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单词 Appearing
1. Cracks and fractures are appearing in the ancient wall.
2. Who's appearing for the Crown in this case?
3. She was appearing in concert at Carnegie Hall.
4. They try to tease out the answers without appearing to ask.
5. She got eight million dollars for appearing in that film.
6. All those appearing on the register must notify the authorities of any change of address.
7. The new buds are appearing on the trees now.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. Cherie Booth is the lawyer appearing for the defendant.
9. Ms Hawley was appearing for the defence.
10. New restaurants are appearing all over the place.
11. They're appearing/performing twice nightly at the Playhouse Theatre.
12. Appearing confident at interviews is quite an art .
13. He's appearing at a local folk festival tonight.
14. There are taboos against appearing naked in public places.
15. She is appearing today under subpoena .
16. New courses are appearing every year.
17. His new book will be appearing in the spring.
18. Marsha was quite casual about appearing on TV.
19. The defendant is appearing in the court.
20. He acquired kudos just by appearing on television.
21. She is currently appearing at the Liverpool Playhouse.
22. She loves appearing on television and is no shrinking violet when it comes to expressing her views.
23. She was spared from the ordeal of appearing in court.
24. They're appearing in concert tonight at the Royal Concert Hall.
25. The famous actor is now appearing at the Grand Theater.
26. The famous actor is now appearing in Hamlet at the Grand Theatre.
27. As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people without appearing totally servile.
28. Make a note to yourself to start thinking more about what you have than what you want . If you do , your life will start appearing much better than before . For perhaps the first time in your life , you'll know what it means to feel satisfied.
29. It was too late to prevent the story from appearing in the national newspapers.
30. For the President, the calculations are equally difficult. If the peacekeeping operation goes wrong he risks appearing weak.
1. Cracks and fractures are appearing in the ancient wall.
2. Who's appearing for the Crown in this case?
3. She was appearing in concert at Carnegie Hall.
4. They try to tease out the answers without appearing to ask.
5. She got eight million dollars for appearing in that film.
6. As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people without appearing totally servile.
7. All those appearing on the register must notify the authorities of any change of address.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. The famous actor is now appearing at the Grand Theater.
31. We'd been in the house a month when dark stains started appearing on the wall.
32. There were reports of columns of military vehicles appearing on the streets.
33. She got one million dollars for appearing on television for five minutes - nice work if you can get it!
34. Both women will be appearing before magistrates later this week.
35. New shoots are just appearing at the base of the plant.
36. The famous actress is now appearing at the Capital Theatre.
37. Among the artistes appearing on our show tonight we have ...
37. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
38. My new book will be appearing in the shops next month.
39. There's often a long interval between an author completing a book and it appearing in the shops.
40. The new range will be appearing in shops in the autumn.
41. Next month he will be appearing as Clinton in a new play on Broadway.
42. I think you can safely say she will not be appearing in another of my films.
43. The 19-year-old will be appearing in court on Thursday where she will face criminal charges.
44. The actor has received death threats since appearing in the controversial film.
45. He never prostituted his great acting talent by appearing in television advertisement.
46. Dave Gilmore is currently appearing as Widow Twanky in the Arts Theatre's production of "Puss in Boots".
47. People don't like to ask questions for fear of appearing ignorant.
48. Paula said, a faint rose appearing on her cheeks.
49. The khaki scouts sprout in number, appearing from nowhere.
50. There was no point in appearing to notice.
51. Both studies are appearing Friday in the journal Science.
52. Intelligent control exerts influence without appearing to do so.
53. The Funhouse Gang is very good at appearing busy.
54. Her large hazel eyes bubbled with enthusiasm, but already there were the first crinkles of maturity appearing at their downcast corners.
55. He went to Hollywood, playing at parties and appearing in movies.
56. Behind her back, Melissa smiled at this shot at appearing worldly-wise.
57. As his consciousness slipped away from him, he was aware of a shadowy figure appearing from the mist and standing over him.
58. They drove up towards the countryside, trees and fields appearing on the horizon.
59. He made the most of the clear patches of brilliant blue sky fleetingly appearing through the white storm clouds.
60. When I arrived and was told he wasn't appearing I was so devastated.
61. A lot of things are appearing on tape that are not on vinyl.
62. A gruesome ritual undertaken by the sorcerer-in-charge was to roast cats on spits until Big Ears was goaded into appearing.
