teams of horses in single file hauled trains of a dozen flat-topped wagons loaded with granite along these rails.
42. Not too long ago, Dole talked of locking up the nomination with a big victory in the pivotal Granite State.
42. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
43. They would not even contend that Dole maintained the lead he has enjoyed in the Granite State for months.
44. This zonation is coincident with the subcrop of the concealed high heat production Caledonian Weardale granite.
45. The column is in the pink granite of the quarries of Baveno on the western shore of Lake Maggiore.
46. As the granite cooled it squeezed out hot fluids containing mineral ores in solution.
47. A granite memorial to these Groups stands at the end of the former main runway. 2.
48. In my imagination I saw a country road winding through granite hills or threading the sides of dunes.
49. A small, shapely lump of granite, a little smaller than a hen's egg.
50. Electrical cables draped it like jungle vines; cement peeled from its facade like slabs of granite from Junagadh mountain.
51. Outside, the Rippowam River ran so swiftly its roar penetrated the granite walls.
52. We climb up granite bluffs overlooking vast beds of mussel and seaweed, from which we search the horizon for unknown islands.
53. Volcanicity and magma emplacement, largely in the form of large granite intrusions, characterize the volcanic arc.
54. The rock structure of much of this area is granite and naturally acidic.
55. The vault was supported on eight massive stone piers fronted by granite columns 38 feet high.
56. They were on a promontory which had been built up with blocks of granite.
57. The central space or nave was 280 feet long and 80 feet wide and the roof was supported on 96 granite columns.
58. A landslide of 600, 000 cubic yards of granite occurred in the park in 1987 but caused no air blast.
59. Grit blew off the granite outcroppings and the fields beneath grew nothing but rocks and dust.
60. She felt her legs being pushed up over her head and heard the crack as her ankle hit a lump of granite.
61. Along its high white granite walls, hundreds of funeral wreaths were coalescing into one great hanging garden of remembrance.
62. Suddenly, I see a boat weaving its way between the improbable pink granite rocks and I experience both relief and excitement.
63. Great granite fortresses sprang up in the misty vales and from them Dragon Princes rode the thermals over sullen volcanoes.
64. He turned so that his back was to the sloping granite wall and pulled her up.
65. The monument is a V-shaped low wall of polished black granite that reflects back the image of the viewer.
66. These vary from York stone and granite sett look-alikes to hexagonal and other geometric shapes.
67. The 8-foot-tall granite sculpture was commissioned at a cost of $16,000.
68. Not a trace remained of the cold rage that had set his face like granite.
69. The granite columns give a pinkish cast to the base of the building.
70. The public reception area, a strange mixture of green neon and granite, is awash with the sound of running water.
71. Salt water, beaten into a white sea foam, collides into the granite with each swell.
72. The modern ones were like fallen doors. Thick slabs of shiny granite.
73. They were on a granite slab that had fallen centuries ago and lay by the shore with the water rippling at it.
74. A stream, at first made of smooth pebbles,[http:///granite.html] flows between granite rocks whose harsh lines are softened by prostrate conifers.
75. And that granite obelisk is the Bunker Hill Monument which you will have learnt about in school.
76. The square, severe face had softened, although the ill-shaved chin still looked like granite.
77. There's a little white-washed room on the campus with a dirty great lump of granite in the middle.
78. From the outside the columns were designed to look like solid granite blocks on top of one another.
79. Its inner row of granite columns supports a circular inner wall which is pierced by eight narrow high arches.
80. It was a 3, 000-foot granite slab, rising in total isolation from a flat plain.
81. The most commonly used rocks are those composed of silica, quartz, granite, slate, and other similarly stable materials.
82. She shook herself slightly and took a final look down the proud granite staircase towards the traffic.
83. The granite was gradually being dyed carmine by the progress of the dying sun.
84. Granite, rich in silica, is the most abundant acidic rock.
85. The blocks of high land are masses of granite, called batholiths, except Exmoor which is made of sandstone.
86. This was the major period of emplacement of granite intrusions which resulted in the growth of the Western Cordillera.
