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单词 On the part of
1. They suspected this was a double bluff on the part of Cairo Intelligence.
2. The government called for greater moderation on the part of the unions.
3. The accident was caused by negligence on the part of the driver.
4. They said the accident was due to shortcomings on the part of the pilots.
5. The judge did not find any bad faith on the part of the defendants.
6. Several officers had alleged incompetence on the part of the general.
7. He added there was clear culpability on the part of the government.
8. The possibility of a last-ditch on the part of the enemy should not be lightly dismissed.
9. The promise was obtained by duress on the part of her husband.
10. The tendency on the part of the children is to blame their parents for everything.
11. A lot of bad behaviour is attention-seeking on the part of mixed-up kids.
12. What is needed is a change of attitude on the part of architects.
13. There was no misconduct on the part of the police.
14. There is still some reluctance on the part of employers to become involved in this project.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. Any hesitation on the part of the government will be seen as weakness.
16. That would be an astonishingly fast action on the part of the Congress.
17. Guaranteeing the safety of students requires continued vigilance on the part of teachers.
18. The problem arose from a misunderstanding on the part of the French.
19. Accepting the gift was an error of judgement on the part of the party chairman.
20. There was a call for moderation on the part of the trade unions.
21. The accident was the result of negligence on the part of the driver.
22. But this attitude on the part of conservative supporters may also be due to status differences.
23. All progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income. Samuel Butler 
24. The accident was caused by an error of judgement on the part of the pilot.
25. Among the difficulties encountered was a lack of cooperation on the part of the authorities.
26. These reforms are totally untested and will require a leap of faith on the part of teachers.
27. Formerly, the relations between a teacher and his pupils were dominated by fear on the part of the pupils.
28. Some of the wildlife of the water-mill may owe its existence to a rather more conscious decision on the part of some long-dead miller.
29. However, its appearance in June 1975 did not immediately bring about any action on the part of the Secretary of State.
30. Mr. Tom King I have received many such representations and I well understand the depth of feeling on the part of those expressing their concern.
1. The accident was caused by an error of judgement on the part of the pilot.
2. They suspected this was a double bluff on the part of Cairo Intelligence.
3. The government called for greater moderation on the part of the unions.
31. Complacency on the part of the home owner is the most disturbing factor in domestic security.
32. This demands a rich diversity of repertoire and great versatility on the part of our musicians.
33. It was also probably in part a defensive measure on the part of the ego itself.
34. Mr Schrempp was also likely to stress the need for co-operation on the part of unions, suppliers and dealers.
35. This procedure would bring the tune to the foreground without the necessity of blaring on the part of the brass.
36. Hence the alarmed thought on the part of many that he might have taken his own life.
37. Finally, there must be a question about the lack of interest in older people on the part of the creative and recreational professions.
38. Imposing such a structure in baseball will take tough bargaining and unaccustomed discipline on the part of the owners.
39. Information and advice may be different and may require different communication skills on the part of the adviser.
40. Perhaps, more cynically, it reflects a weariness on the part of those subject to multiple restructurings on the apparent whim of new management.
41. In the longer term, that particular barrier is likely to disappear through sheer economic necessity on the part of business.
42. The money was not distributed fairly, but too often financed artificial luxury on the part of a particular caste.
43. What began as a misunderstanding quickly became a deliberate deception on the part of the network.
44. This is only good sense on the part of the bail-bonds industry.
45. Adolescents are very sensitive about pretence, hypocrisy or deceit on the part of their parents.
46. Relationships between workers and managements are much more complex, involving struggle on the part of workers, as well as degrees of cooperation and consent.
47. Friction embraces resistance or resentment on the part of key people who have to implement the plan.
48. This process shows great cunning on the part of Nature, also a good deal of cleverness on the part of George.
49. The individual's employment involves a subjective judgement on the part of some one else.
50. The Act enabled workmen to recover compensation without the necessity of proving fault on the part of the employer.
51. All sociologists have noted this desire, on the part of immigrants' children, to lose the traces of their origin.
52. Coincident with the changing Parliamentary climate was a more positive attitude towards abolition on the part of the Labour Government.
53. Only great eagerness to learn, on the part of the people, will make it possible to overcome immense difficulties here.
54. But the retention plan requires discipline on the part of producers.
55. Pressure on exchange rates in late 1989 resulted in calls for currency stabilization on the part of the leading industrialized countries.
