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单词 Primal
1) The universe evolved from a densely packed primal inferno.
2) Does it conjure up some primal urge from within?
3) I begin with the recovery of primal speech.
4) Jealousy is a primal emotion.
5) The lyrics unleash a gigantic primal scream at the urban alienation and despair of our industrial world.
6) Water is a primal element; it permeates everything,(http:///primal.html) including us.
7) The tableau is no longer primal feasible and one further pivot as shown. is required to achieve an optimal tableau in which.
8) What primal urge makes these men want to ride the bull?
9) The stag is a primal male creature, filled with force and dynamism.
10) Perhaps that is why various kinds of primal and spiritual speech are returning.
11) It is an essential element of the primal piety, the archaic spirituality[], that pentecostal worship brings to the surface.
12) For many of these postindustrial wanderers, the primal quality of pentecostal worship seemed to fill the bill.
13) Not everyone, however, welcomes the return of primal spirituality to the modern world.
14) Early myths described the Primal Being as a nameless, formless power.
15) His primal Teutonic scream captured for all time the collective pain felt by the valued customers of Salomon Brothers.
16) To others it is the wavy symbol of the primal waters attached to the cross of matter.
17) As we saw earlier, it was out of this primal conflict that human societies and the superego first emerged.
18) In his Totem and Taboo Freud made such an act of primal parricide and rape the origin of all subsequent human culture.
19) This sense of great freedom and energizing excitement will be the first of many primal emotions that you feel.
20) A comparable reaction to the sadistic tyranny of the primal fathers would have been natural to the sons.
21) But for all this, the fact remains that the citizen of the agricultural welfare state is not a primal hunter-gatherer.
22) Quigley leaped into the air like a monkey that has sat on a bunsen burner and gave a sort of primal grunt.
23) The sense of an unbroken participatory field of reality was central to the primal mind as well.
24) Again he experienced the heightened awareness and sharpening of the senses, which always accompanied his bestial transformation into a primal killer.
25) They say that at a certain point it will stop expanding and start contracting again, back into the original primal seed.
26) He rose and then dived within her, starting slowly as if to the beating of a primal drum.
27) In terms of man's cultural development he represents a royal epiphany of the primal father, an authentic reincarnation of primal despotism.
28) They frequently coalesce into one another, and with the other primal images of desert and sea.
29) Looking at snakes, we seem to be looking backwards in time and deep into our own primal selves.
30) They suggest heaven and earth are the product of a primal fissure.
31) It trades in the primal delight which the hills bring; in their clean innocence and the wonderment they inspire.
32) For it was in the primal horde that the first murder was performed, and this has haunted mankind ever since.
33) All sorts of superficial variations-from homosexual marriage to companionate partnership-may be played on the primal themes of human life.
34) Furthermore, they did not retain these primal practices merely as heirlooms.
35) At the same time, he became adept at nurturing his image as a tormented rebel in touch with primal truths.
36) You will feel this range of powerful, primal emotions with dizzying, disorientating frequency.
37) We should recall that man did not originally evolve in a liberal democracy, but in the primal horde.
38) The moment I read it I knew I had found the traces of the primal spirituality I was looking for.
39) He took up the links again between Moses and the killing of the primal father at the end of his life.
40) Water is one of the four primal elements of ancient wisdom, along with earth, air and fire.
41) Rubber wetsuits they regarded with distaste as contraceptive sheaths that would interfere with the primal experience.
42) Replace lubricating oil after primal 300 hours'operation.
43) Money was a primal necessity to them.
44) This India, the primal, has heen depressed.
45) Increased Primal Roar's cooldown a little bit.
46) Hell, It's either that or shout primal scream therapy.
47) Primal eras before the appearance of life on earth.
48) Connection with the listener is direct, personal , emotional, primal.
49) Because glpsol said the dual problem is not feasible, the primal problem is unbounded (the Caribbean Islands situation I mentioned above).
50) The primal video interpretation system based on the high capability video tape recorder is studied successfully and has been applied to target.
51) The paper uses primal - dual interior point method to acquire the optimal solution.
52) Everywhere are wistful expressions of impotency and uncontrolled expressions of primal fears.
53) In this sense, Florence remains unchanged since the days when, above the great gulf of the Duomo's medieval transept, cloth merchants hired Brunelleschi to raise his primal Renaissance dome.
54) This paper introduces the situation and primal problem of higher agricultural engineering education in Fujian Province.
55) The Last of the Mohicans breathes an atmosphere of almost primal innocence.
56) The basic Support Vector Machine for Classification solves the primal problem by solving the dual problem.
57) A primal - dual inexact infeasible interior - point algorithm for the second - order cone program ( SOCP ) was presented.
