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单词 detoxification
释义  Related topics: Industry, Chemistry, Drug culture, Hospitalde·tox·i·fi·ca·tion /ˌdiːtɒksɪfɪˈkeɪʃən $ -ˌtɑːk-/ noun [uncountable]  1. TIHCthe process of removing harmful chemicals or poison from something 解毒,去毒2. MDDMHdetox 脱瘾;戒酒;戒毒;排毒(疗法) —detoxify /diːˈtɒksɪfaɪ $ -ˈtɑːk-/ verb [transitive]Examples from the Corpusdetoxification• a detoxification program• Caffeine enemas are given four hourly, as well as castor oil - orally or by enema - to aid detoxification.• She also called for more investment in drug detoxification projects.• The two charities have worked successfully together, advancing occupational therapy in the drug detoxification centres.• In the following quote, a young married woman with two children describes the urge to use following detoxification.• Earlier on, he had won the Lasker Award for his work on the metabolic detoxification of tranquilizers.• For this reason, such changes are known as biotransformation rather than detoxification.• By literally washing it out, the detoxification process can start.• Getting started on a rehabilitation regime sometimes requires help with detoxification, a process to remove excess chemicals from the·tox·i·fi·ca·tion nounChineseSyllable  of poison from removing process Corpus the chemicals harmful or




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