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单词 Chilly
1. I grew chilly when the fire went out.
2. We swam in the chilly water.
3. The weather grew harsh, chilly and unpredictable.
4. She was beginning to feel chilly.
5. Getting chilly, isn't it?
6. It was a chilly afternoon.
7. I was slightly afraid of their chilly distant politeness.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. He was given a chilly welcome.
9. The visitors got a very chilly reception.
10. It was too chilly for swimming.
11. The bathroom gets chilly in the winter.
12. The speech met with a chilly reception .
13. I buttoned up my coat; it was chilly.
14. It's coming in chilly; we had better go home.
15. The bathroom's a bit chilly.
16. We were starting to get a bit chilly.
17. It turned chilly in the afternoon.
18. It's a bit chilly and empty hereabouts.
19. I felt a bit chilly so I put on a jacket.
20. On the chilly seas, Keats became feverish, continually coughing up blood.
21. The skies were overcast, and it was chilly and damp.
22. His heavy coat besteaded him against the chilly north wind.
23. The rooms had grown chilly.
24. His blue eyes had a chilly glint.
25. It was a clear but rather chilly night.
26. Mary Ann had made an effort at jazzing up the chilly modern interiors.
27. It was an unusual day for summer, damp and chilly.
28. I went to see the sales manager but got a rather chilly reception.
29. If it is dry - cold in winter , it will be chilly in spring.
30. The wind had gone down but the night had turned chilly.
1. I grew chilly when the fire went out.
2. We swam in the chilly water.
3. The weather grew harsh, chilly and unpredictable.
4. She was beginning to feel chilly.
5. Mary Ann had made an effort at jazzing up the chilly modern interiors.
6. Getting chilly, isn't it?
7. It was an unusual day for summer, damp and chilly.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. It was a chilly afternoon.
9. It's coming in chilly; we had better go home.
10. It turned chilly in the afternoon.
11. If it is dry - cold in winter , it will be chilly in spring.
31. I stayed comfortable even on very breezy, chilly days.
32. The telegram came on a gray, chilly April day.
33. The night air was crystal clear and chilly.
34. And something else: something chilly, something that warned.
35. The weather had been getting chilly over the last week and there was nothing unusual about doing this.
36. It had very little warmth but the chilly air was helping to clear my head.
37. It's chilly in the house, even when it's sunny outside.
37. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
38. It was early afternoon but the sun was already low in the sky, the air as chilly as Dowd's welcome.
39. They have to get washed and dressed in a chilly bathroom.
40. Chilly, always taking colds which cause catarrh and sneezing; from every change in the weather.
41. Chilly mornings stretched into hellish afternoons as temperatures hovered around 100 degrees.
42. Temperatures were in the 80s on Tuesday, but it turned chilly Wednesday afternoon.
43. However, instead of being welcomed warmly, Laura is greeted with chilly toleration and ill-concealed resentment.
44. Now he had to put on a wet suit, and emerged after half an hour feeling very chilly.
45. I'm a bit chilly.
46. It was chilly the next night, and the night after that.
47. He was locked in a chilly room as punishment for some misdemeanour and there he froze to death.
48. Shivering in the chilly air, she groped across to the light switch.
49. He didn't understand the profundity of Estabrook's pain; he was too chilly, too remote.
50. Despite the chilly autumn afternoon, she was wearing a thin cotton dress.
51. The afternoon was overcast, gray and chilly for late spring.
52. A fire was needed against the chilly New England evenings.
53. It was getting chilly and the novelty of the river palled.
54. The atmosphere between them was chilly enough for the most naive Girl to notice.
55. For all I know there may have been cool showers, unusual chilly nights and days.
56. A light jacket is good to bring along, as the weather is often chilly this time of year.
57. Blue magnesium flares went spiralling up into the chilly night.
58. Since we had to be on the ship by nightfall, we set off from there in the gray chilly afternoon.
59. The race begins again in the chilly, wet, industrialised north.
60. One chilly evening at a crossroads gas station I offered a ride to a young woman who had missed her bus.
61. She touched Granny's fingers,-and they were as chilly as stone.
62. It's a little chilly out here - I think we'll go inside.
63. After a while, he let his head sink on his arms, deep among the chilly, metal-chased velvets.
64. The patient is chilly and irritable and finds it difficult to cope.
65. Even with the blankets it was very chilly, and in the morning the ground was white with frost.
66. Peering through steel-rimmed spectacles were chilly gray eyes that found little to be amused by.
67. Its breath created rhythmic puffs of steam in the chilly air.
68. It was getting chilly outside,() so we went back into the house.
69. Not all my encounters with the world of academic gamesmanship were so chilly.
70. She raised temperatures in chilly Glasgow with six rapid costume changes.
71. Wednesday, the day of the funeral, was dry and bright but with a chilly breeze.
72. The camp offers almost no protection against the scorching sun and chilly nights.
73. It dipped and fluttered in the chilly air, its wings drab and flaky.
74. We swam in the chilly river of the Titou Gorge where it winds through caverns underground.
75. Max 16C 61F. 19,22,23,24,26,27,28: Fine but chilly night with local ground frost.
76. I was feeling chilly.
77. She had set a match to it during the afternoon, so the room was no longer chilly.
78. He seemed to me huge and shaggy, with his breath hanging about his face in the chilly air.
79. Then he was in the hold, chilly waters around his knees as he sank through the bottom of the boat itself.
80. It was a chilly night, and he had only a thin blanket for warmth.
81. Coins rattled in the tray's money-compartment, then Frankie felt his hands close around the chilly wrapping of a choc-ice.
