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单词 Module
1, They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station.
2, Intended audience programmers, module managers, and quality assurers.
3, All module names must be unique on this page.
4, Repeat the operation specifying a known package module.
5, This does not include the Intrastat module.
6, You should enter a valid module name.
7, Please supply a valid module name.
8, Figure 5.12 Left, the interior of the service module.
9, Changes were made to the command module.
10, Placement of the bass module is particularly critical.
11, This defaults to the current module manager.
12, Swap for rack mounted sound module.
13, The lunar module pilot occupied the right-hand couch.
14, There are no special entry requirements for the module.
15, Consider the atmosphere in the Apollo command module.
16, Please retry with a valid module name.
17, The Alvin is the lunar module of deep-sea exploration.
18, Distribution, however,(http:///module.html) takes place via module names.
19, This module was designed for astrophysics research.
20, You should enter a known module issue.
21, These include viewing the module details and module substate.
22, It is not mandatory to provide any module names.
23, The module referred to by the keyword BUILT-BY is the command file which builds i.e compiles(), links etc. the package.
24, Option 1.8.0, Update Module Details, enables the user to update the details of an existing module.
25, As the command module entered the atmosphere tipped backwards so its heat shield was protecting the crew, the same effect happened.
26, The module will be undertaken on a group basis and self and peer assessment will feature strongly.
27, While one of the astronauts went round the moon in the command module, the other went down to the surface in the lunar module.
28, I have to take a physics course/class. This is called a module in Britain, especially in a college or university.
29, A rescue plan could be achieved by sending an unmanned module to the space station.
30, The two front speakers are wired to the bass module.
1, While one of the astronauts went round the moon in the command module, the other went down to the surface in the lunar module.
31, In addition, some candidates received notification of part success in at least one module.
32, The solution was to transfer to the lunar module and live in that for the remainder of the flight.
33, A final evaluation based on the objectives follows at the completion of each module.
34, A Part Number equal to the module name is automatically assigned for each module name reserved.
35, This version is normally only used by the person developing the module, as it may be untested.
36, Self-assessment is a key feature of the module and students should set targets for themselves based on their initial self-assessment.
37, The only requirement regarding the software itself is that each file should contain a module header.
38, Reserve module names for the package and the new modules which it is to contain.
39, The command module had shown several bugs in its components and a maddening fault with the communications systems.
40, In order to update the details of a module you must be the current module manager.
41, The same problem arose later when the crew had transferred over to the lunar module.
42, The module referred to by BUILT-BY should define the file names which are a result of the building process.
43, You should check the spelling and enter an existing module name.
44, Earlier versions of the scanner have passed this module,(http:///module.html) but the latest version is more exacting.
45, The nature of the relationships is defined by a set of keywords followed by the name of the related module.
46, The examination leading to the Certificate is accredited as one specific module of the Institute's new Final Diploma.
47, The crew could then transfer to the command module for the return to Earth.
48, Only additional module names can be entered or the existing module version ranges extended.
49, Beneath them the underside of the command module comprised a specially designed shield that protected them from the heat of re-entry.
50, You have tried to reserve a module name with the same part number as an existing module.
51, A module password must be supplied if you do not have automatic access to the module.
52, The command module would then descend to the sea on its parachutes.
53, Each module involves 18 hours of lectures, plus additional practical and tutorial sessions.
54, The module will pass over several of the moon's permanently shadowed craters.
55, Apollo 10 took a lunar module along as well and flew it to within nine miles of the surface.
56, The field could also be used to list all hardware on which the module is dependent for its operation.
57, Comet: Siemens Nixdorf has announced a new Eurotax module for users of its Comet financial management and accounting software.
58, A user can only retrieve a module by quoting a package that already has a version of it as a member.
59, It corresponds to the order in which they are described, otherwise the module header will not scan.
60, This marks the approval record in each module, with the caveat as part of the modification record.
61, Jessamyn left the dead woman with her face in her terminal, and climbed on to the top of the command module.
62, A general module which enables the student to acquire basic skills in group music making, using instruments and/or voices.
63, This is user definable and determines which process model the module is to follow.
64, The command module would then use its parachutes to land.
65, It was always thought that the lunar module would essentially be a skin wrapped round the tanks and equipment needed.
66, The second occurs when no previous non-development versions of a module have existed.
67, L Latest - the latest available version of this module.