63. But above dark doorways, new signs and neons were appearing: Chicago Bar.
64. Yet novelty kept appearing relentlessly from the lips of stray Lyfordites, Baptists, and Quakers who later visited the wilderness community.
65. Some tubes lose a lot of output with age, while appearing to work normally.
66. It's difficult to ask someone their age without appearing rude.
67. Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
68. Vernazza is nearest - a short train ride or lovely hour-and-a-half walk away - appearing like an unexpected vision as you approach.
69. That was one of the most powerful attractions of appearing on television in the first place.
70. They penetrate south to varying degrees, blue and minke whales often appearing well south of the pack ice edge.
71. Too much of television consists of breaking old ground, its cutting edges appearing mainly on its technology.
72. But after appearing on Central Television the sanctuary has been inundated with calls from people offering the animals a home.
73. State officials said there was an internal breakdown that prevented the results from appearing on the Internet.
74. All her energies were devoted to appearing in the eyes of others as nonchalant.
75. Years later, when the tower was refurbished with local stone, mysterious red stains began appearing on the walls.
76. However, evidence submitted by the prosecution, appearing to support the defence claims, was admitted.
77. Restrictions on rights of audience ensure that persons appearing as representatives before courts have a minimum level of competence as advocates.
78. The past couple of years have witnessed an explosion in the number of neural network articles appearing in computer magazines.
79. The faction never won a majority, but the party was increasingly circumspect in appearing unpatriotic.
80. Jeffrey Teller and Mrs Estelle Lambert-Duchesne were the other most frequently appearing free-lance writers in the magazine.
81. However, the concern was gender-specific, focusing on men and appearing unnecessary or irrelevant for women.
82. Once the work was hung I wanted it to occupy the space comfortably without dwarfing the area or appearing lost.
83. About this time machine knitting was becoming more popular and articles about how to make money from it were appearing.
84. After appearing to be in terminal decline the monarchy is back in business.
85. Edwin did public penance, appearing, for a change, in church the next day.
86. For the band's first shows, Towa was onstage, videoing, taking photographs, appearing to operate this and that.
87. Such an approach has the merits of appearing commonsensical, according with our own intimate experiences.
88. The herds of buffalo had vanished, and the only creatures appearing in numbers were rattlesnakes and jackrabbits.
89. Of the two, he was faring worse, panting, gasping, even appearing to be near collapse.
90. Grossly normal appearing gastric biopsy specimens were taken from healthy volunteers.
91. Another time he painted a scene of the angel appearing to the shepherds to tell them of the Nativity.
92. And new genetic tests for other dread diseases are appearing almost every day.
93. If you are going skiing, why not knit Rebecca's jumper which will be appearing in our October issue.
94. Lucien could not endure the thought of appearing barefaced in front of a stranger, especially a person of great status.
95. Surely Ministers are appearing at the Dispatch Box solely to answer questions about their governmental responsibilities.
96. Back in London, her name began appearing in the gossip columns.
97. And appearing only for the defence has always seemed too easy an option.
97. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
98. Some of these new technologies are already appearing on the Web.
99. For her last week, Cuka had been appearing with understudy Richard Franklin because Crawford had laryngitis.
100. The situation made me feel like an applicant who is absurdly unqualified for a job-or a felon appearing before a parole board.
101. The ensuing debate, though appearing to involve leprosy, was in reality a fight about territorial status.
102. I have had many letters asking for advice and questioning the use of bark and shavings because of coral spot fungus appearing.
103. Fantastic painted foliage is appearing in streets and adorning gable walls, bringing the country into the city.
104. Perhaps she sensed my growing discontent and was frightened of appearing to gloat.
105. Kopyion, appearing not to notice him, continued collecting messages, reading through them quickly and then shredding them.
106. Then he simply extends the arrow to full length once more while appearing to cough the whole thing up again.
107. Although I could see marriage appearing in the distance(), it was still a long way off.
108. The author used the opportunity of appearing on TV to give his latest book a plug.
109. But she could not move away without appearing gauche and childish.
110. Nevertheless, new problems of access were appearing on the horizon, as were issues of cost containment.
111. The volumes began appearing in their scores and have not stopped.
112. That way, says Denis, you can achieve the sometimes difficult feat of appearing interested in what is being said.
113. Tom Cruise was first to speak out, his voice appearing over the first scenes of the crash site.
114. Replication techniques have the unfortunate quality of appearing to provide workable solutions to pressing dilemmas.
