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单词 drip
释义  ldoce_076_cdrip1 /drɪp/ ●●○ verb (dripped, dripping)  1  [intransitive, transitive]LIQUID to let liquid fall in drops 滴(水),滴下(液体) The tap’s dripping. 水龙头在滴水。 Her boots were muddy and her hair was dripping. 她的靴子沾满了泥,头发在滴水。drip blood/water/sweat etc John came in, his arm dripping blood. 约翰进来了,他的手臂在滴血。be dripping with blood/sweat etc The hand that held the gun was dripping with sweat. 拿枪的手汗水直往下滴。 →5  See picture of leak 漏, drip 滴2  [intransitive]LIQUID to fall in drops 〔液体〕滴下,沥下drip down/from etc The rain dripped down his neck. 雨水顺着他的脖子往下滴。 Water was dripping through the ceiling. 水正透过天花板滴下来。3  be dripping with something to contain or be covered in a lot of something 满是某物;充满[充溢]某物be dripping with jewels/gems/pearls etc All the princes were dripping with gems. 王子们个个珠光宝气。 His tone was now dripping with sarcasm. 他的语调现在充满了嘲讽。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdrip• The faucet's dripping again - you'd better call the plumber.• The rain dripped down his neck.• The two of them looked at it, as blood dripped down on the cold linoleum.• Sweat dripped down the sides of his head and chest.• He ignored the icicles too, a whole row of glistening two-and three-footers dripping from a pipe.• The blood was still dripping from the cut on his lip.• Wax from the candle dripped on the tablecloth.• We stood under a tree, with rain dripping onto our heads.• Thérèse held it for her, burning her fingers even as the icy water dripped over dripping with blood/sweat etc• The flatboat was dripping with blood.• The hand that held the gun was dripping with sweat, the metal feeling hot and slick.Water ... dripping• One of his neighbours finds water dripping from the balcony above along her ceiling and out near her electric fire.• And yet inside, despite the saturated carpet and water still dripping from the ceiling, business was proceeding.• You can hear the sound of water dripping in the pail and the sound of the washcloth on skin.• Water dripping into his brain pan.• Water began dripping into the window, the port engine started to cough.Related topics: Drugs, medicinesdrip2 ●●○ noun  1  [countable]LIQUID one of the drops of liquid that fall from something 液滴 I put some plastic buckets on the floor to catch the drips. 我把几个塑料桶放在地板上接滴下来的水。2  [singular, uncountable]LIQUID the sound or action of a liquid falling in drops 滴水声;滴落 The silence was broken only by a regular drip, drip, drip. 唯有嘀嗒嘀嗒的滴水声打破这宁静。3  [countable]MD a piece of equipment used in hospitals for putting liquids directly into your blood through a tube 〔静脉〕滴注器 SYN IVbe/put somebody on a drip At the hospital they put me on a drip. 在医院,他们给我输液。4. [countable] informalBORING someone who is boring and weak 怯懦无趣的人,平庸乏味者n5  drip, drip, dripdrip, drip drip used to talk about something happening gradually or continually over a period of time the drip, drip, drip of new revelations every dayExamples from the Corpusdrip• A drip to be adjusted here, a vein to be found there, the floor to be constantly scrubbed.• Before painting, lay a cloth on the floor to catch any drips.• As I settled the man on to a pallet and helped the Sister fasten the glucose drip, I felt less uncomfortable.• The dead silence was broken only by a regular drip, drip, drip.• The man with the bright eyes needed a saline drip.• A steady drip of blood was forming a pool on the floor.• Place the muffin pan on a baking sheet to catch the drips.• Everything was quiet except for the drip of rain from the roof.Origin drip1 Old English dryppan; related to dropdrip1 verbdrip2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  let fall in Corpus to liquid drops




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