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单词 Collecting
1. Stamp collecting is my hobby.
2. Stamp collecting and coin collecting are parallel hobbies.
3. Collecting data is a painfully slow process.
4. Stamp collecting was the theme of his talk.
5. We're collecting signatures for a petition.
6. He occupied himself in collecting stamps.
7. Two young girls were collecting firewood.
8. The research involves collecting data from two random samples.
9. His likes collecting butterfly specimens.
10. I go in for stamp collecting and judo.
11. Sady is addicted to collecting stamps.
12. He has been collecting stamps since he was eight.
13. The builders were collecting their wages from the site hut.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. He would walk along the beach collecting the flotsam and jetsam that had been washed ashore.
15. They are collecting data.
16. They are collecting this material at the points of origin.
17. Busy collecting bees, not in front of people talk with eloquence.
18. We walked along the beach collecting small crabs in a bucket.
19. He's just got a job collecting tolls at the start of the motorway.
20. After 25 years of collecting recipes, she has compiled them into a cookbook.
21. Collecting the raw materials proved a long and laborious task.
22. They were going to stage a large-scale money collecting.
23. We are collecting money for families in need.
24. We're collecting for local charities.
25. I'm collecting sponsors for next week's charity run.
26. Her old trophies were collecting dust on the shelves.
27. She's collecting material for her latest novel.
28. We've been out collecting signatures for our petition.
29. The boys were set to work collecting firewood.
30. The children were formed into small groups, which went from door to door collecting money and old colthes.
1. Stamp collecting is my hobby.
2. Collecting data is a painfully slow process.
3. Stamp collecting was the theme of his talk.
4. We're collecting signatures for a petition.
5. He occupied himself in collecting stamps.
6. Two young girls were collecting firewood.
7. The research involves collecting data from two random samples.
8. His likes collecting butterfly specimens.
9. I go in for stamp collecting and judo.
10. Sady is addicted to collecting stamps.
11. He has been collecting stamps since he was eight.
12. The builders were collecting their wages from the site hut.
13. He would walk along the beach collecting the flotsam and jetsam that had been washed ashore.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. They are collecting data.
