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单词 Immensely
1 He was immensely attractive to women, onscreen and offscreen.
2 She looked immensely relieved when she heard the news.
3 Champagne wines became immensely popular in the 18th century.
4 I enjoyed myself at the party immensely.
5 I found it immensely rewarding working with the less able children.
6 Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera immensely.
7 We enjoyed the game immensely.
8 They enjoyed the film immensely.
9 I'm immensely grateful to you for your support.
10 The children were immensely diverted by his funny stories.
11 He was an immensely likeable chap.
12 I am immensely pleased to have this job.
13 He was immensely popular in his day.
14 He was always immensely attractive to women.
15 We are immensely pleased with this result.
16 She's an immensely talented young athlete.
17 Professionalism has raised the standard of rugby immensely.
18 This area is immensely popular with tourists.
19 We enjoyed the play immensely.
20 It's an immensely satisfying job.
21 I enjoyed the show immensely.
22 Nationalism is an immensely powerful force.
23 This is an immensely frustrating experience for the student.
24 You flatter me immensely!
25 He was immensely ambitious but unable to conceive of winning power for himself.
26 He has grown immensely.
27 The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.
28 His only experience of gardening so far proved immensely satisfying.
29 He himself had enjoyed the practice immensely.
30 The steady rhythm of numbers is immensely calming.
1 He was immensely attractive to women, onscreen and offscreen.
2 She looked immensely relieved when she heard the news.
3 Champagne wines became immensely popular in the 18th century.
4 I enjoyed myself at the party immensely.
5 I found it immensely rewarding working with the less able children.
6 The children were immensely diverted by his funny stories.
7 You flatter me immensely!
8 He has grown immensely.
9 The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.
31 Inside, the lads were all enjoying themselves immensely.
32 The Savoyards also made Turin an immensely powerful fortress.
33 Ravi-no stood looking, his squat body immensely still.
34 Silverstein was immensely proud of the class.
35 I enjoyed this movie immensely.
36 Gorfang is an immensely strong Orc.
37 Other disciplines proved to be immensely difficult.
38 I was immensely proud of her.
39 It is immensely difficult to identify these smaller lights.
40 We looked forward immensely to these visits.
41 After all, he was an immensely wealthy man.
42 A press baron is an immensely powerful figure.
43 Counseling has helped their relationship immensely.
43 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
44 They were highly acclaimed and immensely popular.
45 Banks is an immensely amiable, bearded ex-beatnik who feels that he is at last putting his past behind him.
46 Certainly Mama was immensely gratified by the renewed attention that was being paid to him.
47 So I resolved to remain alive in an unofficial capacity, which of course annoys them all immensely.
48 Their fortunes too sprang from the fact that they were immensely popular.
49 But there still remained immensely powerful ministers who led the fight for increased public investment and spending measures to cut unemployment.
50 Gardens in the care of the National Trust are immensely rich in garden statuary of all kinds.
51 At other times her minimalist approach seems vaguely stilted, and even her immensely watchable face can't carry the day.
52 That had been the hard part, immensely hard, getting the permission.
53 We also had with us an immensely heavy steel strongbox which contained enormous quantities of devalued lire.
54 The financial markets are themselves an immensely powerful influence which we can never afford to ignore.
55 Andrew sat close to her, immensely sad and trusting, as though she was his refuge.
56 She had three children from her second marriage and immensely enjoyed their upbringing - dovetailing motherhood with a career working from home.
57 And he lacked the equipment with which to untangle an immensely complex jealousy.
58 They were also amazingly healthy, immensely potent sexually, and unusually long-lived.
59 It can scarcely be imagined that he would have opposed the Philadelphia Museum's immensely well-conceived plan.
60 Possibly because of its immensely larger bulk, antarctic ice has changed far less during the same period.
61 They are immensely wealthy.
62 Sometimes I would feel immensely powerful, feel that I, single-handedly, might change the course of Woolf scholarship.
63 He was, however, immensely impressed by the great number of monasteries and churches.
64 He was about 5 foot 10 inches tall but immensely powerful.
65 The charter is immensely important and will be greatly welcomed by our constituents.
66 After all, he was an eminently eligible man, attractive and immensely wealthy.
67 It is an immensely readable book, yet it treats its important subject with insight and responsibility.
68 Jeanne was quiet, appeared timid but had an immensely strong will.
69 Index which was started in 1986 as a rival to the immensely successful Argos stores, is moving into profit ahead of time.
70 The pay review body with its commitment to performance-related pay is immensely important.
71 Marr was overwhelmed by the bravery of the lyric and the immensely humane way in which Morrissey tackled the subject.
72 The film was immensely popular and had so clearly struck a chord that Hammer carried out a rethink of its production policy.