87. Could this be caused by something in granite chippings which are used for drainage in the bed.
88. Hatchet-faced, tough as the city's granite, Yevdoxia plumped herself down at Anna's side.
89. With its direct start, it provides some 210m of varied climbing on perfect, blocky granite.
90. A monumental granite drinking fountain towered up, with battered, insanitary metal cups hanging from it by chains.
91. Perhaps it's just that we don't have enough of those long, thin granite cracks.
92. A number of geomorphic studies have focused on weathering profiles developed on granite under humid tropical and subtropical climates.
93. The plates realigned and subduction resumed, sparking volcanic activity which spewed forth the granite rock covering much of the Sierras.
94. Like a bulldozer plowing through snow, the plummeting granite sheet shoved air ahead of it.
95. Once he had finished the prior nodded and his granite face broke into a thin smile.
96. All old stone paving slabs deserve retention, as do granite kerbs.
97. The dock was built during 1841-5 with five-storey fireproof warehouses of granite, brick and cast iron on all sides.
98. We edged up along a steep, snowy ridge and over the heaven-scraped granite to the top.
99. The Tri-X table comes with glass, granite, or steel inserts.
100. The gutter between the sidewalk and granite slabs is cleared of leaves and litter.
101. A granite sheet 200 feet high and up to 50 feet thick suddenly slid off Glacier Point.
102. Archaeozoic granite reservoir has good reservoir conditions.
102. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
103. Stones including marble, granite, lime Stonesand stone, mosaic.
104. Iron utensils with a mottled enamel resembling granite.
105. One cannot respond to granite with a child's anger.
106. Gneiss is called bastard granite.
107. However, the Xintianling granite contains magmatic scheelite and wolframite.
108. Granite comes in large masses.
109. The legislature is housed in an impressive granite edifice.
110. Cars bumble unhurriedly over precision - trimmed granite cobblestones.
111. He was a despot with a heart of granite.
112. The experimental rocks were granite, basalt, syenite and gneiss.
113. Business Office to bring in granite and ceramic tile for good tone should be concise, crisp.
114. Adhesive test was used to investigate adhesive between granite and asphalt, and the optimum anti-stripping agent dosage is found.
115. Caledonian granites nearby the Second Power Dam of Jinshuikou in East Kunlun consist of cordierite granite and biotite granodiorite.
116. Pegmatite is a coarse type of granite that can be found in dikes or veins.
117. The tungsten ore inXingluokeng pertains to a symbiotic fine granite vein - type wolframite and scheelite deposit.
118. An Introduction on concrete construction method of external pseudo - cobble facing and pseudo - undressed granite facing.
119. Using calculation of fractal theory, the fractal dimensions of the core structure fracture in granite gneiss and lamprophyre in Chengbei 30 Archaean group buried hill reservoir are1.
120. A unique breed of civet cat roams the limestone plateaus that are seamed with gorges carved by rushing streams, and spiked by finger-like granite towers rising to 1,500 metres.
121. Let us go back to boundary of granite and foliated granite and observe their contact relation.
122. Forty white roses were strewn atop the granite stones that mark his grave site, left by Kennedy family members during a private early morning prayer service.
123. Zhuguang Massif is an area with concentration occurrence of granite - type uranium deposits in China.
124. SLURRY SEPARATOR 1. Diamond sand separator is main part for granite gang saw.
125. Both of the remelting and mixed source types of granite in South China are associated with W-Sn mineralization but the former is dominant .
126. They're some type of granite formations that give off light at night. Prof. Glom has named them skyscrapers since they seem to be scraping the skies.
127. On this ground, study on dynamic property and dynamic parameter of weathered granite subgrade soil in repeated loading is quite essential.
128. The new species is probably only the second pseudoscorpion ever found in a granite enclosure.
129. Thus is suitable brick, granite, split brick, Taishan brick wall surface.
130. The primary coastline of the port was bedrock embayment and composed of Mesozoic granite.
131. Mountain mainly by rhyolite and tuff composition, there are local granite.
132. Soil of distribution is brown soil and yellow-brown soil which developed from granite, sandy shale,[http:///granite.html] slate.
133. The Cone Crusher can crush materials with Moh's scale in middle and high hardness such as ironstone, copper ore, limestone, quartz, granite, rock and so on.