115. When they began appearing all over town, people began believing he could win.
116. While appearing with them in Berlin in 1937 she tore a ligament and had to give up further hope of dancing.
117. Hershiser and Brown will be paid for appearing in the milk advertisements.
118. Appearing in the Living Curtain meant that their arms were strapped in an outstretched position from the interval until the finale.
119. The various lines of dancers took the prefix of the cinema building they were appearing in.
120. A defined population has an equal chance of appearing in the sample.
121. I also announced that Robert Lindsay would soon be appearing on the London stage in the title role of a classic story.
122. At all costs we must avoid appearing to want attention and to cause controversy.
123. Now this practice is prone to appearing always and automatically correct.
124. This great work, appearing over a quarter of a century, was intended to sum up all available knowledge.
125. Functions tend to dominate the scene with notions appearing in a separate sub-plot in a relatively minor role.
126. It was also a period when discipline problems were appearing in the rear and were widely re-ported in the press.
127. He will not be paid for appearing at the Oxford Union, a visit Clifford arranged. Story can end here.
127. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
128. But there seemed nothing wrong with the head of government appearing to be the challenger on the hustings.
129. So it's only politically correct and fair to write about an actor who's appearing on that other famous game show.
130. Effective rate for contracts entered into two days from date appearing at top of this column.
131. She was an authentic prodigy, first appearing with an orchestra at age 7.
132. Appearing to move especially swiftly because of that media focus, moreover, police have already made arrests in her case.
133. I stood still and two of them came within five feet without appearing to notice me.
134. It stretched before them, appearing huge, despite the crowd gathered for the evening meal.
135. In recent years there have been very large increases in the number of new publications appearing on the market.
136. Pavarotti will be appearing in a number of concerts over the summer.
137. He was still too attached to his national status to risk it by appearing partisan.
138. The problem surfaced as annual property tax bills began appearing in mailboxes this week.
139. Every case appearing in the national press is likely to appear in some local newspaper.
140. The gas supply situation is, however[], the subject of some controversy with substantial differences appearing in estimates by authoritative groups.
141. With violence appearing to be on the wane at the moment, he may well be right that the future looks bright.
142. It stopped, his mother appearing in the window seconds later, gesturing to him.
143. While research strives to remove this limit, products which dodge the issue are appearing.
144. Within a few hours I noticed a large number of fry appearing at the water surface.
145. Eisenhower, appearing as calm as ever, shrugged off what had not long before loomed as a crisis.
146. Hatching time is short with fry appearing after 24 to 30 hours, and growing rapidly when fed with rotifers.
147. Other societies again seemed remarkably latitudinarian, scarcely appearing to notice that a problem existed.
148. Although appearing to be clinging precariously to life, once introduced to the pool they quickly produce roots and become established.
149. The effects of e-commerce are already appearing in all areas of business, from customer service to new product design.
150. He smiled affably, appearing friendly and engaged, but he avoided eye contact with me.
151. If green shoots are now appearing, the media is entitled to claim some credit for watering them.
152. Appearing cool and calm would be difficult, but it was the only way to deal with this man.
153. Similarly, the good and great could be seen as noble types appearing before their time.
154. Being brought before a disciplinary panel is not like appearing in a public criminal court.
155. The painting sparked a debate that finally led to Gross appearing in court last March.
156. However, recently I've noticed white specks appearing in my hair.
157. Torquay's Paul Hall swung a frustrated punch at midfielder Steve Harrower, who reacted by appearing to head-butt the young winger.
158. This oversight resulted in this cartoon appearing on mill noticeboards.
159. Hill, appearing calm and controlled, said Thomas made the remarks after she turned down his request for a date.
160. They know the modern trick is to extract the maximum political benefit from the Games without appearing to politicize them.
161. Why are Shape-Up Health Clubs better than those health clubs appearing at every corner?
162. There is nothing to suggest that the rural economy was anything but generalised, with evidence for specialisation appearing late in the period.
163. Propagation is by means of the vegetative buds appearing on the leaves.
164. Immatures best told from other large immature gulls by distinctive shape of bill, heavy and appearing to droop at tip.
165. The fact that so many new titles are appearing suggests that publishers now reckon that video is getting established in language institutes.
166. Two days later, the body was still appearing on different beats.
167. That word appearing is the key to understanding the congressional world of make-believe.
168. Because it is so bizarre it is not possible to go down a very new route of comedy without appearing derivative.
169. Notice that the name Makah has a nasal consonant-thus appearing to contradict the claim that these languages have no nasals.
