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单词 Morals
1, Films like this are a danger to public morals.
2, Your idea lacks morals.
3, There are clear morals to be drawn from the failure of these companies.
4, They have no morals.
5, His ideas on morals are really prehistoric.
6, Lewis's novel doesn't flatter Midwestern attitudes and morals.
7, The man's morals are rotten to the core.
8, The decadence of morals is bad for a nation.
9, Young people these days have no morals.
10, She has no morals! She's really a whore!
11, Values and morals are independent of religious faith.
12, Morals tend to be deeply ingrained.
13, The play was considered an affront to public morals.
14, Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals.
15, The question is one of manners rather than morals.
16, He has absolutely no morals,[http:///morals.html] that man!
17, She had tried her best to instil morals into her daughters.
18, This was a matter less of morals than of expediency.
19, Lewis' novel doesn't flatter Midwestern attitudes and morals.
20, They impart wisdom, morals, history.
21, We repudiated entirely customary morals, conventions and traditional wisdom.
22, It no more lies within the field of morals than does a cross-word puzzle.
23, But this putatively happy ending holds no morals for Cal.
24, Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
25, They saw criminal law as an instrument for improving public morals.
26, Women who went to pubs alone would sometimes be assumed to have loose morals.
27, The newspaper has become the self-appointed guardian of public morals.
28, We must arm the people against the lowering of our morals.
29, She sees herself as a custodian of the public's morals.
30, He didn't see the slightest incongruity between the idealism of his plays and his own morals.
1, Films like this are a danger to public morals.
2, Your idea lacks morals.
3, There are clear morals to be drawn from the failure of these companies.
4, They have no morals.
5, Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
6, We must arm the people against the lowering of our morals.
31, The concern of the prosecution in 1960 was with the corruption of public morals.
32, He had a steely streak but his morals and scruples were beyond reproach.
33, Sadly, morals and behaviour ashore had deteriorated too with more drunks and ladies of easy virtue in evidence.
34, Within Mr Quinn's own party, there will doubtless be those with looser morals than Mr Ashdown's.
35, Furthermore, the notion that ethics and morals can be dismissed before the throne of evolution is fascistic.
36, Early nineteenth-century environmentalism had focused on sexuality as part of a general concern with the habits and morals of the urban working-class.
37, The world may change, but somehow this vocabulary of complaints against declining standards and morals is immunised against change.
38, The morals and ethics are obvious, the comedy more subtle and highly entertaining.
39, Ethics and morals are particularly concerned with bringing the remoter consequences of behavior into play.
40, He may have the morals of an alley cat but raping a semi-comatose girl was beyond him.
41, Morals play an important part in both novels and the reader notices that Jane Austen is actually a moralist.
42, Projects based on religion, morals,[] the nature of the self and so forth can not be fully incorporated within this framework.
43, The doctor, whatever her politics and morals, had lovely skilful hands, which Phoebe could not but admire.
44, The man who is now so Victorian in his manners and morals was a rampant socialite.
45, Warning rather than exhortation to virtue is the style of the fabliau morals.
46, It seems to have been against creative law that the female should be endowed with morals.
47, I shall now draw some general morals from this sketch of the structure of Peirce's philosophical thought.
48, It needed to focus on the reform of male sexuality and the improvement of working-class morals.
49, U2 are not a politically and musically aggressive rock group, but they don't ignore morals or values.
50, The bad was the pervasive and inevitable corruption of morals and manners that accompanied such a compulsion for the luxurious.
51, She had always been nice about her morals; she grew nicer still. How dangerous a place, this country!
52, Hadn't she tried to instil morals into the girl? Not for the first time she missed her husband dreadfully.
53, Luxuries were regarded as tending to undermine morals, so ideal societies were often austere and egalitarian.
54, I am losing my morals down here on this island and yet I am enjoying every single minute of it.
55, Homosexuals will have to put their struggle for tolerance and against heterosexist norms and morals in an international perspective.
56, Nevertheless, by posing questions rather than serving up morals, he's caught some flak from simple-minded gay critics.
57, The government has a right to protect public morals by prohibiting nude dancing.
58, It is clear that Watson spends a great deal of time wrestling with his conscience over the choice between morals and results.
59, Networks shift privacy from the realm of morals to the marketplace; privacy becomes a commodity.
60, These beautiful new books, filled with morals and happy endings, help us hold on to our storytelling heritage.
61, Stricter morals also were more widely accepted in those days.
62, The Oscar Wilde trials of 1895 condensed representations both of aristocratic debauchery and the corrupting effects of foreign morals.
63, So feel free to fill your children with lessons and morals from this story.
64, She had always been nice about her morals; she grew nicer still.
65, The novel reflects the morals and customs of the time.
66, Do you know what morals are Violet? They're other people's rules. Do you know what a conscience is? Freedom to use your own intelligence to determine what is right or wrong. You possess that freedom and no one can remove it from you. Amy Tan 
67, The discussion began to range widely in the field of personal morals.
68, Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals. Albert Schweitzer 
69, Free from outdated rules regarding outdoor clothing and morals, the Lawrences certainly had a more lively manner.
70, Playing Desert Storm on my Sega console had not only eroded my morals, it had disturbed my beauty sleep.
70, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
71, Most oriental codes deal with legal matters only: morals and religion belong elsewhere.
72, The Bible has noble poetry in it... And some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies. Mark Twain 
73, Is television scaring our kids, engendering violent behavior, skewing their morals and generally eroding the aesthetic standards of Western civilization?
74, An effort was made to improve the morale and morals of the army.
75, CHAVEZ: The difference is ethics and morals.
76, He's never done anything injurious to morals.
77, Some people have no business morals.
78, The decadence of morals is bad for nation.
79, Hume. An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.
80, You can shove your uptight morals up your ass.
81, Fifth Olympiad is in Sweden morals Stockholm hold.
82, Build police's morals, its characteristic must be known correctly, various kinds of wrong inclination faced by it must be overcomed and the basic trend of its era must be controled.
83, A society wants to keep good order, in addition to having the sound law, good ethics especially social public ethics in order in good morals to support the social order have the prominent function.
84, At present, what prevent law ethical education from deploying further are mistakes in thinking and understanding, environment of social "morals declines" and impact of law statism etc.
85, Finiteness and process are the characteristics of the legislation of morals.
86, Born on July 30, 1947 in Graz, Austria, Schwarzenegger was raised with strict rules and morals instilled by his parents.
87, The vice I am talking of is Pride or Self-Conceit: and the virtue opposite to it, in Christian morals, is called Humility.
88, The morals are reflect and adjust people's in real life interest relations value idea and the behavior standards sum total, is standard system which constitutes by various rules.
89, They pretend to be guarding the public's morals, and they corrupt them with their beastly reports.
90, In morals, as well as politics, Chiang claimed to be a Confucianist.
91, This literary phenomenon was affected by the social morals and esthetic ideas at that time.
92, Yet how can you reconcile this " refinement " with the defence of " Confucian Morals "?
93, This "originating" was according to its good economy, complicated class, the public opinion based on ethics and morals, and the private opinion of the prime minister Bismark.
94, But questions of faith and morals, said Augustine, were concerns of the Church alone.
95, The environmental morals have their intension, the epitaxy and main content.
96, The morals are formed by the code of ethic and ethical value.
97, Bentham's best statement of the theory is in Chapter XIII of his Principles of Morals and Legislation: 'Cases in Which Punishment Must be Inefficacious '.
98, Morals and custom several thousand years, but still have fine wood grain.
99, How, in medical practice, can the mediatory role of morals be brought about so as to harmonize the doctor-patient relationship ?
100, Richard Epstein: I remain a universalist on matters of morals and ethics. My training in Roman law has convinced me that just social relations do not differ in fundamental ways across societies.
101, The second is morals standard construction whose content is democracy's moralization.
102, In the late 1990s, the climate has been one characterized by nationalism and jingoism ,[/morals.html] with foreign influences again blamed in some quarters for a degeneration of morals in china.
103, The nonage is the successor of the Chinese characteristic socialism business. The degrees of their morals will directly influence the prospect of China.
104, Like a leper . See , their morals, their code: it's a bad joke.
105, However in the realm of morals, there is space for people to choose to outbreak the circumscription with the help of their free will and take responsibility for their choices.
106, At Oxford and Cambridge each student has two tutors, an academic tutor and a morals tutor.
107, Hippocrates was the father of the west medicine and the founder of the west medicine morals.
108, A person of faith, a religious person, someone who you'd think would have morals.
109, Lax court morals and the absurd chivalry business were in full feather.
110, Bias is the of basic tendency Ming Dynasty politics domain morals life.
111, Murine morals Between 50m and 100m animals are used in research each year around the world , says the Nuffield Council on Bioethics , a British think-tank.
112, In addition to improving the legal system of market economy, we should pay attention to the mutual effect of enterprise morals.
113, Quality individual the independent and positive morals quality on one's own initiative that move consciouslieses of subjects morals entity.
114, You don't forget such episodes—the truly innocent at the mercy of the truly evil—and they lead directly into the absolutist morals of Larsson's books, which may also be a powerful selling point.
115, If you have bad friends, your morals may be corrupted.
116, The filial piety is an accomplishment point of departure to promote personal morals.
117, Love and give presents to our parents is the primary request of Chinese traditional morals, but it is disappointed and worried about polytechnic school student's showing at this side.
118, But to speak in a mean. The virtue of prosperity, is temperance; the virtue of adversity, is fortitude; which in morals is the more heroical virtue.
119, In these fairy tales Anderson examines the state of human existence through children's eyes to enlighten both children and adults and to upheave their morals.
120, Their lack of morals means they have no problems developing WMDS with which to bring massive death, all while doing genetic manipulation and cloning to ensure population boom.
121, Reinforcing the ideological morals education of youth students is an omnibearing system education project.
