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单词 Circular
1. The island was originally circular in shape.
2. She paid a circular visit among her relations.
3. Rub the cream in with a circular motion.
4. The lamp stands on a circular base.
5. The new device emits a powerful circular column of light.
6. Have you seen that circular from the new disco center?
7. The bright boy altered it to a circular form.
8. The island is roughly circular in shape.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. The crater was two miles across and roughly circular.
10. The log was rent to pieces by a circular sawing machine.
11. Have you seen that circular from the new furniture centre?
12. The book contains circular walks you can do in half a day.
13. A circular to this effect will be issued in the next few weeks.
14. He had round unblinking eyes and a perfectly circular head.
15. Using small circular movements, massage the muscles on either side of the spine.
16. The path is more nearly circular.
17. The replies to the circular were reported in 1979.
18. The frigidarium is small and circular in plan.
19. Both satellites pursue nearly circular, equatorial orbits about Mars.
20. The roulette wheels were sunk in circular pits.
21. Using circular movements, run lightly until skin is smooth.
22. So far we have been discussing circular orbits.
23. The passageway ended in another small, circular chamber.
24. The level I have in mind is circular.
25. The lake was roughly circular in shape.
26. Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion.
27. From a front view the small birds can look almost circular.
28. Both sides of the river can be explored on this circular walk.
29. He could hear the sound of hammering, then the whine of a circular saw.
30. The work interposes a glass plate between two large circular mirrors.
1. The island was originally circular in shape.
2. She paid a circular visit among her relations.
3. Rub the cream in with a circular motion.
4. The lamp stands on a circular base.
5. The new device emits a powerful circular column of light.
6. Have you seen that circular from the new disco center?
7. Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion.
8. From a front view the small birds can look almost circular.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. The bright boy altered it to a circular form.
10. The island is roughly circular in shape.
11. The crater was two miles across and roughly circular.
31. The spikes can destroy a chainsaw or circular saw.
32. He made a circular motion with closed fingers.
33. The transepts have large circular windows.
34. Many thanks for concocting a circular for's Edinburgh week-end.
35. The full moon is circular.
36. The shallow, circular houses are about 4m in diameter.
37. The cattle are kept in a large circular enclosure.
38. The planets follow almost circular orbits around the sun.
39. Failure to recognize this leads to circular arguments.
40. The circular flow of income and spending.
41. Close to the globe was a circular table[http://], mostly painted blue.
42. As it's circular there's a choice of start points including the main towns on the route -.
43. In haemoglobin the iron lies within a flat circular molecule called a porphyrin.
44. Another burn at this point can accelerate the craft, placing it on the higher circular orbit.
45. Ulcers which result from these bites eventually heal leaving small circular scars.
46. Others provide only logical or only circular shifts, and arithmetic shifts must be constructed from these basic operations.
47. These towers were transeptal or set just behind the apses and were polygonal or circular in form.
48. Traffic was travelling freely, east and west, along the North Circular Road yesterday.
49. The circular and mutually reinforcing nature of the social production of facts about child abuse can be illustrated diagrammatically.
50. In circular form, with a surmounting cupola, it had four adjacent apses, each with a semi-circular roofing.
51. On top of the cab was a very big circular disc with a grille over it like miniature venetian blinds.
52. The orbits of the planets are almost circular, but not quite.
53. He then unfolded and mounted his own, circular, of gentian violet gently banded with the lovely Dior gold.
54. The circular gave formal acknowledgement to a practice already employed by some authorities and which continued thereafter to be ignored by others.
55. The tunnel she had emerged into led to a circular chamber.
56. If you already own a jigsaw and circular saw, the Cut Saw is probably not for you.
57. The table he sat at was circular and made of pine or what Hilbert and Adam's father had called deal.
58. The Patten plan, detailed in a Government draft circular, risks further heightening confrontation with teachers already boycotting national curriculum tests.
59. Arrange the slices of potato carefully in a circular manner, overlapping to cover the bottom of the quiche pan.
60. Several horse-wheels survive in Northumberland, housed in circular buildings with their roofs supported by pillars of timber or stone.
61. These circular reactions are clear examples of active interactions with the environment.
62. In the classroom, photos of the trip to the seaside were on display and there were small circular tables.
63. They do not require a circular to be issued or prior shareholders' approval.
64. Below Manescu saw a complex of concrete buildings and a circular tower block surrounded by a high wire fence.
65. It is useful to use that very fine elastic on the zig-zag, the two circular rows and the following one.
66. Circular temples are often difficult to identify unless they are clearly differentiated from their domestic counterparts.