68, Invalid start module An invalid module name has been specified as the start module for the transaction.
69, Foundation Construction, a code generator for target environments and Foundation Production, a Unix communications module.
70, Motif-based, the three module programme is meant to simplify day-to-day systems management of user accounts, file systems and systems performance.
71, A spokesperson will then either transition the module into a conceptually approved state or hold it back for further work before approval.
72, The coolant could then be circulated back into the command module.
73, It includes Ally,() a document analysis module that details statistics on word occurrences.
74, Module 1 is designed for beginners ie those with no prior knowledge of the target language.
75, The command module also had provision for storing an emergency water supply added.
76, A thesaurus module that is integrated into the software used for database creation, maintenance and searching is particularly valuable.
77, If the latest version of the module is a development version then the package must contain it as Latest.
78, The Morestore can be expanded by the simple addition of a module unit, which doubles the storage capacity.
79, These were grouped into four sets of four placed at 90 intervals round the circumference of the module.
80, Each package would probably equate to a half module and there should be a clear set of prerequisites.
81, Module version information may be restricted to details on approved module versions only, with details on intermediate development versions omitted.
82, The file contains a module whose name is recognised but whose version number is not.
83, The following information specifies all the keywords of a module header, and the required and optional user-supplied information.
84, Assessment: Each module is examined by a 90-minute written examination at the end of April.
85, A product is not a module and does not contain the package.
86, USER-INPUT is an input parameter specifying the module name and information you wish to update.
87, If this attempt fails, the procedure does not process this module any further.
88, If this is not possible, a variant module may be created for inaccessible modules.
89, Rule 2 A later approved version of the module exists.
90, It ensures that different users can not make changes simultaneously to the same module.
91, Loose coupling A loose coupling relation links one module to another module without specifying a particular version.
92, In the film there is a nice sequence shot out of one of the command module windows.
93, If the module is not contained within a user-supplied package, a warning will be generated.
94, From the start there were communications difficulties between ground control and the lunar module.
95, But it requires a 14-inch cubical module to capture bass sounds that elude the small speaker.
96, The essence of these terminals can be changed using a plug-in personality module.
97, A module name can be specified so that only the the names of packages containing this module are shown.
98, Duplicate module names are not permitted and so you should repeat supplying a module name once only.
99, On the Apollo 14 flight a fault developed in the lunar module.
100, It can also specify the password to be used to obtain to the module.
101, These various elements appear in adjustable windows; highlight a word or phrase,(http:///module.html) and the stuff in each module changes.
102, Finally, the Workstation Auditing Module tracks equipment configuration, and also provides software and hardware inventory features.
103, Both records and timetables will contain messages and instructions specific to individuals if invalid module registrations have been attempted.
104, Currently, the outpost includes a half-dozen major modules, including the large U.S. science research module Destiny.
105, Action: Module X exists in more than one user-supplied file.
106, It was doing this by firing the thrusters on the service module.
107, Please retry and specify a known issue of the module.
108, Resits may not be carried forward to another examination session, even if the particular module is repeated and another resit examination offered.
109, As distribution is on a module name basis, the addition of a new version causes no further distribution.
110, To prepare a formatted expense-account form, you would use which module in your Works program?
111, But such an alliance is unlikely given each country's desire to retain control over its own module.
112, This picture was taken before the Priroda module arrived in 1996, but its location is indicated.
113, An example log file for Type Module is shown in Section 10.4.6.
114, Action: The maximum length of any line which can be used in a module header is 255 characters.
115, In all cases the module descriptors are free-standing with clear indications of entry level.
116, The details required are: The module name for the root package.
117, Such relations only refer to the name of the referenced module.
118, To create a Christmas card mailing list, you would use which module in your Works program?
119, Option 1.7.1, View Module Details, enables the user to display information about an individual module.
120, Action: A file of the same name has already been entered in the Module Relations.
121, Manoeuvring While in space the combined command and service module units could be manoeuvred about by two systems.
122, Module Header A description follows of a typical module header, as shown in figure 2.1.
123, These reports include: Module timetable confirming the agreed times and groups and detailing which rooms have been booked.
124, Grumman had installed them on the lunar module assuming that the astronauts would wish to use them.
125, The module manager can be up to 28 alphanumeric characters long, including spaces.
126, Check module is offline by initiating a restore of the module from the offline media.
