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单词 Overweight
(1) This parcel is overweight by two kilos.
(2) Sally was fifty pounds overweight.
(3) He used to be very overweight.
(4) She said insensitive things to the overweight woman.
(5) If your luggage is overweight, you'll have to pay extra.
(6) You don't look overweight.
(7) I didn't like his crack about her being overweight.
(8) Don't let yourself get overweight.
(9) What percentage of the population is / are overweight?
(10) I'm overweight by 2 kg according to my doctor.
(11) She was only a few pounds overweight.
(12) He's overweight and bald, yet somehow, he's incredibly attractive.
(13) He's a little overweight but it's just puppy fat.
(14) Your suitcase is five kilograms overweight.
(15) My luggage was overweight by five kilos.
(16) He is overweight and out of condition .
(17) He was short and overweight and generally fairly unattractive.
(18) The man was homely and overweight.
(19) Lambert was grossly overweight .
(20) About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.
(21) Being short and overweight, he was an unlikely romantic hero.
(22) I'm a bit overweight. It can also mean too fat, especially so that you are not fit.
(23) Those who are overweight or indulge in high-salt diets are candidates for hypertension.
(24) If your luggage is overweight, you have to pay extra.
(25) Anyway, I'm not overweight - my bones are just heavier than most people's - that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
(26) I'm only a few kilos overweight, but I just can't seem to lose them.
(27) Being even moderately overweight increases your risk of developing high blood pressure.
(28) What per cent of the population is / are overweight?
(29) There was no escaping the fact that he was overweight.
(30) A survey of the British diet has revealed that a growing number of people are overweight.
(1) Sally was fifty pounds overweight.
(2) He used to be very overweight.
(3) She said insensitive things to the overweight woman.
(4) What per cent of the population is / are overweight?
(5) You don't look overweight.
(6) Your suitcase is five kilograms overweight.
(31) A number of medical conditions are due to being overweight.
(32) He is slightly overweight.
(33) Monica is a wee bit overweight.
(34) Genetic research may provide clues to overweight.
(35) She's not exactly fat, but she is slightly overweight.
(36) Midwesterners, to be overweight; and Westerners, to exercise.
(37) He says he's a ton overweight.
(38) A lot of kids today are overweight couch potatoes.
(39) My mother is about 50 pounds overweight.
(40) People who are very overweight tend to be more unhealthy than others.
(41) All his classmates were either married with brats or disgustingly overweight.
(42) The overweight people tend to eat in a non-stop motion.
(43) Take the example of a very overweight woman with high blood pressure and angina whose cholesterol level is normal.
(44) I am very well aware of the sensitivity of anyone who is overweight.
(45) This has been shown in several scientific experiments which invariably indicate that overweight people eat more quickly than slim people.
(46) It can often arise even when people are a mere few pounds overweight.
(47) Ideally, if you are overweight you will eat slightly less than is necessary to maintain a constant body weight.
(48) Shrimpton was in the mid-forties, overweight, and slightly larger than life, a sociable type.
(49) The overweight person's self-image may also fall, causing a loss of confidence, which becomes another stress.
(50) But why treat slightly overweight people who have no other signs of illness?
(51) Now he was overweight with a bloated, unshaven face and his unwashed brown hair fell untidily on to his hunched shoulders.
(52) Sam's sisters used to tease him because he was overweight.
(53) In the inevitable lecture series that followed, few would be intrigued by a grossly overweight, fortyish prude.
(54) But, though large, the book is not, like Welles in later life, overweight.
(55) She got short of breath very easily because she was so overweight.
(56) The man is big, white, overweight but not really fat.
(57) You often find, for example, that teenage girls who are just slightly overweight see themselves as massively obese.
(58) He was short, a little overweight, more than a little rubicund as to his features and exuded an aura of cheerful bonhomie.
(59) I remember still, though, a photograph of nude, overweight women being made to run through a wet courtyard.
(60) Delores was tall and overweight and wore glasses that were a little too large for her face.
(61) Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing. Dave Barry 
(62) She felt a stone overweight with the Super Tampax and all the Kleenex stuffed inside herself.
(63) The more heavily overweight people are, the more swiftly they can shed surplus fat on a slimming diet.
(64) I see an overweight middle-aged man struggling to close it again whilst trying to hold his towel around his middle.