82. The leaves were radiant in the light, and the cool, sweet air touched the skin, exhilarating and chilly.
83. She managed to climb out of the chilly water and flag down a motorist on the Embarcadero.
84. At once Maxwell was up, yawning, stretching his tall, untanned body in the chilly air.
85. The February early morning was chilly, with a hint of snow to come in the air.
86. Max 16C 61F. 19,22,23,24,26,27,28: Fine but chilly night with local ground frost. Sunny spells on Sunday.
87. On the chilly winter afternoon when I was at Casa Dono di Maria, the doorbell rang.
88. She managed to survive the attack, climb out of the chilly water and flag down a motorist on the Embarcadero.
89. And at training Paul Gascoigne upstaged that prank after being warned there could be some standing around in chilly weather.
90. It was a foggy, chilly day, without sunshine so the sea was murky and opaque.
91. Hot pasties and hot drinks are served below deck at the bar, a comfort on chilly days.
92. Residents stood shivering in the chilly night air as Red Cross officials scrambled to find them lodging after they fled their homes.
93. But the chilly economic climate has made a tricky situation desperate, in two respects.
94. Angus thought everyone looked so chilly that he shivered in sympathy and took a swallow from his flask.
95. I arrived at Victoria Station in early November in misty chilly weather of early night.
96. She was chilly and irritable, liked tasty foods and vinegar, and had an aversion to fat, meat and milk.
97. At night, indeed, it became quite chilly and a fire had to be built in the centre of the hall.
98. Academics whose research found ill effects of divorce on kids faced chilly receptions.
99. The 20-minute ride to the dinner table is chilly; you hunker down, gripping a thick blanket and your companion.
100. It has been better weather this year, if rather chilly at times.
101. The weather was wet and chilly and this run underlines the standard that White is setting in the club this year.
102. The chilly wind of February brought the annual self-denial appeal.
103. She carried a matching jacket, cropped above the waist and short-sleeved, for the Arizona nights had been unusually chilly.
104. Those who remained were chilly, nervous, and unsure of what the police would do.
105. It was a chilly May day, with grey skies and a wind which seemed thirsty for another death.
106. I suspect that some readers will recoil from Jaynes' chilly, offhand assessment of his desiccated marriage.
107. Voice over Not only birds from the chilly Northern hemisphere live at Slimbridge.
108. Here they are in chilly Indiana when they should be in toasty Arizona.
109. The industry standard for shipping produce is a chilly 41 degrees Fahrenheit, he said.
110. Little mascots spread the luck around and warm the crowd on a chilly day.
111. The sun was low by now, obscured behind the wattle of leafless branches, and the air had a chilly edge.
112. If you're feeling brave you can swim in chilly crystal-clear lakes or take a hike in the mountains.
113. White is the pronoun of chasteness, nobility, chilly.
114. I feel chilly without a coat.
115. Chilly on England's west coast. Marvelously tacky here.
116. It's chilly outside; be careful not to catch cold.
117. Cumin Seeds, Cloves, Mustard, Cinnamon Sticks Cardamom , Fenugreek, Chilly, Pepper.
118. ON A chilly day in central Melbourne, Cath Bowtell is courting Labor votes.
119. At the first two years, I went there to experience her beauty in various seasons, the romantic spring, the hottish summer, the fascinating autumn and chilly winter.
120. The sea rapidly erodes this permafrost in coastal zones, a geological process that could have major implications for humans living in such chilly coastal areas.
121. Perhaps they mistook the darkness of this chilly, lowering sky for the onset of night, or perhaps they sensed the arrival of a storm, and so returned early to the warmth of their wooden pigeonry .
122. First, the chilly "Older Dryas" of 14, 700 to 13, 400 years ago transformed most of Europe from forest to tundra, like modern-day Siberia.
123. She stared at the mud - browned chilly water in the lake.
124. These tips can help you safely — and enjoyably — exercise when the weather turns chilly.
125. Crossing the Ohio River on that chilly night, Parker found ten fugitives frozen with fear.
126. The largest city in the Sonoran Desert, Phoenix has a hotter climate than any other major U. S. city, making it a welcome haven for travelers looking to evade chilly temperatures.