15. They are collecting this material at the points of origin.
16. We walked along the beach collecting small crabs in a bucket.
17. He's just got a job collecting tolls at the start of the motorway.
18. After 25 years of collecting recipes, she has compiled them into a cookbook.
19. Collecting the raw materials proved a long and laborious task.
20. The children were formed into small groups, which went from door to door collecting money and old colthes.
21. I'm collecting for the Red Cross, please give generously.
22. We're collecting for the famine victims.
31. I'm collecting for Children in Need.
32. He has been collecting for years.
33. The children were collecting shells on the beach.
34. My children love collecting seashells.
35. She is fond of collecting rare carpets.
36. Anita is collecting material for a novel.
37. Stamp collecting holds a certain fascination for me.
38. The mechanism for collecting taxes needs revising.
39. Suddenly, collecting antiques is all the fashion.
40. Hospitals are poor at collecting information.
41. I'm collecting for the Red Cross, please give generously.
42. My hobby is stamp-collecting/collecting stamps.
43. The team have been collecting evidence about war crimes.
43. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
44. The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax.
45. We're collecting for the famine victims.
46. We're collecting money in aid of cancer research.
47. Carlson was collecting messages, reading them, then shredding them.
48. They're collecting the ripened reddish berries.
49. We're collecting for the homeless.
50. She's collecting material for a newspaper article.
51. The bumblebee has developed complex machinery for collecting pollen.
52. He's collecting for famine relief.
53. So when did you start collecting antique glass?
54. That guitar's been sitting collecting dust for years now.
55. This artist's creations are worth collecting.
56. My interest in stamp collecting dated from my schooldays.
57. One of Tony's hobbies was collecting rare birds.
58. I dropped some small change into the collecting tin.
59. His daughters were collecting his effects.
60. A man comes round regularly collecting scrap.
61. One of my childhood occupations was collecting stamps.
62. We had a visit from somebody collecting for charity.
63. After collecting the cash, the kidnapper made his escape down the disused railway line.
64. He took on the responsibility for collecting evidence for the trial.
65. I didn't know what to do with it, so it just sat there collecting dust .
66. The police are collecting clues in order to piece together the details of the day she died.
67. He persevered with his task until he had succeeded in collecting an armful of firewood.
68. He tried to spin us some yarn about how he was collecting for the church. It was all lies.
69. We could have got in for nothing nobody was collecting tickets.
70. This gave Mr White an opportunity of collecting his thoughts.
71. They are collecting information in preparation for the day when the two sides sit down and talk.
72. She has been collecting stamps since she was a child.
73. She went from house to house collecting signatures for her campaign.
73. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
74. Parents must sign pupils out when collecting them for doctor's or dentist's appointments.
75. She travelled the highways and byways of Scotland collecting folk songs and local traditions.
76. Frank always took a couple of heavies along with him when he went collecting his debts.
77. Some people were in the street collecting money for charity.
78. I'm in the process of collecting material for an article that I'm writing.
79. They are collecting customs.
80. We're collecting for the children's home - please give generously.
81. What about leaving it here and collecting it on the way back?
82. If the stylus jumps, this may be due to dust collecting in the grooves of the record.
83. She expects me to drive round collecting jumble for the church.
84. He is taxed withthe job of collecting the latest military information.
85. We've got as far as collecting our data but we haven't analysed it yet.
86. He's collecting material for a new book on space travel.
87. They are going from door to door collecting money from civilians.
88. An archivist takes collecting a stage beyond.
89. The actual process of collecting was very complicated.
90. Historians are skilled in collecting facts and interpreting them.
91. Not so efficient at collecting clippings.
92. The methods of collecting data are different.
93. Collecting cereal boxes is becoming a rage.
94. The collecting bug often bites early.
95. Nigel's hobby is collecting rare books.
96. They feed by collecting tiny particles from the water.
97. Now I occupy space in your lounge collecting dust.
98. His leap from collector to seller may be the surest sign yet that road-map collecting has come of age.
99. Wrexham Maelor council has been collecting historical and architectural items of interest for a decade.
100. A series of failed ventures based on his hobbies of collecting classic sports cars and aircraft led to his downfall.
101. A couple of inmates were collecting fallen leaves and stuffing them into black bags.
102. I've been collecting samples of the different types of rock which occur in this area.
103. This week the school is collecting medical supplies, including plasters, vitamins and antiseptics.
103. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
104. Luckily their cargo included rice which they supplemented by catching fish and collecting rainwater.
105. We're collecting money to build a hostel for homeless people - would you like to make a donation?
106. Report on the potential of a short video to demonstrate the importance of accuracy in collecting road accident information.
107. Solicitors Solicitors handling debt collecting and documentation for credit control are like the rest of society.
108. Have you ever lost someone you love and wanted one more conversation, one more chance to make up for the time when you thought they would be here forever? If so, then you know you can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back. Mitch Albom 
109. However, if they insist on collecting the fee, dump them.
110. The other method for collecting facts about potential purchasers is through published lists - like the telephone directory or the electoral register.
111. It is a popular field of collecting, pleasant to behold and with a spice of magic about it.
112. Not obtaining addictive drugs or collecting prescriptions on behalf of the sufferer.
113. The Board could become responsible for collecting and analysing such information and for drafting recommendations.
114. On April 29, Cahill temporarily blocked backers from collecting signatures to put the immigrant voting measure on the ballot.
115. His pastimes became trading commodities on the futures market and collecting butterflies.
116. This is often done through an independent third party, such as a debt collecting agency, to ensure confidentiality.
117. He's been collecting signatures of voters to get the measure on the ballot.
118. Illegal uses often include shopping trips, collecting spare parts for the garage or calling at a public house along a journey.
119. I took a drink from one of the twenty-four plastic gallon containers which I had been collecting for two years.
120. Collecting in Person Despite the time and inconvenience involved, this is the most effective method of collection.
121. Rain collecting at the tip of the rock has formed huge icicles.
122. You can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back. Mitch Albom 
123. Most bivalve fossils are a few centimetres long; the ideal size for collecting.
124. Rhode Island native Charlie spent the better part of his adult life collecting Elvis Presley memorabilia.
125. I also borrowed a small silver bowl for collecting water from the drainpipe.
126. Andy Naughton-Doe, a chartered secretary, is collecting signatures to seek a conversion vote.
127. I was collecting that night to make an early start in the morning and avoid the worst of the traffic.
128. And I also learned there is more to shell collecting than picking up a few for the condo coffee table.
129. Then, collecting her thoughts, shutting out all sound save that in her headset, she began to take down the message.
130. For an average earner, that will be 16 years of collecting a monthly check worth about $ 4, 247.
131. At last, after collecting enough materials, Endill was ready to start building the wings of his plane.
132. She watched events on a color television set in the cubicle where she sat, collecting fees from her customers.
133. There's plenty of evidence of Ralph's catholic tastes in collecting.
134. Their method of collecting money was devious, but not illegal.
135. After collecting all kinds of material the catapult began to take shape.
136. Mahmoud was responsible for collecting the evidence, deciding whether there was a case, and then carrying through prosecution.
137. Pupils sent home to beg A HARD-UP primary school has sent pupils home with begging bowls - yoghurt pots for collecting coins.
138. I foolishly entrusted the task of collecting the money to Ron.
139. Some bands are extremely keen to sign with a respected manager who insists on collecting the artist's money.
140. After 25 years of collecting recipes, Barber has compiled them into a cookbook.
141. In the midst of my collecting, a noisy ATV comes zooming across the beach, scattering the gulls.
142. After collecting the award Reeves slipped it into a plastic carrier bag and shortly after dropped it.
143. I first got involved when I began collecting old paperbacks for the artwork on the cover.
144. When Mungo got down, he could see that more books were collecting dust under the bed.
145. Merchants would travel around on a regular basis giving out raw materials and collecting the spun, or woven, product.
