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单词 Causal
1. Don't overuse a causal connective like 'because'.
2. 'Because' is a causal conjunction.
3. He threaded several causal ideas into a charming essay.
4. The causal explanation must be that old age causes poverty, not that poverty causes people to be old.
5. Is there a causal relationship between violence on television and violent behaviour?
6. The report failed to prove a causal link between violence on screen and in real life.
7. Being female has a causal effect in two ways.
8. Which other mechanisms may be causal?
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. Thus the causal model is a two-step one.
10. There is no causal relation between these various events.
11. Clearly, then, a causal relationship would be plausible.
12. These can be compared with the causal processes mentioned.
13. Indeed, the two have a causal relationship.
14. Do all of what we take to be causal circumstances and causes precede their effects?
15. The idea that science does not involve causal connection also faces other difficulties, one of which can be given briefly.
16. Or does the causal level contain factors of another sort which do the real work?
17. Such laws, although sometimes run together with causal laws, are best regarded as otherwise.
18. The causal direction hypothesis predicts that performance will be better on the causal task than on the temporal task.
19. Cause, on the other hand, situates the causal agent prior to the event caused and so requires the to infinitive.
20. The orbital motion of the earth provided a causal explanation for why the planets appeared to meander across the sky.
21. Rawlins stresses that it is impossible to prove a causal link between the drug and the deaths.
22. The correspondent, however, was sage enough to emphasise that the relationship was far from causal.
23. The first casts older people as being almost inevitably poor and this draws a causal relationship between income and later life.
24. The aspiration towards some sort of rational understanding of the causal relationship is probably the best we can achieve.
25. There is also a larger reason for considering the objection about the place of causal and other nomic connections in science.
26. Among the studies that have found that small farms have higher land productivity, different causal explanations may be found.
27. They are thus perfectly suited to the analysis of our beliefs about causal chains or sequences.
28. In some respects there seems not much room for argument about our conception of standard effects and their causal circumstances.
29. In determinist terms, this is explained by the virtually infinite complexity of different constellations of different causal variables in individual cases.
30. In addition, each cost area examined was subjected to a causal analysis.
1. He threaded several causal ideas into a charming essay.
31. Thus, a slightly different analysis / interpretation of the empirical data avoids the strong causal language of the other two studies.
32. That is, to explain the experimental findings in terms of the subjects' account of the experimental rather than causal processes.
33. It is, I think, one of two parts of an adequate account of causal asymmetry.
34. The cognitive model proposes a direct causal link: participation brings about enhanced information on goals, and so performance is improved.
35. In other words, the primary communicative function of causal connectives is to signal causal direction.
36. Some equations, asserted in a certain context or on certain assumptions, have to do with parts of causal circumstances.
37. This causal ordering is depicted in the figure with the arrows and the numbering of each variable.
38. We regularly take it that a causal circumstance is linked by way of a causal chain or sequence to its effect.
38. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
39. Nevertheless, in this two-way causal relationship, poverty is primarily a cause of illness and only secondarily its effect.
40. Consequently, in the intentional mode, there is a complex relationship between causal direction and temporal order.
41. Some courts have however looked to the causal link between the existence of a hearing and the final outcome.
42. The objection, again, is that we do not in our standard causal thinking have or use such an idea.
43. In the longitudinal part of the enquiry, the investigators examined the possible causal role of support.
44. At the causal level, the main argument concerns theory and experience.
45. To calculate the effect of an indirect causal path, the values of adjacent paths are multiplied.
46. Scientists have long recognized that environmental factors play a notable causal role in many cancers.
47. Crucially, therefore, causal explanation is the proper procedure when we engage in natural science but not elsewhere.
48. Thinking too much also creates the illusion of causal connections between unrelated events. Steve Martin 
49. But even if there is not this causal connection, the fantasy does have a causal effect.
50. Explanation extends our understanding of the world, by moving beyond simple observation of events to the causal links underpinning them.
51. Through a series of strategic puns Sukenick associates the collection of evidence, analysis and causal sequence with political totalitarianism.
52. The causal relevance of an agent would be optimally confirmed if it was detected in symptomatic but not in asymptomatic patients.
53. Any one pair of these elements can be causal, and these relationships may change within the period being measured.
54. Therefore, additional evidence clearly pointing to a causal relation between H pylori infection and gastric ulcer disease has to be provided.
