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单词 Lateral
(1) The wall is weak and requires lateral support.
(2) McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches.
(3) Employees can expect lateral moves to different departments, to gain experience.
(4) Jets of compressed air gave the aircraft lateral and directional stability.
(5) Fig. 5.10 Lateral trim offset due to tail rotor.
(6) So a little lateral thinking was called for.
(7) Hudevad. Lateral thinking brings environmental benefits.
(8) Lateral acceleration at release is 6-7g.
(9) Large nodules may be detected by lateral thoracic radiography.
(10) Faint lateral veins spread from a somewhat prominent midrib.
(11) These shales have great lateral continuity.
(12) But should this bring a halt to lateral thinking?
(13) Independent lateral contacts at provincial levels were discouraged.
(14) The lateral and ventral arm plates have distinctive transverse ridges most noticeable in dry specimens.
(15) A prominent midrib and 4 to 6 lateral veins are present.
(16) The scale patterning above the lateral line is particularly pleasing, and the lateral line itself is bright silver.
(17) It consists of two lateral lobes and a single small dorsal lobe.
(18) The lateral and ventral arm plates have distinctive transverse ridges most noticeable in dry or nearly dry specimens.
(19) Others include lateral thinking, straight and crooked thinking, potential problem analysis, rational decision-making, and so on.
(20) The tension, you might say, generated by that success caused crime fiction also to take a huge lateral leap.
(21) When this meets some other object, the fish by means of its lateral line can detect the change.
(22) In most mammals, apart from the cat, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus projects exclusively to area 17.
(23) Above: The introduction of a transition curve requires a lateral shift of the line.
(24) The upwards and outwards inclination of the kite either side of centre is what provides lateral stability.
(25) Oesophageal manometry and acid perfusion tests were performed in the morning, with the fasting patient in the left lateral position.
(26) It may not actually lie in the water, but it still lies within the boundary of the lateral water hazard.
(27) The subsequent ventral arm plates are pentagonal to bell shaped, separated with a wide curved distal edge and indented lateral edges.
(28) Arrangement of ideas on the board provides a stimulus for new ideas and lateral thinking. 4.
(29) The first ventral arm plate is pentagonal with the lateral edges raised forming a boundary lip to the second oral tentacle pores.
(30) Cowan set up a mathematical equation that represented the neural activity, and built lateral inhibition into it.
(1) The wall is weak and requires lateral support.
(2) McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches.
(31) In this I would admit to a personal bias toward flexibility and a lateral approach.
(32) Stabiliser A device to check lateral motion and maintain the foot moving in a forward direction.
(33) Radiographs of the women's lateral thoracic and lumbar spine were taken in a standardised manner.
(34) The lateral arm plates on the proximal part of the arm are slightly enlarged.
(35) It can be immensely useful - and that is what is looked for with lateral thinking - or it can be false.
(36) Lateral communication improves coordination and problem solving and fosters employee satisfaction.
(37) The ventral arm plates are irregularly rectangular with indented lateral edges and a rounded distal edge; they are contiguous at least proximally.
(38) Certainly the lateral geniculate nucleus in rats looks nothing like the lateral geniculate nucleus in monkeys.
(39) Lateral stability to the structure is provided by a braced structural steel core.
(40) Here, attempts to bossa nova merely produced a self-conscious lateral sway.
(41) This lateral line system enables the fish to detect differences of pressure in the water.
(42) These ribbon-like leaves are pale green, with a prominent midrib and usually two lateral veins on either side.
(43) The adoral shields are slightly wing-like, not or just separating the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate.
(44) Later they move to a lateral position, with the woman applying squeeze control when required.
(45) It appeared that these offsets marked some kind of lateral movement between adjacent sections of oceanic crust.
(46) Recent research has linked induced voltages with lateral line disease.
(47) The lateral arm plates also carry a series of long bristle-like spines, dorsal to the arm spines.
(48) The leaves are also fleshy with a prominent midrib, with five pairs of lateral veins.
(49) It is separated from the first lateral arm plate by the wing-like adoral shields.
(50) Unlike other indigenous species, he added, they had long lateral roots.
(51) Where necessary the ventral view is supplemented with drawings of the disk armament, arm spines and lateral views of the arms.
(52) Usually floodplains are not veneers of alluvium explicable by lateral channel movements, but considerable thicknesses smoothing over more complex relief.