146. Threats to its survival include habitat change, disturbance, egg collecting and severe winters.
147. And customers at the Hutchinsons' shop have contributed more than £200 in loose change thrown into a collecting bucket on the counter.
148. Initially, the office was often sold to the highest bidder, who would recoup his losses by assiduity in collecting.
149. He was lightly wounded at Detroit and wrote papers on ethnography, as well as collecting specimens wherever his career sent him.
150. Elementary evaluation involves collecting data on service provision, but examining the effectiveness and efficiency of services is a more demanding task.
151. They were collecting, they claimed, divine energies for Mr Rowse to dispense during the coming week.
152. What is needed, therefore, is a way of collecting together all the processor registers to allow rapid process switches.
153. Only collect information if its actual or potential value exceeds the cost of collecting it.
154. The federal government already has spent $ 24 million collecting evidence.
155. We have also started to introduce can or aluminium collection centres and are experimenting with collecting plastics.
156. Speed, accuracy and cost efficiency in collecting receipts and making payments are critical.
157. This improvement can be achieved by collecting and using access data as explained on page 399.
158. Still half-asleep, she began collecting the flowers she'd arranged the night before.
159. Members of its executive council have been collecting signatures in the border region.
160. People who are collecting welfare checks usually really need them.
161. Next,'s friends and colleagues dressed up as cat burglars and prowled around Telford town centre collecting money for Comic Relief.
162. Some kind of Gerald Durrell character, is he, going round the world collecting creepy-crawlies?
163. Dustbin derby: Schools throughout Langbaurgh are competing for Telethon's dustbin derby by collecting plastic bags for recycling.
163. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
164. But having been once rebuffed, the Scandinavians set about collecting more evidence.
165. Eastry, however, reorganized and improved the method of collecting revenues from the manors, bringing in additional funds.
166. Those who care about conservation and the archaeological record have to hope that collecting on this scale will go out of fashion.
167. Whatever their standards, they were successful, collecting money for the charities whilst making good business contacts.
168. The building uses solar panels for collecting the sun's heat.
169. One of the attractions of bookplate collecting is that it can be relatively inexpensive.
170. She gave cheap advice and charge mini-mum fees, hardly ever collecting on past due accounts.
171. He started collecting cereal boxes five years ago and is so enthusiastic about it that he advertises on the Internet for boxes.
172. Students will therefore need courses that will equip them for observing, collecting and analysing linguistic data.
173. Pensioners at the complex have been collecting money to help the town's hospice appeal for the last two years.
174. Start collecting boxes and packing cases Make sure home contents insurance covers you for the move.
175. And by collecting unemployment compensation, laid-off workers can continue spending, keeping the overall economy from slumping further.
176. Entomology became more fashionable once better killing bottles provided the squeamish with a less offensive method of collecting specimens.
177. Besides, a successful professional criminal with a Legal Aid lawyer is like a billionaire collecting Social Security.
178. Both of these carriers raised their base fares 10 percent and are collecting the windfall on tickets currently being sold.
179. Agents would continue collecting evidence at least through Friday, Alexander said.
180. In the absence of antidiuretic hormone, the distal tubule and collecting duct are impermeable to water.
181. Monitor Appropriate Indicators At this stage mechanisms for collecting information about attainment levels need to be designed and implemented.
182. One of the biggest problems facing task forces has been collecting accurate data.
183. They would be involved in planning the database, collecting the data, organizing the data and creating the database.
184. Already he's spent more than £100 on chicken wire and spent hours collecting up the various fillings.
185. He spent the rest of his life collecting antiques and artwork and writing calligraphy in his smoke-filled room.
186. The nominal costs of collecting domestic rates were also reduced between 1983/4 and 1984/5 and rose very little over the whole period.
187. His extraordinary achievements of discovery, surveying and collecting were not acknowledged in his lifetime.
188. Look at this example: Thank you for contacting us about the difficulty you had collecting your baggage at the Oakland airport.
189. Contrite, she backed off, collecting a change of clothes from her bag.
190. The method used is based on collecting and clustering bigram statistics using a rank correlation metric.
191. Now drop left to avoid the guard, while climbing back up left and collecting a crate.
192. They were even charged for collecting rainwater on rooftops. After huge demonstrations the privatisation was replaced by local water supply.
193. Another method of collecting information on wealth distribution is to use survey research,[http:///collecting.html] but this too has its drawbacks.
194. Mr Clark says his department will be collecting poll tax arrears for years to come.
195. a barrel for collecting rainwater.
196. Elizabeth had been collecting snails for a school project.
197. The divers were armed with cameras and collecting gear.
198. He is collecting evidence to massacre his opponents.
199. Governments employ computers to process census data and to facilitate such financial business as collecting taxes.
200. At the level of collecting data, all the scientists strive for objectivity.
201. He is now collecting material for a biography of Tao Yuanming.
202. The vagaries of collection over 12 hours are so great that shorter collecting periods are preferable.
203. Personal collecting expeditions may be necessary to obtain seed for countries with smaller forestry programs.




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