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单词 Thoroughness
1. She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.
2. The preparations were made with Teutonic thoroughness.
3. His thoroughness and attention to detail is legendary.
4. I was impressed by the thoroughness of the report.
5. I admire his thoroughness.
6. The thoroughness of the evaluation process we went through was impressive.
7. Its books, however, displayed less than Teutonic thoroughness.
8. The appearance is one of thoroughness, but whether the assumptions reflect reality can usually be questioned.
9. It is unfortunate that Mrs Gardner's thoroughness did not extend to laying down the law about insurance.
10. Critics point out the nit-picking thoroughness which legal authorities in the Republic so often bring to bear on extradition requests.
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. Do not lose your thoroughness but try to be more timely.
12. Author George Cagala impresses with his thoroughness, and the book includes good maps.
13. Mr Foster goes through this with acerbic thoroughness.
14. The President was impressed by his speed and thoroughness.
15. And its accuracy. Namely degree of thoroughness.
16. The thoroughness of your examination.
17. Ascension requires dedication and thoroughness.
18. She did her work the thoroughness of reverse details and never quite understands them.
19. Without a confrontation of ideas no clarity and thoroughness can be attained, and that's not good.
20. There's a thoroughness to the historical diagnostic procedure that is sometimes lost in contemporary clinical practice, says Paul Sehdev, an M. D. in his final year of training in infectious diseases.
21. Respected for his thoroughness and attention to detail, Parke holds a PhD in fruit machine gambling.
22. The safety of air travel hangs partly on the thoroughness of baggage checking.
23. Brooks attended to every detail of his churches and Mackmurdo later acknowledged his debt to him as an exemplar of methodical thoroughness.
24. The famous Tiller discretion was instilled into them at the same time as their routines and with equal thoroughness.
25. Ammunition, provender, railway lines - all had been provided with Teutonic thoroughness.
26. Undertaken by the National Children's Bureau, this is a longitudinal study of breathtaking scale and thoroughness.
27. But I also liked her wet, soapy body; I liked to let her soap me and I liked to soap her, and she taught me not do it bashfully, but with assurance and possessive thoroughness.
28. Downright love vs downright hate and repay and the hatred with the same thoroughness.
29. Just like John Morley said that, the degree of thoroughness is a Burke big merit.
30. At this session we have had confrontation , thus attaining clarity and thoroughness in our thinking.
1. She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.
31. The main credit for the success of the test attaches to the thoroughness in their work.
32. If the study of rhetoric of fiction want to gain its comparative independence and thoroughness, the theoretical boundary between narrative and rhetoric study must be clear.
33. John carries thoroughness to a fault; he spends many hours writing his reports.
34. John carries thoroughness to a fault ; he spends many hours writing this report.
35. No German would argue their supremacy in the fields of order, punctuality, diligence, cleanliness and thoroughness.
36. You are taking a gamble on the thoroughness of each contractor's method of estimation.
37. Our system ensures that documents go through a rigorous checking process to ensure accuracy and thoroughness.




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