134. The Fe content of Qinling rock body is relatively lower, only 0.62. The petro-geochemical for determining the genesis not only has A-type, but also has I-type granite characteristics.
135. From the aspects of bearing capacity, averaged settlement and integral decline, analyzing a building of 32 layers based on residual soil of granite, proving the feasibility of natural ground.
136. A granite based soil region is distributed widely in the drainage area of Dongting Lake.
137. Leucite basalt was solidified by secondary magma, which was produced by fractional crystallization of a small amount (14%) of accumulative rock from primitive magma and assimilation of granite(28%).
138. Dating of the hidden granite porphyry confines the age of Neozoic sedimentary stratum and also provides a basis for timing of intracontinental extension in northern Tibet.
139. Its heat reservoir is composed of Yanshanian granite - porphyry and tuff of Mesozoic.
140. These rocks occur as a number of south-vergent thrust nappes and a process of formation which is notably different from that of the arc granite batholith.
141. In the third chapter, author takes a statistic analysis about the mine deposited and exploitation thing and exploitation foreground, which includes granite, porcelain clay, bluestone, quartz etc.
142. There is high tantalite grade for certain large scale granite - pegmatite pattern tantalite - columbite mine in our country.
143. Suitable for cutting various kinds of hard non-metallic materials, such as marble, granite, ceramic, concrete, asphalt and refractory , etc.
144. The phenomenon of granitic spherical weathering is frequently encountered in railway engineering which traverses granite areas.
145. The test results from the centrifugal model experiments show that the granite residual soil slope will probably fail in two modes: plane failure and arc sliding.
146. If granite, brick sand, cement and gypsum type, especially with radioelement natural stones, Yi release radon.
147. Non - metallic minerals are granite , clay, pyrophyllite, alunite and so on.
148. A granite island of western Scotland in the Firth of Clyde. It is a resort area noted for its scenery and its hunting and fishing.
149. New Hampshire, in the northeast area called New England, is the Granite State because of that colorful rock.
150. It is S-type granite which havinggeochemitry characteristics of I-type granite in genetic type.
151. The enrichment of aluminum in soils developed from granite is much maturer than that from basalt, the quality is adhesiver, and the primary minerals are less, too.
152. It is a mesothermal to hyperthermal deposit related to the blinded Yanshanian fine-grained granite or granite-porphyry dykes.
153. This is the growth in New York Champlain (Champlain) lake in a granite tombstone on the moss.
154. But simulation rock composition of the Archaean can form granite if partial melting grade is high.
155. This paper deals mainly with the precursory features of apparent resistivity and acoustic emission of the large scale granite specimen during the process of slowly rupturing due to a dilatancy source.
156. Other natural resources to be found in Belarus include peat deposits, small quantities of oil and natural gas, granite, dolomitic limestone, marl, chalk, sand, gravel, and clay.
157. Based on a brief analysis of the genesis of hematite, the authors hold that hematite in red granite was mostly produced under the condition of high oxygen fugacity.
158. The Naqing landside that is middle-sized hillside landslide has developed on the granite area.
159. The hydrothermal fluid and the spaces of ore-bodies in the deposit are provided by the granite magmas and the Permian period.
160. Intense weathered granite residual soil is widely used in the construction and has an important meaning to take advantage of mechanical property for road construction.
161. The cornerstone of the memorial is the "Stone of Hope, " a large granite sculpture which depicts King overlooking the memorials of former presidents on the shore of the Tidal Basin.
162. Huoshan Dan black texture, basalt, granite, marble, and so on.
163. The sky was dreary grey, like the asphalt beneath and the high granite walls.
164. To cure pit collapse with residual soil from granite, what measure can be chose is to backfill with bags of sand and infiltrate steel tube or reinforce steel bar to pin up filler.
165. The forming minerals of the granite mass rock are composed of quartz, albite, potassium feldspar and phlogopite in Pingwu.