127. It has furry soles, short ears, and a short muzzle—all-important adaptations to the chilly clime.
127. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
128. It's getting cold, and one feels chilly when the wind blows.
129. In the chilly autumn wind, the soldiers set out with a mettlesome and handsome bearing.
130. A tall, athletic figure stands in the chilly drizzle beside a used clothing store, his face intent under a visored tweed CAP.
131. It felt slightly claustrophobic and when we got down there it was very chilly.
132. ONE chilly afternoon, my mother dropped by with a small shopping bag filled with fondue forks.
133. It was freezing in the boat. Icy sea spray and rain crept down their necks and a chilly wind whipped their faces.
134. First, the chilly Malvinas Current, a north-flowing branch of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, flows north along the edge of the South American continental shelf.
135. Red Onion, Tomato Yellow Pepper, Chickentikks, Dill Spices, Green chilly , Parmesan Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese.
136. Whistling of the north wind, blowing away all the glitz noise, brought unique chilly winter, quiet!
137. Humid summer air, drawn in from above, was chilly and clingy underground, where temperatures hover around 60 degrees Fahrenheit year-round.
138. A tall athletic figure stands in the chilly drizzle beside a used clothing store.
139. IF THE toco toucan had evolved in chilly Scotland, its impressive bill would have been much more modest.
140. It's activated by spending even a little time in a chilly room.
141. He has heart racing , chilly , heart burn, nauseous and upper abdominal pain.
142. My chilly lips then like a painter's pen kept stroking now touchingly now loomingly on her naked smooth skin, until her dreamy groans flooded my ears and thrilled my heart.
143. Caesar is still so a smiling face of glitter, but the celebration cared chilly Ling Feng then cut up rowdy and had no to rationally lambaste:"You this ......this shameless female!"
144. Kimmirut is not only home to icebergs and sub-zero temperatures, it's also the chilly Arctic home of a small community of around 400 Inuit.
145. The on the face has like is engraved out by the chilly bise of deeply outline.
146. He got up and looked out the window into the chilly street.
147. Maupassant wording and purport of what one writes love is splendid but moving therefore being his adeptest topic of conversation, chilly beautiful but be shocked.
148. Only to be rewarded with the blank vastitude in chilly winds.
149. I was too weak even to grumble. I started to feel chilly . The foster family looked very worried too.
150. Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir were more resistance to chilly.
151. It was a low key low - key arrival ina chilly rain and.
152. Jordan river is chilly and cold, It chills the body not the soul.
153. Poland's chilly attitude towards euro membership began to thaw after a euro10 billion ($12.5 billion) credit line was offered by the ECB to help stabilise the zloty.
154. If the toco toucan had evolved in chilly Ireland, its impressive bill would have been much more modest.
155. The SDS-PAGE of soluble protein revealed that the protein bands were increased during chilly treatment, but this change did not occur in thylakoid membrane proteins.
156. And the creation of the Buddhistic state of chilly loneliness is not only and indication of his sublime artistic interest but also is closely related to Buddhist aesthetics.
157. The afternoon shadows had long since lengthened into evening and the night air had turned chilly.
158. Although jerboas rarely appear on these owls' menus, for the 3-toed jerboa that's it, and then heads for home, not only to avoid any unhealthy attention, but also to avoid the chilly temperatures.
159. The rain spat icily down and we all felt rather chilly.
159. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
160. By contrast, the chilly Californian nihilism of Robinson Jeffers was a refreshing tonic.
161. If the pope hadn't established the new calendar, every 128 years the spring equinox would have come a full calendar day earlier, eventually putting Easter in chilly midwinter.
162. Just hear out the bird in the air twittering its chilly woos.
163. The bee loves, the cotton rose sobs, Liang Zhuhua butterfly, chilly beautiful.
164. The landscape varies from endless sunbaked horizons to dense tropical rainforest to chilly southern beaches.
165. Chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh dispeopled the streets.
166. A tall, athletic figure stands in the chilly drizzle beside a used clothing store, his face intent under a visored tweed cap.
167. My heart jerks with a chilly flash of a windowpane.
168. I feel dizzy [ groggy, listless, sore all over, a bit chilly ].
169. Its massive oaken door stood unbarred. Within was a small chamber, chilly as an ice-house, and walled by Nature with solid limestone that was dewy with a cold sweat.
170. Here in Portland, Jon Van Oast and Megan Kelley invited a dozen friends to a Soup Swap on a chilly Sunday.
171. It often happens that a balmy morning passes into a chilly afternoon.
172. "What complete ridiculousness rules, I want to take him to walk now. "Kill a scar chilly track.
173. Tang Lao is also chilly ugg boots face saw his one eye, Meng 3 Shan Shans a smile:"Uncle Shi doesn't lose temper, I re-cover a house as uncle Shi at once."
174. Although many of the samecold weather running safety tips (like "don't overdress") apply to winter racing, here are a few other things to keep in mind if you're running in a chilly race.




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