55. This way of looking at causal laws is a delicate compromise.
56. They are the very reason why brains, and their complex causal interaction with chemical molecules, have the structures they have.
57. It is indeed true of the given description of the causal circumstance for the house fire that it could be much improved.
58. On the one hand, there were those who argued for a simple causal relationship between education and security in the labour-market.
59. We do indeed have it that a causal circumstance necessitated its effect.
60. They therefore concluded that a lack of social relationships was a causal factor in the onset of neurosis.
61. This emphasizes a causal relation between what A wants and what B does.
62. A general concept can be exemplified by any number of particular instances which need not stand in any causal relation with each other.
63. We want a link between belief and truth to prevent this happening, and a causal link looks promising.
64. They establish correlations and infer causal relations between the social status of these groups and their political power.
65. It is, in sum, that consciousness is not adequately conceived in the given causal and logical ways.
66. A word such as because makes an outright claim of a causal relationship between one idea and another.
67. Religious texts also make heavy use of causal conjunctions such as because, since, and for.
68. The bruise is a direct causal consequence of the bump.
69. There is no important causal connection between the reinforcing effect of a stimulus and the feelings to which it gives rise.
70. We also have it that effects do no more than dependently necessitate their causal circumstances.
71. However,[] we can not even be sure that it has got the causal effects absolutely right.
72. At best it shows only that something similar is happening without showing why, or identifying key causal processes.
73. It is also designed to allow causal analysis of the basic dynamics of any social formation.
74. Motivation is therefore a causal relationship between effort expended, the performance attained and the reward related to the performance.
75. This is the burden of Blalock's views, one of the doyens of causal modelling and quantitative social research.
76. The expansion, or attempted expansion, of genes is seen as the central causal mechanism underlying both individual and social behaviour.
77. The salient causal processes in the creation of this deferential coalfield culture are the subject of considerable debate.
78. The authors explore the idea that causal attributions made by survivors about their experience are an important mediating variable.
79. Intentionality is usually overlooked by causal theorists who tend to see their job as being to sort out the afferent limb.
80. There must also be a causal connection between disability and a substantial limitation on a major life activity.
81. These findings add considerable weight to the claims that emotional arousal is of causal significance to relapse.
82. On the contrary, some can,() and have often been called and regarded as causal laws.
83. Researchers rarely conduct research with a finished model of the causal process they want to test in mind.
84. However, these data combine spontaneous and induced abortions and thus reflect different causal phenomena.
85. Man has three bodies, the physical, the astral and the causal which overlie and interpenetrate each other.
86. This encouraged the authors to argue for some causal role for these specific event types.
87. Draw a causal path diagram indicating the relationships you would assume to exist between these variables.
88. Assumptions required to infer causes Does this mean that non-experimental data is useless for addressing causal issues?
89. The importance of such an outcome is very different depending on where in the causal chain the third variable comes.
90. The achievement of a goal will serve to reinforce the behaviour and so establish a causal connection between needs and goals.
91. Strictly speaking, in what ontological category of things are causes and other conditions, the things which comprise causal circumstances?
92. That would entail the existence of causal relations between such persons, in all their physical complexity, and the divine being.
93. This billiard ball behaves precisely like any billiard ball in the same conditions, and there are causal laws to explain why.
94. These are pairs of things in a fundamental way like causal circumstances and effects.
95. The caveat pertains too to what follows in this chapter, further conclusions about causal relations.
96. The five-year-olds were less prolific than the other groups in producing either deductive markers or causal connectives.
97. So the conditional theory is a generalisation of the causal theory.
98. From these examples it will begin to be apparent that witchcraft is invoked as a causal explanation of irregularities.
99. These causal relations are essential to what they mean: without semantics a language is an uninterpreted formal language.
100. For had the causal factor not been present, everything would have been different.
101. And as such they have no causal or explanatory power of their own.
102. If this causal link is not present the application will fail.
103. Is it then the case that no group of these fundamental quantitative propositions of science can be interpreted as stating causal connections?
104. They would retort that, if rules are causally effective, it must be in the manner of other causal laws.
105. These are not experimental because no causal factor is assumed to be operating in the survey situation.
106. The Synagogue and communal agencies, as has already been pointed out, should have a direct causal relationship.
107. In order to draw causal inferences about the educational consequences of being in care, a longitudinal study has been designed.
