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单词 Genetically
(1) A person's health is often genetically predetermined.
(2) How many of these traits are genetically inherited?
(3) Eye colour is genetically determined.
(4) All the bees in the colony are genetically related.
(5) Some people are genetically predisposed to diabetes.
(6) Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods.
(7) We are all genetically programmed to develop certain illnesses.
(8) Genetically engineered plants can be protected by patent.
(9) Now that genetically modified foods are on our supermarket shelves, the genie is out of the bottle and cannot be put back in.
(10) Some dogs are thought to be genetically susceptible to the disease.
(11) The company took out/filed a patent on a genetically engineered tomato that remains firm longer than untreated tomatoes.
(12) Human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language.
(13) The influence of heredity is best studied in genetically identical twins.
(14) Genetically predetermined stages are seen as unfolding naturally.
(15) This predisposition may be genetically determined.
(16) Genetically we are no different from our ancestors.
(17) As we march off boldly into a genetically engineered future, the moral and ethical issues will get more and more pressing.
(18) The component had been genetically engineered to produce a vaccine highly effective against all strains.
(19) If the product is approved, genetically engineered tomatoes could be on the supermarket shelves by 1993.
(20) Researchers have discovered that the children of these patients are genetically predisposed to cancer.
(21) There has been widespread public debate over the introduction of genetically modified food.
(22) One hypothesis: the former group may like alcohol so much because it helps compensate for their genetically faulty serotonin machinery.
(23) One of the first commercial products to derive from this biotechnology is likely to be genetically engineered tomatoes.
(24) Voters are animated by new fears about global warming, genetically modified crops and globalisation.
(25) His natural father has a long list of problems, all of which are transmitted genetically, such as chronic depression.
(26) The commission is concerned about the possible risks associated with releasing genetically altered organisms into the environment.
(27) U.S. farmers sold the world about $ 50 billion in farm goods last year, much of it genetically engineered.
(28) For the embryos which are implanted after screening have not been genetically modified in any way.
(29) Megan and Morag are simply the two survivors from a much larger, genetically identical group.
(30) That is because commercial grapevines are propagated from cuttings and are genetically identical clones.
(1) A person's health is often genetically predetermined.
(2) How many of these traits are genetically inherited?
(3) Researchers have discovered that the children of these patients are genetically predisposed to cancer.
(4) All the bees in the colony are genetically related.
(31) This would greatly facilitate the treatment of genetically complex tumours like colorectal cancer.
(32) With a genetically modified organism if you do make a mistake that can be a mistake for ever.
(33) The sites for planting genetically modified maize and oilseed rape have to be announced in advance.
(34) The new category of genetically modified organisms has been subject to far less testing than one should reasonably expect.
(35) Environmental groups launched a campaign against the widespread production of genetically modified crops.
(36) The United States, the leading producer of genetically altered food, had resisted the regulations.
(37) The build-up of recessive genes increases the incidence of genetically determined diseases, such as sickle-cell anaemia in humans.
(38) Another popular misconception of Darwinian evolution is that its products must be genetically determined because their inheritance depends on genes.
(39) Personally I want genetically engineered foods and anything containing genetically engineered food ingredients banned.
(40) As yet there is no proof that genetically modified foods are harmful to humans.
(41) Hadrian Road was named after the Roman emperor who, we agreed, must have genetically bequeathed to us some superlative qualities.
(42) If insects learned to adapt to genetically engineered plants, the result could be widespread crop failure and famine, critics warn.
(43) Some genetically different strains of rats, for example, differ in their ability to learn to run through mazes.
(44) The genetically modified saplings will in due course be infected with the virus to test their resistance.
(45) They have released pollen from genetically modified plants into the environment, claiming that it will not spread.
(46) Fed on identical diets, two genetically different men will not grow to the same height.
(47) One of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they are often genetically similar.
(48) This is a cat with a limp body that genetically lacks the usual defensive reactions of felines.
(49) First the donor cells had to be cultured and genetically transformed, which could take weeks or months.
(50) Pure Przewalski's horses, genetically the closest to the wild progenitors of domestic breeds, are all in zoos.
(51) The biotech corporations argue that genetically modified crops will put an end to food shortages in the developing world.
(52) In 1998 it was already estimated that one-third of maize and soya products from the United States were from genetically modified crops.
(53) Bacteria are not present in the eggs of bisexual strains or those with genetically based parthenogenesis.
(54) Moving from insects to reptiles to mammals, the importance of learned, as opposed to genetically determined, behaviour gradually increases.