56. The interventionist state has political as well as economic ill-effects by inducing unrealistic expectations on the part of voters and electoral trade-offs between parties bargaining for votes.
57. The key feature of effective mentor schemes is a genuine consistent interest on the part of the mentor for the young person.
58. There are many risks associated with countertrade deals and they may require considerable flexibility on the part of the exporter.
59. On the part of the buyer this includes getting to know complex names and not being intimidated by them.
60. In the second place, it involves some intention to maintain that control on the part of the possessor.
61. The complex patterns of classroom organization associated with the versions of good practice commended in Leeds require considerable skill on the part of the teacher.
62. There seems to be no animosity towards foreigners on the part of the ordinary citizen.
63. The care programme approach was seen to foster dependency in two ways, on the part of clients and on the part of staff.
64. Orfeo had a mixed reception, with predictable hostility on the part of Mazarin's enemies.
65. These are not accidental oversights on the part of the academic community.
66. Only some very quick thinking on the part of Armstrong saved the mission.
67. In each case try to focus your mind on the part of your body that has in turn been made tense and relaxed.
68. Within a few weeks of birth, initial accommodations on the part of the child are usually observable.
69. An admission on the part of the defendant would also help the prosecution case.
70. There is in fact no implied covenant or warranty on the part of the landlord in this regard.
71. The service charge may be in dispute or there may be an inadvertent omission to pay on the part of the tenant.
72. This must be a deliberate decision on the part of Benetton, in order to complement their slogan.
73. Land invasions are a highly militant form of action, which require courage on the part of those involved.
74. Most studies indicate that alcohol is involved, on the part of the victim as well as the perpetrator.
74. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
75. There may well be a tendency for zoning on the part of high-income groups in order to exclude the poor. 5.
76. Thus there is a requirement on the part of the company representatives - the panel or interviewer - to sell the company.
77. Actually the quarrel was largely due to Apollinaire's careless use of terms and to a rather wilful misunderstanding on the part of Boccioni.
78. But here there was no mistake on the part of the defendant either of law or fact.
79. Agency is irrelevant unless there has been some default on the part of the agent which can be attributed to the principal.
80. Might this religion not encourage revolt on the part of the nobles and peasants, as it rather did in 1638?
81. The result of such close attention being paid to community is a growing sense of responsibility on the part of the students.
82. A failure to fulfil this duty on the part of the innkeeper may render the innkeeper liable to criminal prosecution.
83. Alas, his selection would require an improbable U-turn on the part of the Sassenach segment of the selectors.
84. This arrangement requires a certain amount of restraint and co-operation on the part of the dominant males, but it clearly has compensatory advantages.
85. This may sometimes be the result of lack of information and reluctance on the part of the carers to take measures to correct this.
86. More recently, a number of voluntary initiatives have sought to foster a sense of belonging to the community on the part of young people.
87. There has been an historical reluctance on the part of the police to enforce the section, which is perhaps to be regretted.
88. What is to be made of this extraordinary permissiveness on the part of the maternal uncle?
89. Here was a real opportunity to show an unselfish patriotism on the part of the clergy.
90. This stemmed largely from a lack of political analysis and clarity in relation to nationalism and feminism on the part of Southern feminists.
91. Their production requires careful adjustment on the part of the player.
92. It should arise from concern and interest in the counsellee, not from a prurient self-interest or inquisitiveness on the part of the counsellor.
93. Recognizing a manoeuvre on the part of the company to avoid indemnity pay, the workers occupied the factory.
94. There was never any intention on the part of the landlords to exclude the subtenant from possession.
95. The moral courage required on the part of the elderly person to recognise what is happening and not resist should also be saluted.
96. Is there not some obligation on the part of the pursuer to justify his claim?
97. A further consideration which has bearing on field relationships is the extent of participation on the part of the researcher.
98. Once again, this points to excessive use of imprisonment, at least on the part of the Crown Court.
99. It was a perfectly innocent rather charming suggestion on the part of Hindley Foster.
100. Not a secret master plan on the part of the Emperor - but a dagger aimed at his heart?
101. This incurred great wrath on the part of my father, who finally issued an execution order.
102. However, allowing credit to turn into debt is still viewed as a result of inadequacy or recklessness on the part of the individual.
103. An initial reluctance on the part of Galileo to publicize the Copernican system should not automatically be ascribed to fear of clerical censure.