58) And today as the appreciation of a Primal Cause becomes the spiritual instinct asserts itself determinedly.
59) This act symbolically and literally cut them off from the primal chord of their race.
60) The guilt-ridden letter in which he announced the news to the Clemens family amounts to a scream of primal anguish.
61) To solve a linear programming with the dual simplex algorithm, it is necessary to find a primal regular solution.
62) It is the primitive, primal earth, where the instinctive life heaves up.
63) The American sailors expected to meet a tribe of primal natives, but were instead greeted by a canoe loaded with super-friendly English speaking Anglo-Tahitian mutineer children.
63) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
64) Since thend of the Impergium, werewolves have never regained their primal dominance.
65) Specially, it is shown that the primal problem can be solved by solving a single nonlinear relaxation problem when the parameter and the dual vector are appropriately chosen.
66) An unbounded primal problem has a dual problem that's not feasible!
67) Applying lots of primal features to identify fault condition leads to reduce classification correctness.
68) The dual problem is suit for the light dimensional input space and the primal problem can be solved better when N is bigger.
69) Those male images are full of primal vitality, manhood and ferity beauty, they are the perfect union of force and beauty, and playing some mode meaning to Chinese literature's male image-building.
70) By separation, the subject finds, one might say, the weak point of the primal dyad of the signifying articulation, in so far as it is alienating in essence.
71) Life's primal forces are close at hand in Bena, on the island of Flores, where homes shaped like volcanic cones stand beside megalithic gravestones.
72) Through what primal paradise in a remote morning of creation ran the simple path by which their hearts visited each other.
73) A primal - dual inexact infeasible - interior - point algorithm is presented for solving the second - order cone programming problems.
74) The natural man has only two primal passions, to get and beget.
75) The paper also proposes a solution of SCOPF based on primal - dual interior point method ( IPM ).
76) It has more advantages than primal simplex algorithm, two-stage simplex algorithm and dual simplex algorithm.
77) The gunas pass through four stages - gross, subtle, primal and unresolved.
78) Cabalists are spell-casters, and more specifically, summoners and controllers of demons and the primal forces of the netherworld .
79) Although the Dream is beautiful, its primal savagery can also be deadly.
80) By the work, it proves that theory of ternary optical signals encoder is right and sets up a primal foundation of other experiments about ternary optical computer.
81) ResultsTwo primal neural-network models for solving a class of linearly constrained convex programming problems are proposed by means of their inherent properties and the projection method.
82) "Emotional contagion seems to be a primal instinct that binds us together," said Molly Helt, a graduate student in clinical psychology at the University of Connecticut, Storrs.
83) A primal problem that has no solution has an unbounded dual problem.
84) A strong architectonic feel pervades the work, which seems to be a world unto itself, a purely artistic construct formed out of the primal elements of geometry, line, and colour.
85) The primal wild is a realm of mysteries, especially to the unprepared.
86) The conventional surrogate constraint method, which can improve the efficiency of branch-and-bound or cutting plane algorithms, can not guarantee to find the optimal solution of the primal problem.
87) Smell registers in the primal brain, known as the limbic system.
88) An improved algorithm for image restoration was proposed based on Primal - Dual Hybrid Gradient Descent ( PDHGD ) method.
89) Primal - dual predictor - corrector interior - point algorithm is presented to solve SDP problems in these fields.
90) Also, there's something very primal about doing the deed from behind that brings out the animal in even the most mild-mannered guy.
91) He received the Oscar nomination for his brilliant performance of an altar boy accused of Murder in "Primal Fear" and went on to deliver fantastically as a neo-Nazi in "American History X".
92) Stars are born from a kind of primal soup known as the interstellar medium.
93) In this paper we introduce a novel representation of the significant changes in curvature along the bounding contour of planar shape. We call the representation the curvature primal sketch.
94) A constrained optimization problem in primal weight space with incorporation of a regularization term was discussed. The dual problem was solved by using the kernel trick.
95) Their literatures showed the primal localize to Christianism. We would try to prove that the way they absorbed the different culture is the absolutely Chinese way called The Doctrine of the Mean.
96) Improved Pounce? Removed and replaced by the new talent Primal Resilience.
97) Primal Wild: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Life and Spirit. Mages who walk the Thyrsus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.
98) The dual problem is suit for the light-dimensional input space and the primal problem can he solved better when N is bigger.
99) He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party's purity.
100) Keep in mind this is an adaptation of the caveman/paleo/primal diet.
101) Epic crafting items usually require a Primal Nether or two.
102) The maximization problem is then called the primal problem,[http:///primal.html] and the minimization is the dual problem.
103) A magazine photographer wrote in the guest book: "Almost being killed and then killing, by stoning a rattlesnake, was pretty damned primal.




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