67. Then they plodded round a circular mill, crushing the cider apples.
68. Muscle strips were mounted with the longitudinal axis parallel to the direction of the circular muscle bundles.
68. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
69. The circular plan was derived from the hospital tents of the Crimea, where improved ventilation helped reduce the risk of cross-infection.
70. The circular arrangement presents similar alternatives if one reads the lines of each hexagram from the center outward.
71. Allen key truss rod adjustment is located on the familiar, Fenderish headstock with its circular string retainer and elephant ear machineheads.
72. It is not a circular slipped under your door to which you may or may not respond with a pre-paid envelope.
73. Weather satellite images of the area taken from synchronous orbit show an immense circular area of dense clouds above the impact site.
74. The circular window, the Gothic rose, evolved from the Romanesque wheel window.
75. When these provisions are implemented, the transitional arrangements of Circular 3/84 will no longer be applicable.
76. With shared relief they edged their way back and then at last down the circular stair.
77. Abel is a fortyish man with round unblinking eyes and a perfectly circular head.
78. Its circular of 12 January drawing attention to the decisions against united action taken at Southport, had been ignored.
79. The aerial photographs suggest at least one Romano-Celtic temple alongside other circular or rectangular structures.
80. Tintern Abbey in the Wye Valley makes a good half way point on a circular walk from Chepstow.
81. Without the proposed issues, pretax profit would come to 496. 43 million ringgit, the circular said.
82. White Peak Way An 80 mile circular walk through the white peak area designed for walkers staying at youth hostels.
83. Some computers provide both logical and circular shifts, together with the appropriate arithmetic shifts.
84. Taxation Tin the circular flow has been interpreted as income taxation and is the difference between gross and disposable income.
85. The subscription rate for the Information Circular is £15.00 perannum for twelve issues.
86. So far we have considered glass furnaces which have circular plans and tank glass furnaces which have rectangular plans.
87. Some ratios use domestic product, which measures resources produced entirely within the domestic circular flow.
88. Plasmid: circular DNA molecules able to replicate independently of the chromosome in microorganisms.
89. To make the city safe and invulnerable to attack, his architects designed a circular plan.
90. The officer in charge has to provide a black hood as a blindfold, and a four-inch circular white target.
91. The five storey building features a circular atrium topped by a stained glass dome.
92. An Appendix to the Circular discusses a number of related issues, and relevant legislation.
93. At the time of writing, a new draft circular is under consideration.
94. Above a certain threshold, these hot spots suddenly transformed into the all-or-none response that appeared as expanding circular or spiral waves.
95. Both have a circular direction of movement which is most pleasing and exciting.
96. The perforations cut into the bolts, can be of circular, square or triangular shape.
97. They come in straight or circular shapes and are best concealed behind a baffle of some sort.
98. The wave accelerates into the nearly circular cavity from all sides,[] converging on the center of the crater.
99. The Pilling Circular Tour of pre-war years has recently been revived using vintage trams and buses. 3.
100. At bridge 14 you can join the Bierton Circular Walk which goes around the village of Bierton.
101. Bentwood chairs, small circular tables and wall-mounted globe cafe lights are the key.
102. The winning design projects a needle into the sky from a circular cylinder which tapers to the ground.
103. I took it down from the wall to reveal the circular door of a wall safe with a combination lock.
104. They are quite unmistakable, and are often very elegant indeed, especially when they are perfectly circular and symmetrical.
105. Unlike Woodchester, however, such geometric decoration as exists does not serve to emphasize the autonomy of the circular arrangement.
106. The two circular towers still have the original casement windows with leaded panes.
107. Compass points had been carved into the circular slab in the centre of the floor.
108. Selina established herself at the circular steel table: evening paper, teacup, a single, deserved cigarette.
109. Yet the circular as published is a considerably milder version of one which was circulated among local authority associations in July 1980.
110. Torture King places a circular fluorescent light bulb on his head and touches an open electrical circuit.
111. The Court refused to allow itself to be caught in a circular argument as to which State needed to waive immunity first.