73 From the concentrations of birds and mammals in high latitudes has grown the myth that all polar seas are immensely productive.sentence dictionary
74 The institutions and banks had been immensely supportive in helping save the company.
75 When added to your culinary arsenal, they will enhance your game preparations immensely.
76 Television has altered people's lives immensely -I feel very hostile to it.
77 Moreover, both these leaders served immensely long political apprenticeships before finally winning independence.
78 It could be argued that local authorities will gain immensely when the UDCs are eventually wound up.
79 We have to examine and discuss in great detail its proposals for an immensely complex engineering project.
80 We enjoyed ourselves immensely.
81 Yet does Ulverton work as a novel, rather than as an immensely partial mental gazetteer?
82 Though immensely talented and charismatic, his success may be as much an accident of history as anything.
83 Parts of the play were extremely funny. I enjoyed it immensely.
84 He was scarcely a year older than her, but proud like a fully grown man and immensely considerate.
85 It can be immensely useful - and that is what is looked for with lateral thinking - or it can be false.
86 I was a very small link in an immensely long chain.
87 The sensation is a thrilling one, and I enjoy it immensely.
88 The order grew immensely wealthy and place names all over the country still remind us of lands that they once owned.
89 The players and coaches should be immensely proud of themselves for their performances.
90 Inside, immensely high piers ascend to the vault without any break for capitals.
91 She and Justine developed a long distance friendship, cemented by immensely long letters on wafer thin paper.
92 Rory did, but Rory was immensely happy to wait for her, to go along with any whim.
93 Danger in the street To identify the accident problems specific to residential areas is an immensely difficult task.
94 The modern history of the Catholic Church has been immensely affected by that chain of events.
95 Leonardo Da Vinci's drawings show an immensely inventive and inquiring mind.
96 They were out selling fruit or whatever and they were immensely strong women.
97 While this information has potential for contemporary target marketing campaigns, it would be immensely valuable to historians studying late twentieth-century Britain.
98 He is immensely strong, but also shyly gentle and has great sense of humour.
99 The headmaster, Wilfred Mulryne, is immensely proud of the school's academic record.
100 This is the context in which the immensely complex events of the minority were played out.
101 Photomontage was an immensely suitable medium for the provocative imagery of Dada.
102 He had been immensely fortunate in the way events had developed, but he knew his luck couldn't last.
103 The cutthroat, Darwinian capitalism of tournament golf was immensely appealing to Peter.
104 The immensely popular company was the only one on the bill, Alvin noted, that was not subsidized by its country.
105 Even in those countries that recognized the problem and tried to solve it, however, the quality of schools varied immensely.
106 People are immensely flexible in their habits, depending on their racial origin, religion, wealth, and ecology.
107 They were enjoying themselves immensely; the lines were all very long, and it was cool in the post office.
108 It's immensely enjoyable to feel those tingling currents of energy beginning to flow all over you.
109 Yet the performance received a thundering ovation; from what one sees and hears, Eschenbach is immensely popular here.
110 It is immensely difficult for outsiders to begin to assess the efficiency of the secret world.
111 Corporate intranets, immensely popular in the business world, may prove too confusing to use and too expensive to maintain.
112 Ulster Television continues to thrive on an excellent programme performance and an immensely strong local identity.
113 Real-world economies are so immensely complex and dynamic that the search for such a balance is continual and in some cases impossible.
114 Technological progress has allowed people to build immensely tall skyscrapers.
115 This lifted investors' spirits immensely, as well as filling well-informed politicians' campaign coffers.
116 To Floy, they were beautiful and rather frightening and immensely powerful.
117 Visits, though immensely enjoyable, had elements of both the obstacle race and the assault course.
118 It seemed an immensely important question, and not only when applied to Frankenstein.
119 Beveridge's legacy endures because the welfare state works tolerably well and is immensely popular.
120 It also meant that well-trained war-horses were immensely valuable assets.
121 As a business executive, your notice entitlement is an immensely significant part of your overall job rights.
122 Back on board, the hoped-for but unexpected sight of a deus-ex-machina in the form of our travel agency chief is immensely reassuring.
123 The President personally remained immensely popular and in 1944 he fought and won his fourth presidential campaign.
124 Jack was never flurried, his cool, unruffled play was a hallmark of his game, along with some immensely powerful clearances.
125 We were immensely relieved to find, in her next book, that her powers were still unimpaired.
126 To Soo-Il, the mere thought of bringing the Beautiful One into the Kang home was immensely pleasing.
127 This is immensely unpopular in the country and makes a Labour victory more likely.
128 Many readers of Historical Romances also read historical novels, broadening the field of selection immensely.
129 This had not prevented him from becoming an immensely popular pastor.
130 Gardiner was a strange man: an old Harrovian, an immensely skilful and prosperous Silk and a dedicated socialist.
131 She is certainly very pretty and very uncommon looking ... The reception by the public was immensely enthusiastic.
132 Taken together, the new biotechnologies and the pending scientific insights will be immensely powerful.
133 The mating behaviour of pied flycatchers is immensely complicated and scientists studying them interpret their behaviour slightly differently.
