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单词 Insidiously
1 He had insidiously wormed his way into her affections.
2 This kind of advertising acts insidiously on young minds.
3 Delusions are sometimes insidiously destructive.
4 Osteonecrosis often begins insidiously and is difficult or impossible to diagnose with conventional radiography and computed tomography in the early stages.
5 Corporate yuppie culture is oozing insidiously into the development world and the old order is slowly and inexorably crumbling.
6 Many confined invertebrates secrete slime or mucus that insidiously poisons the fishes and often themselves.
7 Actinobacillosis develops insidiously in soft tissues.
8 A cave - in is waiting insidiously at the mountain foot.
9 The Yuuzhan Vong invasion began insidiously , with secret agents sent to gather information about the galaxy.
10 Insidiously, our seasons are predicted to change, increasing rainfall in some areas, drying others up.
11 The danger, of course, could insidiously dull the sharp edge of problem solving.
12 These drugs act insidiously.
13 The various classes have also begun Morning Reading, insidiously reading sound reverberated in the campus.
14 In this manner, AIDS appeared insidiously and mystified doctors and scientists alike.
15 Insidiously they had spread the word that Mr Whitelaw was not up to the job.
16 But over the years, this pattern slowly, insidiously, became a problem. Mr.
17 This disease may develop insidiously, with fever as the only clinical manifestation.
18 Slowly, insidiously, the fog of the everyday has returned to enshroud me.
19 When she emerged into the car park the bitter cold enveloped her insidiously; it had been so much milder in Keyhole.
20 For example: Children's poetry , nursery rhymes , children's songs, fast - paced, insidiously catchy, easy for students to accept.
21 The longing to take advantage of his offer began to haunt her insidiously.
22 To introduce or otherwise convey ( a thought, for example ) gradually and insidiously.
23 With the hosting of the summer Olympic Games being insidiously exploited for flagrant political ends, it was virtually an undeclared war sneakily waged on China.
24 The onset may not be accompanied by any of the acute signs but may appear insidiously.




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更新时间:2025/3/11 19:13:21