(65) If you're overweight, opt for a flattering loose jacket rather than a tailored suit.
(66) It was overweight, over cost, over schedule, and over just about everything else.
(67) The doctor said I was slightly overweight and that I needed more exercise.
(68) If you are overweight, over 40 or not exercising regularly, take the test, know your score.
(69) The psychiatric model added other, more pejorative, associations with overweight.
(70) He says an overweight lorry in a crash will smash a car to smithereens.
(71) If you are female and less than one stone overweight.
(72) Standing over her is an overweight middle-aged man in a pair of paisley boxer shorts.
(73) She was middle-aged, overweight and ill at ease in the chic little bar.
(74) Concerned that his overweight body can not live up to feminine ideals, Dave's depression nearly ends his marriage.
(75) If you are overweight, then you know what it means to be in emotional pain.
(76) I wouldn't hesitate to tell an overweight, unfit man that he was putting his health at risk.
(77) Overweight children and adults have increased heart disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.
(78) Never, not even when some aroused, overweight, ugly Casanova had tried to paw her.
(79) Slim people, like those who are overweight, are lured by modern food products.
(80) She was grossly overweight.
(80) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(81) Overweight individuals tend not to be so relaxed about fluctuations in body size as slim people.
(82) Graham axed David Rocastle two seasons ago, accusing him of being overweight after the summer break.
(83) The majority of overweight people who diet tend to gain the weight back within a few years.
(84) Jim's not fat exactly - that's an exaggeration. He's just a little overweight.
(85) The overweight 45year-old was believed to have suffocated her 65-year-old victim during a furious row.
(86) Joe had no athletic ability, and was developing into an overweight child.
(87) People who are grossly overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure.
(88) Researchers found that thin people also experienced food cravings, but not nearly as much as those who were overweight.
(89) Five feet six, he was overweight for his height and his body resembled a large turnip in shape.
(90) Breathing is affected and bronchitis is more likely to occur in overweight people.
(91) Suddenly this flabby and overweight woman decided to do what younger and more athletic daredevils had shrunk from doing.
(92) These would almost certainly be the overweight people, and this is something you can observe for yourself in almost any restaurant.
(93) For your health's sake, it is important not to let yourself get overweight.
(94) These comparisons form the basis for the determination of prevalence estimates for anemia, growth retardation, or overweight.
(95) All of us, the overweight as well as the slim, have some body controls which limit our eating capacity.
(96) This sets a bad example to teenagers, many of whom are overweight and eat too much junk food.
(97) A lot of overweight is caused by an imbalance between these.
(98) Young Joe possessed minimal athletic ability and was developing into an overweight child.
(99) Being overweight, when young or in your adult life. 3.
(100) Being somewhat overweight is not a serious health problem, and obesity is not a terminal illness.
(101) He was talking with a tall, overweight man, dressed in Whitehall pin-stripe and bowler hat.
(102) So can losing a few pounds if you are overweight.
(103) He was an overweight man with large shaggy ears and he walked with a cane, but he did not lack vibrancy.
(104) Two young men, both slightly overweight, have lost their strong Liver pool accents during their years in the secure units.
(105) Anderson is a large man who concedes that he is 40 pounds overweight.
(106) Melissa Kirk Berkeley For the record, I am an overweight male or, if you prefer, a fat guy.
(107) And overweight twins are a deathtrap in the event of an engine failure.
(108) The overweight people in this experiment, however, kept eating at the same fast pace throughout the meal.
(109) The overweight people would eat more rapidly than the slim people.
(110) Most Californian adults are overweight.
(111) Awa can just move unwieldy overweight small noodle boy.
(112) Corpulence is a sensitive word for most overweight people.
(113) Many people believe that overweight results from overeating and.
(114) It is said that historians often overweight political aspects.
(115) Will neutering cause overweight problems?
(116) Many people believe that overweight results overeating and stress.
(117) Philosophers sometimes overweight their negativism.
(118) Overweight men tend to be "apple-shaped",[http:///overweight.html] overweight women "pear-shaped".
(119) That tips me, or heaves me sweatily, into the "overweight" category.
(120) Sure record-breaking rates have something to do with more older and overweight mothers, plus more twins.
(121) Results The rate of overweight was 47.3%, and that of pursy was 7.4%.