166. Therefore gold metallization is accompanied with potassic alteration, silication and alkali granite.
167. Selecting granite becomes the precise coincidence of the aero static main axle.
168. We have our own quarries: Oriental Cherry Red Quarry and Yellow Rust Granite Quarry.
169. In addition still quartz of gold, iron, aluminous, crystal, arteries and veins, granite, limestone waits.
170. Granite geomorphological a ndscape occupies an important position among the geomorphic types.
171. The diabase, lamprophyre, granite porphyry and quartz veins are formed after Variscan period.
172. Maya Lin purposely called for the granite to be shiny. Visitors experience a link with the monument by seeing their reflection in the stone.
173. The footwall consists of the Jurassic Bijiashan domal composite granite complex and Sinian low-grade metamorphosed strata in its exocontact zone.
174. They are mostly granite, granodiorite, quartz syenite and monzodiorite. Different types of granitic rocks are exposed in different tectonic units.
175. Approaching 20sqm, the kitchen with breakfast nook just upgraded with new wooden tile floor, granite countertop, sink, faucet and Siemens gas stove.
176. Application : for granite, sandstone, limestone , brick refractory material etc.
177. At deeper levels, the volcanic deposits were intruded by molten magma, which slowly crystallised to form granite.
178. The nonlinear elastic hysteresis behaviour of granite is studied based on experimental results under constant amplitude cyclic loading.
179. The most common intrusive in the order of igneous rocks is granite.
180. Next, unloading-reloading cycles are repeated in constant loading rate test with Sanjome andesite and Inada granite; and unloading curves at many points along stress-strain curve are obtained.
181. In this paper a further discussion is made on the causes for undeveloped eluvial soil on granite in Hong Kong and its effect on engineering properties.
182. Lacy tree branches cast their shadows on the Five Raths, seventh century Dravidian shrines to Hindu gods each carved from a single, massive granite boulder.
183. Therefore, there is no great progress in the gold exploration in the Hercynian granite to the north and in the metamorphic terrene near Baishanzhen to the south.
184. Nanliang complex is mainly composed of porphyritic granite, granophyre, rhyolite - porphyry and rhyolitic agmatite-lava.
185. The upper crust is mainly composed of slates, phyllites, schists, granulite of greenschist facies (partly low-amphibolite facies) and granite intrusions, and sedimentary rocks at the top.
186. Early Yanshanian intrusions are mainly adamellite, biotite K feldspar granite with small amount of granodiorite.
187. The significance of granite processing factors influencing cutting force was analyzed by using range analysis. Then the influence relationship between various factors and cutting force was gotten.
188. Qitianling granite is a post - collisional , deep - sourced and hypabyssal, early Yanshanian high - K calc - alkaline granite complex pluton.
189. Ceramics Tiles Floor Marble, Granite Slate , Quarizite Onyx, Teak Parquet.
190. The wall is granite and V-shaped, with one side pointing to the Lincoln Memorial and the other to the Washington Monument.
191. Its petrology , petrochemistry and geochemistry feature show the intrusive is post - collision and strongly - peraluminous granite.
192. Beside fractional crystallization model,[] liquid immiscibility of Fluorine-rich granite magma is an important mechanism to form pegmatite and pegmatite type deposit.
193. Potash feldspar porphyroblasts occur in large quantity in the granite closely related to the gold ore deposits in the Zhaoyuan-Yexian area, especially in the Guojialing porphyritic granite.
194. Generally, indoor radon is the main source of construction materials, such as granite, tile and plaster, particularly the stones containing radioelement Yi release radon.
195. So the dark mica in this granite should be called biotite.
196. Originally, it belongs to the syntectic granite series, and about the source, belongs to mixed type of crust mantle having obviously multistage magmatic activities.
197. Exterior insulation system of granite decorated with coating is described.
198. Dahuabei granite genesis of Wulashan gold deposit belongs to the continental crust ( remould ) remelting type.
199. The kitchen wall with the stigmata of the bricklayer's formwork next to the granite table tops and steel home appliances looks like a modern fresco.
200. A veneer of weathered granite covers this and tower, often sloughing off under weight.
201. By study on bleach of a kind of granite efflorescence altered kaoline shows that adopted heating reducing bleaching process, the kaoline of albedo is upgraded from 65.