104. The police did not prove any intent on the part of the possessor to use it to cause injury.
105. The range of community relations programmes is impressively wide and is a further demonstration of imaginative commitment on the part of community relations police.
106. Whether the intention was personal aggrandizement on the part of the family or a shrewd step towards industrial expansion is not known.
107. The vitiating feature was undue influence or misrepresentation on the part of the debtor unknown to the creditor.
108. This will in turn lead to confusion on the part of both staff and patient and is likely to hinder progress.
109. Was this because of governmental housing policy or a poor employment record on the part of the bread-winner of the family?
110. Also,[http:///on the part of.html] there is a need on the part of decision makers to assess the relative value for money from competing health care interventions.
111. This negative and careless attitude on the part of the teacher can only help to stimulate a negative response among his students.
112. There is also an apparent marked reluctance on the part of Ministers to agree Moorland Orders.
113. It was an unexpectedly tender insight on the part of the Arabs to accommodate their infants up here where it was airy and cool.
114. The navy yards are religious sanctuaries completely inviolate on the part of the lay public.
115. The most likely way in which a booking contract may be frustrated is through severe illness on the part of the guest.
116. And of course, as we know only too well, it could be the result of a particular action on the part of the pilot.
117. It is binding without any need for agreement on the part of the parties affected.
118. You can get a wife's earned income tax relief on the part of your pension which you earned from your own contributions.
119. This oppressive measure on the part of the authority aroused much anger among writers.
120. However, like it or not, this policy, together with our alternating crewing system was a very wise move on the part of management.
121. How successfully it is done is a matter of opinion on the part of the individual reader.
122. There is nothing like worldly success on the part of one academic to make all the others hate him or her.
123. Mere negligence on the part of the recipient with respect to the safe custody of the thing will not make him liable.
124. The mischievous consequences of the construction contended for on the part of Virginia, are also entitled to great consideration.
125. It is, by itself, little more than window dressing on the part of the Government.
126. This was impressive, showing considerable commitment on the part of the voluntary members and a high level of financial responsibility among the branches.
127. Overall though, gay is good, which is why Sam Snort welcomes the proposed decriminalisation of homosexuality on the part of the Progressive Democrats.
128. Sargant, J. granted the injunction, even though in doing so it would involve considerable hardship on the part of the Council.
129. Financial need, even on the part of a close relative, has apparently never been seen as a situation which required an automatic response.
130. It was a deliberate lie on the part of regulationists to accuse repealers of having no desire to rescue women from prostitution.
131. And we've to ask some very personal questions ... Most of the time I find it's regret on the part of the victim.
132. There seems to be a lack of understanding on the part of managers when it comes to employees' personal problems.
133. Autonomy on the part of employees is only tolerated to the extent that it contributes to productivity and profitability.
134. They represent a considerable achievement on the part of the lesbian and gay trade union groups.
134. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
135. Psychiatrists also encourage self-stripping on the part of their patients.
136. No conversation took place between the three people on the part of the journey between Peterborough and Grantham.
137. There is no continuous evolution towards it; it requires, somewhere along the line, an act of faith on the part of management.
138. A successful no-policy policy requires a great deal of integrity on the part of management.
139. Some see this as racism on the part of health workers.
140. Despite a vigorous campaign on the part of Alan Shepard to get the chimp grounded, the doctors insisted.
141. A combination of lax discipline and hostile attitudes on the part of both parents encourages very aggressive and poorly controlled behaviour in their offspring.
142. Traders get away with such cruel treatment because of the general lack of control and concern on the part of airlines and airports.
143. Negigence was alleged on the part of a senior registrar in charge of a child birth.
144. This is not only false but frequently results in a defensive reaction on the part of the sufferer.
145. Here, then, the doubts about precatory words are reasonable doubts whether they clearly express an intention on the part of a testator.
146. Thus, in discourse analysis, reference is treated as an action on the part of the speaker / writer.
147. They require a substantial commitment on the part of a young person.
148. The alarming increase in media oligopolies has led to a subsequent decline in any need for public accountability on the part of media corporations.
149. There is no need to prove negligence on the part of anyone.
150. The student has to benefit from up-to-date practical experience on the part of the teacher trainer.
151. The difference between a flotation tank and other relaxation techniques is that other methods require effort on the part of the patient.
152. Nothing but the most energetic exertion on the part of the officers prevents them from becoming demoralized.
153. There was no cheering on the part of the men, but a stubborn determination to obey orders and do their duty.
154. In the absence of witnesses, only a confession on the part of the defendant or sufficient circumstantial evidence will substantiate the offence.
