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单词 Hiv
1) Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission.
2) The results of his HIV test were negative.
3) He tested positive for HIV.
4) There is no vaccine against HIV infection.
5) They give advice for people with HIV and Aids.
6) He tested negative for HIV infection.
7) He developed full-blown Aids five years after contracting HIV.
8) It's very unlikely a doctor could give HIV to a patient.
9) A newer anti-HIV drug called pyridinone caused HIV to mutate into a form which could not reproduce or infect new cells.
10) If you are unsure of your HIV status, consider having a test.
11) There are an estimated 1.5 million HIV carriers in the country.
12) His estimate of half a million HIV positive cases was based on an extrapolation of the known incidence of the virus.
13) Both drugs slow the progression of HIV, but neither cures the disease.
14) Biomedical research will enable many individuals infected with HIV to live longer, more comfortable lives.
15) There's a time lag between infection with HIV and developing AIDS.
16) A person can be recently infected by HIV and have a negative result.
17) HIV is a progressive disease which the immune response ultimately fails to control.
18) Many young people are still ignorant about how HIV is caught.
19) All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.
20) Yet paradoxically, so did the prevalence of HIV infection.
21) Have you been tested for HIV?
22) You may have to declare that you have had an HIV test.
23) Travellers to Africa are being warned about the danger of HIV infection.
24) Young people assume that if you are in a steady relationship, you don't have to worry about HIV.
25) I translated this as a mad desire to lock up every single person with HIV.
26) There has been significant progress in in understanding the HIV infection.
27) You can contract Aids if your bodily fluids come into contact with the bodily fluids of someone else who is infected with HIV.
28) The group's research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.
29) Practising safe sex is an important way of avoiding HIV infection.
30) Becoming pregnant or going ahead with a pregnancy has to be a personal choice for each individual HIV positive woman.
1) Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission.
2) You can contract Aids if your bodily fluids come into contact with the bodily fluids of someone else who is infected with HIV.
31) Scientists at Merck were nearing a breakthrough on a new drug to treat HIV.
32) Combination therapies, including protease inhibitors, offer new hope for thousands with the HIV virus.
33) As a result, the rate of HIV transmission was dramatic, and prevalence rose alarmingly in the late eighties.
34) While I was on holiday the clinic tested a blood sample without my permission and established that it was HIV positive.
35) The HIV virus is able to proliferate at an astonishing rate.
36) The HIV virus is transmitted though body fluids, during sexual intercourse.
37) Statistics show that 25 % of the adult population is HIV positive, and the rate of infection is still rising.
38) Pace Offers training courses and individual counselling to lesbians and gay men on a range of issues, including HIV/AIDS.
39) His research unearthed new information about the origins of the HIV virus.
40) Insurance companies can use saliva HIV tests, not just blood tests.
41) What distinguishes this approach from previous attempts to deal with HIV?
42) Factors Affecting Heterosexual Transmission why has HIV transmission failed to rise above the epidemic threshold among heterosexuals in most developed countries?
43) As well as having to deal with Darren, Adrian is also worried about the possibility he himself could be HIV positive.
44) Researchers found that therapy can significantly reduce the amount of HIV virus in gay men suffering from the disease.
45) They must also show their HIV/AIDS services are fully integrated into their community care plans.
46) Magic Johnson is a sporting legend and when he announced he was HIV positive the world admired his courage.
47) In 1987, Mead took a blood test and learned he was HIV positive.
48) I therefore enclose a copy of the text of the HIV/AIDS Readyguide with some minor amendments marked.
49) Until 1997, there were just eight known cases of HIV infection in Tver.
50) Researchers concluded that the front line of HIV prevention had shifted to smaller cities.
51) Y., a poor and urban community with one of the highest rates of HIV infection in the United States.
52) It is about Aids, and the way the HIV virus is devastating his country.
53) It is important for anyone with HIV/AIDS to have a healthy diet.
54) The HIV is a weak microorganism that requires a moist, temperature-controlled environment in which to survive.
55) Another is to portray HIV infection as not such a terrible thing.
56) Now, I believe that a Labour Government holds more promise of greatly improving the lot of people with HIV/AIDS.
57) Over the next decade a real challenge will be the effective provision of care for children and families affected by HIV/AIDS.
58) If you are HIV positive it is a good idea to have regular health checks.
59) The key to tackling HIV / Aids in poor countries is to start at the bottom,(http:///hiv.html) not the top.
60) According to the World Health Organization, 80,000 to 160,000 HIV infections occur annually through unsafe injections.
61) Drugs Help Mainliners Has support groups and provides advice for people with HIV/AIDS who are, or have been, drug users.