(122) FRANCINE KAUFMAN: " We were in the townships and people were overweight . "
(123) We stress therapeutic lifestyle changes such as weight loss in all overweight kids and a low-salt diet.
(124) John would not be overweight if he were not such a voracious eater.
(125) The sunshine, zoology environment that gets pollution, mortgage is overweight and the enemy that insalubrious lifestyle is it.
(126) Christian Rabeau, vice-president of AXA IM, said the fund manager had turned "overweight" on equities a few days ago, with a positive bias toward Asian stocks ex-Japan.
(127) The plan, currently under development, tackles the double burden of undernutrition and overweight and focuses on the window of opportunity between conception and the second year of life.
(128) In addition, 44% of the diabetes burden, 23% of the ischaemic heart disease burden and between 7% and 41% of certain cancer burdens are attributable to overweight and obesity.
(129) Currently, 82 percent of African American women and 75 percent of Mexican-American women meet the criteria for being overweight or obese.
(130) The use of dynamic truck scale weighing can effectively deter acts of overweight vehicles, using the car value of the monitoring results can effectively evaluate the safe state of highway and bridges.
(131) However, malnutrition and marasmus are more serious health problems than that of overweight and obesity in Hainan Province.
(132) Before he knows it, Charlie's reputation as a "good luck charm" has women - from sexy strangers to his overweight receptionist - lining up for a quickie .
(133) The goal of this study was to determine the acute effects of decaffeinated coffee, chlorogenic acid, and trigonelline on glucose tolerance in 15 overweight men.
(134) In Boston, Lincolnshire, almost a third of men and women are now dangerously overweight.
(135) Overweight men tend to be "apple-shaped", overweight women "pear-shaped". For complex physiological and biological reasons, this extra fat around the middle causes much greater harm.
(136) Insomnia, migraine headache, RHD, overweight and traumatism were the important risk factors in the young cases.
(137) Your daughter's parenting skills could use some improvement, and yes, it's possible those kids will grow up to be overweight, undereducated crooks, but she needs to see it for herself.
(138) The severity, universality, complexity of peasant burden overweight, is to determined fundamentally that solving peasant burden overweight needs long period of time and arduousness of problem.
(139) Are you overweight as judged by the body mass index?
(140) People suffered from obesity and overweight were closely associated with hypertension, FBG, HUA, high TG, low HDL - C and fatty liver.
(140) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(141) An airmail letter to China normally costs 50 cents if it's not overweight.
(142) I'm not going to tear up my long-term plan to overweight developing market equities, though.
(143) That makes about one in four Canadian children overweight or obese.
(144) The heel of weight lifting shoe not Ying Taigao, can make joint burden overweight otherwise.
(145) Weight loss, making her look gaunt and stringy, alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight.
(146) A University of Vermont study found that overweight participants who reduced their TV time by just 50 percent burned an additional 119 calories a day on average.
(147) Tufts authors also cited that "data indicate that from 1976 to 2002, the probability of a woman being overweight grew the least among food stamp recipients."
(148) Sleep apnea is most common in people who are male, overweight, and over age 65.
(149) Taking structure weight as objective function, the optimization model of overweight breech of a type of automatic weapon was established, and its structure topological optimization was performed.
(150) Some 40.7% are overweight and 34% reported cervical spondylosis (abnormal wear on the cartilage and bones of the neck), while 28% suffered faucitis, 20% chronic enteritis and 20% fatty liver.
(151) They were mostly overweight, wearing loose, comfortable T-shirts and elasticated sweatpants.
(152) Bob is an overweight but rather resourceful penguin who lives in a cave-house in the snow.
(153) You're right, the Dynasty is untouchable as long as you're just a man; a scabby little assassin hired to kill overweight Senators.
(154) Park manager Marlo Acock said the farm-bred gobblers are overweight and less hardy than their wild counterparts, and do not live long after the pardon.
(155) The relativity was remarkable between hypertriglyceridemia and those diseases like hypo high density lipoprotein cholesterolemia, overweight, obesity, hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
(156) Sorensen said that further research was needed to find the links between being overweight and dementia.
(157) Overweight of sodium chloride in the sea sand will have a certain effect on the quality of the concrete in the building project.
(158) Another study released last year said 30 million Chinese over age 20 were overweight.
