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单词 Do business
1. Do business, but be not a slave to it. 
2. We'll have to find someplace else to do business.
3. It's been a pleasure to do business with you.
4. They like to do business by phone / over the phone.
5. He's a tricky fellow to do business with.
6. We do business with a number of Italian companies.
7. He's someone I can do business with .
8. Our company used to do business with theirs.
9. We don't do business with foreign companies.
10. The Pentagon will give preference to companies which do business electronically.
11. They socialize with them,[ ] do business with them.
12. They do business nationally and internationally.
13. California is a difficult place in which to do business.
14. Naturally he was eager to do business, and so turned to his training officer for assistance.
15. Maybe I could do business with this guy, I thought.
16. The Internet's impact on the way we do business has been remarkable.
17. In California it is illegal to refuse to do business with someone because of their race or ethnic origin.
18. Take the humbug out of this world, and you haven't much left to do business with.
19. But it reopened after a state judge ruled this month that the cooperative could do business under the tenets of Proposition 215.
20. Is it a completely irrelevant coincidence that almost every person who makes large sums of money dresses up when they do business?
21. Fifty to 75 percent of the customers who complain and have their problem resolved would do business with the company again.
22. Good Housekeeping magazine seal of approval that makes it easier for countries to borrow and do business abroad.
23. It is a mark of respect for those you intend to do business with.
24. He had abhorred many of the traders of Tangier who would do business with either side.
25. In due course I left Varndean and went to do business studies at Sussex University.
26. He had never in his life seen two men so eager to do business.
27. As a result, many businesses are having to scramble to get the overnight letters and packages they need to do business.
28. By using critical mass and monolithic buying power, we can change the way we do business.
29. Or I might go and see a company here that we're planning to do business with.
30. A new generation of men and women executives refused to do business the way their corporate fathers and grandfathers had done.
1. We'll have to find someplace else to do business.
2. It's been a pleasure to do business with you.
3. They like to do business by phone / over the phone.
31. Before you do business with someone, it is important to establish a rapport.
32. You do business with my daddy, you're very close to him in that way.
33. It was always a pleasure to do business with him.
34. They were happy to do business with him, and to borrow money from him.
35. I wouldn't do business with him - he's a crook.
36. He's probably the most astute politician in the Middle East, and we knew we could do business with him.
37. People are relaxing a little more in their wardrobes and the way they do business.
38. As commission agents we do business on commission basis.
39. As concision agent,[ ] we do business on commission basis.
40. As commission agency we do business at commission basis.
41. The local authority chartered him to do business.
42. Never do business with a loan shark.
43. Before passing judgement, let's take a look at how most companies do business and examine the components of inventory carrying cost.
44. Chou Hou-ch'ing sure knows how to speculate and do business. His Golden Touch Bank has really prospered. Eldest Brother was a fool to break with him!
45. YONGMAO zealously to do business hand in hand with friends abroad, to create beautiful future.
46. On the next rung down, Minsheng must fight it out against the other joint-stock banks, a dozen institutions (some with state backing) licensed to do business nationwide.
47. The cold store can do business under capital repair. It is shown that PEF is a new excellent insulant which should be extended.
48. The government decided to take a firm stand on admitting more foreigners to do business in the country.
49. I advise you not to do business with him - he's as slippery as an eel.
50. If the manufacturer has many pending litigations, including those during enforcement procedure, it is suggested that you do not do business with them.
51. He even made an arrangement with Mr. Dalrymple to assist him to do business on Saturdays.
52. How can they expect us to do business with them after being such cheapskate?
53. In the bank's latest report, it has overtaken Colombia to become the most straightforward country in Latin America in which to do business, and the 35th easiest in the world, up from 41st last year.
54. Not much of a paper chase for Microsoft's chairman, who uses a range of digital tools to do business.
55. No one can do business at such unreasonably high prices.
56. In dragon hillock area, 3 come to one filling enterprise do business year of careful of charter during be to be in when?
57. You can't arrive to do business in Beijing and trot out English--- that won't do.
58. For customers to provide humane media services, to do business throughout the media consultant.
59. The smooth flow of goods is the way for Businessmen to do Business.
60. Do you want to fuck my partner, or do you want to do business with us?
61. Yes, I also hope we do business on mutually beneficial basis.
62. How many customers had told Salomon they wouldn't do business with the firm?
63. Two : Anping the first home computer numerical control punching Net to do business.
64. Never do business with a Mafia - related enterprise. They play with loaded dice.
65. Beijing prides itself on a foreign policy of non-interference,(/do business.html) a pledge to do business with whatever government is in power in a country without being drawn into domestic political issues.
66. You shouldn't haggle over every ounce when you do business.
67. The financier told us not to do business in that way.
68. Many draw their wages from Serbia proper, do business in the Serbian dinar, and where possible get their services from the north.
69. Early Arab traders gather in this area to do business.
70. A former US diplomat who spent 12 years helping American companies do business in China has turned his expertise and life-long interest in health into his own China business.
71. These false bargains are always variations on the Hollywood standard -- do business with us, pardner, or die.
72. Leal:I'm glad to have the opportunity of visiting ur corporation. I hope we can do business together.
73. U.S. banks and insurers do business all over the world, and their problems can rapidly spread to the global entities that are exposed to them.
74. Well, as a rule, we do not do business on commission basis.
75. Still, Mr. Presser said, we can change the way we do business.
76. As peoples life improves , they flood out to the west to visit , study or do business .
77. We fervidly a zonal clients come to do business with us.
78. Though expatriates whinge about bureaucracy, the World Bank ranks Mexico the easiest place in Latin America to do business and the 35th-easiest in the world, ahead of Italy and Spain.
79. Expats and business travelers alike say the cities are easy to do business in and have an excellent standard of life.
80. No, I'm talking about something more fundamental: as an American citizen, I'm responsible for protecting the assets of every lending institution licensed to do business in my vicinity.
81. A : Yes, I also hope we do business on mutually beneficial basis.
82. Our wide connection among those who do business on silk places us in the most favourable position for doing business on the best possible terms.
83. Commerce/Trade: The U.S. Department of Commerce works to enhance U.S.-Iraqi commercial relations by providing U.S. companies with guidance on how to do business in Iraq.




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