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单词 Recognizable
1. John's car was easily recognizable in the car park.
2. The bird is recognizable by its flattened beak.
3. Little of the music was recognizable.
4. This situation produces recognizable stress symptoms.
5. The building was easily recognizable as a prison.
6. The male is recognizable by its yellow crest.
7. They were recognizable by the poverty of their dress.
8. After so many years she was still instantly recognizable.
9. His face was instantly recognizable .
10. The scheme's benefits were recognizable to all interest groups.
11. The corpse was barely recognizable.
12. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly recognizable landmark.
13. She was barely recognizable as the girl I had known at school.
14. This dinosaur is recognizable by the protuberance on the top of its head.
15. Pollock's style is instantly recognizable.
16. Her voice is instantly recognizable.
17. All the instantly recognizable roads, houses,() trees.
18. Given like that it is instantly recognizable.
19. The while there is no recognizable form to the poem, there is a tight coherence in the thematic development.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. In more or less recognizable weather, more or less recognizable birds are greeting the dawn.
21. The Commissioner is a recognizable national figure, in modern times invariably a career police officer of high ability.
22. The load was covered in tarpaulins, but was recognizable as a gigantic naval gun.
23. These are not mitigated by the presence of recognizable and attractive actors and actresses.
24. The body was found to be well preserved, his features easily recognizable.
25. The original text has been modified so radically that it is barely recognizable.
26. It needs skill to chip a block of stone into a recognizable shape.
27. The Macintosh casing was so distinctive that its visual presence would become as recognizable as a Volkswagen bug.
28. The slam dunk was the final, dramatic proof that women could play a game recognizable to male fans of the sport.
29. Splinters of wood were driven under his fingernails, and his face sustained such mutilations that he was scarcely recognizable.
30. Abnormalities it, urinary but not intestinal excretion of uric acid may produce clinically recognizable disorders of urate metabolism.
1. John's car was easily recognizable in the car park.
2. The bird is recognizable by its flattened beak.
3. The body was found to be well preserved, his features easily recognizable.
4. The original text has been modified so radically that it is barely recognizable.
5. This situation produces recognizable stress symptoms.
31. Among the faces looming out of the night, and through the fog of my exhaustion, my host was instantly recognizable.
32. The most controversial elements of the new law were its provisions defining recognizable and legitimate political parties and groups for electoral purposes.
33. They look like crude, longish pine cones, with bracts clearly recognizable as modified leaves.
34. He was instantly recognizable in the small but influential circle he kept.
35. Instead of tables of numbers, computer-based graphics can give instantly recognizable representations of complex relationships.
36. The most prominent part of that property is Owens Peak, recognizable by its big, white P for Palomar.
37. Without the bags, blood drained on the deck and filled the Huey with a sweet smell, a horribly recognizable smell.
38. I felt confident reviewing a language with recognizable cognates, familiar rules of grammar, even an alphabet.
39. Labour history too has developed into a recognizable historical research area and women's history is following suit.
40. The final category of small towns covers those sites with an apparent element of planning or some form of recognizable street grid.
41. Most of them, though recognizable as paintings, are to a significant degree photographic in form.
42. But most mental illness lacks any clear physical symptoms and is recognizable only from the patient's abnormal behaviour.
43. With other semi-regular stars, the periods are so ill-defined as to be barely recognizable, and sometimes the fluctuations become random.
44. This cast of mind is easily recognizable as the outlook of the traditional ruling class.
45. Whilst most bryozoa require microscopic examination, a few form colonies large and distinctive enough to be easily recognizable.
46. And so rhetoric allows associative feminist psychologists to address psychology from outside, but from a recognizable and relevant perspective.
47. But the recognizable impulse from my headband ceptor drew my attention.
48. In some cases of mental handicap there are recognizable clinical abnormalities as well as low intelligence.
49. In fact polar homeotherms, whether northern or southern, show very few recognizable adaptations for polar living.
49. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
50. The development team, recognizable by their custom-made royal-blue bowling shirts, were accorded celebrity status.
51. The staff, easily recognizable by their distinctive light green uniforms were well in evidence.
52. The file type is not recognizable. Select another file.
53. The early counterfeit cards were crude and easily recognizable.
54. Bad bosses often have a recognizable modus operandi!
55. It's recognizable by its typical wasp waist.
56. It is all a muddling through, somehow, without any recognizable goal in view, and there is no explanation of the scuffle tendered or anywhere procurable.
57. This tree is always recognizable by its extremely beautiful silvery bark.
58. Enter the table name as the name of the check table with a recognizable prefix (for example, JLT_T077D.
59. They acted with such obvious shadiness that they were instantly recognizable.
60. He incorporated their brighter colours and style of painting into a uniquely recognizable style, which was fully developed during the time he spent at Arles, France.
61. A dingbat is characterized as an "ornament, character, or space," and often displays a picture in replace of recognizable font letters.
62. It is only by first naming organisms and then grouping them in recognizable categories.
63. "Independence Day" helped Will Smith become one of the most recognizable - and bankable - actors in Hollywood.
64. As perhaps the most recognizable of all Giacometti sculptures, "Walking Man I" is itself a trophy piece.
65. In this example showing the north polar region, a very recognizable Big Dipper, part of the modern constellation Ursa Major, lies along the bottom of the chart.
66. Few trees get around as much as the aspen (Populus tremuloides), that delicate, white-barked, easily recognizable cousin of the willow and cottonwood.
67. I wanted to be someone, a recognizable personality, a full-blooded, memorable human being, and not just a cancer patient.