(53) But how would this disparate,() lateral movement fit into a linear ideology?
(54) Many models require some lateral cyclic input to assist in making a stable flat turn.
(55) There are various ways of designing a steel framework to stand up to the vertical and lateral forces.
(56) Wattset al. 1982 have shown that lateral heat flow results in anomalies in the normal thermal subsidence profile following crustal stretching.
(57) Prune lateral shoots of wisteria if not done already, by cutting back to four or five leaves from the main stems.
(58) To support the foot during play there is a lateral support strap which also ensures that the shoe has a close fit.
(59) The easiest procedure is to leave a stem unpruned in early spring, so that a number of lateral side shoots are produced.
(60) They are also translucent with a prominent midrib and many fine lateral veins.
(61) The lateral membrane takes up the entire length of one side of the chamber, pushing the grapes against the other side.
(62) Evershed planned twelve lateral canals to supply water to 238 individual wheel pits, each driving its own machinery.
(63) The first pair of lateral veins issue from the central rib shortly above the base of the blade.
(64) The bold midrib and the 3-4 pairs of lateral veins are light purple or pink.
(65) It does make sense that the lateral line would be adversely affected by prolonged exposure to unusually high voltage.
(66) The appearance of clear cerebrospinal fluid in the needle hub confirmed correct placement of the needle in the lateral cerebral ventricle.
(67) It then does so with tremendous activity, threshing with lateral movements of the sword among the fish.
(68) The gold and black lateral line hits the eye too.
(69) Some plants have a prominent main or tap root, from which rows of fine lateral roots grow.
(70) And that very excess of safety inspired some bright Vadinamians in to a galaxy-class piece of lateral thinking.
(71) The model represents most of de Bono's ideas on lateral thinking.
(72) Periods of westward growth have alternated with periods when lateral development was most pronounced.
(73) Fossils do throw light on the history of the lateral line and tail.
(74) It was a peculiar form of lateral thinking, inspired by instinct.
(75) Electrical engineers get paid well to outfox the lateral causality inherent in all circuits.
(76) The leaf-blade bears circular dark patches, and has a prominent midrib and lateral veins.
(77) The ventral arm plates are rectangular contiguous with their lateral edges indented.
(78) Post-war lateral thinking solved the problem by abolishing the school, but the building survived that, too.
(79) Roebuck's ankle required surgery to repair the lateral and medial ligaments.
(80) The adoral shields are small wing-like almost separating the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate.
(81) Lateral reversal a positive or negative image transposed from left to right as in a mirror reflection of the original.
(82) Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.
(83) A right lateral view and transverse sections are shown,(http:///lateral.html) with shading indicating damage.
(84) I would order a lateral skull film.
(85) The subjacent and lateral strata previously have been compacted.
(86) No lateral instability of involved interphalangeal joints was seen.
(87) the lateral branches of a tree.
(88) Both lateral and medial nasal vestibule have a knurl.
(89) Figure 1. Implanted artificial disc, lateral view.
(90) Lateral inhibition of cortical columns was applied to coding and decoding of the neural population to realize position tracking.
(91) The new trainer retained the wing planform and powerplant of the JJ-7, but was given a redesigned forward fuselage with lateral air intakes and the in-flight refuelling probe.
(92) A new method to calculate the lateral pressure and horizontal crustal stress of the slope in opencast mining has been giv...
(93) Objective To analyze the clinical effects of left lateral lobectomy of liver in patients with hepatolith.
(94) The hippocampus can change the activity of lateral habenular nucleus-nucleus raphe magnus system, by which the transmission of pain impulses can be controlled.
(95) Using a cadaveric model, we investigated the feasibility of harvesting an anteriorly based mucoperiosteal flap from the lateral nasal wall.
(96) The technique of free hand insertion with the lateral mass screw of atlas and vertebra dentata pedicle screw is simple, fixation is reliability and is well worth to spreading.
(97) Lateral mass screws are traditionally used to fixate the subaxial cervical spine, while pedicle screws are used in the thoracic spine.
(98) MethodTotal 480 patients underwent lateral position operation were divided into the test group and the control group according to the random number table.
(99) Demyelination progressed as the kyphotic deformity became more severe, initially affecting the anterior funiculus and later extending to the lateral and then the posterior funiculus .
