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单词 Count on
1. I count on your help.
2. If there's anything I can do, count on me.
3. Can I count on your loyalty?
4. You can count on me.
5. Sorry I'm late, I didn't count on being held up in the traffic.
6. We hope we can count on your continued cooperation and support.
7. The government thought it could count on the support of the trades unions.
8. He had always been able to count on her wise counsel.
9. I didn't count on his capsizing the raft.
10. You can always count on Michael in a crisis.
11. 'I'm sure he'll help.' 'Don't count on it.'
12. Can I count on your support?
13. You can count on Dean to ruin any party.
14. We can't count on this warm weather lasting.
15. We can count on the weather being fine.
16. We can't count on him telling the truth.
17. You can count on Sam not to grass.
18. She could count on the fingers of one hand the people she actually enjoyed being with.
19. You can count on him for a truthful report of the accident.
20. I can always count on you to cheer me up.
21. If you set no count on workers,() you set no count on your parents.
22. Few people can count on having a job for life.
23. Don't count on other people to help you out of trouble.
24. Don't count on Lillian.
25. We didn't count on so many people being on vacation.
26. As long as the operative word is "greed", you can't count on people keeping the costs down.
27. With luck, you might cover your costs, but don't count on it.
28. There's never a taxi when you want one - that's the one thing you can count on!
29. If I go ahead with the plan, can I count on your backing?
30. He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business.
1. I count on your help.
2. You can count on me.
3. Sorry I'm late, I didn't count on being held up in the traffic.
4. We hope we can count on your continued cooperation and support.
5. The government thought it could count on the support of the trades unions.
6. He had always been able to count on her wise counsel.
31. Count on fresh, high-quality fish.
32. If she could only count on her shot tonight.
33. I hope we can count on his active support.
34. Count on the fuzz to fuck up.
35. You always count on him to make plays.
36. As a leader in the Senate, you make progress by making promises others can count on.
37. In the north, the party can count on fairly widespread support.
38. You've got to understand that we can't count on the Shah any more.
39. The assumption was that she would bring in a number of new people whose loyalty she could count on.
40. Thus the military conspirators could count on a growing area of civilian support.
41. This would allow Congress to count on the savings without ever voting to alter the index.
42. Perhaps he could count on Paul Quinn, a stalwart of the 9: 15 liturgy planning team.
43. As he recalls, Holder told Quinn that he hoped he could count on his support if Gore were elected.
44. You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once. Robert A. Heinlein 
45. He hopes he can count on your continued support, for the good of the campaign and of our country.
46. I can always count on Gail to be supportive when things go wrong.
47. If Lavinia was to be won Aeneas could not count on any help from his future father-in-law.
48. We have always been able to count on you to bring a fresh perspective to the table.
49. Mr Rodrik's second point is that non-democratic countries can not count on the same trade privileges as democratic ones.
50. General Bourbollon obviously could not count on the support of the entire military.
51. Will there be a power struggle between Parks and the business side in their presentations to Willes? Count on it.
52. The new mode is to learn when the learning is needed, not to count on learning in advance.
53. For most of his pastorate, Jim could count on Father Ed Dougherty to articulate the opposing view.
54. You can count on the fingers of one hand the times Mr Kinnock has jumped in among the public.
55. In addition to the Democrats on the panel, Lake can probably count on the support of moderate Republicans, including Sen.
56. You can count on Laura Linney, but not on the mundane script.
57. At least we can still count on self-interest as a predictable factor ... I suppose it's the last to go.
58. Now, I could count on the thumbs of my right hand the times I've forgotten myself in a theatre.
59. And the kids have a buddy system they can count on.
60. Everyone could make friends and count on seeing those friends again.
61. Even when the waters recede, the town will count on aid from the World Food Programme for at least three months.
62. There were at least three Senators he could count on for verbal support, if nothing more.
63. You count on Elarton and Reynolds, then cover your head and hope about Lima.
64. I said I would count on him to give some of the money to Abigail and Gary.
65. So even when he'd got the drop on them they could still count on messing him around somehow.
66. They can no longer count on maintaining their dominance in the jeans market.
67. What I do is count on the element of surprise.
68. They also count on $ 10 million in tax increment financing via the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.
69. You can count on him to get the work done on time.
70. As a bonus, we can count on the slimmer, trimmer body and healthy glow that come from regular workouts.
71. On the other hand, no one can really count on a corporate paycheck in the nineties.
72. Westmoreland was wrong to count on his superior firepower to grind us down.
73. Finally comes settlement, but don't count on this to pay your accounts at the end of the month.
74. Bankers say their concerns might be eased if they knew how much government financial support the farmers could count on.
75. And Magic can count on more pitfalls before his team is back to prominence again.
76. But of course it was easy to be indifferent about them herself when she could count on Helen to spruce things up.
77. It's not how many friends you can count, it's how many of those you can count on. Anthony Liccione 
78. Students can count on company help to gain qualifications Tidy the desk, flick off the lights, and leave the building.