155. It rests on a readiness on the part of practitioners to pursue their own enquiries in the very process of classroom teaching.
156. Nor did he have to worry for long about hostility on the part of the gentry.
157. Marriage frequently requires heroic compromise on the part of one or both spouses.
158. It marks a decisive shift on the part of the Sri Lankan government to sacrifice self-reliance for the possibility of increased foreign revenues.
159. This was a source of perpetual embarrassment to the college and fuel for attack on the part of critics in the press.
160. If an invalid contract concluded due to reasons on the part of the employer has caused harm to workers, the employer shall undertake the responsibility for compensation.
161. Nothing in this Article shall affect the right of recourse on the part of the shipowner against any other parties salved.
162. Now, I think the best response on the part of the dualist to this reply is to distinguish two aspects of feelings, two aspects of emotions.
163. This finding, however, may not represent recalcitrance on the part of orthopaedic surgeons to embrace change.
164. " That so-called "Will of God" is more often than not either pure laziness on the part of the resigned one or pure cussedness on the part of the one that is "putting something over" on him.
165. During the experiment,[http:///on the part of.html] the statistics of fecundity of full blood female ticks and observation with anatomical lens on the part of ticks infected by the S. carpocapsae were done.
166. The professor was favorably impressed by the aptness to learn on the part of his students.
167. On the part of estimating the financial risk of the allowanced corporation, the most important factor is that payoff period is too long (28.1%).
168. The lack of justice, duty and social conscience on the part of the writers will lead to the rampancy of pseudo realism and estrangement of the readers from the literary works.
169. This might bespeak a larger appetite on the part of Oliver Hardy and if so there might be an etymological explanation for Ollie's quote.
170. Opening a new window just must dismantle on the part of roof.
171. The whole robbery spoke of inside knowledge on the part of the criminals.
172. Because the main interest of music psychology is on the part of human's behaviors and mental patterns in regard of music, the studies of music psychology eradiate to the related researches.
173. The Chinese exporting forms should guard any default on the part of foreign importers.
174. Emotional input on the part of the literary translator is necessary, but too much subjective emotional input may result in "mistranslation".
175. These API calls each conceptually represent a request on the part of the caller.
176. So there's an understandable urge on the part of researchers to find new measures that will better predict who is at risk.
177. PIERRE BOULEZ. Is there really only lack of attention, indifference on the part of the listener toward contemporary music?
178. An agreement is a manifestation of mutual assent on the part of two or more persons.
179. This kind of work required extreme nicety and minute attention on the part of the workmen.
180. Dominance is maintained by aggressive or threatening behaviour on the part of one animal.
181. Mr. Knox then read a passage from the communique: "The increased activity on the part of the Japanese indicates a major effort to regain control of the entire Solomons area. . . ."
182. The present paper deals with the biology of the parasitic copepod Lernaea poly-morpha and the acquired immunity on the part of the hosts after its infeetion on silver carp and big-head.
183. While a whole life of debauchery on the part of the male sex is considered venial and natural, a single false step on the part of the female is regarded as unpardonable.
184. The Chinese exporting forms should guard against any default on the part of foreign importers.
185. There is, unforeseen by the writer, some lack of understanding on the part of the reader or some fear, bias, eccentricity or perverseness on his part of which the writer is not aware.
186. Fault on the part of the shipper, consignee or passenger concerned.
187. The fault, instead, is with the unimaginatively static pricing on the part of the food retailers.
188. Inflated expectations (mostly on the part of the bride-to-be) about that all-important ring have also pushed prices higher, says Elena Mauer, a senior associate editor at Bridal Guide magazine.
189. This day began with a flurry of uncertainty and worried anticipation on the part of Aileen.
190. Some reckon its failure to unearth masses of new information is down to a mix of mendacious reticence on the part of key witnesses and the pusillanimity of their inquisitors.
191. "I do think there's a desire on the part of the public to see people held accountable, " said Barbara Roper, director of investment protection at the Consumer Federation of America.
192. The disadvantage of this method is that it can take much longer and can take more patience on the part of a falconer .
193. It was a put-up job on the part of us officials.
194. His object was to instigate a little rebellion on the part of the bishop.
195. Why this wavering on the part of some comrades which most people find absolutely uncalled for?
196. On the part of therapist, lack of empathy, negative countertransference, underestimation of the severity of the patient's problems,[] and poor technique all have been associated with negative outcome.
