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单词 Dropping
1 Constant dropping wears the stone.
2 Constant dropping wears away a stone. 
3 Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away. 
4 Dropping dead has no terrors for me.
5 constant dropping wears the stone.
6 He's very awkward, he keeps dropping things.
7 We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets instead of bombs.
8 The apple tree leaned to the field, dropping its flowers on the grass.
9 He was clasping the vase tightly, terrified of dropping it.
10 She's been dropping subtle hints about what she'd like as a present.
11 The heat was overwhelming and people were dropping like flies.
12 I was dropping with fatigue and could not keep my eyes open.
13 He's always dropping off in front of the TV.
14 People were dropping like flies in the intense heat.
15 Sales have been dropping off badly.
16 The lecturer faltered after dropping his notes.
17 Standards of morality seem to be dropping.
18 Men were dropping like flies in the intense heat.
19 To tip well in dropping heavy.
20 They were always dropping by, usually without invitation.
21 He was dropping off a late birthday present.
22 He felt his dark mood dropping away.
23 She kept dropping off at her desk.
24 They saw enemy paratroops dropping from the aeroplane.
25 Don't sully the radio by dropping.
26 I tripped over, dropping the tray I was carrying.
27 Many students are dropping in to classes.
28 Add milk to produce a soft dropping consistency.
29 He felt hot tears dropping onto his fingers.
30 I'm dropping round to Kate's later.
1 Dropping dead has no terrors for me.
2 He's very awkward, he keeps dropping things.
3 We were still playing at war — dropping leaflets instead of bombs.
4 The apple tree leaned to the field, dropping its flowers on the grass.
5 He was clasping the vase tightly, terrified of dropping it.
6 She's been dropping subtle hints about what she'd like as a present.
7 The heat was overwhelming and people were dropping like flies.
8 I was dropping with fatigue and could not keep my eyes open.
9 Sales have been dropping off badly.
10 They saw enemy paratroops dropping from the aeroplane.
11 Add milk to produce a soft dropping consistency.
12 Just a bit of a mouse's dropping will spoil a whole saucepan of broth.
31 U.S. planes began dropping bombs on the city.
32 It's all well and good for him to say he's sorry for dropping you, but has he told you why he did it?
33 She encourages people to keep their jobs rather than dropping out to live in a commune.
34 Then she told them she was dropping out of college. That really set the cat among the pigeons.
35 They are dropping out and trying to find new ways of living.
36 This was one of the factors that led to President Suharto's dropping of his previous objections.
37 He had no qualms about dropping players he thought were off form .
38 She spent most of the day dropping in on friends in Edinburgh.
39 My watch still hangs together dropping from the second floor.
40 It really makes me cross to see people dropping litter in the street.
41 Since they have been allowed to choose their own courses,() many more students have been dropping in to classes.
42 Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers.
43 The book is unpretentious; it can present names without dropping them, and the tone is contagiously warm.
44 The dropping of the first atom bomb marked a new epoch in warfare.
45 He's being blamed for dropping a massive political clanger .
46 I'm always dropping things.
47 Miles had been dropping heavy hints about the cost of petrol.
48 It was stated that standards at the hospital were dropping.
49 The manager has no qualms about dropping players who do not perform well.
50 "Dropping the charges has given racists a licence to kill," said Jim's aunt.