62) In this way, the immune system learns to recognise and attack regions of real HIV if infection occurs.
63) The group says children, like adults, should be treated with the now-standard cocktail of three different HIV drugs.
64) So it can not be ruled out that this man had contracted his HIV from polio vaccine a few weeks before.
65) One of my friends is HIV positive and I let him kiss my year-old son.
66) They distort his speeches and offer simplistic interpretations of his equating the HIV virus with poverty and inequality.
67) In the early days the stigma of being HIV positive drove away 60% of my circle of friends.
68) In some villages HIV infection is cited as the main reason for girls not finishing their education.
69) That goal is to reduce HIV transmission below the epidemic threshold.
70) With the rise in teenage HIV infection rates, we are sitting on a time bomb.
71) A dentist from Florida is believed to have passed HIV to six of his patients, one of whom died.
72) This will help you stay healthy, HIV positive or not.
73) Texaco has introduced a compulsory HIV testing program for all prospective employees.
74) Leaflets on HIV/AIDS, donor insemination and other topics are available.
75) Some people who have HIV show no outward signs of the condition.
76) We provide professionally based practical home care to men, women and children who are ill at home with HIV/AIDS related illness.
77) Immediate treatment has reduced the incidence of HIV infections in this group by as much as 79 percent.
78) Blood banks have routinely screened for HIV infection since 1985, when the first blood tests for the virus became available.
79) If you receive blood in the United Kingdom it will already have been screened for HIV.
80) There are also many organisations who provide a variety of services to people with HIV/AIDS.
81) Children who are HIV positive, but remain well, are able to lead a normal life.
82) The FDA approved a new anti - HIV drug.
83) human immunodeficiency virus or HIV.
84) HIV can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.
85) The major challenge Botswana faces today is HIV.
86) to be infected with HIV.
87) All donated blood is screened for HIV.
87) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
88) President Clinton signs HIV immigration exclusion policy into law.
89) Set up red riband centre, perish HIV.
90) Circumcision as an HIV Prevention Intervention.
91) At ICAAP IX, a satellite meeting was held discussing the consequences of the criminalization of HIV.
92) RESULTS: Cocktail therapy including the indinavir have a best results, can rise their CD4 cell counts and lower plasma HIV viral load.
93) Researchers have developed a topically-applied molecular microbicide capable of preventing HIV transmission.
94) Ninety-five percent of people living with HIV/AIDS today live in the developing world.
95) HIV can be traced back to villages along the Congo River in the 1950's.
96) "We wanted to be sure that there was scientific evidence that flash-heated milk was truly free of HIV and immunologically beneficial, " Israel Ballard told SciDev.Net.
97) The World Health Organization (WHO) has implicitly disputed claims by the Gambian president Yahya Jammeh that he has found a cure for HIV/AIDS.
98) The algorithm is applied to the docking of several simple model molecules and the docking between the benzamidine and HIV 1 protease.
99) Various other surveys put the general rate of HIV in South Sudan at just over one percent.
100) The former include AIDS-dementia complex, HIV related seizures, aseptic meningitis, distal symmetric sensory polyneuropathy, primary HIV induced headache etc.
101) Female workers at recreational facilities in northwestern Tanzania who were 16 to 35 years of age were interviewed and underwent serologic testing for HIV and HSV-2.
102) The stomatopathy is the frequent formidable disorder in clinic in HIV/AIDS patients.
103) Their research used an "ex vivo human skin explant model" which helped them come to their recent conclusions and which they anticipate to help in further research in preventing HIV transmission.
104) 7 "Citing 'Failed Efforts' to Inform Public of Condom 'Ineffectiveness, ' Physician Groups, Politicians Ask CDC Head to Resign, " Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, July 25, 2001.
105) Subsequently, ICAP-Rwanda, the Rwandan Ministry of Health, and Ndera Neuropsychiatric Hospital worked together to establish HIV services at Ndera.
106) WHO, together with its international and national partners is working towards universal access to HIV/AIDS treatment, care and prevention.
107) Methods Tuberculin test(PPD), CD4, CD8 cell counts were examined in 202 health and 40 HIV/AIDS patients confirmed by western blot( WB).
108) Macao Health Bureau announced that the Zhuhai-Macao cross-border to promote safe sex, reducing cross-border spread of HIV is very important.
109) You cannot get HIV by shaking hands or hugging, nor can you get it from a toilet seat, drinking fountain, or drinking glasses, says Weidle.
110) Under the new Strategy, WHO aims to promote greater innovation in HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care services so that countries can achieve the goal of universal access to HIV services.