127, After burial, the first lunar base module is now ready for occupancy.
128, Simply improving the performance of the pattern recognition module will not produce a recognition performance comparable to that of a human.
129, In this case, no time can even be spared to create full module headers.
130, The start of the module header is denoted by the keyword HEADER-FORMAT-IS.
131, Transition: A transition consists of a new state which the module version is set to.
132, Apollo 8 was scheduled to be the first Earth-orbital test of the lunar module.
133, Action Failure to create package module in the supplied working directory.
134, This provides an outline of the purpose of each module and what is expected from students.
135, The mnemonics used in the Relationships Listing map on to the text strings used within a module header.
136, Only in the case of SELECTED-ISSUE, therefore, can the person creating the module header stipulate a specific version.
137, Such a module may be contained in the package as either Latest or Selected Approved version.
138, Exposed to vacuum, the contents of tank 2 evaporated in a flash, filling sector 4 of the module.
139, You start either from scratch or by modifying an existing module, changing colors, shapes and movement.
140, About three days later the command, service and lunar module combination arrived at the Moon.
141, A key feature of the module is that the programme should reflect activities and contexts which the student values and has chosen.
142, Unfortunately the filters used in the command module were the wrong shape to fit into the lunar module.
143, The module is particularly suitable for students with a personal or vocational interest in Home Economics.
144, The module header has a fixed format and must be added as a complete block.
145, The warm water was piped to the command module where it could be used for washing and added to dehydrated food packages.
146, Type Module may only be accessed from the host node in a networked configuration.
147, Coursework record sheets containing the names of all students on a module, with printed columns for the entry of coursework assessments.
148, Standing on top of the command module during launch was the emergency escape system.
149, Figure 4.21 A view of the Skylab station from the command module used in the third and final mission.
150, The canceled habitation module was designed to house four astronauts.
151, Action: An end-of-file has been found within the module header.
152, A specialist module which enables the student to extend his/her musical skills in voice and become self sufficient in rehearsal and performance.
153, Similarly there are a finite number of types of module; source, foreign, package, and pmodel.
154, Electrical power, oxygen, drinking water etc were all produced or stored in the service module.
155, Note that none of the existing module names can be altered using this option.
156, Higher level upgrades require a hardware change accomplished via a module swap programme.
157, Specify a charge code that is accessible to this user, or use a different module owner.
158, To achieve this a user can reference the next approved version of a module in anticipation of that module's approval.
159, Consequently development of the command module continued along two parallel courses.
160, Developers can include support capabilities as a module directly with their products in an Internet-based client/server architecture.
161, If you are happy that a hard copy exists then you may delete the module reported in the error.
161, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
162, Currently this module is being offered to students in Dundee undertaking programmes in business studies and for medical secretaries.
163, The command module pilot faced the centre of the panel.
164, For example, Ami Pro has a charting module that makes it very easy to include graphs in your documents.
165, Figure 5.5 Stages in the construction of a command module.
166, Marks and grade Each module credit carries an assessment weighting of 100 marks.
167, Running across the command module in front of the couches was the main instrument and control panel.
168, The three levels within each module set increasingly demanding targets for students.
169, Only development version number allowed An approved version number has been entered at the new package version or new module version prompt.
170, CustomerQ integrates customer support, call tracking, help desk and product defect tracking in a single module that includes Informix.
171, This time a wicked module of rock jutting from an otherwise clear trajectory rapped my ankle as I sped past.
172, This log file exists for each module name and may be formatted to a file in the users directory.
173, Informally, modules are simply files which include a module header block.
174, However, Type Module is only accessible from the host node of a networked configuration.
175, In many cases this has involved rewording of Learning Outcomes but little change to the basic philosophy of the module.
176, The name of the routine in the defining module interface has an underscore prefixed to the name used in the calling module.
177, Their role was to pull the main three-parachute system from the command module.
178, A first issue number must be specified for every module name entered.
179, Centres should ensure that assessment procedures being used are valid and reliable and in accordance with the information contained within each module descriptor.
180, MODULE-TYPE-IS Every module is one of a restricted set of types.
181, It was modified and then installed on the service module for Apollo 13.
182, Currently there are five modules attached to Mir, listed below in order of attachment to the main module.
183, Candidates must choose three module credits from each of three themed option groups.
184, Package and Product module names can be reserved using option 1.1.1.