(100) Atrophy was more than 15% greater in the bilateral entorhinal, right more than left lateral temporal, right parietal cortex, and bilateral precuneus areas.
(101) Objective To explore polyurethane gelatum head's clinical effect of preventing acute facial sores among child patients' undergoing neurosurgical operation in lateral prone posture.
(102) A low fibular fracture, most clearly seen on the lateral view, hallmarks the spiral fracture of a supination-lateral rotation injury (fig. 4C).
(103) Medial and lateral collateral ligament injuries in 28 cases demonstrated hyperintensity on T 2WI, thickening in shape and marginal haziness.
(104) It may be caused by lack of compressive loads in the lateral trochanter in daily activity.
(105) Objective To describe microsurgical anatomy of the extreme lateral transcondylar approach.
(106) Objective To analyse the microvascular morphology and architecture of lateral geniculate body ( LGB ) .
(107) A characteristic pattern of connections among neurons (nerve cell) in the eyes of most animals (including humans) is lateral inhibition network.
(108) There are, in fact, two kinds of situation that involve lateral heat flush.
(109) A method is given for the calculation of the stability and the control of a helicopter with hingeless rotor under lateral gust.
(110) I decided to study vertical and lateral integration of industry in the United States.
(111) Higher lateral deformation and Poisson's ratio as well as negative volumetric strain can be reached for higher pore pressure even though axial strain of specimen is lower.
(112) ObjectiveTo explore the effect of the lateral island flap with neurovascular pedicle of finger on reconstruction of the sensory function of thumb and forefinger pulp.
(113) Transfer storey is considered as elastic member in time-history analysis, its lateral stiffness is taken to be equal to the equivalent stiffness.sentence dictionary
(114) For the lateral movement of solids we again need to specify a mechanism.
(115) For instance, it may foster lateral growth in girth, instead of longitudinal growth.
(116) In this article, a compound odontoma and an impacted lateral incisor were diagnosed by radiographs.
(117) Accelerating the construction of concrete cushion as soon as possible can make full use of bracing effect on controlling the lateral deformation of retaining wall.
(118) The authors summarized and analyzed nursing of 52 cases of cavernous hemangiomas extraction by lateral orbitotomy.
(119) The allowable lateral amplitudes based on the derailment factor of the freight vehicles are suggested.
(120) Results: The amount of insulin in lateral pterygoid muscle in young growing rats enhanced after functional mandibular protrusion.
(121) A transducer for lateral remote displacement measurement based on grating laser Doppler effect is introduced.
(122) Results The CT findings of CSP were well - defined watery density zone between lateral ventricle.
(123) Horizontal or lateral axis, passes through the airplane from one side to the other - nose up and nose down control is by elevators (and stabilizer for trim).
(124) The results are as follow: 1. In the unilateral complete cleft lip, superior labial artery runs along the labial margin and cleft edge, ending in base of nasal wing on the lateral side.
(125) Conclusion: Transplantation of the lateral superior genicular retrograde flap, with the pedicle of the lateral superior genicular artery, can cure severe scar contracture of popliteal fossa.
(126) Results Femoral shaft edges were obtained from both frontal and lateral X ray images successfully, and then datum line was se...
(127) The best indication of MED is lumbar lateral disc herniation or with narrow lateral recess.
(128) Paracolic sulci are lateral depressions of the peritoneum investing the cecum.
(129) Conclusions As compared with control group lumbar vertebral degenerations are more serious in underground miners with manifestations like herniated disc and narrow lateral recess mainly at L4/L5.
(130) The signal changes in brain cortex and peripheral region of lateral ventricle could be found on MR DWI in this group, but the differences between the normal and abnormal were not obviously.
(131) This is consistent with the physiological observations such as two Gauss like receptive fields, lateral inhibition phenomena and so on But, there is still lack of psycholophysical evidence about this.
(132) Vertical alignment of QDsin multilayers is interpreted with lateral tensile strain at the growth front, when the thickness of the spacer layer is below a critical value.
(133) Programmed stimulation was delivered at coronary sinus ostium, distal coronary sinus and lateral wall of left atrium.
(134) Methods The structures of lateral wall of orbit were observed in 10 skulls. The balanced orbital decompression was performed in 3 eyes in patients with thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy.
(135) To explore the effect of open reduction with bone grafting for the treatment of old lateral condyle fracture in children.