51 There used to be over twenty of us in our aerobics class but they're dropping like flies.
52 It really annoys me when I see people dropping litter.
53 She got herself out of trouble by dropping Laura in it.
54 Just a bit of a mouse's dropping will spoil a whole saucepan of broth.
55 Eventually my weight stabilised at seven and a half stone after dropping to a low of five and a half stone.
56 It's just three weeks into the season and players are dropping like ninepins.
57 The demand for mobile phones shows no signs of dropping off.
58 I've just cleaned the floor, and you've messed it up again by dropping bits of paper everywhere!
59 Britain is increasingly dropping behind her competitors in this field.
60 I repeated them until I could recite seventy stories without dropping a word.
61 Just as I was dropping off, a strange thought crossed my mind.
62 Choppers were dropping ammo boxes inside the perimeter.
63 Prices dropping High-speed modems are really dropping in price.
64 Inflation under control, unemployment dropping.
65 Her hands shake constantly and she keeps dropping things.
66 Our kids are dropping like flies.
67 Dropping the wing, Mungo swung round, losing his balance.
68 He's dropping the charges against Jamie.
69 Allied planes began dropping bombs at midnight Tuesday.
70 Do you remember any 49ers dropping passes this season?
71 There was no point in dropping everything and quitting.
71 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
72 Admits commuters are dropping out but blames the recession.
73 Players from both teams are dropping like flies.
74 Livestock are dropping dead in the fields.
75 Dropping hints here, dropping names there.
76 But their levels are dropping dramatically.
77 You can be fined £100 for dropping litter.
78 Averages were dropping every year, as were graduation rates.
79 Importantly, dropping out of college has not deprived him of academic qualifications.
80 Just the thing to stop you from dropping down dead after strutting your stuff to the latest chart topper!
81 Moira screamed and ran away from him, dropping several books and a protractor.
82 Why not something else equally apparently arbitrary, such as blowing bubbles, or dropping pebbles?
83 Dropping down on to all fours, she came swaying over to sniff at little Arcas, who lay asleep in my arms.
84 To prevent this happening chemical agents known as sequestrants are used which bind up the residues preventing them from dropping out of solution.
85 There were sudden sharp sounds, a fir cone dropping to the ground, a seagull.
86 Dropping Trent's neck rope, he scrabbled for the pistol in his belt.
87 But the bills were dropping on to the doormat and I felt I had no choice.
88 And while you may not swear or shout aloud, your writing slows, words dropping stiff and stilted.
89 The Empire army is vulnerable to large terror-inducing monsters dropping on it from above.
90 The white man was picking up and dropping little cans on one of the shelves.
91 I was dropping with fatigue - mainly because I could not sleep, even for two hours between treatments.
92 This entailed either groping her or standing in front of her and dropping his trousers.
93 You can find freshwater ones in most streams simply by dropping in a piece of raw meat or liver.
94 In the following year membership reached a peak, before dropping away in 1938 and 1939.
95 The regulations on dropping GCSEs were recently extended to include the most able teenagers who want to focus on particular subjects.
96 Safin still indulges in some fretting and head hanging, racket dropping and occasionally racket kicking.
97 He drew on it, then took it out of his mouth and nipped the end off before dropping it on the floor.
98 Meanwhile, powerful United States Army helicopters continued dropping massive concrete blocks to hinder the lava flow.
99 And many blacks argue that the difference is not a matter of economics, particularly with computer prices dropping.
100 She felt her eyelids dropping and woke just in time to feel her hand being tugged towards the throbbing drums.
101 Joe was in top form, spinning stories, issuing pronunciamentos(http:///dropping.html), dropping withering quips at every opportunity.
102 Children are failing exams and dropping out of school in colossal numbers.
103 Even those who had jobs found their standard of living and their real income dropping.
104 The Nasdaq Composite Index fell for a third day, dropping 8. 60 to 990. 22.
105 Early in the welfare debate, assorted government agencies began putting it about that the teen-age birth rate was dropping.
106 Dropping hankies is out and we can hardly leer at gentlemen from behind our fans, can we?
107 The wind was howling and the temperature was dropping fast.
108 She took the train to Wellesley, in nervousness dropping her money on the platform.
109 But recently, Brothers' pilots have flown over Havana, dropping leaflets urging protests of the Castro regime.
110 Snakes sometimes caught their prey here by dropping from above.
111 A meeting of factory chiefs at Misano on Thursday, showed a majority were behind dropping the rules.
112 Ed was talking about dropping out of school, but Mom and Dad put their foot down.
113 It tells of homes set aflame, planes dropping turpentine bombs and the wanton shooting of unarmed black men on the street.
114 Mastering Macintosh would be as simple as dropping a couple of pieces of whole wheat into the Sunbeam.
115 They suffered 25 percent performance-related pay cuts, dropping to £996,000 and £740,700 respectively.
116 She kept fidgeting with her bonnet, dropping her hat-pin, taking off her gloves and putting them on again.
117 Certain corries are always favourites for dropping calves and, if known, should be avoided at that time.
118 If a 260 tennis coach followed this philosophy, students would practice dropping the ball for a week.
119 Slimmed workforces and dropping city office rents have seen to that.
120 They just ran, Delaney leading, dropping from deck to deck until they reached the engine room ladder.
121 Parr looked at the exposure of her inner thigh with a dropping sensation.
122 With most programs it's as simple as dragging and dropping the file.
123 Sega and Sony are gearing up by dropping the price on their hardware to $ 199.
124 As they saw this wonder each looked in terror at the other, and dropping their eyes they prayed silently.
125 There were the heavy rooms for dropping acid or taking mushrooms.
126 My handling skills have always been reasonable in all sports, and I managed to complete the exercise without dropping a ball.