134 You would never have guessed from meeting him how immensely wealthy he was.
135 But the controls are complex because the machine is immensely powerful.
136 I was always immensely impressed with the vinyl flooring we had in the dining room when my children were small.
137 None of the members of the bands mouths were even twitching, and I felt immensely deflated.
138 She usually enjoyed this part of the year immensely, but for once she was feeling quite unprepared for it.
139 In fact, it was immensely strong, yet light enough to be controlled single-handed.
140 Like Hope, he was immensely wealthy, and was able to combine passive politics with active art patronage and writing.
141 An extremely varied and immensely pleasing exhibition, it is undoubtedly rendered substantial by still-life oils by David Donaldson.
142 She felt sad and immensely tired that she was about to see for the first time how Eddie had died.
143 His voice was immensely rich and strong and suited his heavy features and bearing.
144 Some of these complexes form immensely complicated sequences of nucleic acids which begin to replicate themselves.
145 Trusted paper became both a collateral for short-term credit and an immensely important medium of exchange.
146 The present study is immensely rich in every way(), and is an impressive foray into largely uncharted territory.
147 Although I was unable to talk about my wartime experiences, stories of others helped me immensely.
148 I thought about all the books I had read in the past and remembered one in particular which I had enjoyed immensely.
149 There are two ways of tackling this problem: strengthen auditors' independence or have an immensely detailed cookbook of accounting rules.
150 Our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared.
151 Veterinary virology has grown immensely during the past decade.
152 Wind surfing can be strenuous but immensely exciting.
153 The subject is immensely complex, and hard to simplify.
154 The acrobatic troupe livened the garden party up immensely.
155 Power, strength of character, confidence, a maverick nature and an immensely interesting personality equals sexiness.
156 ''But it is also immensely complex because of the huge amounts of radio data that these antennae produce.
157 She shot an admonitory glance at her son, who said: "Immensely, sir.
158 It will be immensely important in unifying thinking inside the Party.
159 Whether you compile contract information or not, having clear contract information in advance helps immensely as a documentation and design aid.
160 I've always thought a good lashing with a buggy whip would benefit you immensely.
161 From the back room he brought an immensely old young man.
162 This is because the most fundamental research -- research that doesn't have an obvious application to our daily lives -- often turns out to be immensely important down the line.
163 Group discussion is also immensely helpful in convincing patients that they can choose a course that feels right to them.
163 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
164 an immensely powerful organization.
165 Instead, all our DNA -- the genome -- must be seen as one immensely complex system.
166 Through the many years development the quality of the China made spiral submerged arc welded steel pipe have improved immensely, the pipe Mills of petr oleum industry are of the first ranks.
167 President Nixon's ill-fated, though initially immensely popular, wage and price controls of 1971 were among the last vestiges of postwar general wage and price interventionism in the developed world.
168 The experimental results show that the burglar alarm system's reliability resorting to telephonic communication is boosted immensely.
169 "Record prices of the Indian tobacco coupled with the depreciation of the rupee contributed immensely to the surge in the value of exports, " the official said.
170 I am immensely proud of my heritage as a Filipino - Chinese.
171 The work of Bellini and Donizetti was immensely popular at this time.
172 The nine republics are immensely disparate in size, culture and wealth.
173 "We are without a doubt in the midst of an extraordinary sea change," she told me. "The transformation is momentous—immensely liberating and immensely scary.
174 Tusks of the narwhal whale were once sold as unicorn horns, and were immensely valuable.
175 I felt immensely flattered and rushed to agree with everything he said.
176 In turn, Islamabad allowed the Chinese to build a deep-sea facility in Gwadar, a $250 million project that, once completed, will give Beijing an immensely strategic listening post on the Persian Gulf.
177 Well, his father's City man - immensely rich, they say. Hang those City fellow, they must bleed.
178 Commuter traffic this morning in southern California has improved immensely since yesterday.
179 Sir James was an immensely distinguished architect in the vanguard of his profession.
180 From the Aleutian Islands to the Florida Everglades, American Indians and Alaska Natives have contributed immensely to our country’s heritage.
181 Memory power will be immensely useful for a man to lead a successful life.
182 Professor David Smith, a pharmacologist who co-authored the study, said the results were "immensely promising".
183 Immensely tall she looked to me from my low station in the coracle.
184 Immanuel Kant ( 1724 - 1804 ) was an immensely innovative and influential philosopher.
185 He was not only talented but immensely popular with his colleagues.
186 Second, the states have immensely increased their issuance of General Obligation bonds that fund what corporations strive to avoid -- paying operating expenses with long-term debt.
187 READOUT SPEED: This helps immensely in text understanding cases, especially for schools or educational institutions.
188 Chinese state media say U. S. drug maker Pfizer has won a court case in China against two companies which were copying its immensely popular male impotency treatment, Viagra.
189 They had short necks and huge, crocodile-like heads that contained immensely powerful jaws and a set of huge, razor-sharp teeth.
190 One of the nation's great digital minds, she has written an immensely enjoyable omni-manifesto that's officially about the brain science of attention.
191 Neurohumoral processes of the brain are immensely intriguing to present-day research men, who expect to find in them the key to the most complex phenomena.
192 Authur was immensely pleased by the girl's solicitude about him.
193 Our annual income has increased immensely, and our lives have improved greatly.




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