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单词 Rigor
1 Rigor mortis had already set in.
2 The crime will be treated with the full rigor of the law.
3 Rigor mortis usually sets in between two and four hours after death.
4 There is a need for academic rigor in approaching this problem.
5 Sometimes I think we confuse rigidity with rigor.
6 What was all this about rigor mortis?
7 It lacks intellectual content and academic rigor.
8 Anyway, rigor is in the very early stages.
9 Their analysis lacks rigor.
10 I believe in discovery and rigor and quantitative correctness and sophisticated analysis.
11 It did not have a trace of rigor mortis,[] and was as warm as my own body.
12 I learn the importance of neatness, order, discipline, rigor, practice, and routine in learning.
13 Many other treatises incorporated the new rigor.
14 It has the virtues of brachylogy rigor and precise.
15 All the ladies dig rigor mortis.
16 Standards will seem unnecessary high; rigor will seem unwarranted.
17 Balance rigor with agility when defining project processes.
18 Results The length of sarcomere of rigor mortis without destroy is obviously shorter than that of restiffening.
19 Eventually, institutional rigor mortis will set in and the cycle will begin again.
20 However, its lack of rigor and formal semantics prevents it further developing.
21 That rigor was on display during Sander's spring-summer womenswear collection.
22 This speeds up the onset of rigor mortis by depleting muscle energy (ATP) and rapidly increasing the anaerobic glycolysis that produces lactic acid.
23 Results The length of sarcomere of rigor mortis without destory is obviously shorter than that of restiffening.
24 David Douglas wanted to generate the same enthusiasm and rigor in its other career clusters.
25 It would take nearly a book in itself to explain the scope, rigor, and stress of those tests.
26 The body was still warm and there were no signs of rigor.
27 Nor do we know anything about the quality or rigor of these experiences.
28 The project enabled SAFE to establish a system for the nimble, highly effective oversight and analytical accounting of international payments and remittances, enhancing the rigor of its regulation.
29 We have tried to keep explanations elementary without sacrificing depth of coverage and mathematical rigor.
30 Under this condition, using Situation Semantics to rebuild modal logic, trying to develop a formal system which is dynamically sensitive and mathematically rigor, determines one of the basic trends...
1 The crime will be treated with the full rigor of the law.
31 In the earlier period, it show mobile arthrosis ache , swelling and dysfunction; while in the advanced stage, it show arthrosis rigor, deformed, functional incapacitation or even disability.
32 And a few inferior coal are tracheal, conduit intensity on the low side, tube wall is thin, seam welder art backward, seam insufficient rigor, zincic layer is thin, antirust difference.
33 FVS combines intellectual rigor with a spirit of adventure and exploration. The school has a 1,100-acre main campus in Colorado Springs and a 40-acre Mountain Campus near Buena Vista, Colorado.
34 Great resilience is offered by Saturn trine Pluto, and the ability to maintain a focused effort with consistency and rigor.
35 Early rigor mortis and rapid autolysis indicate the need for prompt necropsy examinations.
36 Be aimed at afore-mentioned privacy safety problems, expert of lucky star safety suggests common netizen takes following step: Want rigor to be on guard above all the vermian attack of SNS website.
37 I doubt that Kline would want to see his view implemented in our churches with such unyielding disciplinary rigor.
38 Rigor of company management system is efficient, run a standard, passed ISO 9000 attestation 2004.
39 Rigor mortis gave the heartsick survivor convincing evidence for burial.
40 By comparison, the "red family" model can look dysfunctional — an uneasy mix of rigor and permissiveness,[/rigor.html] whose ideals don't always match up with the facts of contemporary life.
41 Rigor mortis, pallor, rot - these too can be sources of exquisite sensation.
42 Don , t treat him so rigor, he is just a child.
43 Spoken communication supplements the code's rigor and detail with meaning.
44 With professional rigor to assure quality and create satisfied customers.
45 Victor Vasarely, the founder of the op art movement, once said, "In basic research, intellectual rigor and sentimental freedom necessarily alternate".
46 Mathematical rigor is applied where necessary and numerous proofs are included.
47 This will give rigor to the approach and allow for linking the outcome to the system architecture in an undisputable way.
48 Adoption of higher voltage class makes more rigor request for allowable value of switching overvoltage of the transmission lines.
49 As for its property inherit law, not only the degree of its rigor and maturity is far above the past(), but also it brings a profound influence to the afterworld because of its various innovation.
50 The family could not stand the rigor of the long cold winter.
51 In contrary to rigor mortis, tenderization was promoted by increasing of aging temperature.
52 The transformation process depends on the rigor by which the analysis was performed.




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