112. Subsequent timing observations have shown the pulsar to be in a 5.74-day circular orbit with a low-mass companion.
113. Rather, I think the measure should be circular, like the face of a clock.
114. The daytime blast is heard over a roughly circular area some 70 kilometers in diameter.
115. Why then does the sun appear to set and to have a circular motion around the Earth?
116. The comet had a nearly circular coma about two degrees in diameter but no obvious tail.
117. In 1969 the Home Office distributed a circular to police forces advising against the use of entrapment.
118. Having identified the main sectors we can now include them in the circular flow approach adopted in Figure 1.2.
119. The Circular exhorted LEAs to consider new ways of providing opportunities for adult education, including co-operation with universities and voluntary bodies.
120. The parabola is the section of a right circular cone on a plane parallel to the slope of the cone.
121. The diameter of the circular precipitation line is measured arid compared to standards for quantitation.
122. Circular reactions lead to a greater awareness of objects as objects and to a greater understanding of cause and effect.
123. And yet he was happy in his lot, his circular fast lane.
124. Already, the rails were softening, the circular tube was becoming ovoid.
125. The stem is circular in section, with a twisting, grooved design.
126. Writtle College has also signposted the three-quarter mile circular trail route, built stiles and bridged a large ditch.
127. The 200-foot-tall circular tower is scheduled to open March 1.
128. Their versatility means a circular saw is not always needed.
129. It lacks the qualities associated with the perfection of the celestial sphere: circular motion, elemental purity,[http:///circular.html] immutability.
130. Together with circular and rectilinear stock watering ponds, they form distinctive elements of lowland landscapes.
131. And with his round face and friendly little circular eyes peering at you from behind those less-than-state-of-the-art spectacles.
132. The irony in all this is the circular logic of what appears to be the new strategic competition.
133. You can take a 12-mile or 20-mile circular walk around the village.
134. Thus the poem has a circular motion corresponding to the circular shape of the object it describes.
135. White lacquer-sprayed branches circled the room,() laid with 10 circular tables.
136. There is a one and a half mile circular nature trail around the reserve, which is definitely worth doing.
137. The crater was about two miles across, almost perfectly circular, with several steep-sided peaks evenly placed around the rim.
138. This changes them from a circular orbit to an elliptical one.
139. With the heel of her hand, she wiped a circular space to see her face.
140. Old converted railway paths offer splendid opportunities, although circular walks are not usually possible.
141. The interior is unusual with columns set on circular plan but with flatter, straight sides to the exterior walls.
142. The base of the circular grey pole was concealed in a clump of long brown grass.
143. A revival in 1957: boat-car in Clifton Drive on a Circular Tour.
144. You can't knit circular rows using the settings given in Figure 1 when using a punchcard.
145. It is possible to climb the circular stairs to enjoy far-reaching views from the towers and battlements.
146. We start by talking about a problem of circular reasoning to motivate the diagram.
147. This meeting also approved a circular letter which it is to be assumed canvassed for potential members.
148. He argued that all the higher taxonomic categories can be divided into five subordinate units that fall naturally into a circular pattern.
149. Pupils can often fall back on a circular argument such as: Why is the relationship linear?
150. The pattern is similar to that produced by the flow of electrical current around a circular defect in a plate.
151. Hold up the circular strip and ask the students how many sides it has.
152. This square tower has circular turrets on each side, the whole making a fortified place of retreat.
153. The columns are circular, very thick and have cubiform capitals.
154. In fact, each individual drop of water is describing a circular motion which takes it nowhere overall.
155. The king crabs have a nearly circular carapace, beneath which powerful legs helped the animal to swim and catch prey.
156. Attached to one side was an enormous circular blade; a startling silver against the gloom.
157. Up a narrow circular stair therefrom he went, and in the almost pitch darkness cannoned into somebody coming down.
158. The circular changed and allowed that joint finance money to be paid over a much longer period and virtually in perpetuity.
159. Like the minor, circular designs of the latter, it may have possessed a number of concentric bands.
160. His defence, to start with, was the circular from the Tripoli Committee extending the expiry date on the milk.
161. It showed a small bare circular room with a flagged floor.
162. A draft circular was sent out for comment in mid-1980.
163. The procession follows a circular route through the town, and finishes back in the park.
164. Slowly brush two teeth at a time, using small circular movements.
165. The Development Wheel is a circular chart divided into three sections; personal well-being, communal well-being and material well-being.