185, This module provides a research framework to help teachers examine some aspect of their own professional development.
186, The service module thrusters were also used to establish the barbecue roll that helped to keep the Apollo cool.
187, The centre module displays traffic guidance information.
188, Describe software module specific to a articular embedded project.
189, However, an executable module has only one string table.
190, Thus , the surround module can simply use or.
191, Position locknut over top of fuel pump module.
191, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
192, A programming module of file transport, written in VB.
193, Built - in FM radio module, Chargeable lithium battery.
194, He has 250 students in his microeconomics module.
195, The agitated gas is then funneled through the actuating blaster module, where it is processed into an intense particle beam.
196, A prototype of electronic tunable filter whose cavity is loaded outside with a variable capacitor module is proposed.
197, For example, the surround module might use the echo module.
198, That's a lot of things to keep consistent for a single call -- the interface, the asynchronous interface, the actual implementation, and the module file.
199, My work consists of the design and implement of the query modul and military module , the design of the index and the exchange format.
200, And the main modules of the system contain analog input module, user dialog module, frequency dividing module and isolate-driving module.
201, In still another aspect of the invention, a loudspeaker system includes a first portable array module.
202, Program caused an invalid page fault in module module name at memory address.
203, Then N is said to be a flat A - module.
204, The utility model provides a cable connector assembly, comprising a vertical long shape insulating body, a terminal module, a shielding casing and a plurality of cables.
205, These were all low-level; they only affected estimates at the class and module level and didn't jeopardize any entire thread or subsystem.
206, In order to detect the low-speed weak target in the stationary sea clutter, the clutter-whitening processing module is proposed to replace the conventional MTI filter and Doppler filter bank.
207, With the premium quality philosophy, BISOL continuously introduces technological innovations in each stage of PV module production and PV system installation processes.
208, By using distributed intelligence module, the power substation automation system based on fieldbus realizes the measurment and control of all the electric signals and protection signals.
209, The model of optimum design is introduced. The design objective of minimizing volume and module simultaneously are adopted, and a graded optimum strategy is presented.
210, End of POST initialization of chipset registers. De - initializes the ADM module.
211, One example of a resource kernel implementation is CMU's Linux/RK, which integrates a portable resource kernel into Linux as a loadable module.
212, Based on the mechanism, a user defined statistics module and a user designable report create tool are completed, which make it easy to analyze the data for the user.
213, Convenient access to each element module renders for minimum maintenance time.
214, The system consists of two modules: gating pulse module and high voltage modulation module.
215, The paper focuses on the programming logic, editing commands and the interface module linking the CEDT.
216, Especially introduces data acquisition part and hardware of USB communication module.
217, Establish a complete online elective, the module analysis and testing.
218, The perfectly geometrical simulation module model of warship wake was established.
219, By illustrating the implementation of the module interfaces, node structure and the algorithms of wear leveling and garbage collection, the paper shows that compared with other products of.
220, For the load balancer, scheduling modules implement iterators that are used to walk through all the tasks managed by that scheduling module to do load balancing.
221, The LCD module is driven well by the programming and outputs a good display result, which proves the feasibility of the driving programming and circuit.
222, Copernicus module is a complete 12 - channel GPS receiver thumbnail - sized shielded unit.
223, The trusted computing based on the hardware security module supporting is the platform to enhance the whole security broadly used in the computation and the communications system.
224, We have to make one last change: We need to configure our application to send certain URL requests to the new accounts module.
225, Moreover, the system is expandable, namely, we can append function module and refresh data.
226, The invention discloses an automatic constructing system designed by electronic circuits, including: memory modules and automatic constructing module.
227, The research on the module of preamplifier, A/D voice input, D/A voice output, and controlling of the system is laid stress on.
228, A system designer is only required to do some simple operations in the interface of the module to realize visualization.
229, The module is stated in matrix form, and avoids the complex direct differential of mechanical output expression, resolves the relativity of mechanical output parameter error.
230, The goal of this project is to develop a modular SQL engine (JDBC driver) that can be grafted onto any raw database (such as a large flat ASCII file) through a database module API.
231, This switched network is composed of a central module and some independent switched modules.
232, The system reliability design, work program module and so on perform the bridging function.
233, In developing the telegraphic market with huge potential, source module acted an important role.
234, The JXTA module provided the retractility the strongly and the extense for P2P applications, as the core component of network service of JXTA.
