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单词 peak
释义  Related topics: Nature, Geography, Shapes, patterns, Clothespeak1 /piːk/ ●●○ W3 noun [countable]  1  time 时间 [usually singular]BEST the time when something or someone is best, greatest, highest, most successful etc 高峰,顶点at something’s peak The British Empire was at its peak in the mid 19th century. 英帝国在19世纪中叶处于全盛时期。 Sales this month have reached a new peak. 本月的销售额创了新高。 Most athletes reach their peak in their mid-20s. 大多数运动员在25岁左右达到巅峰状态。 He’s past his peak as a tennis player. 作为网球运动员他已过了巅峰期。 Oil production is down from its peak of two years ago. 石油生产已比不上两年前的鼎盛时期。at the peak of something Hotel rooms are difficult to find at the peak of the holiday season. 节假日高峰期酒店一房难求。 the peaks and troughs of the US economy (=high and low points) 美国经济的起起落落2  mountain 山 a) DNSGthe sharply pointed top of a mountain 山顶,山峰 snow-capped mountain peaks 白雪覆盖的山顶 jagged peaks 嶙峋的山峰 b) DNSGa mountain 山 → summit Mount McKinley is Alaska’s highest peak. 麦金利山是阿拉斯加的最高山峰。3  point 尖CF a part that forms a point above a surface or at the top of something 尖端,尖顶 Whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. 将蛋清搅打至起尖发稠。4. hat 帽子DCC especially British English the flat curved part of a cap that sticks out in front above your eyes 帽檐,帽舌 SYN American English visorn COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: the time when something or someone is best, greatest, highest, most successful etcverbsbe at its peakThe strawberry season is now at its past your peakBy the next Olympics, she will be past her peak.reach a peak (also hit a peak informal)The traffic reaches a peak between 5 and 6 pm.The company’s stock hit a peak of about $23.fall from a peakVisitor numbers have fallen from a peak of 1.8 million per year to under 1 million.phrasespeaks and troughs (=high points and low points)Sales went through a number of peaks and troughs in the last fiscal year.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: ADJECTIVES/NOUN + peaka mountain peakAll around are the spectacular mountain peaks of the Jungfrau region.the highest peakMount McKinley is Alaska’s highest peak.a snowy/snow-capped peakThe snow-capped peaks of the Sorondo mountain range provide a dramatic backdrop.a jagged peak (=with several sharp points)At first all I could see was the hazy black outline of a jagged peak.a rocky peakThe Castle is situated on a rocky peak.a distant peakThe mist cleared to reveal the distant peaks across the valley.Examples from the Corpuspeak• Figures produced at a World Energy Conference showed that oil and gas production should reach a peak between 1985 and 2000.• The slopes and peaks were so heavily wooded with dark pines that from a distance the mountains actually looked black.• April, September and October are peak months for your ambitions.• Go to fast food places at peak hours, when extra cooks and cashiers are working.• the Alps' snow-covered peaks• We found no significant difference in peak recorded serum bilirubin concentrations between the groups.• The Dow Jones closed at 10215 points, about 10% down from its peak• Gold fever reached its peak nine years later with the discovery of the largest nugget in Colorado history.• The time of peak becomes progressively earlier.• At the peak of the sugar-boom of the early 1870s a mere 40,000 workers were employed in the Czech sugar-factories.reached ... peak• This habit also reached a peak in 1989.• Gold fever reached its peak nine years later with the discovery of the largest nugget in Colorado history.• Fonti was concerned about problems of access and coordination on the site now that it had reached peak activity.• In the 1630s the tobacco boom showed signs of having reached its peak.• He has no immediate plans to retire, having reached a peak in his career.• By 1920, trade union membership reached its inter-war peak of about 8 million.• Richmann tensed as the approaching engine noise reached a peak.• The number of passengers arriving by ship reached a peak in 1969.mountain peaks• All around are the spectacular mountain peaks of the Jungfrau region.• In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him.• It seemed to have collapsed on top of the horizon where its mists were blunting the mountain peaks.• Cloud lay thick across the lake, hiding the mountain peaks beyond.• You gain altitude constantly from the river lowlands until you are under the mountain peaks.• The mountain peaks and ridges clawed at the sky and Maggie stopped thinking altogether.• And its figuration is clearly seen: three mountain peaks, surrounded by the circle of the globe.peak2 ●○○ verb [intransitive]  INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNTto reach the highest point or level 达到顶峰,达到最高水平 Sales peaked in August, then fell sharply. 销售额8月份达到最高点,然后急速下降。peak at Wind speeds peaked at 105 mph yesterday. 昨天的风速最高达每小时105英里。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspeak• The stock opened at 201 / 4, peaked at 203 / 4 and now trades at 9.