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单词 Phone number
1. I scribbled his phone number in my address book.
2. Tom, do u happen to know Mary's phone number?
3. May I have your phone number?
4. Could you give me your phone number?
5. I'll just look her phone number up in my address book.
6. I'll just jot down their phone number before I forget it.
7. She scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper.
8. Dave made a note of her address and phone number.
9. My phone number is six o four double two .
10. If I don't copy the phone number down, I'll forget it!
11. Could you jot your address and phone number in my address book?
12. Their phone number is four-seven-double 0-five .
13. The secret number is my phone number in reverse.
14. Give me your phone number before I forget .
15. Foolishly, I didn't write the phone number down.
16. I'll let you have my new phone number.
17. Do you have her new phone number?
18. She copied the phone number into her address book.
19. How often do you give your phone number out?
20. Do you still have Julie's phone number?
21. Tell me your phone number again.
22. What's your phone number ?
23. I noted down his phone number.
24. Did you write down Jo's phone number?
25. I can't remember her phone number.
26. Please give your name, address and daytime phone number.
27. I left my phone number with several people.
28. The company has for some time printed its phone number on its products.
29. Much to his surprise she gave him her phone number.
30. Hold on the phone for a second. Let me find a pen to write down your phone number.
1. I scribbled his phone number in my address book.
2. Tom, do u happen to know Mary's phone number?
3. May I have your phone number?
4. Could you give me your phone number?
5. I'll just look her phone number up in my address book.
6. Hold on the phone for a second. Let me find a pen to write down your phone number.
7. She scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper.
8. Dave made a note of her address and phone number.
9. My phone number is six o four double two .
10. If I don't copy the phone number down, I'll forget it!
11. Could you jot your address and phone number in my address book?
31. I scribbled his phone number on the back of an envelope.
32. Can I have your phone number in case I need to get in touch with you?
33. "Did he leave a phone number?" — "Oh, yes." She copied it out for him.
34. I stupidly made the mistake of giving them my phone number.
35. He asked me for my phone number and I drew a blank - I just couldn't remember it.
36. This phone number is only for use in an emergency.
37. The least you could do is give me her phone number.
38. I can give you her phone number, if you like.
39. He wrote his phone number on a piece of paper.
40. We hunted down their phone number and gave them a call.
41. She scribbled down her phone number and pushed it into his hand.
42. Do you have an address and phone number for him?
43. I slipped up and gave you the wrong phone number.
44. I flipped through my address book but couldn't find her phone number.
45. My phone number is five, double oh, seven, six, six.
46. He took down my address and phone number and said he'd phone back.
47. Just plug in a phone number.
48. Please include a daytime phone number.
49. Give a phone number if at all possible.
50. She knew their hotel's phone number.
51. I can't believe I already forgot his phone number!
52. Would you like my phone number?
53. Do you still have her phone number?
54. Write down your name, address, and phone number.
55. Ann's phone number is 555-3234.
56. Call the phone number on the correspondence and explain clearly why you do not owe the tax.
57. There was no phone number listed for the old seminary that opened on to a cobbled courtyard above the Praia Grande.
58. A mystery phone number turned out to be a White House trunk line.
59. The man did not think that Boy ever gave his address or phone number to anyone.
60. Henry kept repeating her phone number to himself so he wouldn't forget it.
61. There'd be a seedy little office somewhere with a phone number given only to those in the know.
62. It doesn't seem to matter that the reader has my name and could easily get my address and phone number.
63. Most entertainers give out cards with their own or the agency's phone number on it.
64. Give your name, address, daytime phone number and flight details in your letter, and enclose that original receipt.
65. The Boca Raton police department gave him the name and phone number of a bank officer who could be reached in emergencies.
66. He'd agreed to ring her and had omitted to leave a phone number.
67. Please include your name, address and a daytime phone number with your question.
68. How much to allow phone monopolies to charge customers who want to switch to competitors but keep their old phone number.
69. I was supplied with her phone number and advised to contact if any problems arose.
70. He sits there sucking on a dead cheroot, staring at the board like he's forgotten a phone number.
71. Sorry, I scribbled her phone number down, and now I can't read my own writing!
72. Customers must provide only their name, address and phone number to be eligible.
73. She tore a page out of her diary and wrote her phone number on it.
74. Just state which competition you want to enter and leave your answers along with your name, address and daytime phone number.