(55) GEMs are genetically engineered micro-organisms and finding them again could prove vital.
(56) The genetically modified food giant, Monsanto, has been forced to revolutionise its image because of public unease.
(57) All cheese is made from milk from genetically selected cattle, which is kept until it goes off.
(57) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(58) The recent introduction of genetically engineered insulin has lead to some problems for diabetics who have changed from animal-derived insulin.
(59) Megan and Morag in a sense are genetically identical twins, but their significance is greater than that.
(60) The proportion of soya from the genetically modified plants was initially small, but led to all soya being regarded as suspect.
(61) Most intense has been the reaction against genetically modified crops, known as GMOs, for genetically modified organism.
(62) For example, legally enforceable rules need to be applied to crops such as genetically altered, frost-resistant potatoes.
(63) There seems to be little doubt, however, that the development of the form imbricata is determined genetically.
(64) W01111n, like birds, have learned to be wary of men; they pass the wariness on, genetically.
(65) Genetically modified organisms: The bill provides for additional safeguards against the import, containment and release of Genetically Modified Organisms.
(66) Smothering the world with efficient carbon sink plantings, such as eucalyptus and genetically modified poplar, is an anathema.
(67) It has also been suggested that genetically based differences in alcohol metabolism may play a role.
(68) This might appear to be the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the colony, but all the bees in the colony are genetically related.
(69) Humans would develop skin cancers; plants would be genetically damaged and crops devastated; animals would be blinded.
(70) The concern comes after a reported increase in deaths of diabetic patients, most relying on genetically engineered human insulin.
(71) There has been a lot of alarmist publicity about genetically modified foods.
(72) This system of racial stratification has often been explained in terms of the supposed genetically based inferiority of blacks.
(73) It was postulated that prior infection with adenovirus 12 might predispose genetically susceptible individuals to the later development of coeliac disease.
(74) Organisms that have been altered genetically by such means are said to be transformed and after transformation they are transgenic.
(75) It is not clear that producers of genetically modified organisms will be fully liable for any damage they may cause.
(76) It may be at least three years before the genetically altered fish hit the market.
(77) Prince Charles has been loud in his condemnation of genetically modified food.
(78) First, and most important, it liberates genetically abnormal organisms into the environment with the minimum of supervision.
(79) Other genetically modified trees may help clean up contaminated land.
(80) In addition to its many benefits, the new technology has some potential risks, particularly from the release of genetically engineered microorganisms.
(81) The truly transgenic animals are produced in the next generation-from the genetically transformed eggs or sperm of the chimeras.
(82) Transgenic animals are genetically altered to produce proteins in their milk.
(83) Once could not genetically engineer a duck to make it cluck.
(84) Research is in progress to modify crop plants genetically to make them yield more than one product.
(85) Once released, genetically engineered organisms become part of our ecosystem.
(86) His most striking proposition to the lay reader is that human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language.
(87) Secondly,(http:///genetically.html) there is a need to determine how genetically engineered organisms will react when released into the environment.
(88) While gonorrhea also exploded in a similar way among gay men, its preponderance was significant not only numerically but genetically.
(89) But consumer groups, which have insisted that genetically modified foods should be labelled as such, rejected the plan.
(90) Instead of immediately heading for the ocean, as they are genetically programmed to do, they headed inland, and all perished.
(91) At least seven genetically separate units are hidden within the supposed entity and each now has its own Linnaean name.
(92) Autopolyploids are genetically isolated from their parental diploids.
(93) Bioaccumulation aqueous solutions by genetically engineered Escherichia coli.
(94) Take for example genetically modified (GM) food.
(95) The deposit genetically belongs epithermal type related to magmatism.
(96) Manure from genetically modified animals is not certifiable.
(97) Embryo has most commonly eitht genetically identical haploid nuclei.
(98) The research into protein refolding techniques is of essential importance to the down stream processing of genetically engineered proteins.
(99) The deposit is genetically of hypothermal type . Ore _ forming solutions have abundant acidulous water and mephitic air.
(100) Ramachandra and his colleagues propose to genetically modify diatoms by manipulating the genes that produce oil so that they enhance its production.
(101) MEXICO CITY - Wild cotton in Mexico has been contaminated with genetically modified material, posing a risk to biodiversity, experts say.
(102) Morton wants a guarantee that pollen from those genetically engineered beets will not fertilize his chard or red beets.
(103) As a genetically trained biologist I deny that it is.