108. The rules of the social world are, from a hermeneutic point of view, importantly different from causal laws.
109. In science and journalism, by contrast, conjunctions in general and causal conjunctions in particular are relatively infrequent.
110. Hindu thought concerning the nature of time is well illustrated by the way in which causal relations were expressed in Sanskrit.
111. But the facts do not support any causal relationship between automation(), higher productivity and unemployment.
112. In order to answer such causal questions, careful observation of what goes on is simply not sufficient.
113. These allow for the representation and control of causal relationships such as symptoms and failures.
114. If we want to argue that the causal mechanism is fairly direct, we have to control for similar intervening variables.
115. This theme is echoed by the discrepancy in results between experimental and observational studies of children's knowledge of causal connectives.
116. What is distinctive is the idea that consciousness can be adequately described in terms of causal episodes.
117. The conditional theory is less demanding, and hence escapes some of the difficulties which the causal theory faced.
118. Yet the current view is also that explanation involves an appeal to causal laws and not solely to generalizations.
119. We have in a causal circumstance by itself a complete answer to the question of why an effect occurred.
120. The causal connection between mood-altering substance or behaviour and the damaging consequences continues to be denied and the denial is intensified.
121. In other words it enables one to modify the artificially simplistic notion of clear-cut dependent and independent variables having one-way causal links.
122. Is the meaning account merely preliminary to a real causal explanation?
123. Every blink conforms to the causal laws of this physical movement.
124. This thesis about the meaning of ethical words is presented against the background of a causal theory of meaning in general.
125. Causal inferences are constructions built upon foundations of assumptions, and can not be more valid than the assumptions.
126. Nor have we tried to decide whether rules and reasons can only be considered in a hermeneutic framework incompatible with causal explanation.
127. As we learned in chapter 8, these results could be depicted in a causal path diagram as shown below.
128. Second, the relationship between age and poverty may be the consequence of other causal factors.
128. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
129. Each ordinary causal circumstances is simply required for the effect, the effect requiring it.
130. Let us construct a causal path diagram depicting one possible set of relationships between these variables.
131. There are, of course, profound disagreements between Marxist and elite writers as to the causal factors generating this phenomena.
132. It is in the proposed causal origins of this enduring disposition towards crime that the different theories diverge.
133. And, by the same token, the world will come to be filled with the links in this causal chain.
134. There could be a causal link between demanding social justice and realism as a method, but it is not shown.
135. First, they allow direct and indirect causal effects to be calculated and compared.
136. We can not directly infer a causal effect from a statistical effect.
137. Indicate your views about the likely causal relationship between these two variables by selecting the appropriate percentages in each case.
138. They must be accorded a permissive rather than a causal role.
139. Weight by itself can thus be eliminated as a causal factor.
140. In traditional macho science, scientific explanations stressed hierarchies and unidirectional causal paths.
141. Normally, this result would be explained in terms of the three causal processes of attention decrement, discounting, and assimilation.
142. To take a causal circumstance as having no redundancy is obviously to exclude things wholly irrelevant to the effect.
143. The causal connection between the addictive use and the damaging consequences may be denied.
144. We shall consider two possible causal factors: being female and being in a low status job.
145. Discussion During gastrointestinal endoscopy hypoxia is well recorded, with many different causal factors.
146. They record events past, and the present stands in a causal relationship to the past.
147. The material causal links may not always be readily perceivable, but they are there all the same.
148. This move should call to mind some remarks made in 2.4 about the causal theory of knowledge.
149. The essential question is whether the association between dental disease and coronary heart disease is causal.
150. We are unlikely to have in mind a causal circumstance in this case.
151. In their study, three-to five-year-old children observed causal sequences involving a Jack-in-the-box with two runways into the box.
152. And we could take the causal theory in this way.
153. For example, this is true of classifications and definitions, which typically involve causal conceptions.
154. Table 5.4 summarizes the main evidence marshalled in support of her causal theory of social revolution.
155. Instead, when fully understood, the apparent contradiction may reveal a new causal factor that was not considered before.