75. Others give you nothing more than a password and phone number.
76. The rescue service works like this: You are given a reference number and a free phone number when you register.
77. I've always been cautious about giving people my phone number.
78. I had transposed the last two digits of her phone number.
79. Our eyes are going: we printed Freedman Sharp and Associates' fax number rather than its phone number.
80. Mind you(), failure to display a phone number doesn't make them instantly dodgy.
81. The 53-year-old financier was a regular, his phone number on file.
82. A computer looks at the phone number and decides whether any of the participating fax machines cover the destination.
83. After several tries, Lou finally reached Sylvia at her office phone number.
84. Remember to include your address and a daytime phone number, where possible.
85. I notified the police on site and passed on my phone number to all diving parties present.
86. Provide your daytime phone number so the interviewer can reach you, Snow suggests.
87. Wait till the captain comes out and tells us that the phone number I gave him is a flophouse up in Portland?
88. The agencies don't list an address,[/phone number.html] but give an 088 mobile phone number through which potential clients can reach them.
89. A telephone directory has value because of the energy it saves a caller in finding a particular phone number.
90. Call 404-222-8268 and leave a brief message, your name and a daytime phone number.
91. I also took the opportunity of giving them Mr Connon's phone number so they could contact me if they wished.
92. To comply with the intermediate advert requirements the advert must include a full postal address or phone number. 8.
93. I tried to call the company, but the phone number had been disconnected.
94. A make-up lesson at Glemby will cost from £10.50 - phone number as before.
95. I return to Cambridge drained, with a pack of photocopies and Lynne Robbins's phone number.
96. Can you stay the cellular phone number for me?
97. Please repeat the phone number slowly, sir.
98. I know his phone number by heart.
99. The phone number be on the company notepaper.
100. My business address and phone number is printed on the card.
101. The destination phone number entered will determine which normal phone, internet phone or Web PABX system the caller will be connected to.
102. Standing there was a deputy sheriff who handed him a piece of paper with the phone number of a hospital.
103. USA phone Number A USA phone number is a numeric identifier used to call from one to another in a public switched telephone network.
104. It would be your social security number, your address, phone number, bank number, American Express, everything.
105. An emergency phone number was entered. Press call . Or press the Cancel key to cancel.
106. Never use anyone's real name or real phone number when posting on a BBS.
107. Mr. Dimon needed to figure out where his division head was eating and get the phone number of that restaurant.
108. What was the last known address and phone number of the practice of this psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.
109. Just like Google Voice, Ribbit gives users a new phone number or they can use call forwarding to transfer calls from their mobile phones to Ribbit's platform.
110. The free beta software also adds some general fixes and changes, such as a new call control toolbar, an easier way to save a phone number and visual improvements when placing a call on hold.
111. The tags even have a serial number and a toll-free phone number consumers can call to check.
112. She scribbled her apartment phone number on the back of a business card.
113. Every time I try to remember my phone number, I draw a blank.
114. Validation is a very common use of regular expressions, for anything from a phone number to a ZIP code to a custom account number format.
115. Any boor with a fax machine and your phone number can deluge you with unwanted documents.
116. I gave your phone number to my friend's telemarketing company.
117. The business card design needs to consider the location of logo, company name, employee name, title, address, email and phone number and, offset, business reference number in smaller font.
118. This organization's attractor is that it has a physical location and phone number.
119. Your mobile phone number is registered with your Windows Live account. Now you need to start the service.
120. Tootle does not have a listed phone number,[Sentencedict] and jail and sheriff's records do not list an attorney for her.
121. All materials should bear the writer's name, address and phone number andbe published under pseudonyms.
122. Many voice browsers will identify the phone number from the number format and correctly output the digits as a phone number, rather than say, for example, "nine hundred" or "six hundred and six".
123. Need to extract a zip code, phone number, or quoted string? Try Nathan's solutions.
124. One can query the phone number attribution process, support for the latest segment number.
125. Talk on the telephone after you are comfortable giving your phone number.
126. Please tell me the area code and the phone number.
127. Type in "poison center, " for instance, and you get the toll-free phone number for poison emergencies.
128. Can you tell me the phone number of the inquiry office?
129. The business records section of the report did not turn up my position at Computerworld or my business phone number.
130. It contains an author ID, author name, display name, email, phone number, body, goal, role, subject, categories, is-private, a modified date, and a created date.
131. The first trace program gives a view of the City's area code, but the camera zooms in before it can be completely determined, leaving the phone number as (3?2) 555-0690.
132. Does anybody know, Tianjin, Hebei District, Admiralty Park, River Street, Haida Ming bottom merchandise to that of Beijing and Tianjin Ticket Center phone number incorrect?
133. Our phone number and email in large font or as a stylized image somewhere on page.
134. On the signature card she printed her name, address, home phone number, social security number, driver's license number, date of birth, occupation, and her employer's name and address.