202. New Hampshire , in the northeast area called New England, is The Granite State because of that colorful rock.
203. The granite walls overhang and bend forward above to meet one another, almost forming an arch.
204. So too the geologist does well to regard granite as a compound of quartz, felspar, and mica.
205. This paper mainly researched into the gold tailing which could be used to make minicrystal glass granite.
206. It can crush materials with middle and high hardness such as, ironstone, copper ore, granite, basalt, cobblestone, marble, limestone and so on.
207. Chrysoberyl in some granite pegmatite is a rare mineral that seldom seen in Altatic area , and it is a valuable precious stone.
208. Return additionally producible granite of a variety of mixture color and 30 a variety of norms different glass-ceramics installs plaque.
209. Gang saw be widely used in large size and large specification sheet marble and granite sawing, especially widely used in high hardness granite large plate sawing.
210. The mechanism of the interfacial reactions between diamond disk and granite during vertical spindle grinding was studied by tracking their surface glossiness, micromorphology and compositions.
211. The microcrystal glass was prepared from granite scrap. The microstructure of the products were characterized by SEM and XRD.
212. Mineralogy and geochemistry suggest that the Shipingchuan K-feldspar granite intrusion is a highly fractionated I-type granite.
213. Otherwise, red granite contains high radionuclide contents relatively, especially the sort of Indian Red, and need be paid more attention.
214. Mount Sanqingshan National Park, located in east China Jiangxi Province, displays a unique array of forests, granite pillars and peaks concentrated in a relatively small area.
215. Acidic aggregate such as gneiss, granite and gritstone can not be wildly used in road construction because of the poor adhesion to asphalt.
216. Cu-Pb-Zn ore bodies are located in outer contact zone of intermediately acidic granite(partially layered skarn) and the ore occurs as dissemination and fracture-filling.
217. Using 700 tons of granite imported from Norway, he had his own version of Stonehenge, which he calls the Circle of Life, built near his home overlooking Long Island Sound in Guilford.
218. The Tasite rock body consists of quartz diorite , quartz - mica - diorite, monzogranite and potassium granite.
219. She looked around at the Quonset hut I used for a studio, Raylou's work shed and adjacent kiln, the clear expanse of smooth granite where nothing man-made was standing.
220. The pressure test on granite has researched into the tectonic activities between the continuous occurrence of strong earthquakes and its spatial-temporal characteristics of modulation ratio.
221. Crust source remelting series contains only anatectic magma stage. It experience the development processes from contaminated granite (porphyritic) to intrusive one (granular texture).
222. REE compositions of gold-bearing Pb-Zn sulfide quartz vein are close to those of Caledonian granite. Trace element curves of both are very similar too.
223. The Xitian skarn - type deposit is located within the contact belt of the Xitian granite wall rock.
224. I think foliation is resulted from deformation. The original composition of the foliated rock is granite.
225. I am doing all the hard stuff your hero Gary Granite can't do.
226. The vitrified soil, as hard as granite,[] can be used for landfill.
227. At the mention of Ashley's name, Scarlett's heart stood still , cold as granite within her.
228. Granite failure experiments under coupled static-dynamic load were carried out on SHPB (Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar) test equipment.
229. The origin of minerogenetic matters come from micaceous granite of Longxianggai.
230. China's export stone materials are mainly granite, stele , building stone materials, sheet and manufactured goods.
231. The marble blades saw, glass ceramic blades saw, gang saw, circular saw blade for concrete and granite blades saw have reached advanced international standard.
232. Rich mineral resources, granite, tuff, 15 kinds of marble, and other non - metallic mineral and metal mining.
233. The Indian granite and natural stone industry is in dire straits.
234. Qitianling pluton was formed by two phases of emplacement, and is mainly composed of early stage granite.
235. Lincang granite intrusive body is a composite batholith formed by polyphasic intrusion, whose main rock type is the biotite adamellite.
236. In the Triassic-early Jurassic, the emplacement mechanism of monzonitic granite and orthoclase granite is dominated by tectonic extension and the diapirism is strong.
237. There is a place in Africa where the deep green lazy water of the peaceful Zambezi River plunges headlong 100 meters down into wet granite gorges.