197. An inkling of untoward deeds on the part of Hurstwood had come.
198. This was a genuine popular uprising on the part of the deceived partisans of the Khomeini revolution.
199. It is not certain whether a cut in Semmelweis' finger at the time he entered the asylum led to his death from puerperal fever, or maybe this was just conjecture on the part of historians.
200. The blending of electrical flow with magnetic open hearted movement prevailing in Hawaii up until such a time lead to the experience of joylessness on the part of the Hawaiians.
201. Microsoft rates as critical any security issue that could allow a malicious Internet worm to spread without any action required on the part of the user.
202. The accident was credited to carelessness on the part of the driver.
203. The situation does not immediately lend itself to action on the part of the adviser.
204. Any omission or failure on the part of the Owner's inspector to disapprove or reject any work or materials shall not be construed as an acceptance of any defective work or materials.
205. The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her.
206. Not withstanding any other provision in this agreement, the Employer may terminate this agreement summarily and without notice for serious misconduct on the part of the Employee.
207. The Company may disclaim liability in event of intentional omission on the part of the Insured or his representatives to fulfill the aforesaid obligations.
208. When Mr. Ahmad tried to work on the part of Kashmir that is administered by Pakistan, he found that Map Maker wouldn't allow it.
209. On the part of the picture information source, we do not assume any responsibility, such as your copyright violations, after receiving the notice, we will be working 5 days to delete!
210. Perhaps even more troublingly, the reaction to Wilson's anosognosia on the part of his close associates raises the possibility of an even more problematic impairment — a social anosognosia.
211. Once there is a failed test then it requires sapience on the part of the tester to understand what really happened.
212. The inclusion into the Global Network of Geoparks is a sign of recognition of excellence but does not imply any legal or financial responsibilities on the part of UNESCO.
213. Lamba cooperated with domestic and foreign financial institution, which provide the direct services to NAPA stores on the part of financing and insurance.
214. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) later attributes the mysterious deviation to "A considerable degree of lack of alertness and attentiveness on the part of the flight crew.
215. Retired product sales manager Jenny-Anne wore a strapless cream bridal gown complete with a train and a tiara and took on the part of bride.
216. The "risk sharing" on the part of the private banks and the IFC is one of the major innovations of the program, Debevoise said.
217. Debt-nature swap----The purchase and cancellation of developing country debt in exchange for environmentally related action on the part of the debtor nation.
218. 'There was a real sense of discovery on my part when Paula introduced me to the images and on the part of the museum visitors who were discovering these images for the first time, ' Hollander said.
219. There's a persnickety approach to watches on the part of men that equates to a female specificity about shoes, hair color or beauty treatments.
220. That was probably an unprecedented request on the part of a Reich minister.
221. Discouragement on the part of the high commander inevitably spreads rapidly throughout the whole army.
222. Direct primary repression consists of 'an attitude of rejection' on the part of the Central Ego towards the Exciting Object and the Rejecting Object.
223. Sponging and taking more than one's share and extravagance and waste on the part of cadres must be banned.
224. Intrauterine device (IUD) is a role on the part of the body function of the body with less interference contraceptives.
225. The Pre-Work phase is a self-guided data collection effort on the part of the client.
226. K . This was probably just poor penmanship on the part of a court clerk, however.
227. For several weeks he had been worried by a strange silence on the part of the newspaper storiette syndicate .
228. So the research focus of this thesis is whether there is subjective appraisal apart from objective statement on the part of the reporter.
229. HOW is not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the entrant.
230. One can hardly attribute this mentality, arising from life's monotony and lack of passion, to insatiability on the part of humans.
231. " Would you shrug your shoulders, and write the whole thing off as a "bad debt, " as an unwise entrepreneurial decision on the part of the warehouseman ?
232. In truth, however , the treaty was a bluff on the part of the Asgard.
233. I think these figurate indicate a real shift of interests on the part of American students.
234. It rates as critical any security issue that could allow a malicious Internet worm to spread without any action required on the part of the user.
235. The fault is on the part of the shipping company.
236. Both require quite an expensive metabolic commitment on the part of the insect.
237. There are study on the part of qualities of lysolecithin and the results that lysolecithin have better qualities of wetting ability and emulsion stability than that of phospholipid.




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