127 One elephant put an electric fence out of action by dropping an uprooted tree on it.
128 In the make-up room she collapsed into a chair, dropping her head into her hands and groaning heavily.
129 A pin dropping in the attic would have shattered the silence.
130 Probably to be considered all night, he thought bitterly, dropping off to sleep in his clothes.
131 Jump along the window ledge, dropping down to spray the bin, now jump the three aliens.
132 A gas dropping in pressure also drops in temperature - the principle behind the household refrigerator.
133 Antonia, as the year pressed on, was gradually dropping off the map.
134 It was he who recommended that the fire be extinguished by dropping sand mixed with boron and lead on to the reactor.
135 Thanks to the warming influence of the Gulf Stream, the climate is also mild, temperatures rarely dropping much below freezing.
136 Lamarr jumped back dropping the broken pieces and with blood all over his hand and face.
137 Although it would be a tough year for sure, revenue was not dropping anything like as much as the bookings percentage.
138 They teased teachers by dropping books near them, giving them a fright.
139 He plays in a definite way, dropping off scrums into a defensive pocket.
140 Dropping her soap-bag on top of the folded clothes, she slammed the case lid down and ferociously snapped the fastenings.
141 Dropping a combined 76 tons in a city the size of Philadelphia is hardly an impossible task.
142 She then unbuckled her right, and stood up, dropping the scalpel into a pocket, just in case.
143 The crew light the fuse before dropping the mortar shell into the mortar.
144 Grocer profits While other retailers are dropping like flies, supermarkets are making fat profits.
145 Although the dropping of the charges was a big story, it faded as quickly as the Cowboys in the playoffs.
146 They should be dropping like flies, but that hasn't been the case.
147 Their idea is to create forests by dropping saplings, packed into dart-shaped containers, from airplanes.
148 Others have programs geared specifically toward helping boys avoid dropping out of school.
149 After dropping out of Harvard, he went on to become one of the richest men in the world.
150 They were Mo Taylor getting himself rolling consistently toward the basket and dropping in finger rolls and jump shots.
151 If it doesn't want to do something it will refuse to, probably by dropping stitches or jamming the carriage.
152 I had my first good bite, a two inch lift then the indicator dropping like the clappers on a slack line.
153 The team, suiting up just eight players, started January by dropping five games.
154 She kept dropping hints about her birthday, just to make sure none of us forgot about it.
155 Plus sea urchins and crabs dropping from the beaks of high-flying gulls who swoop down to feast on them.
156 After dropping down towards Affric Lodge a good track follows the loch shore back to the car park.
157 And they are doing it in an era that has seen dot-coms dropping from the Internet tree like rotten apples.
158 After 10 days and three predictable victories they were promoted, thanks to Woking dropping a point.
159 Dropping the Brownie Annual, Jenny ran up the dale alongside the river as hard as she could go.
160 Plummer spun round, almost dropping the bottle and his glass.
161 Calvin says he started dropping some into his morning coffee.
161 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
162 Standing all day on the wet clay floor under the dropping ceiling in the faint light cast by tallow candles was grim.
163 Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, or do you toss and turn for hours before dropping off?
164 The party's share of vote was squeezed, dropping five points from 1987 to 18 percent.
165 The numbers of students in full-time education in the West had been dropping since the 1970s, and this trend continued.
166 After the lessons on the environment, children deposited much more litter in trash cans, rather than dropping it.
167 Now they were steep walls of water dropping like guillotines on to the reef.
168 Dropping down into the galley for a carving knife, he cut the rope loose from his neck.
169 When his son Matthew was temporarily crippled with polio, Guinness took to dropping in to church and praying.
170 The computer industry is one of the few where the cost to the consumer keeps dropping as power increases.
171 Rosie at once scrambled to her feet, the marbles she had in her lap dropping and clattering over the polished wood floors.
172 Teenagers were dropping out of school in huge numbers, until a group of parents and teachers decided to do something about it.
173 He screamed with pain, dropping the jacket, twisting around to see Luke swinging his arm back and over.
174 To a certain extent it still relies on your dropping the bait on the same line that your tackle is lying.
175 I was being supported by a U. S. Alr Force gunship, which was dropping flares and firing around my perimeter.
176 And try to minimize contact, she suggests. Write memos instead of dropping into his office.
177 They are parasitic on fish, feeding on the blood for three months before dropping off as miniature mussels.
178 Gary hands over the change and unwraps the fish, emptying them on to plates, dropping chips on top.
179 Clicking on a directory will open it, clicking on a file or dragging and dropping it should start the download.
180 In a few hours, you will find the pollen dropping and you can proceed as before.
181 Novels may have changed, but dropping hints about your will remains a sure-fire way to annoy your nearest and dearest.
