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单词 Once again
1. It is time, once again, to contend with racism.
2. Once again the talks have ended in deadlock.
3. Touch the air once again miss you breath.
4. Once again, racist attacks are increasing across Europe.
5. Once again , the train was late.
6. Once again there's been ferocious blood-letting in the township.
7. Once again terrorists have slipped through the police net.
8. She started once again on the steep upward climb.
9. Scarlett was crowned Sexiest Woman Alive once again.
10. Why did he do that experiment once again?
11. Once again he had to readjust to living alone.
12. Once again I warned her.
13. Remember once again the passage of memories, has no sweet.
14. They once again held out on him when he asked to leave the army.
15. It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of hristmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.
16. It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.
17. China has once again emerged as a world power.
18. Once again her life felt lacking in direction.
19. Once again, changes are in the wind.
20. I have been praised once again.
21. She stopped shouting, and peace reigned supreme once again.
22. The government once again has made a big boob.
23. Amanda is home from college once again.
24. He starved for meeting her once again.
25. Could we run through your proposals once again?
26. Baggio was once again sidelined through injury.
27. If I cried a tear of painful sorrow,If I lost all hope for a new tomorrow,Would you dry my tear and ease my pain,Would you make me smile once again?
28. The news of more cuts has raised the specter of redundancies once again.
29. The news of more cuts has raised the spectre of redundancies once again.
30. I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.
1. It is time, once again, to contend with racism.
2. Once again the talks have ended in deadlock.
3. Once again, racist attacks are increasing across Europe.
4. Once again , the train was late.
5. Once again there's been ferocious blood-letting in the township.
6. Once again terrorists have slipped through the police net.
7. She started once again on the steep upward climb.
8. Why did he do that experiment once again?
9. Once again he had to readjust to living alone.
10. Once again I warned her.
11. The news of more cuts has raised the specter of redundancies once again.
12. They once again held out on him when he asked to leave the army.
13. The news of more cuts has raised the spectre of redundancies once again.
31. Unemployment is once again in the spotlight.
32. Once again, I chose to confront the issue head-on.
33. The strike has once again reached stalemate.
34. Discussions have once again stalled.
35. Football bounds into favour once again.
36. I'll tell you how to do it once again.
37. Once again, the armed forces have done us proud.
38. Education is once again under the spotlight.
39. Once again she's refusing to help.
40. I'll run back over the procedure once again.
41. I counselled your trying once again.
42. British pop music is once again in the ascendant.
43. Once again the answer was a deafening silence .
44. They scuppered enemy's attack once again.
45. The Democrats once again triumphed in recent elections.
46. Once again,() Jones finished ahead of the field.
47. Once again, Drew was under arrest.
48. I make no apologies for bringing this issue to your attention once again.
49. Once again I went over exactly what I needed to say.
50. He took another look at the box superscribed "DANGER"in red once again.
51. Once again the popular press in Britain has been rife with stories about their marriage.
52. Now that the case against me has been dismissed , I can once again hold my head up in public.
53. The newspapers once again filled their columns with salacious details.
54. Their attempts at conciliation had failed and both sides were once again in dispute.
55. He has hauled once again, he would go with me.
56. Once again an official inquiry has spoken of weak management and ill-trained workers.
57. Once again, his quick wits got him out of an awkward situation.
58. Once again the government has failed to honour its promises.
59. Once again we came under attack from enemy fighter planes.
60. Pirates are once again the scourge of the China Sea.
61. Once again it will be the taxpayer who has to foot the bill.
62. She lifted her hand to knock on the door once again.
63. Communal riots/disturbances have once again broken out between the two ethnic groups.
64. These weeks of drought have once again raised the spectre of widespread famine.
65. The students looked perplexed, so the teacher tried to explain once again.
66. He changed his position once again to ease the ache in his back.
67. Pregnancy wasn't all plain sailing and once again there were problems.
68. He was back in her arms and she could once again sleep peacefully.
69. Once again, it must be stressed that the pilot was not to blame.
70. I went there once again ten years later, but nothing changed. All stood there.
71. Would you mind running through the main points of your proposal once again?
72. The terrible specter of civil war hung over the country once again.
73. Once again(http://), company directors have awarded themselves a massive pay increase.
74. Royal-watchers have once again been speculating on the health of the princess.
75. Europe is once again at the top of the political agenda.
76. Hooligans masquerading as football fans have once again caused disturbances.
77. The crowds were once again entertained by the number one tennis player's antics on and off the court.
78. Once again he tried to press his case for promotion.
