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单词 Bowing
1. The cellist's bowing was very sensitive .
2. Corbett entered the room, bowing respectfully.
3. After thirty years in politics, he is finally bowing out.
4. They were bowing as the king and queen walking in.
5. I'm bowing out of this scheme I don't approve of it.
6. It's embarrassing to see staff bowing and scraping to the new director.
7. She'll be bowing out at the end of the month, after presenting the programme for eight years.
8. She was beginning to tire of all their bowing and scraping.
9. He'll be bowing out at the end of the week, after presenting the programme for ten years.
10. Some shops are bowing to consumer pressure and stocking organically grown vegetables.
11. I turn back to my class, bowing deeply.
12. The bowing stopped: the hundred men burst into applause.
13. I was bowing low, making quickly, very quickly, the sign of the cross.
14. We find ourselves bowing to the inevitable and buying a people carrier.
15. Bowing out: Myrtle Milner is retiring as postmistress in the village of Wharram-le-Street,() near Malton.
16. The Prime Minister, however, was simply bowing to the inevitable.
17. The waiter showed us to our table with much bowing and scraping.
18. And the police chief would stay right in City Hall, bowing to political pressures.
19. She filled the basin in the downstairs bathroom and bowing her head plunged the heavy dark mass into the hot water.
20. They may therefore be able to force governments to examine the economic consequences of bowing too readily to environmental prejudices.
21. The playing throughout the evening was truly superb, every instrumentalist bowing and blowing and thumping as though for dear life.
22. The hulls were almost clear of the water, mast bowing like an archer's longbow.
23. So, it is essential that the retaining wall has adequate strength to avoid bowing and possible collapse in the future.
24. The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer. Mahatma Gandhi 
25. The Big Ten laid a Big Egg, with all five of its teams bowing out.
26. I was dazzled by the friendly clerks, who kept bowing at customers, and the quantity and quality of consumer goods.
27. Mark Wigglesworth has a smile which would beam the most recalcitrant string section into bowing with bravura.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. Luch looked over at Hector for his smile before bowing grave thanks.
29. The Gallery is also bending over backwards to boost attendance, and in doing so is rather alarmingly bowing to populist pressures.
30. They are brought in the wicker wastepaper basket by bowing Lourdes.
31. The gurgling male, alternately bowing down and rearing up, chased the female from one row of tiles to the next.
32. Most faced inwards, backs against the wind, nodding, bowing, dozing, brooding, shuffling webbed feet.
33. The bowing, the way he twirls and tosses the instrument, the way he kicks back his head.
34. At a command given by the sensei, every member of the class shows his respect to the instructor by bowing.
35. There was much aggressive posturing, bowing, beating of half-open wings.
36. It made a small noise in its nostrils, then lowered its head slightly, as if bowing to her.
37. Bowing out seems unlikely, but the stadium groundbreaking is reams of paperwork away.
38. Bowing to private and public pressure, Baer then reversed his ruling in the drug case.
39. As he moved into the darkened hallway he could see those conifers bowing deferentially to the strong breeze.
40. When he played cricket at school, he opened the bowing and the batting.
41. Lots of guys are starting to walk around with their heads raised instead of bowing to Tiger.
42. Their constant bowing and gestures of gratitude over even a small gift, while charming on the surface, seemed basically artificial.
43. However, the bill was revised in parliament by Solidarity politicians bowing to populist pressures.
44. That same month, bowing to pressure, he agreed to appoint a Minister for the Coordination of Defence.
45. The Nativity, with Mary and Joseph bowing over a sleeping child.
46. Hands in their laps, both husband and wife address the soup bowl, bowing.
47. Karadzic and Mladic are biding their time, bowing for the moment to a cessation of fighting.
48. When he sways forward to give Ward a darting handshake Ward thinks of a sapling, bowing.
49. Still another condition is called a balling bowing fracture.
50. Still another condition is called a boning bowing fracture.
51. Bowing under the high cost of living, Israeli taxpayers have accused the ultra-Orthodox of sponging off the state.
52. A few years ago, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao made the rare gesture of bowing before a train station full of stranded passengers in Hunan, after heavy snowfall paralyzed the transit system.
53. Even Nixon, bowing to re-election necessity, proclaimed us all Keynesians while attempting to control the inflation he unleashed with the snake oil of price controls.
54. The British habit of using an address to head writing paper is also bowing to change.
55. Use a payphone and an image of a uniformed woman appears, bowing.
56. Britain's new coalition government seems intent on bowing out without so much as a whimper.
57. You may be facilitating your boss's combativeness by bowing your head and taking it, rather than speaking up or walking out.
58. Your upper calves should press forward toward your shinbones rather than bowing back in order to move your shinbone slightly forward away from your heels.
59. Bowing and articulation of cello is a basic problem in performance. Vigorous, filled, well-proportioned, changing, and expressive tamber cannot do without an accurate bowing.
60. Last October the IASB provoked international uproar by bowing to EU pressure to change its rules without consultation to allow banks to reclassify assets.
61. And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing their knees worshipped him.
62. The KALMAN filtering method which is applied to the construction of steeve in bowing arch bridge is discussed.
63. There was no answer for Job except blind trust; bowing a blinded knee.
64. " Oh, we'll be right back, Miss Madenda,'said one of the chaps, bowing.
65. He went in , bowing his head under the low lintel.
66. He looked pointedly at Mrs. Elsing's flat bosom, grinned suddenly and, bowing, made his exit.
67. I have only a bowing [ nodding ] acquaintance with him.
68. On Tomb Sweeping Festival season, near to the people of various nationalities inside of a giantLike many are bowing under the burning incense.
69. "said the family practitioner faintly: bowing at the same time to the Doctor, as much as to say, "Excuse my putting in a word, but this is a valuable connexion."
70. Following a long day - on top of a long week - and suffering from heat rash on his upper body, Fisher finds himself at his tent in Fort Benning, bowing his head in prayer Sept. 15, 2007.
71. With a bow. Used chiefly as a direction to indicate the resumption of bowing after a pizzicato passage.




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