• Fifty-one canal acts were secured between 1791 and 1796, peaking in 1793-4.• It will likely peak in about three to five years but has the stuffing to last a decade.• The hotel below the line where the water had finally peaked was a complete mess.• Thomas' secular career peaked when he was appointed the archbishop of Canterbury.• Commentators feel that the Bears haven't peaked yet this season.peak at• Wind speeds peaked at 105 mph yesterday.peak3 ●○○ adjective [only before noun]  1  BESTused to talk about the best, highest, or greatest level or amount of something 最好[高]的;高峰时期的;巅峰状态的 Gasoline prices are 14% below the peak level they hit in November. 汽油价格比11月的最高点下跌了14%。 a shampoo designed to keep your hair in peak condition 令秀发保持最佳状态的洗发水 If you phone during the day you pay the peak rate for calls. 白天打电话要支付高峰时段电话费。 periods of peak demand for electricity 用电需求高峰时段2  British EnglishBUSY PLACE the peak time or period is when the greatest number of people are doing the same thing, using the same service etc 〔时间或阶段〕高峰的 Extra buses run at peak times. 交通高峰时段加开公共汽车。 Hotel prices rise during the peak season. 高峰季节酒店房价上涨。n3  peak oil/coal/gas the time when the rate of getting oil, coal, or gas out of the ground has reached its highest level, after which it will gradually begin to get lower Some scientists believe we have already reached peak oil.Examples from the Corpuspeak• In the peak month of July the market sold three hundred tons of melons a day.• We usually have two people working in the shop, but at peak periods we employ extra staff.• Hotel prices rise considerably during peak season.• There should be more buses to cope with the extra passengers at peak peak condition• He wanted to do his best the first time he performed, and knew he was not in peak condition.• His is constantly pre-occupied with fitness, strength, and staying in peak condition.• So haircare has to be a continuous process in order for your hair to look in peak condition.• There are five gentle shampoos and six nourishing conditioners which leave your hair soft, manageable and in peak condition.• You can then make the picture at your leisure, knowing that the flowers were pressed in peak condition.• Walker feels he is not in peak condition and will concentrate on preparing for next season.• Athletes must be in peak condition but also prepared for Olympic conditions.• Concentrate on getting hair in peak condition with moisturising treatments and more importantly, regular trims to get rid of split ends.peak times• And although there are many spaces in Darlington there is still an overflow at peak times.• Expect to queue and don't expect to finger at peak times.• Motorists report long queues for the spaces on the lower deck at peak times.• On the other hand, there was no profit in short journeys and irregular runnings of trains at peak times.• All the affected roads which are already very busy at peak times are to be diverted.• Power cuts were thus to remain a fact of life at winter peak times in Britain into the early 1950s.• At peak times there is no let-up with an endless string of calls back-to-back.• For example, last year it became evident that terminal responses at peak times were becoming much slower.From Longman Business Dictionarypeakpeak1 /piːk/ noun [countable] the time when prices, shares etc have reached their highest point or levelThe company’s share of overseas assets reached a peak two years ago.It estimates that the value of its land is now 60 percent below its peak.peak ofThe number of cars produced fell from a peak of 800 in 2004 to 650 this year.The FTSE 100 climbed to 2577.1, just below the intraday peak (=the highest point on a particular trading day) of 2580.1.peakpeak2 adjective1peak level/price/rate etc the highest level etc something reachesMany Japanese investors bought property at peak prices just before values began to slump.The company expects to hit peak production in two years’ time.2peak time/period/hours/season the time when the greatest number of people in a country are doing the same thing, using the same service etcThere are extra trains at peak times.Hotel prices rise during the peak season. → see also off-peakpeakpeak3 (also peak out) verb [intransitive] to reach the highest point or levelThe Bundesbank president declined to say whether German interest rates had peaked.peak atSources estimate that output from the oilfield will peak at about 25,000 barrels a day.The company’s stock peaked at $11.50.European metal dealers have been buying copper only as needed while waiting for prices to peak out.→ See Verb tableOrigin peak1 (1500-1600) Perhaps from pike “mountain, hill” ((13-21 centuries)), probably from a Scandinavian languagepeak1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2peak2 verbpeak3 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese  someone is Corpus time something best, or the Business highest, when greatest,




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