238. Granite greenstone - hosted , meta - clastics - hosted , volcanics - subvolcanics hosted and sedimentary rock - hosted micro - disseminated gold deposits are of industrial value.
239. New Hampshire is the Granite State of so-called self sufficiency. Less flash and cash, most famous for hosting the first U. S. presidential primary.
240. Garnet and primary muscovite from these I-type granites have similar composition to those from S-type granites, therefore they cannot be simply used for classifying granite types.
241. Wu Nengsen. A study on Characteristics and Some Engineering Problems of Granite Residual Soil with Structural Nature. Nanjing: Nanjing University, 2005.
242. Here the Nile broadens out between the huge granite boulders.
243. A "Blue Louise" granite table floats off the kitchen island acting first as a bar elevation and then seamlessly dropping to a lower elevation where it serves as the units primary dining area.
244. Yanshanian acid is a mountain of granite, mostly coarse - grained granite and porphyritic granite.
245. The Sanxia granite aggregates were determined in their petrography structures and mineral compositions; the quintuplets of quartz of the aggregates were tested.
246. Sitting in the footprints of where the towers once stood, the dark granite, cube-shaped pools, each about a half-hectare in size, are the largest man-made waterfalls in North America.
247. The balcony uses natural stone, brick or mosaic more, because marble is easy efflorescent , and granite is heavier.
248. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic intrusive rocks are grouped into the Lhagoi Kangri and Gangdise granite zones.
249. We had lunch and toke a rest at Village Granite Mouth. Villagers service us boiled water for free.
250. Deposit of granite is quite large, of fine quality, enjoying a high process value.
251. Two separate vanity areas (one with make up station), each with solid granite sinks and African Wenge cabinetry, are joined by the family sized Fossil Onyx steam shower with multiple sprayers.
252. The broad pavement in front shone pale also; it gleamed as if some spell had transformed the dark granite to glistening Parian .
252. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
253. Patterns in Nature: Mysterious Earth Lichens grow on a granite gravestone in Lake Champlain, New York.
254. Granite Tile, Marble Tile, paves granites , curbstone, Bluestone Tile, Slate Tile, Granite Countertops, Mosaic.
255. The processing mineralogy character for altered granite pattern tantalite - columbite ore and its processibility has been studied.
256. Features: Made in China 6 - cm - thick granite slabs laying sidewalks.
257. Through many field investigations, characteristics of granite residual soil slopes are analyzed.
258. The mesa of doorsill, ambry , ground outdoor suits to use granite.
259. The heft of the concrete walls is offset by the riotous plantings of Texas elderberry, coralberry, and wax myrtles as well as black granite slabs that appear to hover above the water.
260. Early Paleozoic rock are mainly carbonate , dolomite, Carboniferous - Permian coal-bearing clastic rock and a small amount of Archean crystalline metamorphic rocks and Mesozoic-Cenozoic granite acid.
261. For purpose of designing the LHS86-45 granite gang saw with translational motion and steel shot, This paper proposes a dynamic model which can be used for practical analysis and calculating method.
262. All the streams flowing off the granite contain dissolved uranium.
263. Territory rich in mineral resources, with granite(), kaolin and other minerals.
264. Qijia oil field in Liaohe region is the first discovered in an Archaeozoic mixed granite buried hill reservoir with high oil yield.
265. This prototype is built near Granite Falls, Washington, in the Cascade Mountains about 50 miles north east of Seattle.
266. From Big Flat, a private road leads past a locked gate to Josephine Lake, hidden in a glacial cirque, or valley, underneath a granite crag that I had been told evoked comparisons to the Matterhorn.
267. Fenitization is well developed around the carbonatite complex which is composed of various sizes of carbonatite, alkali basic pegmatite, lamprophyre, granite porphyry , and dia base dikes.
268. Park from granite, gneiss, the soil is a gray forest soil, fertile soil, vegetation growing well.
269. You should see the granite you have to put in this thing.
270. A stage of laboratory experiment modelling the melting of crustal rocks into granite has been initiated.
271. Feldspar commonly used are: granite a long stone set fire to rocks.
272. The low resistant erosion ability of ground substance, especially in granite weathering crust and purple rock and its soil are the inner causes of severe soil erosion.




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