166. The villa has a circular courtyard with rooms leading off it in all directions.
167. Knead the fondant or marzipan thoroughly, using a circular motion to spread the colour evenly.
168. A narrow door in what looked like a solid pillar opened to show a cramped circular stair.
169. In the Mesara Plain the built tombs were usually circular.
170. It is happily served by two old paths for ascent and descent(), encouraging a circular walk best done clockwise.
171. Circular Quay, where harbor cruises depart, is across the street.
172. It looked perfect - gentle slopes within a semi circular bowl of hills.
173. Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along dark corridors and seemed to expand into the circular chamber.
174. The Circular clearly envisages that LEAs will set about testing these hypotheses.
175. They constructed a circular model, where both parties in a conversation are shown as having virtually the same functions.
176. The shots rang out just after Combs and his entourage walked past a large circular bar in the center of the club.
177. The furniture was sparse: a circular table and two chairs; a plain bookshelf crammed with books about art and artists.
178. Leading from the Library, the visitor enters a circular building, about 45 yards in diameter with an outer Ionic portico.
179. First there was a nearly circular rim of resplendent mountains, their white caps glistening in the morning sun.
180. At the end of the corridor, they found Herr Bischoff's son waiting in front of a vast circular steel door.
181. When considering circular motion it is often easier to work in terms of the angular velocity rather than ordinary linear velocity.
182. Nylon yarn was made there for a time along with Cellophane packaging film, carpets and circular knitted fabrics.
183. Pre-war poster for Circular bus route 22, which replaced the Layton and Central Drive trams in 1936.
184. This 97 mile circular route follows the towpaths of six different canals.
185. Clearly the more elaborate the dress, the more dress-fasteners required, although there is here the danger of a circular argument.
186. For variety and to make a longer walk you can try the three circular walks which leave the towpath at various points.
187. Layer this with the remaining spinach and cover with the rest of the potatoes in a circular pattern.
188. They will now be exhibited in a series of large display cases arranged around the seven circular balconies on the fourth floor.
188. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
189. The circular waterway remained until the early nineteenth-century when it was filled and converted into a road.
190. A spacecraft passing through its perigee point is moving faster than an equivalent craft on a circular orbit of the same radius.
191. Elephant's foot: raised circular foot, usually with a special circle inset section.
192. Members of all three shifts were milling about the circular room: repeating rumours, distorting facts and generally hyping themselves up.
193. Similarly, the transverse colon was recognised by its characteristic triangular folds and the sigmoid colon by its circular folds.
194. Grayling has now tried a number of different shapes of dining table, including circular and triangular in varying sizes.
195. Built in 1537 of brick, it has immense circular mural towers and massive, impregnable walls.
196. We sit in semidarkness around a huge circular table which fills the compartment almost completely.
197. Illegal counterfeit manufacturers have taken advantage of a burgeoning circular trade between E C countries in pharmaceuticals.
198. A similarly circular process has been under way in several areas of foreign and domestic policy.
199. Still, make sure that it's mentioned in the next circular, lad.
200. This latter deviation can, of course, be used to make a circular walk from the station of about seven miles.
201. A blast of superheated rock fragments heralded the Doctor's arrival into a huge circular chamber.
202. An arrangement of more than four similar events into a circular orbit emphasises the centre, which may be occupied or not.
203. Planned circular walks are also available, which always include many points of interest and an approximate time.
204. We could examine the workings of the multiplier by considering changes in other injections into the circular flow.
205. Its inner row of granite columns supports a circular inner wall which is pierced by eight narrow high arches.
206. Let us build on the circular flow model by discussing more fully the concept of a market.
207. Cicadas have circular eardrums on either side of the thorax.
208. And inside, in the tiny, circular locket, was the picture of a woman.
209. And we know the usual fate of such ephemera: consignment to the bottomless circular file below the desk.
210. A large circular flat stone on the green is said to be the remains of the market cross.
211. She then recounted that in Motiihil they had entered a house with a low circular wall which was filled with water.
212. At the distillery, workers mash agave plants with a huge grindstone drawn around a deep circular pit by an ancient tractor.
213. With shoes off, make a circular motion with the feet to the count of 10, Levi suggested.
214. I pulled the knob and out came a circular weight covered in purple velvet.
215. With a circular iris, the focus is maintained in both dimensions of the field of view.
216. Consequently the force of gravity at perigee is not enough to hold it in a circular orbit.
217. Nearby was an agricultural zone with circular planting beds for date palms and possibly incense trees.
218. All were circular and closely similar in plan, although differing slightly in dimensions and details.
219. Such circular buildings are not confined just to the domestic sphere, as those found in a religious context clearly demonstrate.