(159) Don't single out the overweight members of your family for lifestyle changes.
(160) Doctors say obesity, also known as severe overweight, is a complex condition.
(161) The proportion of malnutrition, supernutrition including overweight and obesity were 22.2% and 24.8%.
(162) Lifestyle modification is clearly a key component for the improvement of reproductive function for overweight, anovulatory women with PCOS.
(163) A teen above the 95th percentile is considered overweight because 95 per cent of their age group have a smaller BMI.
(164) When an overweight friend injured her back, the doctor prescribed a muscle relaxant and exercises.
(165) Results To be overweight and superfatted is universal phenomena about midlife in-service cadre, which cause weak heart and lung and renitent muscle and ligamenta of waist.
(166) It has been responsibly estimated that obesity and overweight add $150 billion a year to the nation's medical bill.
(167) Mr Phelps, 51, has seen the fox squirrel, a native of North America, become so overweight that a low-calorie diet would seem to be required.
(168) Many people believe that overweight results from overeating and stress.
(169) Whether the high plasma resistin level in the overweight pilots suggests the higher possibility of developing diabetes in the future should be followed up.
(170) The study, by Israeli researchers, included 36 women with anorexia or bulimia and 40 women with no eating disorder,[] half of them overweight and half normal weight.
(171) Indeed, survey participants with high triglyceride levels tended to be overweight, inactive and smoke.
(172) It's like waking up one day, realizing you're overweight and deciding the way to fix that is to lop off your left leg below the knee.
(173) M.N) to "overweight" from "neutral," citing improving monthly comparable-store sales at the department store operator and a potential for earnings upside. The stock was up 6.4 percent at $19.18.
(174) Mollycoddle them we, excessive connived at and, finally, at last they were overweight.
(175) Cause - Specific Excess Deaths Associated With Underweight, Overweight, and Obesity.
(176) For example, leaner people have more detectable brown fat than overweight people.
(177) An effort by Arkansas schools notify parents when students are overweight.
(178) Beijing is the most customers in the normal range, a little overweight and slants thin clients.
(179) Votes poured in, with people from around the globe eager to point out how overweight, unladylike, and generally foul British women are.
(180) Classically, overweight people underestimate the volume of food that they consume.
(181) Overweight and sweating in the humid weather, she stamped from room to room.
(182) Overweight: Australia psychological school discovers, being heavy, working pressure make staff eat chocolate and chips to make constantly to express their temper.
(183) Let us extricate the overweight study burden, along in the athletic field.
(184) For dogs, the top five diagnoses in Banfield hospitals were dental tartar, otitis externa (an inflammation/infection of the ear), overweight, dermatitis, and fleas.
(185) They also provide additional calories that she does not need this could lead to her becoming unhealthily overweight.
(186) After 1993, the county holds people's congress, farmer burden is overweight second reading did not produce.
(187) See a few lade the yellow croaker car with overweight, slow drive a vehicle, be on duty personnel helps its go-cart instantly, accelerate car have enough to meet need.
(188) Seventy-seven men and women with diabetes, most of whom were overweight or obese, took part in the study.
(189) Extremely thin or fat dogs are discouraged on the basis that under or overweight hampers the true working ability of the Gordon Setter.
(190) A few normal person is in after absorbing a large number of carbohydrate, because small intestine absorbs candy too fast and bear is overweight, can appear provisionality sugar make water.
(191) Zhengzhou-based performance group consisting of overweight people created quite a stir in Henan recently as they held a series of dancing and singing shows for the local audience.
(192) If a person is overweight then losing weight is the essential strategy that will help them resolve a lot of health problems.
(193) Results The main disease with higher rate are fattiness liver, hypercholesterolaemia, pre-cataract, hypertension, hyperlipemia, overweight.
(194) JPMorgan, for example, is overweight on CSR and underweight Boral and James Hardie, as it expects CSR may have the best exposure to improving Australian residential markets.
(195) The overweight adults initially followed an 800 kcal/day diet for eight weeks, losing an average of 11 kg.
(196) Children between the 85th and 95th percentiles were classified as overweight.
(197) In The Children of the Roses, Josh marries Victoria for evermore, and his hugely overweight, happy-go-lucky sister Evie finds pleasure at the trough and through a series of live-in lovers.