79. You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else. Winston Churchill 
80. I knew I could count on his understanding.
81. We could count on benevolent understanding.
82. Bruce can no longer count on unequivocal backing upstairs.
83. Americans today count on their public schools to be free of expense, open to all,() and devoid of religious sectarianism.
84. Our hands have 10 digits to count on, so a decimal system follows naturally.
85. Ensure accurate inventory records and perform stock count on the yearly basis.
86. Aries, the sign Uranus will settle into, is a fire sign like yours, dear Leo, so for the first time in a long time, you can count on staunch support from a major planet.
87. Aphid count on plants in fields do not correlate with virus spread in the same fields.
88. You have to reckon with our opponents; Count on the monsoon.
89. I know you set no count on Jack, but I like him.
90. If you read of an experiment with real developers working for a week, and this shows an improvement in quality of design when using TDD, can we count on the results?
91. Don't count on a salary increase this year, ie You may not get one.
92. They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine.
93. Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples dont count on harvesting golden delicious.
94. Medvedev says the government's economic planning should not necessarily count on a return to higher prices.
95. Focusing on the AODV routing repair strategy and based on the hop count on the base path and the destination node, HAODV maintenances a repair area around the base path within certain number of hops.
96. So she readily lets herself come to count on the protection, love, assistance, and supervision of others, she lets herself be fascinated with the hope of self-realisation without doing anything.
97. You can count on me because I always deliver goods.
98. If they really count on the Taiwanese people, they must not misjudge the situation.
99. We still count on you to enforce maritime law and to fight drug smuggling.
100. Those who act irresponsibly must not count on taxpayer dollars.
101. It seems that yesterday the character count on the character copy page got a reset, maybe it's just a test, maybe it means we can expect the 2.4 patch on PTRs today.
101. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
102. My Sergeant Major said that we could count on you.
103. The Guo Burong happily laughs: Don't have to count on I tell you, this is Luda constructs the most formidable man-made solar experiment.
104. What you didn't count on was the heist and the two dead bodies.
105. "He (Reinfeldt) usually cuts his hair himself, so I don't think he (Patzer) can count on a visit," Reinfeldt's spokesman Oscar Hallen said.
106. The other is so impotently placed away from the main action of the game that don't count on it or it'll break your heart.
107. "Don't count on it. " answered the fellow in the ceil, " I'm the groom.
108. SunPower, which was bought in April by Total, an oil and gas giant, for $1.4 billion, can also count on good credit lines and access to markets.
109. You can always count on Bill for a pound or two when you are in difficulties.
110. Reilly was informing everyone at the Shanghai auto show that, while the China unit obviously could not count on big capital injections from Detroit, growth plans are "self-financing."
111. The world is flat, the network is open. Don't count on you always having the Sunday punch that others don't have.
112. You can't count on him to help you. He's just a man of straw.
113. For the rest of 2009, you can count on the planet Jupiter to mark Capricornus' whereabouts in the sky for you.
114. In the Breakpoints window, right - click a breakpoint, and then click Hit Count on the shortcut menu.
115. Until that happens, inhabitants of low - lying islands shouldn't count on the wind to keep them dry.
116. Bryan isn't the type to go off at half cock. You can count on him.
117. But year in, year out, we can count on some pretty smart people in Washington, on Wall Street, on Main Street and all over the world, to do some pretty dumb things.
118. That means that, even in an aging society, Sen. McCain can't count on the oldster vote, even as Sen. Obama is relying on the youth vote.
119. I will count on his help when facing the Samurai.
120. A journalist visiting a working archaeological site usually can count on a grand tour of the "dig", a tortured plot of ground covered with grid markers, tools and heaps of dirt waiting to be screened.
121. We tested the impact of mail document size and count on CPU usage.
122. In my experience, I can count on one hand the amount of times I have been involved in a filming that used a real film camera.
123. The difference is subtle, and the end result is the same, but if you use the terms currying and partial application interchangeably within earshot of a functional programmer, count on being corrected.
124. It is often the case that the car insurers in Singapore count on a guide called BOLA which stands for Barometer of Liability Agreement.
125. Little as the Vander Luydens encouraged unannounced visits (Sentencedict), he could count on being asked to dine.
126. In Tamil culture brothers take care of their sisters count on them.
127. Don't count on the bumper to hold up during a low-speed collision. And that fender-bender could be costly.
128. But considering the size of the yield gap between China and the European Union or the United States, I don't think China should count on help arriving very quickly.
129. Until then, I will keep enjoying simple pleasures - such as the spring sun - until I can count on a regular pay packet again.
130. You can thus count on the bullion price to rise as Treasury bond yields are increasing.
131. I count on all of my players and those on the field today did fantastically.
132. People will second-guess your specific decisions; you can always count on that.
133. When the timer is fired, the reference count on the structure is incremented, because the last thing you want is for the data structure to be freed before the timer expires.
134. You may be stubborn, but your steady demeanor makes you someone others can count on. You're also a sensualist who loves good food, romance and material goods.




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