68. This was a recognizable disaster to the German Air Force.
69. That unfamiliar yet recognizable look was back again in Gatsby's face.
70. This ID must contain your name, signature and a recent, recognizable photograph.
71. However, sounds that display a recognizable periodicity tend to be more musical than those that are nonperiodic .
72. The first recognizable abnormality is increased tortuosity and thickening of the arteries which may compress the underlying veins.
73. The control may wait until an address is fully entered, for instance, before it interrogates a database to see if it is recognizable as a valid address.
74. They introduce the expressiveness of floral design, each from his own recognizable and individual style.
75. The dissemination of information should be accurate, definite, recognizable and moderate in length.
76. The after - affects of this Iron Thunderbolt have an ominously recognizable ring.
77. Navigators have used magnetic north for centuries to orient themselves when they're far from recognizable landmarks.
78. Perhaps it is the rise in the popularity of body piercing that has made the word tragus a more recognizable word.
79. This brings us to the level of the Freudian subconscious, that the images created by the artist must not be "recognizable, " what de Chirico called "mystery.
80. There should be no confusion about what the name refers to, and it should be instantly recognizable as a managed system name.
81. This proved to be a good move on his part because he has since then appeared in several soap operas and started to become a household name and a recognizable matinee idol.
82. Perhaps her thickened, stiffened body was no longer recognizable from behind.
83. I walked up one road , down another , expecting to stumble on something recognizable.
84. Generally, each window of the interface has a distinctive look that will soon become recognizable.
85. However, the antidromic method is more comfortable than the orthodromic one and can record a better recognizable sensory nerve action potential.
86. Many nuclei have become pyknotic (shrunken and dark) and have then undergone karorrhexis (fragmentation) and karyolysis (dissolution). The cytoplasm and cell borders are not recognizable.
87. He is perhaps the most recognizable man in fashion, almost never seen without his dark glasses, a silver ponytail and fingerless gloves.
88. A green card can serve as easily recognizable proof of third party insurance, for example in the case of an accident, when traveling abroad.
89. The lively and recognizable Tiger barb should never be kept with long-finned species, such as angelfish , gouramis, or Veiltail hybrids as they like to nibble at their fins!
90. Global aphasia is the most severe form of aphasia, and is applied to patients who can produce few recognizable words and understand little or no spoken language.
91. Near the center of every chromosome is an equally recognizable region called the centromere.
92. Depending on the application, the contents of the program's main window may also be easily recognizable (especially true in kiosks and small-screen devices).
93. The bridge beside Tower Hill has become one of London's most recognizable sites since the future king Edward VII opened it in 1894.
94. Egyptian: Type style recognizable by its heavy , square serif.
95. The success made him more recognizable than most world leaders, many of whom fall over each other to curry his favor and be photographed with him.
96. They commonly focus attention upon easily recognizable criteria of action.
97. Some of the most fascinating images on display are of Hong Kong, with a barely recognizable Pedder Street and its distinctive clock tower or Victoria Peak without skyscrapers.
98. Unlike more recognizable white fat, which stores surplus energy, brown fat burns energy to generate heat.
99. Australia's most recognizable icon is dramatically situated on the eastern headland of Circular Quay.
100. What will happen to the U. S. boxing industry now that it is without its most recognizable name and biggest money maker?
101. Typical forms of the two are different and easily recognizable.
102. If possible, look in your own past for points where recognizable new ideas came to you and beneficially changed your experience.
103. Mutual protection against wind is distinctly recognizable at the crown canopy.
104. Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape.
105. It was Brigitte Bardot's "sex kitten" image that made her so recognizable.
106. On January 31, 2004, Haier was named one of the World's 100 Most Recognizable Brands in a global name brand list edited by the World Brand Laboratory, one of 5 world's brand evaluation organizations.
107. Once the existence of this wave-length had been discovered, it was not long before its use as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency for interstellar communication was suggested.
108. The toco toucan, a native of South America's tropical forests, is one of the world's most recognizable birds.
109. Hypertension for which no recognizable cause can be found is called essential or idiopathic.
109. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
110. If a recognizable pattern is present, that pattern may repeat itself, giving us an indication of where the market is headed.
111. The hard-boiled bachelorette, Ma Nuo, has gone on to become one of China's most recognizable bai jin nu.
112. It is a startling sight atop one of the most recognizable structures in Washington: a rope rigger, climbing out on the tip of the 169-meter-high Washington Monument.
113. Whodunit: Next to Batman, the 21st century's most recognizable Sherlock Holmes replicant is the irascibly brilliant Dr. Gregory House (played by Hugh Laurie).
114. Deformation syndrome --- A recognizable pattern of dysmorphic features caused by extrinsic factors that affect the fetus in utero.
115. Verdi's Dies Irae is arguably the most well known and recognizable movement of the work.
116. If the application has a toolbar, It'should also be considered a recognizable signpost.
117. While it is true that there is no enduring entity, no unchanging self that can be called "I, " it is also quite obvious that each of us is a uniquely changing and recognizable pattern of elements.
118. She uses characters that are easily recognizable and her plots develop almost like clockwork.
119. She gave her character a very recognizable high-pitched yet raspy voice.
120. He was still recognizable, but he was not the same person any longer.
121. Garderobes and public toilets were eventually replaced with something slightly more recognizable to the modern day defecator: a box with a lid.
122. Sometimes the color of the ocean changes from its recognizable turquoise to a bottle green and navy blue, depending on the intensity of the clouds above.
123. In fact, it has become the most recognizable symbol of the City of Light.
124. Even though an assembly language consists of recognizable mnemonics and meaningful words, it's not easy to program in. It is referred to as a "low-level language".




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