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单词 Loot
1. The thieves divvied up the loot.
2. It was all the loot taken by soldiers from the captured town.
3. The thieves hurriedly carved up the loot.
4. The thieves divides the loot into equal shares.
5. Most criminals steal in order to sell their loot for cash on the black market.
6. They loot and impose depredations on the countries where they operate.
7. The gunman stuffed the loot into a paper bag and ran outside to a waiting car.
8. He refused to let his army enter and loot the city.
9. Later, the film rights for Loot were sold for £100,000.
10. Why loot and burn when you can participate, force the pace of change?
11. Two weeks later, police found the loot hidden in an abandoned warehouse.
12. But I've noticed that a certain amount of loot helps to invest even your most casual remarks with a certain significance.
13. After a battle Your faithfull companions will equip loot.
14. Tip: Each mission has three pieces of special loot.
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. The Kuomintang calls it loot.
16. It is loot, isn't it?
17. The thieves whacked up the loot.
18. Let's rescue the loot from that mutinous crew!
19. Jodie came home from the mall with bags of loot.
20. There have been reports of youths taking advantage of the general confusion to loot and steal.
21. Oliver turned out his pockets and spread out his loot on the ground.
22. Monarchs pretended to close their eyes to it while they shared the loot and then honored the pirate heroes.
23. Local people subsequently entered the site in order to loot the metal containers holding the pesticides, and simply poured the contents away.
24. It was more probable she did not trust me enough to show the buried loot.
25. Though depleted by robbery in Thrace on the way home, Vulso's loot astonished the Romans for its size and quality.
26. It was the latter that was to provide a respite as the Prussians paused in their advance to loot.
27. I'd love to win the lottery and take home all that loot.
28. There is also the chance of picking up a not inconsiderable amount of loot.
29. The £1,000 worth of gifts were part of the loot taken in a raid on a courier depot at Leicester.
30. Virgil had cut the same for Glover, who had grabbed up burlap to hold his share of the loot.
1. The thieves divvied up the loot.
2. It was all the loot taken by soldiers from the captured town.
31. The burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase.
32. The thief was caught red-handed with the loot.
33. This was the island where buccaneers hid their loot.
34. "He was actually a privateer, a mercenary licensed by the government to loot merchant ships flying the colors of England's enemies -- mainly France and Spain," explained Wareham.
35. Meanwhile a more substantial, if unimaginatively packaged loot was rumbled in north Ecuador on the same day.
36. The oil best calculated to lubricate the political machine was the loot that it received.
37. M.M.S.'s modus operandi was more like setting a thief to help other thieves get away with the loot.
38. The course is confidential, go-off is confidential, calculate somebody to want " loot " also be absolutely impossible.
39. The thieves quarreled with one another about how to divide the loot.
40. The thief outwitted the police and got away with his loot.
41. It was when asked how he kept his mix of followers onside that he called loot a talismanic gathering-word.
42. Everyone will then see that there is a monster that the master looter has loot rights on.
43. The thieves were caught with their loot by the police.
44. The law-abiding majority suddenly saw that some of their compatriots were happy to torch cars and buildings, loot shops,[] and attack firemen and ambulance crews.
45. There was a rift within the loot, as Albert Tennyson says.
46. A brawny warrior is just fine in the heavy plate armor with a big bag of loot over his shoulder while a slender mage will be more concerned with the lighter pieces of treasure.
47. The word loot itself is an Anglo-Indian word with a root in the Hindi word "lut".
48. Schliemann illegally smuggled the loot to Berlin, convinced he had found evidence of the Iliad's famed ancient city.
49. Maybe it's just me, but I have never thought that leeching or having leechers follow me around all day doing nothing but picking up the loot from my kills was a whole lot of fun.
50. In 1950 a Sunday school class in Philadelphia found a way of sharing their "trick or treat" loot with children around the world.
51. He is the stony - hearted expug, committed deep within him, despite all blandishments, to anarchy and loot.
52. Unscrupulous corporate mandarins who run roughshod over their employees, loot their shareholders, and defraud their customers?
53. Auto - loot may be enabled with just one click in the Interface Options.
54. Sansha's Demon, Sansha's Berserker and Sansha's Battletower now drop the correct loot.
55. He always found the talismanic gathering-word Loot...a sufficient bond of union in any part of India.
56. He says the brutal attacks are usually carried out by small bands of LRA( Lord's Resistance Army) guerillas who loot the towns and leave little in their wake.
57. He liked the stony - hearted expug, committed deep within him, despite all blandishments, to anarchy and loot.
58. It was Arakanese who joined the general scramble for loot.
59. Some overseer structures that are supposed to drop loot will now do so.
60. Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.
61. In our current raiding system each boss drops a pre - determined set of loot.
62. The loot had disappeared and been handled by a fence.
63. When they got to their forest hide-out they divided up the loot.
64. As at Issus, substantial amounts of loot were gained following the battle, with 4, 000 talents captured, as well as the King's personal chariot and bow. The war elephants were also captured.
65. Blackbeard was given a new ship after he made a deal to split his loot and booty with the Eden, governor of North Carolina . The governor agreed not to try to capture Blackbeard.
66. I sneaked a loot at the plans on her desk.
67. In Master Looter mode, items are no longer opened up for looting by all party members after the round-robin looter closes their loot window.




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