79. He has shown once again that he's able to outmanoeuvre the military.
80. Once again we failed to get the Bill through Parliament.
81. He once again nosed ahead of me on the horse race last week.
82. Once again club members have had to dip into their pockets to buy new equipment.
83. We've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style.
84. The terrible spectre of civil war hung over the country once again.
85. The bilges had been pumped and the ship was ready to set sail once again.
86. Women once again are having fewer children and spacing them further apart.
87. The House of Commons is to debate once again whether to bring back the death penalty.
88. You are reminded once again of the author's love of the sea.
89. He had asked her once again about her finances. And again she had equivocated.
90. Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics.
91. Once again, we were thrown back on our own resources.
92. Once again consider the case of Xerox.
93. Once again, being informed is a tangible benefit.
94. The older student activists were disillusioned once again.
95. Once again, this confirms the probit findings.
96. Benny and Garry were bosom pals once again.
97. Once again, Chesapeake's players expressed confidence.
98. Koch decides once again to solve the crime.
99. Once again relations were eased by personal contacts.
100. Once again the magistrate dismissed the case against him.
101. So, once again,(http:///once again.html) Erhardt will be packing his bags.
102. Once again, anti-lock brakes and traction control are standard.
103. Yo, they complain, has once again laid them bare.
104. Once again, he was suffering from delusions of grandeur.
105. A very recent study confirms this once again.
106. John once again had his wings clipped.
107. Once again he had gained complete silence.
108. By early morning, per and timeless levels are once again very low(), and the circadian cycle begins a new day.
109. At apogee its radial velocity reaches zero, so it once again has a purely horizontal velocity.
110. The post-war farming depression meant that by 1817 earnings were once again back at the level of the late eighteenth century.
111. Once again, service flats need to be booked in advance.
112. Once again, the desirability of clear terms of contract, coupled perhaps with an unambiguous job description, is plain.
113. It is inevitable that, once again, we have lost contact with some members - about 1% of the membership.
114. Some one hit the down button and the Oval once again began its forty-foot descent into the earth.
115. After they lost their first two matches those fans must have wondered if once again Leeds were going to flatter to deceive.
116. With publicity over gay marriages, the debate over homosexuality and the Bible once again fills radio talk-show airwaves.
117. Collegians, McCluskey was once again on hand to finish a blind side move and score in the corner.
118. And once again the acute shortage of materials was noticeable.
119. He had also made discreet inquiries about a more permanent post, but once again his hopes were dashed.
120. The costings episode once again highlights the case for an independent commission on council reform.
121. Once again, I congratulate the hon. Member for Chislehurst on choosing this subject for his Bill.
122. Once again I could not understand why some of my older colleagues felt so comfortable with our so-called counterpart.
123. Melanie would be a nymph crowned with daisies once again; he saw her as once she had seen herself.
124. Luke was standing outside on the balcony, and once again she found herself looking at his back.
125. Once again, the immediate issues were the royal prerogative and the high tax burdens entailed by the monarch's profligate spending.
126. Could he once again be barking up the wrong tree?
127. But this made the Department and ministers once again vulnerable to charges of abdicating their responsibilities for financial and policy goals.
128. Once again we are saying something in general form which corresponds exactly to the particularities of wave mechanics.
129. Since those early days, telecommunications Companies have been striving constantly to make the network intelligent once again.
130. Once again it was an unexpected death which altered the situation.
131. Once again we're holding a competition ... to find the best picture of 1993.
132. You know, they have kicked black folks to the curb once again.
133. The liberals had been defeated and the Unionist Party was once again being led by traditional unionists.
134. Once again the United States seemed to be the arbiter of war and peace in the Middle East.
135. The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
136. Once again I would stress that neither my client nor I have made any approach to the company apart from this letter.
137. Not only had Oregon State lost 13 straight, but the Bruins once again were active participants in their own demise.
138. Once again, there has been a corruption in the process of translation.
139. Once again Charles was astonished how easily Malcolm would fall for the oldest cons in the business.
140. Instead, once again, he has left himself open to more criticism.
141. Once again the control cleavage pattern reappears very slowly so that at several sites the reaction is not complete even after 30 minutes.
142. Once again Lewis's inability to produce a consistently dangerous level of aggression was exposed.
143. Once again substitution and income effects operate to give a change in the optimum consumption pattern.
144. Once again the carbonates came into contact with meteoric water and this was responsible for yet another episode of leaching.
