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单词 Rigour
1. They were punished with unusual rigour.
2. The crime will be treated with the full rigour of the law.
3. Her arguments lacked intellectual rigour.
4. Those rogues were proceeded with the utmost rigour of the law.
5. There is a need for academic rigour in approaching this problem.
6. Their analysis lacks rigour.
7. Ferguson has restored the rigour of self-scrutiny to history.
8. A lack of rigour in the investigation.
9. The nature of the privileges suggests the rigour of the previous regime, which was still slow to change in many unions.
10. But the system and rigour is the product of the peculiar institutional and ideological form that science takes.
11. With even greater environmental rigour, harshness itself is a major direct cause of community structure.
12. Few disciples followed him, his purist rigour being unsuited to compromise or the political infighting which wracked the sectarian Left.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. Applying such reasoning in its full rigour would reduce the division between jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional error to vanishing point.
14. The policy of economic rigour and monetary stability, which had kept inflation to around 3 percent, would nevertheless be maintained.
15. This contradictory fidelity to and departure from methodological rigour undermines the already dubious self-sufficiency of discourses of psychology as a science.
16. Some practices may balk at this degree of rigour, especially given the relative scarcity of trained counsellors.
17. The new current affairs series promises to address challenging issues with freshness and rigour.
18. Their research seems to me to be lacking in rigour.
19. The facade of the building at least escaped from rigour.
20. It needs to be conducted with more vigour and with more rigour than has so far been evident.
21. It still goes on, but not with the same rigour.
22. The objective was, however, to search for ways of modelling to improve the rigour of strategic analysis.
23. Regretfully I see in him a nature inclined to harshness and rigour, with little tenderness and forthrightness.
24. But Husserl believed that Descartcs had not employed radical doubt with sufficient rigour: there is only one certainty: cogito.
25. They should also be able to teach highly motivated architecture students to improve the rigour and content of their work.
26. Leavis's judgements were very much his own, laboriously arrived at, and presented with subtlety and rigour.
27. The difficulty with many bibliometric studies is their lack of theoretical rigour, as Gilbert and Woolgar have pointed out.
28. A combinatory method loses some of the prestigious closeness to scientific rigour which a feminist psychology with a conventional method retains.
29. In other words, modular structures do not pose any major threat to subject competence or academic rigour if developed carefully.
30. Incitement, direct or indirect, must be treated with the full rigour of the law.
1. They were punished with unusual rigour.
2. The crime will be treated with the full rigour of the law.
31. Equally important, the need for rigour in approaching a problem of this sort came across nicely.
32. Their criteria of personal responsibility enjoy the fluidity necessary to achieve social policies rather than the rigour demanded by respect for individual autonomy.
33. In the early 1970s the courts applied this test with extreme rigour.
34. Although I favour examination rigour, further restriction on available content will be an inevitable outcome.
35. If you read the writings of Claus Oldenburg you find it has a precision and intellectual rigour.
36. This need not reduce the rigour of the professional disciplines demanded, but it would make the qualifications less technical and inward-looking.
37. This limits the potential rigour of design because the anchor of skill training is the specification of the objectives.
38. If there are viewpoints to consider other than that of shareholders, they should be considered separately and with like rigour.
39. Rigour has a crucial part to play in clarification.
40. His formulation is gravely lacking in mathematical rigour.
41. Ministries of harmonization, solidarity and cooperation, Division, scientific rigour.
42. Hitherto Barchester had escaped the taint of any extreme rigour of church doctrine.
43. Both success and failure are learning opportunities, and there is a rigour in their cold-eyed, weekly analysis, which business has yet to develop.
44. Part of our difficulty is a lack of rigour in Earth science.
45. Rigour is the concern of philosophy and not of geometry.
46. Their research is characterised by originality(), academic rigour and practical relevance.
47. It is not suitable to dodge with the variable density plate in consideration of the rigour environment in space while adopt the adjustable Iris diaphragm with high reliability.
48. They are introducing a discipline and rigour that is missing from most of bioscience.
49. The new sheriff decided to enforce the law with rigour.
50. In Germany, where it was until recently a taboo phrase, it means something like the harmonisation of rigour.
51. The auditor needs to determine that the hazard analysis is being conducted with the necessary rigour.




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