(136) Over the cerebellar hemisphere, 3.5cm lateral to the external occipital protuberance, parallel to the midline of the head, 4cm long extending downward.
(137) The working device is two-segment, quadrilateral telescopic boom(), and fork lateral displacement unit adopted in normal type.
(138) Methods Microsurgical of giant tumors at anterolateral area of brainstem via far lateral approaches in 10 cases.
(139) In the sitting position, the patient exhibited kneeling position, and fore-and-aft or lateral rhythmical swing of the upper body accompanied with head-banging.
(140) Lower lid margin. It should bow gently from medially to laterally, with the lowest point between the pupil and the lateral limbus.
(141) According to the elastic thin plate theory and vibration theory, a boundary element method (BEM) was used to analyze the frequency characteristics of a thin plate in lateral free vibration.
(142) Results The patellar retinaculum include the medial and lateral patellar retinaculum, and could be divided into superficial and deep layers.
(143) Peter estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between 4 and 6 inches.
(144) Leaf is the first lateral organ produced by the activity of the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ).
(145) Dissection in the deep areolar plane will not ensure preservation of the lateral nasal veins that pass over the perichondrium of the middle nasal vault.
(146) Lateral thorax impact caused serious results than frontal thorax impact. Lateral thorax impact often led to ascending aorta damage, rib fracture and liver damage.
(147) Reconstruction of lateral attic wall provides a new space for vibration of ossicular chain.
(148) On the basis of the analysis of types and principles of trajectory diffusing techniques for rocket ejection seats, the lateral seat trajectory diffusing is modeled.
(149) The cyst lies medial to the lateral ventricle so dilated lateral ventricles can be excluded.
(150) Self-adaptive fuzzy control method based on the acceleration feedback is researched for the lateral suspension system of heavy-duty railway locomotive and car.
(151) Results: Ethmoidal crest was located infra-anterior to the sphenopalatine foramen and anterior to the lateral posterior nasal arteries.
(152) Lateral inhibition predicts the opposite effect, so the mechanism must be quite different.
(153) The lateral pressure coefficient increases with the growth of rock grade and is larger than code value.
(154) The arteries were embolized based on the arterial supply to the sacrum, resulting in occlusion of the internal iliac, lateral sacral, lumbar, iliolumbar, and median sacral arteries.
(155) Foot arch includes medial, lateral longitudinal arch and transverse arch.
(156) Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of extensile lateral incision for treating displaced intraarticular calcaneal fractures.
(157) The top of the tiller reinforced with plain bone for its entire length and having a lateral bolt guide at the fore-end .
(158) Pharynx and radix linguage were repaired with single and double pedicle sternocleidomastoid flap in the lateral posterior wall of pharynx or pyriform apertue.
(159) Objective:To evaluate the possibility and effect of removal of the tumor invading lateral skull base in zygomatic arch and temporomandibular approaches.
(160) The accumulation of oilis governed by lateral changes from permeable to impermeable facies.
(161) Background: Large osteochondral fractures of the lateral femoral condyle of the knee in adolescent patients can be diagnostically and therapeutically challenging.
(162) Objective To study the microanatomy of suboccipital extreme lateral approach and improve the safety of suboccipital extreme lateral approach in treatment of lesions of craniocervical junction region.
(163) It is divided into two parts, the lateral and medial thalamus.
(164) This paper introduces the hardware and firmware design of the MRI Table JIG by AVR microcomputer control. Also describes the precise control of table motion on lateral and longitude directions.
(165) It was named entrapment syndrome of lateral intermuscular septum of arm for its pathogenesis.
(166) Measurement of the lateral strain can be accomplished using a lateral extensometer.
(167) Methods: The approach of palatal, cervical or lateral basicranial according to the site of the tumor was adopted.
(168) And of course, there is turn 8, which is a very long left-hander where we will probably be flat out with the V8 this year, with lateral loadings of 4G.
(169) A formula is derived for calculating the lateral seismic response of 1-storied industrial building with a gable wall at one end under the action of travelling waves.
(170) The prolabium of complete BCL operated on with straight line suture method had muscle fibers proliferated from the lateral lips, but the fibers were sparse and also had ultra structure variations.
(171) Methods X-ray posteroanterior, lateral, double-oblique and dynamic lateral overflexional and overextensive views were performed on 21 patients.