111) In many countries, criminalization of same sex relationships drives such relationships underground, making people afraid to seek HIV prevention and treatment services.
112) For years, scientists have tried to develop a topical microbicide to stop HIV transmission.
113) The researchers tested for safety and immune response using two vaccines, one based on an experimental HIV vaccine and the other a human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine.
114) Region's population, reported HIV infections and the proportion is about one-thousandth of the number of patients, higher than the national average.
115) Conclusion If a healthy puber or middle age individual had repeated pneumonia or respiratory failure, he may have risk of HIV/AIDS. To examine serum HIV antibody can reduce missed diagnosis.
116) The researchers used a computer model to simulate the course of HIV infection and estimate the impact on survival of monitoring by viral load, CD4 count or clinical observation.
117) The first item addressed WHO's contribution to scaling up towards universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care.
117) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
118) The most heterogeneous diseases include schistosomiasis (bilharzia), HIV/AIDS and malaria, for which one-fifth of the population is responsible for more than 80 per cent of disease transmission.
119) Leading this effort is the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, the largest publicly funded group of HIV vaccine researchers in the world.
120) The success with the animal model prompted the team to study in test tubes whether minocycline treatment affected latency in human T cells infected with HIV.
121) An experimental HIV vaccine has for the first time cut the risk of infection, researchers say.
122) War has destroyed health services in South Kivu and prevented local and international organisations from running HIV/AIDS sensitisation programmes in rural areas.
123) Once a woman has herpes, the risk of getting HIV is increased and other research studies have shown that when HSV-2 is present it increases the amount of HIV-1 in plasma and genital mucosa.
124) HIV patients around the world are put on a powerful drug cocktail that keeps the disease in check.
125) Results from chi-square tests indicated that HIV serostatus, age, an IDU partner, and condom use during the last sexual encounter were significantly different across the stages of condom use.
126) Scientists refute a longstanding theory of how HIV slowly depletes the body's capacity to fight infection.
127) HIV transmission interruption should be reinforced among single-HIV infected family in Henan.
128) Objective:To explore the reasons of perineural inflammation among heroin addicts with HIV infection.
129) An estimated forty percent of Swazi adults are infected with HIV.
130) Objective:To compare the characteristics of the one step and two steps ELISA(Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) diagnostic kit in detecting of human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) antibodies.
131) You can find both prevention messages from HIV organisations and adverts for bareback movies in the same gay magazine.
132) A child under 15 years old is not necessary to have Serological Test for HIV or Syphilis.
133) The United States, one of the world's largest contributors to the fight against HIV/AIDS in developing countries, funds its efforts through the Obama administration's Global Health Initiative (GHI).
134) Francis Khama and Howard Maila, who are researching herbal remedies, say they have developed medicines to treat HIV/AIDS and believe more should be done to recognise potentially useful local remedies.
135) Said Zhang Linqi, HIV immune escape mechanism is more subtle, HIV infection is precisely the immune system fight the infection of immune cells.
136) Some of the medical conditions that don't apply to the policy include certain types of tumours, angina, non invasive skin cancer, lymphoma , Kaposi's sarcoma, and HIV.
137) We must state completely and unequivocally that HIV infection comes from four, and only four sources.
138) All employment decisions should be based exclusively on criteria relating to merit and fitness and have no reference to hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV infection or AIDS related illnesses.
139) Levels of knowledge of safer sex and HIV remain low in many countries, as well as perceptions of personal risk.
140) However, some goals maybe more of struggler to reach. For example, stopping the continue spread HIV AIDS.
141) The Pap smear does not need to be repeated unless the patient is HIV positive.
142) Bionor does not plan to develop the vaccine to protect people from HIV, but as a way to give them a break from the AIDS drug cocktails called highly active antiretroviral therapy or HAART.
143) This is the website of the National Library of Medicine Specialized Information Services Division, which is HIV/AIDS topics in minority health.
144) In an article in the June issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases, the authors suggest that treatment programmes should be coupled with HIV drug-resistance surveillance programmes.
145) Objective To incite the awareness of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia(PCP) in non-human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)infected patients.
146) There are three kinds of treatment drugs: the anti - HIV ones , immunoregulation ones and anti-infective ones.
147) In November,(http:///hiv.html) German haematologist Gero Huetter announced that he had cured a man of HIV through a bone marrow transplant from a donor who had a genetic resistance to the virus.
148) Health care workers are also encouraged to make sure they are aware of their HIV status so that they can avoid putting themselves at risk of exposure.
149) The report, Towards universal access: scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector, also points to other gains.