(104) Heterothallism A condition found in algae and fungi in which sexual reproduction occurs only between genetically different self-incompatible mating types (strains) of the same species.
(105) Named "Applause, " the rose is genetically modified to synthesize delphinidin, a pigment found in most blue flowers.
(106) 51142 work better, Lenz suggests genetically modifying the bacterium to contain a more efficient hydrogenase enzyme, so less hydrogen is lost.
(107) [CEBU, PHILIPPINES] Field trials of genetically modified (GM) eggplant have been suspended following a dispute at one of the trial sites that led local officials to uproot 3, 000 plants.
(108) Grown from adult skin, these cells are genetically transformed to have the same unspecialized function that makes embryonic cells so important.
(109) Computer tomography imaging shows that a section of the throat in the ''singing mice'' is thinner than in mice that haven't been genetically altered.
(110) The duo began by injecting nerve cells in the retinas of their mice with a genetically engineered virus.
(111) The two vole species are more than 99 % alike , genetically . WWW . DAGONG 8.
(112) The Roundup Ready opponents say genetically engineered crops can cross-pollinate and damage other crops. And they say the crops can cause the growth of weeds that resist Roundup.
(113) For instance, research this year indicates that larvae of the monarch butterfly exposed to the genetically modified corn 'behave differently than other larvae.
(114) Currently, farmers who plant patented genetically engineered seeds are not permitted under their agreements with the patent holder to save seed from one season for planting in the next.
(115) This method is applicable to genetically uncharacterized phenotypes, and also extendable to explore gene cooperativity in complex diseases.
(116) Project Goal: Develop a new, genetically engineered micro-organism that can produce biodiesel from hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
(117) The polar and egg nuclei of the female gametophyte are genetically identical.
(117) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(118) It was caused by a genetically engineered brand of a food supplement called L-tryptophan.
(119) A genetically engineered AquAdvantage salmon (background) and an Atlantic salmon of the same age.
(120) But many foods contain genetically modified soy lecithin , corn syrup and other products.
(121) Genetically obese mice exhibited increased XOR activity and urate in the adipose tissue.
(122) Pic.27 A Greenpeace activist dressed as a brinjal protests against Bt brinjal, a genetically modified eggplant crop, in Bangalore, India, Friday, Jan. 22, 2010.
(123) "Pigs are genetically related to particularly water-loving animals such as hippos and whales, " Dr Bracke said.
(124) Genetic analysis indicated that the API gene was genetically delivered to the progeny and non-segregation lines began to appear in T4.
(125) All we needed to do was discover a genetically encodable actuator that could transduce a light flash into an electrical impulse.
(126) Yet high-yield varieties are also genetically weaker crops that require expensive chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides.
(127) But it also presents a major clinical obstacle, leading to rejection of genetically mismatched organ transplants.
(128) During logarithmic phase of cultivated ovary granulose cell, experiments were carried out to investigate the genetically procreation toxicity of F-2 toxin and the detoxification of V-E.
(129) The fish, a North Atlantic salmon developed by AquaBounty Technologies Inc. would be the country's first genetically engineered food animal.
(130) Hair color is genetically determined; or you can just buy some hair dye.
(131) Genetically engineering rice to produce provitamin A (beta-carotene) has received a lot of attention as a way to tackle this widespread nutritional deficiency.
(132) The U-bearing granites are widely distributed in Southern China and genetically belong to two types, namely, transformation type and syntexis type.
(133) Researchers linked a version of the CAMK4 gene with cocaine addiction after studying mice that had been genetically modified to alter the gene.
(134) Thus, the high-temperature-loving microbes that swarm around deep-sea hydrothermal vents are often genetically and metabolically similar to the microbes in the hot springs of Yellowstone.
(135) Genetically, it is an eluvial deposit produced by weathering, controlled by the stratigraphy and lithology.
(136) This one has it all: cyberpunk hackers, Hong Kong gangsters, Illuminati leaders, genetically engineered viruses and even a trip to Area 51.
(137) Genetically modified corn, cotton and soybeans are grown in the U.S., Canada, Argentina and other countries, but genetically modified rice has so far not been grown on a major scale anywhere.
(138) Objective To improve the production of clavulanic acid and to genetically delete cephamycin C in the fermentation of Streptomyces clavuligerus.
(139) Finally, the use of genetically modified trees can prevent overexploitation of wild trees.
(140) In general are genetically modified through the sexual reproduction process of implementation.