170. New diseases spread by food are appearing all the time.
171. Hopkins will be appearing as Willie Lomax in next week's production.
172. Appearing before a grand jury under subpoena as Bowles did does not imply guilt.
173. St Teresa's Hospice car stickers are now on sale at 50p each and should soon be appearing all over town.
174. Ascaridia is not a highly pathogenic worm, and any effects are seen in young birds, adults appearing relatively unaffected.
175. Some people see nothing wrong with appearing on a TV show, and revealing their most intimate thoughts.
176. Asik heard a rumbling noise and he could just see a small cloud of dust appearing in the distance.
177. Baldwin's object was then to resolve the crisis with reasonable speed without appearing to force the hand of the King.
178. A series of publications under the title Hatchments of Britain is in the process of appearing, edited by Peter Summers.
179. Appearing magically out of shadow, suddenly she shone there before them, the focus of light and warmth and refuge.
180. When appearing in court, all three men refused to cooperate, claiming the government has no jurisdiction.
181. Having spent the last decade appearing in television mini-series and narrating Thomas the Tank Engine, Starr has rediscovered his musical roots.
182. It could not have been more appropriate that radio ads started appearing in Ebony in the late I940s.
183. These commercial ventures led to many disputes, and Love was extremely litigious, appearing often as a plaintiff in Chancery.
184. Capacitor C2 is included to reduce the gain at d.c. to unity whilst appearing as a short circuit to a.c. signals.
185. The enigmatic thing was the great pall of suspicion hanging over such an ordinary - appearing man.
186. All these legislative changes have made it increasingly difficult for local authorities to avoid appearing to lurch from crisis to crisis.
187. Watch out for household products being used up too fast or appearing in places where they are not usually kept.
187. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
188. In shoot out you are in a wild west street with various characters appearing from behind sheds and windows.
189. Its as much a part of being a modern-day star as appearing on chat shows or signing autographs.
190. However, I suspect that Mains rather got some enjoyment out of appearing as some grim nemesis of the south.
191. Habit of appearing to stand on tiptoe, stretching the neck.
192. Signs Of Rifts Appearing In Argentina's Junta.
193. They spoke together confidentially, appearing to compare opinions.
194. They attain complex morphology, appearing as branched, tubular processes.
195. The only valid reason for my appearing in our wads was to strengthen Chrysler's creditability.
196. I had a sensitive consciousness of always appearing constrained, boorish, and dull.
197. It is firstly pointed out that unknown input appearing in measurement can be eliminated by a simple algebraic transformation.
198. At the second appearing to take the oath of the Presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first.
199. "In America, the child's room belongs to the parents and is seen as being rented out to the kid[], " noted one of the actors appearing in a new play on shut-ins. "The child can be displaced for guests.
200. Israel rejected their opportunity to believe their Messiah at his first appearing.
201. He came up the hill at a gallop on his thick- barrelled , long-legged hunter, appearing in the distance like a boy on a too large. Horse.
202. To appearing " old ox chokes with resentment greatly " person, avoid by all means covers shut up bazoo, inflectional limb, lest choke.
203. In view of the word "boot"appearing in the new Enterprise Accounting System, this paper elaborates the difference between the non-money transactions and compensating for debts by non-cash assets.
204. The appearing and lasting time of pipe flow is related to the rainfall intensity, duration of rainfall, the previous water content of soil and the location of soil pipe in soil section.
205. The tail fin of a Virgin plane appearing in the film is also obscured in BA's in-flight version.
206. The coefficients appearing therein are discussed in the next paragraph where diffusion is considered.
207. And the main characteristic of modern corporate is the separation of ownership and management power, appearing principal-agent relationship.
208. The paper analyzed the phenomenon of DC magnetoelectric galvanometers indicator jump appearing in their usage. Meanwhile, the jump formula of maximum rang was given.
209. Therefore, accounts receivable from customers are classified as current assets, appearing in the balance sheet immediately after cash and short-term investments in marketable securities.
210. The verbs, with the number of 78 and appearing 178 times totally can be divided into three types of volitive auxiliary, existential verbs and action verbs.
211. At the beginning of the 20 th century, flamenco started appearing in theaters and even in movies.
212. This paper discusses the matters in which the self-energy SF6 circuit breaker is subject to appearing during short-circuit breaking test in order to find a solution.
