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单词 Sacrosanct
1. Freedom of the press is sacrosanct.
2. Weekends are sacrosanct in our family.
3. You can't cut spending on defence that's sacrosanct!
4. In India, the cow is a sacrosanct animal.
5. I dig myself into my sacrosanct shrine.
6. None of these dates or examples is sacrosanct.
7. They distorted the sacrosanct free play of competition.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. Marriage is no longer sacrosanct - in fact, it isn't even seen as necessary.
9. What one pilot holds as sacrosanct routine, another pilot disdains.
10. The principle of individual user autonomy was sacrosanct in the day centres generally and the Contact group in particular.
11. Through the sacrosanct medium of competition, it put everyone and everything in the right place.
12. The advocates of Centralism use narrow, sacrosanct criteria in shaping how to organize.
13. Recipes accepted as great and sacrosanct are not always compatible with sense.
14. History is taking a beating and sacrosanct tour records are being kept in pencil.
15. But some things are sacrosanct.
16. LESTAT: I'm afraid, madam, that my days are sacrosanct.
17. Jobs, sacrosanct in Japan, were eventually shed.
18. Indeed, even exporters are not sacrosanct.
19. Philip Glass is ignorant of an immutable, sacrosanct urtext.
20. I'll work till late in the evening, but my weekends are sacrosanct.
21. I'm willing to help on any weekday, but I'm afraid my weekends are sacrosanct.
22. The complex negotiation skills believed to be necessary for higher management functions were sacrosanct.
23. As far as I was concerned these were absolutely sacrosanct, especially when working in the Klondyke ports for period of up to twelve days.
24. In our society, however, children are held in theory at least to be sexually sacrosanct and inviolable.
25. The suggestion is that the central core area should be absolutely sacrosanct with slightly less stringent restrictions as you spread outward.
26. It was easier to see the ball during that sacrosanct fortnight.
27. What could be more postmodern than probing the hitherto sacrosanct inner workings of science?
28. All value systems are products of human social evolution, and have periodically been declared sacrosanct by various religions.
29. Once crowned, his position had divine sanction, was regarded by the church as sacrosanct, and so was considerably strengthened.
30. A spiritual void needs to be satisfied, so what is offered as serious and sacrosanct must be as good as it pretends.
31. Yet Social Security today is still sacrosanct.
32. Make that block of time on your schedule become sacrosanct , and never let it be violated.
33. Two concepts were sacrosanct: first, that tax cuts would be self-financing, and second, that financial markets could be self-regulating.
33. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
34. Mr. Sarkozy has made some headway with unions, recently chipping away at the sacrosanct 35 - hour workweek.
35. That does not make monuments sacrosanct (you will search in vain for a German military cemetery with a swastika).
36. That effectively defined the cell clusters as human life and declared them sacrosanct. Mr.
37. There are, however, philosophers who overdo this line of thought , treating ordinary language as sacrosanct.
38. Philip Glass is ignorant of establishing an immutable, sacrosanct urtext.
39. The lower half apparently does not matter, but the top half is sacrosanct.
40. My weekends are sacrosanct.
41. The fox was very quick-witted and pretended to be sacrosanct .




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