122, Jeremy Bentham, for example, proposed replacing the phrase "law of nations" with "international law" in an important footnote in his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1780).
123, These peculiarly popular cultivation are the roots of existence and development for Yumuzhai's perception of dutifulness, they are one of the precious culture heritages in Chinese traditional morals.
124, The morals accomplishment can attain of ceiling price segment, is know us should control us of thought. -Reach a text.
125, You may remember, when I was talking about sexual morality, I warned you that the centre of Christian morals did not lie there.
126, I can see the value of having a morals clause--and killing Eddie (Meatloaf) and serving him for dinner (also Meatloaf) is certainly extreme.
127, Moore's Prinicipia Ethica, focusing on the relationship of morals to the two features, iconoclast and experimental, of "the new biography".
128, A callow young toff falls for a beauty of shaky morals and follows her to the end of the world, shedding fortune, scruples and self-respect along the way.
129, Subjective good faith is the main individual for that its behavior coincidence method restrains or has to join morals content believe.
130, It does not mean we give up our morals, right action,[/morals.html] or self-protection.
131, The pope was declared to be infallible when he speaks ex cathedra on matters of faith and morals with the intention of binding the whole church.
132, To solve this problem thoroughly, it is necessary to establish morals duty mechanism, compensate morals reproduction cost, creat social security system and reinforce feel grateful education.
133, With Sir Christopher Wren's cathedral as a backdrop, Mr Brown insisted "markets need morals" and claimed he was something of a lone voice in arguing in the past that markets should be restrained.
134, In order that the morals and conduct of clerics may be reformed for the better, let all of them strive to live in a continent and chaste way, especially those in holy orders .
135, He is a widower with a roving eye and the morals of a stray dog.
136, Nonprofit organization is the preserver of social justice and morals, bust also the practicer. Nonprofit organization won't be regarded as law-breaker.
137, The disputes on morals and ethics sparked by cloning technology will continue.
138, About morals , I mean , of course, you can't beat the old duffer.
139, Business Ethics, say briefly that uses some basic principles and method economic administration behavior or system to enterprises of philosophy ethics to carry on the morals and appraise.
140, In An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, he re-examines the mechanism of "natural virtue" and "artificial virtue" and their differences and relevance.
141, Too many of today's children have straight teeth and crooked morals.
142, As the practice indicates, ethics and morals, in social process, function as a force of guidance, impetus and restriction as well.
143, I wish that those teenagers would just stop all that hanky panky and behave, where are their morals?
144, The self-study is the process of self-educaters' self-approval, the self-choice and accept to thought politics morals knowledge, which are the self-study three basic steps.
145, As Jefferson said, cities are pestilential to the morals , the health, and the liberties of man.
146, Dullness as reflected in the corruptness of government, social morals, education and even religion, is expertly exposed and satirized.
147, In order to return to the self, Kierkegaard moved towards Abraham in the fear of morals.
148, Lust now seems to be associated with casual sex and loose morals.
149, The virtue of prosperity is temperance, The virtue of adversity is fortitude; which in morals is the more heroical virtue.
150, Confucius' "Songs enlightenment" is the inheritance and development of traditional morals from Western Chou Dynasty.
151, Demonstrate in China's past dynasties women's literary creation that appraise the system in the spiritual idea of morals with distinct sex characteristic and social value.
152, Signs of sexual consciousness hidden in them might induce some clues to 'hormonal movement' so as to enrich more their humoristic morals and make the process be led up to meaningful afterthoughts.
153, But the inner morals of law, or the main principle of law such as the compulsiveness, clarity, universality, stability, governmental acts and legal regulations have decisive impact on morals.
154, He is content to draw the most flippant of morals from the story.
155, If your morals make you dreary. Depend upon it, they are wrong.
156, The result shows that the knowledge structure of the athlete's mental education includes: the subject classification, theoretical knowledge of profession and the accomplishment of morals and culture.
157, Nevertheless, it is pretty hard to defend absolutist morals on grounds other than religious ones.
158, The theory background of the article includes elements of semeiology, theory of speech acts and Richard Mervyn Hare's theory of the Language of Morals.
158, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
159, Abidance by honesty, faith, just competition, equivalent exchange , opposing monopolization and other morals criterion are also inside request of market economy.
160, In the third, the concrete problems and solutions of holding power with morals are discussed.
161, Through these assessment method, causes the teacher morals to internalize by "the heteronomy" is "the autonomy", arrives at the construction harmonious education the ultimate objective.
162, In morals of science the unjustifiable act part of important category of research for academic moral.
163, Why , he's one of the main pillars of the Confucian Morals Society.
164, For him the laws and morals of the world are unduly severe.
165, The editor explained the morals of the news in the epilogue.
166, Austrian School leaders Hayek once said, " notes system authorities are NOT NOT faith and morals. "
167, Kant notwithstanding, it is tempting to agree with my hypothetical apologist that absolutist morals are usually driven by religion.
168, This kind of method can help us to seek the compromise between legal justice and social morals law in the judicial course, realize the harmonious development of the legal civil order.




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