182 It stops them from dropping out and makes them look longer and thicker - I think it really works.
183 She drooped miserably into the farmhouse, dropping her bag of rehearsal clothes on to the floor.
184 In Anton he saw a wary young man who was afraid of dropping the cool pose he had carried until now.
185 Now these students will be able to use the time freed up by dropping GCSEs to focus on practical skills.
186 After dropping off tanks of liquid oxygen to fuel the next ship, you re-enter the atmosphere.
187 I did not find that dropping him home caused me any trouble with him at school.
188 The central bank would probably like to delay easing until at least one headline-grabbing bankruptcy confirms the damage done and inflation starts dropping.
189 Price Waterhouse, it seems, was not just investing in the Prudential by dropping the audit fee by 14%.
190 Ever the experimentalist, Fermi busied himself dropping pieces of paper in an attempt to determine the strength of the blast.
191 Last week they played a new noise that was obviously the sound of a ball dropping into a roulette wheel.
191 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
192 Cottage and village hall ceilings come high on their list of favourite dropping places.
193 She half-ran, half-walked, taking a wide curve around the villa and dropping back down towards it on the western side.
194 Dropping the robe off her shoulders, Anne turned to a full-length mirror.
195 One physics task involves pupils examining which laws of physics apply to packages dropping down a parcels chute.
196 No more lamp all night long, or neighbors dropping by.
197 Giglio is equally charming, although you need to be careful when dropping an anchor.
198 Helen piled bricks up in front of the stove, climbed up on them and began dropping the clothes in.
199 She shook her head, cleared the table, dropping off stuff behind the counter, talking some to her father.
200 Why were they dropping out at a higher rate than any other ethnic or racial group?
201 He would arrive with scraps of fabric dropping from his waistcoat, bits of lining from his corduroy trousers.
202 One of the Kissers was still dropping an occasional tiny egg.
203 Nutty got a glimpse of Gloria and Seb, jaws dropping, as everyone started to jeer and clap.
204 The Irvine-based concern had approached Poway and Santee officials about selling the parcel after dropping plans to build 65 luxury homes there.
205 Moreover, battered women often wind up dropping the charges as reconciliation with the abuser.
206 She kept dropping off for a few minutes, before waking with a start.
207 The snow had come again, its veil dropping between Gentle and Pie.
208 Let us return to our sphere of particles dropping in a gravitational field.
209 Doug slowly tore up the report before dropping the pieces in the wastepaper basket.
210 Through the smoke he saw the balloon dropping, its basket swinging wildly.
211 The blue-barred stag twisted away from the steel and found height, dipping like a lapwing, and dropping for a head shot.
212 And sometimes, he even toys with his long-running fantasy of dropping out of the business and becoming a film director.
213 The cliff was sheer, dropping down to secret rocky coves below them with the sea gently lapping white sand.
214 The Huey was dropping now, heading into the nauseating spiral of a combat landing.
215 He had been unscrewing the grille, dropping the books into the duct behind, and replacing the grille.
216 But the shy and introspective Allen habitually returned to his bachelor pad - after dropping in to kiss the children goodnight.
217 Fold in flour and baking powder then add enough milk for mixture to have a soft dropping consistency.
218 Otis flew over the column, dropping flares to help the nearly blind tanks and APCs navigate the rough terrain.
219 His body ached all over and the wounded arm felt as if it were dropping off.
220 He could hear vehicles moving along the road, dropping storm-troopers off at regular intervals as they started to search the forest.
221 The Nasdaq Composite Index fell for a third day, dropping as much as 10. 53 to 988. 29.
221 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
222 This misplaced sycophancy is compounded by a mass of aristocratic name dropping.
223 She waited until it had stalked away before picking up the remains of the Geiger-Muller counter and dropping them into the holdall.
224 She took aim at the sniper, but his roof collapsed under him, dropping him into the fire.
225 "Deliver the package" is pilot lingo for dropping a bomb on a target.
226 These arms lifted the dray vertically, drawing it forward and dropping the beam axle on to carrying brackets on the tractor chassis.
227 His hair was cut short with a cowlick dropping over at the front, like a freakster.
228 It's despair that anyone can even contemplate the idea of dropping a bomb or ordering that it should be dropped.
229 The surface cratered with the constant dropping of water.
230 The Karachi stockmarket reacted by dropping 3 %.
231 Burning embers started dropping from the ceiling.
232 Just because Hurt and Pyle have to stick close to the scientific data doesn't mean there's no room for interpretive creativity, and they're not above dropping in an Easter egg here and there.