(172) RESULTS: Most aphasia patients had lesions in the lateral, front and upper part of basal ganglion.
(173) While in neutral and pronator position, the pulling stress is in medial part and the pressing stress is in lateral part.
(174) Short distance lateral migration of oil and gas is the general rule, though vertical migration and multi-stage accumulation and dispersion are not uncommon.
(175) Objective: To perform the rhytidectomy of the lateral canthus in combination with blepharoplasty for aged persons.
(176) To provide anatomic basis for the transposition of the proximal lateral humerus periosteal flap pedicled with the lateral descending branch of the anterior humeral circumflex artery.
(177) On the basis of stratigraphical features and lateral change, 10 sequences have been divided as well as some depositional boundary and tracts.
(178) In epimere poples from the medial to the lateral were popliteal artery, popliteal vein and tibial nerve, ranging from depth to surface in middle, hypomere and external poples.
(179) Pass through watchcase lateral window of face of looking glass of 4 sapphirine crystal, the machine core clarity of wonderful artical excelling nature is visible.
(180) The results strongly indicated that the lateral particle transportation continental shelf was the controlling mechanism.
(181) Wave equation time migration fails to image subsurface geological structure correctly in the case of obvious lateral seismic velocity variation.
(182) Drainage occurs dynamically along the lateral aspect of the nose, cephalad to the lateral crus, toward the piriform aperture and parotid lymph nodes.
(183) Methods Basing on the anatomic study, the author designed the greater trochanter bone flap pedicled with middle gluteal muscle branch of lateral femoral circumflex vessel for the treatment of INFH.
(184) Analysis position, courses of axillary vein, lateral thoracic blood vessels, thoracoacromial blood vessels and subscapular blood vessels.
(185) The forces in operation have the form of lateral or tangential thrust.
(186) An analysis of ionizing-radiation effects on NMOSFET with lateral parasitic transistor was studied by a two dimensional numerical simulation.
(187) Measurements of the terminal segment of the maxillary palp showed a significant interaction between side (left or right lateral) and sex of the insect.
(188) Objective: The study explored the clinical value of lateral episiotomy modified perineorrhaphy.
(189) The wave distribution of soil water along hillslope results from the fluctuation of overland flow , upslope runoff infiltration, and lateral downslope flow.
(190) Objective To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of the extreme lateral lumbar disc herniation.
(191) The inferior and lateral convex border of the stomach is the greater curvature.
(192) Using the gas zone seismic reflection character incorporated with drilled wells to predict its lateral distribution, we have obtained better predicting effects.
(193) A minimum lateral clearance of at least 100 mm from adjacent heat-sensitive furniture or contact surfaces must be observed or thermal insulation fitted.
(194) The simulations of lateral guidance loop applying the new equation to some missile have been carried out to verify the new ideal constraint equation, and the results are fairly satisfactory.
(195) The danger of buckling may be present here if sufficient lateral support is lacking.
(196) Firstly, in accordance with the materials of the vertical static load test of the single pile, the author analyses the laws of the axial force(), lateral friction and end resistance of the piles.
(197) Objective:To study the central receptor mechanism of the curative effect of scalp electroacupuncture on lateral line 1 of forehead in experimental arrhythmic rats.
(198) Find out the lateral and vertical velocity change principle through integrated analysis of the interval velocity data in this area.
(199) This paper proposes a novel algorithm about image segmentation based on the vision lateral inhibition model and statistics of consecutive fields.
(200) In this thesis, first, color spaces and color models are introduced, the Human Visual System (HVS) is explicated and lateral inhibition mechanism is emphasized.
(201) Methods 82 patients with traumatic brain injury underwent operation via subfrontal lateral orbital combined approach.
(202) Objective: To provide anatomical basis for transferring of free musculocutaneous flap and muscular nerve branches of lateral head of triceps brachii(LHT).
(203) Enlargement of posterior fossa with upward displacement of lateral sinuses, sinus confluens and tentorium.
(203) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(204) Here the engine is operating in the state of non- afterburning , the motion of aircraft may be decomposed into longitudinal and lateral mold.
(205) It focuses on analysis, the lack of comprehensive thinking and lateral thinking ability.
(206) In this paper a method of equivalent stiffness is applied tocalculate the critical load for compression bar with lateral struts.