135. Please keep us date if there is any change of mailing address or phone number.
136. Let me jot down your phone number before you leave.
137. Hello! Please dial Sub - phone number, please dial zero to check the number!
138. I think I have her phone number in my little black book.
139. Remember to include your country code and area code when writing down your phone number.
140. Dial any phone number present in the edit text property.
141. To make a long story short I ask this girl Friday to give me her phone number so that we can get together the next day.
142. To demonstrate how to use XSLT and Java for validation, I use a simple transformation of a registry containing employee details, such as name, phone number, title, and gender as sample input.
143. eBay has two fields for phone number, including an international code.
144. A good example here is a telephone number, which cannot be associated with an explicit address, only identified as another phone number for the record.
145. Calling Number forced to show your password, three seconds to break a show caller's phone number, with calls number, date, time and number of Qualcomm.
146. If you require a full size scanned copy, please send us ane-mail with your name, address and land line phone number .
147. For example, in Figure 1, all phone numbers are stored in a dedicated phone number table (MEMPHONE), while person names are stored in a dedicated name table (MEMNAME).
148. Each machine is assigned a host number, which is sort of like a phone number.
148. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
149. Dan you tell me the phone number of the inquiry office?
150. If off-site storage is used, give name, address, phone number, contact person and type of products stored at off-site facility.
151. I can look up her phone number in the phone Book.
152. FCC designated local phone number in the United States for traveler information.
153. Do not openly publish your phone number as there is a conman on a prowl for victim.
154. "This week I will watch the Ryder Cup, but will not appear in Valhalla , " Woods in Tuesday's monthly newsletter that "the United States team captain Paul - Azinger have my phone number?
155. Displaying only the first three digits - the area code - of a phone number.
156. That girl smiled at you. Don't chicken out, go and ask for her phone number.
157. She tells Nick that she has a friend at the title company that was able to get the address for the phone number they found in Blackfoot, Montana.
158. Did he, uh , leave any personal information, phone number, address?
159. And, finally, there are the people who garble or say their name or phone number too fast.
160. The department, which is responsible for protecting voters' rights and preventing voter fraud, also has set up a Web site and toll-free phone number for citizens to file complaints.
161. Here the update is used to blacken out all but the area code of the phone number.
162. The disturber said to her who could paint the phone number on the surface of police car must have considerable background, and consequently the quality must be very high.
163. Beatrice : Well , why don't you call Michelle? She has his phone number.
164. I took the writer to a bar on Sunset, got him drunk, and had him write down Oliver's home phone number on a matchbook.
165. It did not find my primary legal residence address or phone number at all.
166. Obtain the phone number, grade, maps, directions and more furniture in "Saginaw, " Michigan.
167. A diagram showing the location of your elevators, car numbers and the elevator car phone number should be in your designated security area.
168. This is a classic one-to-many relationship, and would usually be modeled for a database as a user table and a phone number table, where the phone number table contains a foreign key to the user table.
169. Susan: Dial 011, then the country code , 86, then the city code and the phone number.
170. After you enter a phone number and click OK, the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony API is invoked and the user ID or phone number that you clicked is sent as the target for the call.
171. The next day, Brown said, the use of the allotment by the government-funded mobile phone number of a public officer is too many.
172. With the change summary, the resource adapter knows just to perform an update of the customer phone number attribute.
173. Include your full name, mailing address, phone number and email address.
174. You have typed an invalid phone number. Please check the number and re - enter it.
175. To demonstrate, consider the problem of unifying a phone number format.
176. My phone number is configured caller ID on outgoing calls.
177. In this step, you replace placeholders like "a very long last name" or "a long phone number with extension" with actual values, like "Georgiamitsopolis" and "011-48 (242) 425-3456 ext.
178. All I have to do is send along a bunch of personal information like my name, phone number, date of birth, and occupation.
179. Telus company online directory of the phone number, address, yellow pages and white pages list.
180. Please include your overseas address and contact phone number with international code .
181. Be sure to include your name, phone number or email address for the RSVP, date and location of the BBQ as well as a rain date.
182. His address was printed there, along with a phone number.
183. In fact, the one thing we were concerned about in the Wall Street Journal list was that PopCap Games’ Bejewelled 2 for iPhone apparently sends your phone number to a third party.
184. The correspondent contacted with the dealer by the mobile phone number, a man who called himself Shengjian said that his company was located in Wuhan, and they dealt all kinds of "Triazolam drugs".
185. Current account and mobile phone number binding mode of operation is relatively common, you must be more careful, minimize disclose personal information in network.




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