145. The cigarette companies started to issue cards once again in the middle of 1922 and they quickly became a craze.
146. But once again, our attempt to prevent bad management made good management impossible.
147. Once again, they underestimated the amount of time required for achieving consensus.
148. It was once again proved that the credulity of trainees knew no bounds.
149. ONCE again, we had been let down by the refusal of human beings to conform to expected patterns.
150. In mid-1991 labour relations deteriorated sharply with the sugarcane harvest once again delayed because of disputes over payments for the previous year's crop.
151. And now the uproar that he had finally raised was dying away, and a gratifying silence was descending once again.
152. He ached with anger at himself for losing his temper once again.
153. Once again, however, it took the fears engendered by the Boer War to arouse widespread interest in the issue.
154. The roof is covered in copper, in keeping with historic accuracy, and flagpoles rise once again on the towers.
155. He watched her leave the room and once again found himself imagining what she would look like without any clothes on.
156. He answered the door himself, and she was painfully aware that once again his eyes seemed to study every part of her.
157. They burst into laughter and we piled once again into his car for another search.
158. Baits Once again this area has changed dramatically in the past 12 years.
159. The resulting verdicts amounted, once again, to a demand for the abolition of the Forest jurisdiction outside the king's demesnes.
160. Dudley was recalled in 1587, and, despite his abysmal failures, was held in high esteem at court once again.
161. Once again, in their view, the world would have rejected their country's claim to international respect.
161. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
162. Once again the change can have nothing to do with making the chapter more acceptable.
163. They are once again mirroring a similar debate within the broader society.
164. Once again he blasted out at the first attempt, reeling back amid a cloud of sand and covering his eyes.
165. The music started again after a break, and Jack looked anxiously from woman to woman, faced once again with priority.
166. But, once again, these complications are comparatively rare, and, these days, fairly easy to treat.
167. Once again he was found to be innocent, but he was still kept under arrest.
168. And, once again. you will see that you have had to work backwards.
169. With students and riot police headed for a major confrontation, Seoul was once again a boiling cauldron.
170. Once again he was in the sobering presence of violent death.
171. Once again, Williams tried to play through the pain, but after a while, it became too much to bear.
172. Recently it seems to have been bringing him out in anxiety attacks once again.
173. Congress was once again considering raising the federal debt ceiling.
174. Her granddaughter says the old woman was afraid to answer the door, terrified that once again city officials would come knocking.
175. Once again Sabine had the curious sensation that time had stopped and run back.
176. Once again you can appreciate how important it is to have a mixed and varied diet.
177. Once again she was bursting into tears over nothing at all.
178. Once again it made her wonder what sign he was born under.
179. Cladding for the concrete structure is once again in tune with the surrounding area.
180. However, a surplus or excess supply still exists and competition among sellers will once again bid down the price of corn.
181. Muhammad Reza deeply resented the way in which his country was once again being governed by its old enemies.
182. Once again the citizens, now politically organized as a commune, were in dispute with the archbishop and the canons.
183. Once again, see Chapter 5, Figure 5.4 for greater detail on this effect.
184. One of them was Moon-Watcher; once again he felt inquisitive tendrils creeping down the unused byways of his brain.
185. Fact follows fancy once again - the assistant curator is now Mr Gibbons.
186. Once again, the gaps between the central strip and the beading must be wide enough to hold the glass.
187. Can the tobacco industry now afford to breathe freely once again, unlike its customers?
188. Once again, he shuffled the recalcitrant deck, smiling too broadly, compelling their attention.
189. Once again, the wisecracks fly as fast as the bullets - and are just as deadly.
190. Once again Charles applied superior force, and many of the rebels immediately submitted.
191. The cross-eyed com-poser was once again gnawing on a chicken bone,(http:///once again.html) with a noodle dangling from his black beard.
192. Once again in this phrase reaction against the nineteenth century is bound to a standpoint which relies on anthropology.
193. There is no need to risk derailing the peace train once again.
194. And last October it was announced that his claims to be innocent would be heard once again by the Court of Appeal.
195. If anything, Karpov had the better of these three draws, but at least decisive results were somehow once again in the air.
196. The leisure business continues to be once again seriously affected by the recession.
197. This was a game which, once again, produced a brilliant performance from 82 year-old George Mitchell.
198. Such confirmations merely indicate that some theory that was well established and regarded as unproblematic has been successfully applied once again.