(198) Imaginative as this explanation is—and helpful in providing us with an excuse for being overweight—paleontological evidence for an aquatic phase of human existence has proven elusive.
(199) I'm not a small person, so I didn't look that heavy (I thought), but I was overweight and developed health problems.
(200) It also remained overweight on information technology, a sector it said provides investors with "reasonable valuations, cyclical recovery benefits and some powerful secular forces,[]" said Kedwell.
(201) People who are overweight typically have to pay life insurance premiums that are twice to four times as expensive as the average person.
(202) In the December issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the researchers report that nearly 25 percent of overweight and 16 percent of normal weight reproductive-age women misperceive their body weight.
(203) Yes , it all goes on your flight. It weights 30 kilos and is 10 kilos overweight. I'm afraid you have to pay for excess charge.
(204) If you are very overweight you run a risk of a heart attack or a stroke.
(205) But in over weight overweight people, it can look yellow because of fat.
(206) It is uncertain whether this risk is attenuated in persons who are overweight or obese as children but not obese as adults.
(207) A six-month follow-up study found that overweight children given noncaloric drinks lost significant weight compared with those who consumed their usual soft drinks.
(208) Obese and overweight people are at high risk of having prediabetes turn into diabetes.
(209) This lovable teacher of mine was quite overweight, and as the story goes, when she bent down to pick up the dollar, her pants split in half!
(210) Judith Palfrey of the American Academy of Pediatrics says overweight children have many health problems.
(211) Overweight women who undergo axillary lymph node dissection are more likely to develop lymphedema.
(212) Objective To investigate the feasibility of overage and overweight rats as an alternative to rabbits in the experiment of uropoietic influence factors.
(213) Bitches especially should not be overweight and be in good muscle tone before breeding.
(214) By contrast, in America institutional investors remain overweight equities underweight government bonds.
(215) Over weight bureaus Overweight burros can also develop a condition that threatens their well - known walking ability.
(216) Having been told by his doctor that he was overweight, he's eating all the fibre and fruit he can.
(217) Results showed that at present in the university student suitable proportion and quantity of overweight or obese students created the body fat ratio ensemble average to be high.
(218) Most of the teens were white, about - third were overweight andthree - quarters didn't take a daily multivitamin.
(219) Each passenger on; he's overweight for take - off as it is.
(219) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(220) Also, overweight children may be underreporting their intake of unhealthy food and may misperceive the quality of the exercise they do.
(221) Your child is considered overweight if he or she falls in the 85th to 94th percentiles of the B.M.I. growth charts, and obese if he is in the 95th percentile or higher.
(222) Doctors say a obesity, also know known as a severe overweight, is a complex condition.
(223) In practice most babies with convulsions will be found to be great fat heavy overweight creatures.
(224) If you're overweight, this is probably a symptom of poor nutrition, so tackle this before going on some fad diet.
(225) There exist primarily the problems such as turnover tax overweight, income tax confusion, property tax loss, and behavior tax dislocation in China.
(226) Conclusions: In this proof-of-principle study, salsalate reduces glycemia and may improve inflammatory cardiovascular risk indexes in overweight persons.
(227) Overweight and obese children are likely to stay obese into adulthood and more likely to develop noncommunicable diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases at a younger age.
(228) If use, is gel shape or it is to cream the cheek of shape is red, they can use a few water or be the latex comes attenuant and overweight color.
(229) The link between teenagers who were overweight and later cancer was particularly strong for lung, skin, oesophageal, kidney, bladder, prostate and testicular cancers.
(230) Control total calorie intake to manage body weight. For people who are overweight or obese, this will mean consuming fewer calories from foods and beverages.
(231) Benfluorex is approved for use in overweight patients with diabetes, combined with an appropriate diet.
(232) In the UK alone, more than one million under-16s are classed as overweight or obese - double the number in the mid-Eighties.
(233) Parents of children with type 2 diabetes learn that what they thought was stubbornly dirty skin on their overweight child is actually acanthosis nigricans, a symptom of insulin resistance.
(234) He's an affable character, slightly overweight, smiling benevolently at the world from behind a gray beard and oval wire-framed glasses.
(235) Researchers in Canada looked at fifty-two overweight women who'd been dieting on and off for an average of eighteen years.




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