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单词 Tonality
1. The compromise with tonality is equally clear in Berg.
2. One concerns the tonality of the human voice.
3. The dominant in a given key or tonality.
4. If the new tonality has a very long paragraph, the best selection of tonality should be that mode and key change at the same time.
5. Using eighteenth-century musical forms and the tonality of the seven-note scale, the group also drew from ethnic folk tunes, jazz, and polytonal techniques.
6. The cursive rhythms and hot tonality of hot nudes of the 1920s recall Delacroix, Limited and even conventional in its Mediterranean genre, Smith's best work has great formal authority.
7. The focus throughout Part 3 is on tonality as a framework for generating coherence.
8. Arnold Schoenberg's early works of atonality, because of the structural functioning of missing of "tonality", can only keep unity by dint of "strengthened theme coherence".
9. There is no body language or voice tonality to convey nuances and emotions.
10. Tonality depends on the reflected brightness of the terrain and can be electronically measured.
11. So long as Stravinsky had led the opposition on behalf of tonality, art music had broadened and deepened in expressive range.
12. A comparison shows the painting to be executed with very much the tonality of the photograph, from exactly the same viewpoint.
13. And he takes a travelling rug with him - another of those fussy bag-and-baggage objects which assert the novel's tonality.
14. Schoenberg represented the other side of the dialectic: the abandonment of tonality.
15. The large negatives or slides deliver beautifully detailed images with a very nice tonality.
16. Indeed, those recalcitrant minor key songs that defy generalization about the link between tonality and mood may tell us something more important about music than the ones that conform.
17. He was also one of the few composers to bridge the gap between conventional tonality and atonality.
17. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
18. Qinyuan Pottery Xun has its own features and styles in tone color , interval and tonality.
19. In string quartet playing, intonation is a complicated issue that concerns tonality, melody, harmony, etc.
20. The absence of a tonal center and of harmonies derived from a diatonic scale corresponding to such a center; lack of tonality.
21. The article is based on his vocals , analysing and researching their harmonic technique and style from the aspects of the chord structure , the harmonic progression , the mode and tonality etc.
22. His basic musical idioms were based on the tradition of tonality, but he also, if necessary, resorted to dissonances and occasional atonality.
23. This article explores the characters of harmony of Bartok's compositions, and emphasizes on the relationship between the tonality and the application of harmony.
24. In order to analyze and summarize the characters of the melody, the second chapter is looking deeply into the topic by using series of musical scale, pentatonic modes Tonality and melody.
25. In this paper, I choose 13 'vanward' pieces during this period and make some study and analysis on harmony, scale, tonality, texture, structure and so on.




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