199. Jacinta is once again feeling rejected and persecuted when an unexpected turn in events brings about a happy denouement.
200. Once again the oil companies have come under attack from environmentalists.
201. Once again she suffered badly from morning-sickness although it wasn't as bad as the first time.
202. Her owner rushed to bring her a bucket of oats before she should become entangled in the fence once again.
203. He sat once again at his desk and began to consider how to get the official document translated without arousing further suspicion.
204. But once again microeconomic problems arise since there are two parties to the contract of employment.
205. And, once again, the big names have been conspicuously absent from the upper half of the performance table.
206. Once again, the counter-revolution has taken over the key concepts of this approach and turned them on their head.
207. Once again we worked as a Club, being issued with fine slub yarns and complicated patterns.
208. Now, however, it seems that the route to success may once again involve going back to basics.
209. He saw her lift her chin, trying to once again lift the wrinkles.
210. She was actually in the combat zone now and she noted uneasily that once again she was placed firmly beside the count.
211. Indeed, may I express once again our great admiration for the skill and courage of those involved in our emergency services?
212. Many academics really do believe that all of us are now beginning once again with a clean slate.
213. Once again, the Government seem not to give a damn what happens to our skills and to the jobs of the future.
214. Once again it has been left to a recession to catch out those who overstretched themselves in the boom years.
215. Once again he was conscious of an unseen presence near him.
216. There are half-hidden secrets as we once again read about John the Baptist.
217. These all look like important questions but, once again, the methodology of state-centrism serves to blur rather than clarify the issues.
218. Kissinger would sigh deeply, then take it up once again.
219. Once again, Steffi Graf has shown herself to be the best player in the world by far - in more than one sense.
220. Once again the managers were confronted with the need to manage paradox.
221. It was so nice for me to renew acquaintance once again with my old and trusted friends, Ingleborough and Company.http://
222. She went four more years without hospitalization, but the stress of academic life came crashing down once again.
223. Seconds later, the breath once again hissed into her chest, this time with painful intensity.
224. Once again he threw the cumbersome fish over his shoulder and began squelching his way across the boggy field.
225. It took three years of rehabilitation, but Meidl once again walked without the aid of crutches.
226. Each November it sails down across the continent to settle once again on the Texas coast.
227. Once again, the best way to determine whether a title is appropriate is to find out your readers' preference.
228. But once again, Dole did not soar in the polls and did not achieve a breakthrough.
229. Once again the's are computed from the model with restrictions imposed and the's from the unrestricted model.
230. Once again the Saxons showed their spirit, and rose enmasse to avenge this cruel execution.
231. Once again, you navigate dark passageways and hostile environments, killing everything that moves.
232. The circular chamber was once again wide and dark and almost empty.
233. The outbreak of a new war made defence against chemical warfare agents once again an urgent problem.
234. That was how she felt - as though those dear supporting figures of her childhood were once again hovering over her.
235. Once again, we shall be in the hands of our foreign competitors.
236. The smooth progression of the Safrane's controls helped and once again we confirmed the value of an anti-lock braking system.
237. He took my hand and led me down the basement stairs, where the world turned on its side once again.
238. Once again the Preface provides a useful commentary by the author on his previous works and the reason for promoting the current one.
239. As we crossed the border, the chatter began once again.
240. He brought the stone down once again; heard the brittle sound of bone as it snapped beneath the rock.
241. Once again Royston Marley proved his class by netting both our goals with deflections off his deadly bottom.
242. Once again Taylor was afflicted by the right back curse.
243. On Monday afternoon and evening Toby once again enjoyed undisputed sway in the boarding annexe of Burleigh.
244. Once again, the setting is theatrical, and the perspectives are varied - Act I presents the audience at a play.
245. Once again I breathed as a free man.
246. He tried once again to evade the peace terms.
247. He once again raised his baton and brought in the brass.
248. ( It is the question once again of polygenesis versus diffusion from a single origin. ).
249. So he abandoned his project and Hitler once again escaped assassination.
250. Abortion is once again a controversial political and moral issue.
251. Once again, the "Free Press" prefers not to highlight these facts.
252. Once again Hearn realized how barren the General's tent was.
253. The worst-ever defeat of this team proved once again that Stanford can be one of the most explosive offensive teams in the country.
254. Once again, they often have to look externally for support.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:12:58