213. Appearing next to Secretary Gates the chairman of the joint chief of staff, General PP.
214. The above-mentioned types of tongue picture appearing in higher frequency all may directly affect the function of the tongue, therefore they can"mandatorily"draw physician's attention.
215. Popup Blocker is designed to stop annoying popup windows appearing as you browse the Internet.
216. With the non-beamed infrared transmitter appearing, to compose multi-user system is achievable.
217. Different types will result in different buttons appearing in the interface for modeling multivalued attributes.
218. He came up the hill at a gallop on his thick-barreled, long-legged hunter,(http:///appearing.html) appearing in the distance like a boy on a too large horse.
219. Because of the disturbance of random error, the rotative error motion will not have strict periodicity, which will lead to the least square centers not appearing repeatedly in the same position.
220. The result shows some cracks appearing on vertical weld connecting web plate of body bolster and draft sill as well as the part between web plate of body bolster and top cover plate.
221. Yin and Yang in Zhouyi were not two kinds of gases, but appearing or dimness & brightness .
222. In hygrometric condition, there are only fuzzs appearing on milk protein knitted fabric.
223. Description: 1597 is based on the fibonacci sequence of numbers appearing in nature all around us. 1597 is inspired by the Coneflower and the growing pattern of its seeds.
224. Toggles a plaintext message from appearing in a fixed font.
225. I suffer badly from cold sores and dread them appearing on my wedding day.
226. Both candidates had sent high-profile relatives to the island state, with Chelsea Clinton appearing for her mother and Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, making the rounds.
227. Let yourself away by the delectable girls appearing in Pierre Woodman's latest thriller.
228. But now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who nullified death and brought life and incorruption to light through the gospel.
229. Appearing in great danger, the tiny sparrow tumbled on to the lawn, but softy Flint appeared to have taken pity on him.
230. Being a formal dress appearing in social activities, the full dress has an increasing market demand in the modern society.
231. This was offered by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin — with the backing of a grateful Russian people — as a reward for appearing to resolve the country's food problems.
232. Results The radial proper palmar digital arteries appearing in region of 4, 5, and the ulnar proper palmar digital arteries appearing in region of 8, 9.
233. Identical appearing and tasting formulations were used for hydroxycarbamide and placebo.
234. What I would like to know is whether I've got the problem definition right and whether this is as big a deal to get a working dongle as it is appearing to me.
235. Recognized as an artist of passion and integrity, the distinguished American pianist Peter Serkin is one of the most thoughtful and individualistic musicians appearing before the public today.
236. Adequate proof covers, but is not bound to, any autograph appearing from the assignor and advertence that the assignment has taken papplique.
237. Necessary cycle detection is added to avoid the singular matrix appearing after gross error compensation, . Simulation results verify the effectiveness of modified algorithm.
238. Appearing to emanate from a source other than the actual point of origin.
239. Taiba's charity wing, and those of several other Islamist and jihadi groups, were out there distributing tents, water, and medicine long before government teams began appearing.
240. A tearful Beckham limped to the touchline last night, appearing to says 'It's broken, it's broken, ' after sustaining the injury without physical contact from an opponent.
241. Bryant is appearing in court for his preliminary hearings on a charge of sexual assault.
242. Advertisement appearing every conor of the commercial world focuses fully on arousing the purchaser's desire.
243. With veganism gaining greater popularity than ever before, and with new vegan products and services appearing on the market all the time, it has never been easier to make the commitment.
244. The officials worried that appearing to nationalize the company would further roil markets.
245. Light from this galaxy is gravitationally lensed by Abell 2667, appearing much like a distant person would appear through a wine glass.
246. The yeomanry has been appearing in the history of China and England, however, they walk out different roads by themselves with the development of human society.
247. This was measured by their ability to spot lottery numbers appearing in a boring ten-minute read-out of numbers.
248. The thickened and spongy appearing myometrial wall of this sectioned uterus is typical of adenomyosis.
249. The actual need of power system and the advancement of modern technologies greatly promote the development of fault current limiting technology, with some new topologies appearing continuously.
250. An Iranian student protester, sentenced to death for appearing on our cover, has escaped to America.
251. But the list also included more outlandish aspirations such as appearing in panto and owning a brand new Mercedes.
252. Since appearing on the market in Japan 1995, wide because of its outstanding effect suffer reputably .
253. EGG waveform of most patients were abnormal, appearing a notch or steep in opening phase dominantly.
254. In the published calendar photos, silver- haired Betty smiled with a silk pajamas, appearing together with half-naked brisance men, looking still attractive.