235, Completed the design of servo control card which including the DSP minimal systems, rotary encoder module, D/A converter circuit using the TMS320LF2407A as core control chip.
236, The compact hybrid module combines the hybrid functions of an automatic start-stop system and energy recuperation.
237, Wireless communicating module was used to control the robot by long-distance.
238, Make sure you did not use a module or project name where an expression was expected.
239, The displaying module is designed with serial output of one chip computer, 21 pieces of LED nixie light and 4 pieces of LBDs were lighted up by the way of dyn ...
240, System from state control circuit, data loading circuit, timing circuit, the decoder control module.
241, Currently, I'm the primary owner of the module of Dojo.
242, Integrate Agent System is composed of security control module, data format conversion module, transaction control module, system management module and Integrate Business System interface module.
243, If you use a qualified name, you must specify the namespaces, the module, and the identifier for the program element you want.
244, The experimental results indicate that this primary module of an electronic aeroengine controller is viable.
245, Finally through compiling program, it proves decoding module implementation method and the feasibility of the scheme by supplying experimental findings.
246, It also is embedded module compilation and call in two ways.
247, Cooperative communication between page and module would be available only through specific interfaces.
248, Key techniques of database in knowledge based Engineering (KBE) is given. In this example, LIBRARY module of large CAD/CAM/CAE software CATIA is used as secondary development platform.
249, Reflection emit allows symbolic information to be defined for a dynamic module.
250, It is possible to have a file called spam. pyc (or spam. pyo when -O is used) without a file spam. py for the same module.
251, The invention discloses a negative phototropism module and its pervasion plate structure.
252, Please click Options on the Tools menu, and clear the Break On All Errors checkbox on the Module tab of the Options dialog, before running this wizard.
253, A search module. User can search for toner or cartridge by given the printer name, printer model number, printer type, brand.
254, The export process omits module information as it converts metadata in an assembly to a type library.
255, There are two parts of the access control in the new scheme, one is the dynamic access control in a single module and the other is hierarchical access control between multi-modules.
256, Listing 1 presents the boilerplate module functions, defining the module entry and exit functions.
257, Chinese font LCD Module User's Guide TBM 12864 - 12 , introduced in detail.
258, The B - module MB is said to be obtained from M by extension of scalars.
259, In this scheme, business logic layer is encapsulated by an expanded"Facade", and remote data module is optimized by using two-object pooling.
260, To see which modules are loaded in your Linux system, use the commands lsmod and modinfo for module information.
261, Independent display module lessen project cost and make interface variety.
262, The high speed data acquisition system based on FPGA, which is the core logic control module of the system is designed.
263, This paper presents an automatic module wrapping tool, Module Extender(ME). ME is a relatively independent part of the General Interactive Visualization Environment(GIVE).
264, This program supports people with access to chat rooms, first through the " Settings" module to set user network information, and to opt for chatting to chat.
265, Binary deploy of external SQL stored procedures requires copying the load module from the source server's library to a dataset in the target server.
266, LV12 barcode scanner is supplied as an assembled module with a mounting bracket or as separate components for custom mounting.
267, One of the two PIO's is in a heat armed state and is prepared to replace a failure working module at any time.
268, These key components generally include the antennas, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and DSP hardware module, etc.
269, The system is mainly composed of hardware circuit module such as 89C51 single-chip computer, modulus conversion, driving display, positional switch inputting, controlling key etc.
270, If you attempt to deploy a Java EE application module without a deployment plan, the server will do its best to perform the operation with default values.
271, In the user administration module, you can delete users as administration authority.
272, Turn the wiper module over and remove the nut that secures the wiper motor crank arm to the wiper motor output shaft .
273, Keep the pre - apparatus's advantage, design new software and update hardware sampling module.
274, Simulate the avalanche circuit in series with PSPICE module, design the high voltage short plus generation circuit by avalanche transistor in series for the sweep deflection circuit of streak camera.
275, Papain as module enzyme was microencapsulated with ethocel in supercritical carbon dioxide gas anti - solvent ( GAS ) process.
276, In well-chosen cases, a Pyrex module can run 40-50 times faster than a Python version of the same module.
277, Implementing the policy in block allocation module needs to consider the relation between the rate of data refreshment and the block-erasing frequency.
278, The master module or another specific module can send the data to an external unit like a computer or database for further processing.




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