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单词 Springtime
1) Many birds mate in the springtime.
2) The sap rises in trees in springtime.
3) At springtime this river always overruns.
4) In springtime the woods are full of bluebells.
5) The blossom on the trees looks lovely in springtime.
6) In the springtime, everything comes to life again.
7) It was springtime and the fruit trees were in bud.
8) It was springtime and the slopes were ablaze with almond blossoms.
9) However,(http:///springtime.html) this was in the springtime of her trouble.
10) Carolyn Henderson offers some springtime suggestions.
11) No dead birds in the larder in springtime.
12) River ice in springtime, breaking, a force of nature coming alive, rising, sweeping everything before it.
13) Its springtime for President Bill Clinton as he watches his Republican challengers rip each other to shreds.
14) Majorca was renowned for its springtime almond blossom, Fernando had told her.
15) Springtime flatters this part of the Somme countryside, undramatic with its flat fields and scattered villages.
16) Winter Walk threads evergreens, and Springtime Path shows off the wildflowers blooming in that season.
17) Rugged mountains, clear icy streams, and in springtime carpets of pink and blue opium poppies bending in the wind.
18) It was springtime and the slopes were ablaze with almond blossom, the vivid green terraces edged with blue irises.
19) The ground was a grass parkland, in springtime carpeted with wildflowers.
20) The springtime delicacy of their budding stands in terrific contrast to the autumnal head beneath.
21) That time was the springtime of love for Eugenie.
22) The town smells like springtime.
23) A profusion of leaves bursts out on trees in the springtime.
24) You are surprised to find yourself singing in the springtime, putting a flower in your hair, trying a new lipstick.
25) They came to do what actors in big summer movies do in the springtime: promote.
26) After all, that an organism may spend the energies of its springtime resisting being eaten alive is not unknown to me.
27) In these up to half the annual output may occur in the three or four weeks of springtime thaw.
28) Unless a freak freeze is experienced, an unusually warm late winter-early springtime will have Augusta National in lush heavily-grassed condition.
29) But for now, anyway, the activity survives on cool springtime weekends in hidden locales down dirt roads.
30) One showed an elderly couple in a tatty cafe with the caption: Springtime in Stoke-on-Trent.
1) Many birds mate in the springtime.
31) The Greek Islands are lovely in springtime.
32) The new leaves in springtime have a soft touch.
33) The blossom on the trees looks lovely in ( the ) springtime.
34) Based on the inner healing and soul searching of our wintery journey, we are then able to open our hearts and feel the springtime of love.
35) Few events arouse more teenage angst than the springtime arrival of college rejection letters.
36) For in the springtime flowers come in crowds , the busy wings of bees jostle each other.
37) The mucous is only a reflection of the desire to stop the momentum of change offered by nature in its cycle of rebirth each springtime.
38) We see on every hand the results of the farmer's toilforecast in the springtime.
39) Um, other common complaints in the springtime, as people start to wear, let's say, open-toed shoes, is uh, Athlete's Foot,(http://) or Tinea Pedis and Onychomycosis.
40) The house is spruced up and it is springtime for the parents.
41) We see on every hand the results of the farmer's toil and forecast in the springtime.
42) In the northern hemisphere, tonight's full moon will soar up high – like springtime sun.
43) Long after that epic springtime afternoon when Jackie Robinson changed the face of baseball, he remains an unforgettable figure in the story of American democracy.
44) Sage grouses, though greatly reduced in number, still do a fancy fandango of a mating dance on the springtime prairie.
45) And at springtime(), when the apple - blossoms brush the burnished bosom of the dove.
46) Did anyone ever tell you that you smell like a Parisian woman in springtime?
47) It's springtime. Flowers were blooming ( blossoming ) all over the island.
48) If springtime in Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile don't inspire you to tango, check your pulse.
49) Current medical practices blame pollen for the runny eyes or drippy noses that springtime flowers and flowering trees give off.
50) Man:And there's a place back home, where a wild plum tree comes to flower in the springtime.
51) Outside in the world, it was not springtime, but the hills and paddocks were lit with bursts of gorse flowers, and the heavy drunken perfume came blowing through the open window of the car.
52) Strolling back to the house the promise of springtime - warmth, renewal and beauty - journeyed right along with me.
53) Planted bulbs make the perfect springtime tabletopa gold painted planter adds glamour.
54) Black bear clubs are born in the winter, but emerge from their dens in the springtime.
55) Springtime usually heralds a tilt at silverware, but not this year.
56) In this springtime image, snow caps Llaima's summit, but the snow-free slopes appear in shades of purple-brown and green, likely a combination of volcanic rock and vegetation.
57) This thinning occurred during September and October springtime in the Southern Hemisphere.
58) Made with white peas, pea flour cake is a favorite springtime snack, and was very popular among members of the imperial court.
59) Flowers bloom in springtime.
60) Thus lives she, and all her care is she may die in the springtime, to have store of flowers stuck upon her winding-sheet.
61) It doesn't tell us to nourish product champions like the first buds in springtime.




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