156. Good examples of intractable causal variables are those that relate to genetic make-up.
157. The Smith-Thomson critique offers no causal explanation of precisely why shifts have occurred in the balance of community and state provision.
158. During the past decade,[http:///causal.html] much research has addressed possible causal factors.
159. I have latterly been speaking only of causal circumstances, and not causes.
160. More must be true of any different pair of things which in fact are causal circumstance and effect.
161. But the existence of a causal relationship is still debated.
162. Such a projection does not in general preserve causal relations.
163. The slope can be thought of as a numerical expression of the strength of causal effect of one variable on another.
164. This view characterises most sociological explanations of crime, including those that fall into the third category of causal explanation: invention.
165. This is a serious weakness for causal analysis using any of these explanatory approaches.
166. However, the very preoccupation with identifying causal influences begs more fundamental questions about whether contemporaries shared intellectual assumptions.
167. Establishment of a causal role for leukotrienes in the pathogenesis of mucosal damage has, however, remained elusive.
168. This is why vulnerability factors only become of causal significance when a severe event occurs or major difficulties exist.
169. We now turn to causal path models to guide us as we summarize the various causal effects.
170. In both the causal task and the temporal task the children were also given items using so instead of because.
171. These were termed severe events and were assumed to have a causal role.
172. Phenomenologists believe that it is impossible to produce factual data and it is therefore impossible to produce and check causal explanations.
173. There is also a causal connection between the two processes.
174. Discontinuation causal agents and treatment of symptoms is effective.
175. These particular causal factors vary from patient to patient.
176. the causal relationship between poverty and disease.
177. After all are dream and real world had causal?
178. [2] Vincent v. Lake Erie Transport was a superb decision, for there the court was careful to investigate the causal agent at work—in this case, the boat, which clearly slammed against the dock.
179. Causal explanation, the historicist maintains, must also be attempted by social sciences.
180. The identifiability for causal effects under a type of causal model is treated by equation method.
181. To support causal analysis, extended event graph(EEG) is put forward to rebuild the events and their causal relations happened in simulation.
182. Disputes about names since modern logic are between Descriptivist Theory of Names and Causal theory of Names.
183. They denied that there was any causal connection between unemployment and crime.
184. Vonnegut thinks that the traditional novel that follows the causal hypothesis and the ossified notions of time and contents is not suitable to represent the illogical subject—the Dresden destruction.
185. Every singular - looking causal proposition is really general, since it implies a universal law.
186. Conclusion Sell causal - uncertainty is influencing anxiety among middle school teachers.
187. The results indicate that education a causal impact on health.
188. Causal reasoning plays an important role in situation assessment. Finding out the hidden patterns between situation hypothesis and events is the function needed in situation assessment.
189. This paper uses unit root test model, co-integration test model and Granger Causal test model, to analyze the relation between international tourism and economic growth of Guilin.
190. First, the paper obtain corresponding causality by means of analyzing Xi'an real estate development investment and a number of influential factors with the causal theory.
191. Graphical modelling is a new research field in applied statistics. It utilizes the intuitional form of topological graphs to make statistical inferences and causal analysis fur multiple variables.
192. Many verbs and many words of other kinds are implicitly causal.
193. Holmes crossed two compatible races of ceratocystis ulmi, the causal agent of Dutch elm disease.
194. The belief updating algorithm, in singly connected causal polytrees is discussed in the paper.
194. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
195. The Power PC theory was tested by using the concentrative presentation of graph representation of information and the paradigm of comparing causal power.
196. Determinism is the theory that the world, or nature is everywhere subject to causal law.
197. Also it shows that the causal strength of the causal network model can be derived ...
198. He would dearly love to show a causal relationship between culture and imperialism, but cannot.
199. Noise in the sense of a large number of small events is often a causal factor much more powerful than a small number of large events can be.
200. Q : To what extent is desire a causal factor?
201. Objective : To study causal relationship between masturbation and premature ejaculation.
202. Dual infections are common, and all possible causes should be excluded before accepting that the first virus identified is the causal agent.
203. Causal reasoning may go from cause to effect or from effect to cause.
204. On 3 June, business personages and senior government officials paraded along the catwalk in causal business attires.
205. In addition, the argument assumes a correlation amounts to a causal relationship.
206. It is apparent that a strong causal relationship exists between faults and earthquakes.




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