(141) Perhaps it's genetically predisposed or a result of gender - biased education.
(142) Eventually the Blackface ewe will give birth to a new genetically identical Finn Dorset ewe(3).
(143) GISH and SSR were adopted to genetically analyze 15 offspring plants (lines) of the new wheat germplasm 4844 with large and multiflorous spikes.
(144) In 1996, Hoffmann, now 70, was working with some genetically modified fruit flies and infecting them with fungi or bacteria.
(145) To figure out how the genetic mutation impacts sleep, Fu and her colleagues genetically engineered mice to have either two copies of the mutant gene or just one copy.
(146) The body segment monsters are hereditarily stable, genetically recessive and controlled by an autochromosomal gene.
(147) Monsanto's soy has been genetically modified to confer resistance to an herbicide, glyphosate, which is sprayed on the crop to kill off non-resistant weeds./genetically.html
(148) Proline is a neutral, genetically coded amino acid. It is a common constituent of many proteins.
(149) A: A vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) is a rare strain of poliovirus, genetically mutated from the strain contained in oral polio vaccine (OPV).
(150) In addition, the development of genetically modified foods can make it easy for one company to monopolize the market.
(151) Project Goal: Genetically engineer micro-organisms to use electricity instead of sunlight to make a high-octane gasoline substitute.
(152) These genetically cloned Afghan hounds in South Korea have made history.
(153) When the embryos are only eight cells large, an embryologist very carefully makes a hole in each shell, and sucks out a single cell to be tested genetically.
(154) The researchers speculate if they could genetically modify the bacteria to fluoresce when they purify the gold, the bugs could become something even more important: Microbial metal detectors.
(155) The goal of the giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) breeding program is to develop a self sustaining, genetically diverse population.
(156) Citing fears about safety, India's environment minister announced a moratorium on the commercial cultivation of what would have been India's first genetically modified crop Bt Brinjal, or aubergine.
(157) Heterogenous expression of active nitrile hydratase (NHase) was focused for its great potential in genetically evolution of the operational stability of NHase.
(158) Some of Monsanto's genetically modified corn crops may be susceptible to a new superbug.
(159) Objective To determine whether genetically normal immunocompetent rodent hosts could be manipulated to accept human fetal hepatocyte transplants and survive without immunosuppression.
(160) After succeeding in the lab, he began a test in a greenhouse to see if the genetically modified cotton plant would survive and pass on its new trait.
(161) This is a project of the University of Richmond in Virginia supported by the Pew Charitable Trusts. 34% said they believed genetically modified foods are safe. 29% thought they are unsafe.
(162) Syngenic or isogenic cells are isolated from genetically identical organisms, such as twins, clones, or highly inbred research animal models.
(163) The notion that children's taste in toys might somehow be genetically determined has long been disparaged by psychologists, pooh-poohed as unscientific, sexist or both.
(164) It is difficult to have a diagnosis of HSP for HSP is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders.
(165) Application of repetitive anesthesia in genetically altered mice increased their death rate.
(166) In this investigation, the researchers identified 198 children genetically predisposed to atopy and monitored them for 5 years.
(167) Already patents laave been awarded for a genetically engineered sweet protein derived from a West African plant called thaumatin.
(168) The individuals belonged to a genetically distinct group of humans that were distantly related to Neanderthals but even more distantly related to us.
(169) About one in 500 Americans is genetically deficient in these structures, called LDL receptors, and, as a result, develops astronomically high levels of LDL cholesterol.
(170) Some people are genetically predisposed to symptoms of overactive bladder, the American Urology Association says.
(171) Your body has been genetically enhanced with the strength and flame resistance of the Grayditch Fire Ants!
(172) The two embryos that dizygotic, not genetically identical. Therefore, the twins are not identical.
(173) The LEX System is a novel technology that genetically transforms the aquatic plant Lemna to enable the production of biologic product candidates.
(174) Once found, a process that could take up to six months, researchers will insert the genes into bacteria that are genetically engineered to mass-produce enzymes for even finer testing.
(175) Here's a bit of background: In 2005, Monsanto started selling sugar beets that had been genetically modified to tolerate the weed killer Roundup.
(176) Politics of genetically modified food, reproductive technologies, bioprospecting, organ transplant, online communities, or sampling.
(177) A study led by biologist Jon Puritz of the University of Hawaii found discharges from water treatment systems and contaminated rivers led to genetically different sea star populations of the species.