220. Home Office Circular 48/1991 contains guidance for magistrates on procedural and other matters relating to the Children Act.
221. Guidance by circular Every year all government departments send a score or more of circular letters to local authorities.
222. This latter requirement brought a circular to local authorities requesting information on the curriculum in their schools.
223. Even the simpler types, such as circular, or tubular, knitting is again a slip stitch.
224. In other words, extra spending automatically generates additional leakages from the circular flow.
225. At its worst, this might sound like a circular method of analysis, setting up a prototypical chicken-and-egg dilemma.
226. This was my first stop on a circular walk round the peninsula's exposed western extremity.
227. In the earlier work the circular, arching and swinging elements are played off against an angular, somewhat disjointed pictorial armature.
228. A hurricane is a storm of strong circular wind flow which rotates in a counter-clockwise direction.
229. Sit in one of the circular chairs, at a circular table, in the circular lobby.
230. The circular goes on to point out that the list is not exhaustive and suggests other courses may be appropriate.
231. As seen earlier, in a rather circular fashion, eligible bank bills are bills of exchange accepted by an eligible bank.
232. It seemed utterly incongruous that there were cars parked outside on the wide circular drive - carriages would have looked more appropriate.
233. The circular chamber was once again wide and dark and almost empty.
234. At first such logic sounds suspiciously circular, but that is its beauty.
235. The leaf-blade bears circular dark patches, and has a prominent midrib and lateral veins.
236. The diagram is a cross section of the bowl blank with the desired circular arc superimposed.
237. The building was enlarged in 1911, as seen here, to accommodate the seasonal toastrack cars used on the Circular Tour.
238. They consist of roughly circular depressions and of more elongated depressions, and are radar-dark.
239. To get the full complex-number array of polarization states, we must consider circular and elliptical polarization.
240. The interior of the circular cella is a masterpiece of construction and lighting effect.
241. A circular saw screeched and the smell of fresh sawdust was everywhere.
242. The aim of the circular walk I've devised is to capture as fully as possible the incredible magic of the Lakes.
243. Miles gazed out into space through the circular hatch in the roof of the chamber.
244. This appears to be a circular argument, typical of closed-belief systems.
245. Then, looking up at the circular window above it, Jack saw that the catch was not fully in position.
246. We learned the swift, circular dance of the praying mantis.
247. Its garden appears to have taken in some of the once circular churchyard, now famous for its snowdrops.
248. I locked my car, crossed, and headed up the circular driveway.
249. On the other hand reduced injections will have a contractionary effect on income levels in the domestic circular flow.
250. Similarly, radial burns can be used to convert circular orbits into elliptical ones.
251. The key has two protruding teeth and the shank is of rectangular section, thickening towards the small circular bow.
252. Her worst fears were confirmed when they reached the circular chamber.
253. The vendors intention to sell will be made public as soon as the circular is sent out, yet no consideration will be payable.
254. Sustainable development of circular economy is an inevitable choice.
255. a circular tour of the city.
256. METHODS:134 cases of large venous malformation were treated by poly-drug injection, combined with circular transfixation around lesion, laser, and surgery.
257. Cover each part of the body with long sweeping strokes or circular motions.
258. " Orderi di Danilo, " ran the circular legend , " Montenegro, Nicolas Rex. ".
259. The implementation process of linear interpolation and circular interpolation were described, and some of the code were given.
260. In recent years, some of the hollow parts with non-circular section can be produced by spinning, which breaks through the limit of spinning only producing hollow parts with circular section.
261. Tests were performed to investigate the dynamic anomalous response of circular plates impacted by projectiles.
262. GPS signal Acquisition using circular convolution complete source code, has been tested.
263. The doctrine of uniform circular motion became embedded in Greek thought.
264. Did you see that circular from the government about their attack on prices?
265. It also points out the acquisition methods of radar signals in time domain of circular scan and the spectrum properties, and introduces the collecting-processing procedure for radar signals of mo...
266. The reference to the Ephesians (1:1) is missing in some manuscripts, and the epistle may have been a circular letter to several churches.
267. An atoll is a circular reef surrounding a lagoon .




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