(207) Neurogenesis persists in two germinal regions in the adult mammalian brain, the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone in the hippocampal formation.
(208) The muscle and fascial layers are incised lateral to a rectus incision.
(209) Taken the lateral flexural rigidity of stiffener, the flexural rigidity in its plane and the torsional rigidity into consideration.
(210) The result and complication of microsurgery for left lateral ventricle trigone meningiomas through transparietal cortical approach of 12 cases in last 5 years were analyzed retrospectively.
(211) The features of X-ray examination revealed that the mass was found to be located in the lateral ventricle over the basal ganglion.
(212) Occult thyroid papillary carcinomas often present as a solid mass in the lateral neck, with only a few cases revealing a branchial cleft cyst as the initial manifestation.
(213) A coarse cosmopolitan weed(Amaranthus retroflexus) having hairy leaves and stout, terminal panicles with dense, lateral spikes of green flowers.
(214) Methods: Locating by lumbar vertebrae X-ray, 201 patients with PLID received collagenase injection through lateral angles of canalis vertbralis into epidural cavity.
(215) The circumflex scapular artery runs to the lateral border of scapula, and divides into two terminal cutaneous branches, the scapular and parascapularbranch.
(216) The tomographic inversion of seismic data is better shown in the Talimu Basin and it revealed obvious lateral velocity variation in shallow levels.
(217) Method: 15 adult cadavers (30 sides) were studied on projection anatomy of lacrimal sac on the lateral wall of nasal cavity and the relationship between lacrimal sac and inner canthal ligament.
(218) The afferent connections of the lateral preoptic area in the rat were studied by using the HRP retrograde tracing method.
(219) It is studied the ( lateral ) - torsional coupling vibration on the magnetic tensile force of a generator rotor.
(220) The compensation must be insensitive to temperature and to lateral dislevelment.
(221) This paper proposes a novel peak picking algorithm with binary lateral inhibition network.
(222) Momentum of the injector effluent streams can contribute to lateral flow, either intentionally or unintentionally.
(223) Limb immobilisation led to more cautious rural and urban driving, with less adjustment of speed and lateral road position than when unrestricted.
(224) The behavior difference between mechanical blends and blends prepared by chemical grafting reaction was possibly caused by the internal plasticization of short PLLA and PGA lateral chain.
(225) Leaf blade 3- or 5- lobed , lateral lobes usually as long as central lobe, apex of lateral lobes caudate-acuminate.
(226) Aim:To investigate the effects and the possible mechanism of cocaine on the neurons of lateral habenular nucleus(LHb).
(227) The factors which influence the internal quality of POY including spinneret diameter, module pressure, lateral blow and gather position were discussed.
(228) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) involves upper neuron , lower neuron and corticospinal tract.
(229) D prestack depth migration is an ideal seismic data imaging technique for the area where there occur very complicated geologic structure and severe lateral velocity variation.
(230) Lateral deposits are on the sides of a channel of immediately adjacent to it.
(231) Using additional sensors, ESP not only registers the wheel speeds but also the steering angle and lateral acceleration.
(232) D Localization of Clustered Microcalcifications Using Caudal and Medio - Lateral Oblique Views.
(233) Train travelling load has little influence on the lateral earth pressure on the facing, the vertical earth pressure, and the tied-reinforcement deformation.
(233) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(234) The lateral dimension of the lower part is longer, for example twice as long, than the lateral dimension of the ring-shaped upper end.
(235) Objective: To investigate anatomic feathers of the lateral patellar retinaculum and its role in maintaining appropriate patellar tracking.
(236) Conclusion After the cervical spinal canal internal and external tumor resection, cervical lateral mass plate technique can restitute the stability of cervical spine much better.
(237) Objective To provide data of apical lateral foramina of Chinese people's permanent teeth.
(238) The splenius capitis muscle was found to be significantly different for flexion, left anterolateral flexion, and left lateral flexion.
(239) There are a lot of evidences indicating that the role of actin cytoskeleton in regulating auxin polar transport, which in- duces a lateral gradient of auxin and results in plant organ curvature.
(240) Among the 49 cases, anterior orbitotomy was adopted for 37 cases, anterior orbitotomy with mycteric drainage for 4 cases, lateral orbitotomy for 8 cases.
(241) Progresses to lateral recumbency, opisthotonus, corneal opacity and death in 12 hours.




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