(177) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(178) Before any GM (genetically modified) food entering market, it has to be comprehensively evaluated for safety in nutrition, toxicology, allergenicity, and other aspects of food science.
(179) This breed of cow is genetically predisposed to intense marbling, and produces a higher percentage of oleaginous, unsaturated fat than any other breed of cattle known in the world.
(180) The Eimeria species, causative agents of the disease coccidiosis, are genetically complex protozoan parasites endemic in poultry.
(181) It is her only food; the queen bee grows 40-60% larger than the worker bee and lives 4-5 years compared to her genetically identical sister.
(182) Amino-acid content of F1 hybrids is genetically controlled by its parents.
(183) The regularity with which this occurs suggests that the process is genetically determined.
(184) Furthermore, low or zero trans fatty acid fat can be obtained by interesterfication reaction or with the raw material of low polyunsaturated acid oilseed by genetically modified technology.
(185) Now, researchers have genetically modified cotton to produce seeds with little or no gossypol.
(186) He adds that the commercialisation of genetically modified ( GM ) crops requires this law.
(187) Already patents have been awarded for a genetically engineered sweet protein derived from a West African plant cal1ed thaumatin.
(188) Genetically, the deposit is a Cu-Ni sulfide of magmatic liquation and superimposition.
(189) Genetically modified foods have already arrived on American dinner tables.
(190) As a result, a single spray of bentazon at a regular dose will kill any genetically modified rice plants.
(191) Although no country to date has released a major genetically modified (GM) food grain crop, China is on the threshold of commercializing GM rice.
(192) Ankerite is one of the main gangue minerals genetically related to gold mineralization in the Baguamiao giant gold deposit.
(193) The cotton is genetically engineered to produce Bt toxin, which kills pink bollworm, a serious cotton pest.
(194) Chinese ag economist plows ahead with his push for genetically modified seeds.
(195) But this group is linguistically, culturally, and even genetically diverse.
(196) The gene was packaged in a virus and patients were given injections of billions of copies of the genetically altered viruses into part of the brain called the subthalamic nucleus .
(197) A long-term study on female mice fed on a genetically modified soybean: effects on liver ageing. Malatesta M. et al. , Histochem Cell Biol.
(198) It is now routine to genetically reprogram microbes to make plastics, biofuels, vaccines and antibiotics.
(199) LR is a genetically influenced characteristic, known as an endophenotype, that involves multiple genes.
(200) Furthermore, what are the risks of cross-pollination of genetically modified crops with conventional plants?
(201) A small California biotech company, Epicyte, in 2001 announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile.
(202) But however the pluripotency–versus–partial-reprogramming debate turns out, her team's development of a genetically modified axolotl as a model organism for regenerative research is significant.
(203) In some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized.
(204) Take, for instance, the fast-growing genetically engineered salmon being reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration right now.
(205) Hyphae from genetically distinct individuals may fuse to form a heterokaryon - a single cytoplasm with dissimilar nuclei.
(206) Is this not a possible outcome of the development of genetically modified food?
(207) We'll need to drop any squeamishness about consuming genetically modified crops.
(207) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(208) Animals genetically altered in a way that limited their synthesis of ceramide didn't become insulin resistant when taking the drug as normal animals did.
(209) The authors tested the hypothesis that genetically elevated plasma CRP causes COPD using a Mendelian randomisation design.
(210) The US Government, starting with George Herbert Walker Bush, has adopted the policy that genetically modified foods are the same as unmodified ones.
(211) A US study has concluded that genetically modified cotton can offset some of the environmental impacts of intensive agriculture by reducing pesticide use.
(212) Key safety assumptions about genetically engineered viruses were overturned, calling into question the safety of using these viruses in vaccines.
(213) A "seed stock" genetically matched to the new swine flu virus has been created by the U. S. Centers for Disease Control, said Dr. Richard Besser, the agency's acting director.
(214) The LEX System is a novel technology that genetically transforms the aquatic plant Lemna to enable the expression of biologic product candidates.
(215) Human head lice are related genetically to lice on chimpanzees, and the two species began to diverge as humans and chimps diverged.
(216) L - Cysteine is a, neutral, genetically coded amino acid, derived from cystine and found in most proteins.
(217) You are a special species of Humans that have taken over from Cro-Magnon Man, and have been genetically engineered to allow for a speeding up in your evolution.
(218) South African researchers are working on a genetically engineered tobacco plant that turns red near land mines — offering a potentially cheap way to clear post-conflict zones.




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