255. Point data appearing on the coding forms can be categorized as follows.
256. Ashur Shamis, a London-based Libyan dissident, says most of his compatriots had not even heard of Ibrahim until he began appearing on news bulletins at the start of the conflict.
257. A sign in purple calligraphy says that King Arthur will be appearing at noon.
258. Now, fast forward to 2005, and the first mobile devices began appearing with cover glass.
259. For autumn, Belstaff's biker jackets came lined in cosy cream shearling, as well as appearing in simple matte black leather.
260. Finally, it raises the appearing problems and resolving methods in the application of liana in water and soil conservation engineering of side slope.
261. Negative learning mentality is a common phenomenon appearing during Soleggio teaching process in Putian University.
262. The objective of this study was to determine reference intervals for plasma protein fractions of normal appearing, wild Atlantic loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta.
263. Hyphenated and automated apparatus are also appearing on the market more frequently.
264. Though appearing square, the body is slightly longer than, front and rear angulation is balanced.
265. In this paper, on researching of joint face distribution distances, the appearing possibility of different dimensions of block was analyzed.
266. Results:There was no peak-like or valley-like changes appearing while four different kinds of fish Hbs crossing human Hb.
267. Findings: Smooth midline thethe lateral ventricles anteriorthe foramen of Monro and appearing isodense with cerebrospinal fluid.
268. He had grown used to flying from place to place, giving mother-of-pearl gifts made by Palestinian craftsmen to world leaders and appearing on television with them.
269. CONCLUSION The method of new technics was simple and practical, which well solved the problem of the floccule appearing in Compound Belladonna Mixture.
270. Granules made out of limewater are plastered on the wall, appearing to be very beautiful. The red light bulb hanging on the top refracts dark but pleasing light.
271. Ineluctability, inner part of the supply chain will also have a competition and appearing a core business enterprise unavoidably.
272. He could not get the hang of television, and horrified the country by appearing at the Cenotaph one Remembrance Day in a short, scruffy coat.
273. The relative longitudinal strain between the strip edge and strip center is very small in the whole deformed zone, which can prevent appearing crinkling and bloating.
274. However, the status of current network is narrow bandwidth, unpredictable delay while transmitting multimedia data, and appearing the phenomenon of losing package.
275. An actinic keratosis takes years to develop, usually first appearing in older adults.
276. The point is to make the robot seem friendlier to humans by appearing to understand basic jokes, though its comprehension is limited at this point to word play.
277. Geometric distributions of regurgitant jets appearing are helpful for determining the severity of mitral and aortic re-gurgitation.
278. My fellow legislators were skittish about appearing in any way be soft on crime.
279. VLAN is usually divided into four types: the key technology of VLAN- ISL label, VTP agreement, the problems appearing, in the communications of VLAN and solutions, the distribution of VLAN.
280. The corrosion appearing on water nozzle of hosepipe in rectifying device was analyzed, The principles and components of hydrogenating deoxidization device were introduced.
281. The back line appearing practically level from the shoulders to the loin.
282. This question often goes unasked because employees fear appearing incompetent.
283. And, withal, 1:1 scale specimen can be employed in simulation test that can avoid appearing the 'distortion' in the scale-down test.
284. Appearing briefly in his own films was a trademark of Alfred Hitchcock.
285. After appearing of capitalistic production relation, the contradiction of both sides had been inevitable between capitalism and feudalization .
286. You can find mindfulness bells everywhere: your child's voice, your co-workers appearing before you, a regular event on your computer, the noise of traffic.
287. Hammertoe generally causes the middle joint of the toe to bend downward, with toes appearing raised near the foot.
288. Jared Lee Loughner, appearing in court for arraignment, could face the death penalty for the murders of two federal employees.
289. Once risen, it will be the Brightest object in the sky, appearing orange red.
290. In an ill-fated PR stunt, the trio of area government officials are shown appearing to float over the surface of a road, casting nary a shadow in a bid to promote a local road construction project.
291. Watch the process as veins develop, a vessel system forms and a tiny ill-formed appearing hint of tissue takes shape.
292. For laid-back people, their lateness is a part of their personality, they are aware of it and presumably not worried about appearing unconscientious.
293. As a new recreation item, yacht club has been gradually appearing in China.
294. Other nouns do not have a-structure as part of their lexical representation, even though they may very well have semantic arguments appearing in their lcs definition.




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