233 In Greece(), fire - fighters are using water - dropping planes to douse blazes on the island of Samos.
234 The samples foam and expand during the combustion process, and they carbonize and extinguish right after being deviated from fire, without melting and dropping and with low smoking.
235 The carbamido lubricating grease having additive function provided by the present invention possesses high dropping point, fine anti-corrosiveness and abrasion resistance.
236 On the principle of similarity, the early slag flow in dropping zone is investigated hydraulically with an experimental set-up locally analogues to a blast furnace.
237 The amount of ozone-eating chlorofluorocarbon in the atmosphere is dropping faster than anyone expected; the chemicals should peak around the year 2000, then decline.
238 Attendance figures had been steadily dropping, creating a mood of doom and discouragement among theatre directors.
239 Unfortunate is, good, it is laborious website administrator reduplicative content is deleted in once dropping into filter place to search engine.
240 The experimental models of rat kidney with mechanical trauma were prepared by striking the area of rat skin reflecting by kidney with free dropping ferreous hammer.
241 When applied soon after injuries, for example bruising, being pinched in door frames, hammering one's thumb, dropping heavy objects on one's toes, etc.
242 The main neck is fitted with the dropping funnel with its stopcock open.
243 Patients received antispastic treatment, abatement of fever, dropping intracranial pressure as well as antiviral treatment 53 patients were cured, 11 were improved, 3 gave up treatment and 1 died.
244 Three steps are needed by using "total number of rising and dropping oxidation number" to balance equation.
245 According to the view of the traditional microeconomics, the price dispersion in the cyber-markets should descend along with the dropping of research cost.
246 She kept dropping stitches.
247 Meanwhile, United Nations plans to start air dropping food to rural villages are being held up.
248 Either that or you stressed her into heart failure. Bp's dropping. Heart rate, 47.
249 He put the shoes back and undressed, dropping his clothes on the four-poster bed.
250 We finally stopped dropping into first gear at all on the pavement which.
251 Finally the root-knots rotted,(http:///dropping.html) and dropping of etiolated leaves and the die back of the branches occurred.
252 The orange tree leaned to the field, dropping its flowers in the grass.
253 If the vehicle is running with the tailboard open, cargo dropping and traffic accident could occur. Please raise the tailboard after working.
254 In the experimental group, patients were treated with lying knee-chest position after using the dropping retention-enema.
255 Taiwan is currently enveloped in the cold air mass with temperatures continually dropping as expected.
256 He spied the beetle; and dropping tail lifted and wagged.
257 The buff color cactus besides has the sterilization, the clearing heat and detoxication function, has its unique function, is can fall the fat to lose weight the voltage dropping.
258 The Medivac Dropship improves the effectiveness of drops because dropping Medics too at no extra charge.
259 At Christmas the visitors began their circuit of dropping in on the eve of the feast day.
260 Taking the water dropping scheme - the large-diameter vacuum deep well water dropping used in the pit construction of a grade separation and subway project as an example, the artic.
261 This all sounds marvellous: an experienced, competent manager, with no complicated baggage or political agenda, dropping in to fix something at a reasonable day rate, and then disappearing again.
262 A "Blue Louise" granite table floats off the kitchen island acting first as a bar elevation and then seamlessly dropping to a lower elevation where it serves as the units primary dining area.
263 In recent years(), an unknown disease has caused the pomelo (Citrus grandis) fruit seriously dropping in Ruili city of Dehong prefecture.
264 The animals shed weight, dropping an average of about 14 percent of their corpulence.
265 Dropping the TreeTop orange on the way to the picnic.
266 Theoretical analysis is used to analyze shaft drilling lining's vertical stability problem in floating and dropping phases, its stable equilibrium is proved.
267 By effectively pruning the SPC, we propose an effective fault dropping technique with a backward selective tracing scheme.
268 The sensibilization due to extraction preconcentration on dropping mercury electrode are discussed.
269 Coyote of the "Road Runner" cartoons, who runs off the cliff and finds himself suspended in air before dropping to the valley floor.
270 Seventy-three percent of America's welfare recipients were covered by these reforms, and the welfare rolls were dropping.
271 A few musicians were hanging around after a gig at the Legion and were dropping nickels in the pinball machine.
272 Years after stumbling upon15) his first marimba and dropping out of college to make a better one, Ron is still hard at work trying to create the perfect instrument.




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