150) The goal is to get the CD4 count as close to normal as possible, and to suppress the HIV amount of virus in the blood to an undetectable level.
151) If women tested positive in both the rapid tests and conventional tests, the scientists confirmed infection with a further test that detects HIV antibodies and gives results in two days.
152) Depression and a virus similar to HIV, the human body will cause the loss of natural killer cell function.
153) Low awareness of personal risk of HIV infection and fear of stigma and discrimination account, in part, for low uptake of testing services.
154) Previous attempts to make vaginal microbicide gels that block the passage of HIV have involved long-chain molecules called carrageenans, thickening agents found in seaweed.
155) When you have ingested a date rape drug you are not only at risk of being sexually assaulted but you are in no way protected from pregnancy, STDs, or HIV/AIDS.
156) Massie got infected with HIV way back in 1978 – several years before AIDS was recognized — from the constant injections of Factor VIII clotting factor he needed to treat his hemophilia.
157) But could slowing HIV be as simple as using an inexpensive spermicide?
158) HIV is readily inactivated by heat and many disinfectants, including peroxide, alcohols , phenolics, and hypochlorite.
159) Abjection : Objection To investigate the HIV and Syphilis infection rates among different population.
160) Synthesis of saquinavir, an HIV protease inhibitor, was researched via convergence method.
161) These astonishing results showed the researchers why those patients infected with both HIV and HSV-2 responded the way they did to their ACV treatments.
162) During acute infection, persons are usually unaware they are infected, but high levels of viremia in this phase increase the per-act risk of transmitting HIV infection.
163) The human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) that causes AIDS was identified by 1983.
164) The project aims to give homosexual men information about HIV/AIDS via their mobile phone's short message service (SMS) in the dominant language, Kiswahili.
165) AZT is a drug that was first developed in the fight against HIV.
166) Researchers compared the effectiveness of the antiretroviral drugs efavirenz and nevirapine in 4,000 South African HIV patients. Some already had tuberculosis (TB) and were taking rifampicin.
167) Objective To establish automatic nucleic acid testing ( NAT ) to screen human immunodeficiency virus - 1 ( HIV - 1 ) RNA.
168) In 2010, WHO released revised guidelines on infant feeding in the context of HIV.
169) Washington -- Soon after Tatu Msangi, a registered nurse from Tanzania, discovered she was pregnant, she also learned she was infected with the HIV virus.
170) What is the most common life-threatening opportunistic infection affecting people living with HIV/AIDS?
171) Objective To detect the trustworthiness of HIV - 1 antibody in the urine specimens.
172) Objective To understand the infection with hepatitis B virus(HBV), Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) and syphilis in patients with hemophilia A.
173) Rural-to-urban migrants are the vulnerable population in HIV transmission and infection. The study explored the effective theory-based HIV prevention intervention model in the population.
174) HIV replication kills productively infected CD 4 + T lymphocytes and innocent bystander cells.
175) Oropharyngeal candidiasis due albicans is a frequent opportunistic infection of human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) - positive patients.
176) The WHO also recommends increased access to laboratory tests such as viral load monitoring — which measures the amount of HIV in the blood — and tests to assess CD4 cell levels.
177) It is particularly important that scaling-up HIV prevention, treatment and care services contributes to strengthening of health systems overall./hiv.html
178) Pruritus is common in patients with HIV disease, especially those with AIDS.
179) Objective To investigate tubercle bacillus infections among HIV/AIDS patients and the relationship between HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.
180) Enzyme Inhibition INTRODUCTION Almost all therapeutic drugs are enzyme inhibitors, from old medicine box standards such as aspirin and penicillin to the newest compounds used to treat HIV infection.
181) Potentially, it also could target known biomarkers for a wide variety of diseases, including HIV, cancer and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a degenerative neurological disorder.
182) The short guide by Alan Whiteside , professor of HIV/AIDS at South Africa's University of KwaZulu-Natal, is packed with statistics and handy explanations of the science.
183) Contact lens, HIV positive, and immunosuppressive patients have similar bacterial flora to that of normal controls.
184) But the major question, is whether such new technologies would also benefit poor populations, such as those in Sub-Saharan Africa where TB, HIV/AIDS and malaria continue to affect millions.
185) Methods Collect the blood of people taking up cosmetology, mulberry, the sex out-patient service, drug taking, prostitution, to examine the Anti - HIV by the way of ELISA. examine out-patient in STD.
186) Results At present, injection drug use(IDU) is the major transmission mode of HIV infection in Guangxi.
187) PCP is a frequent HIV associated opportunistic infection in industrialised countries but appears to be less common in Africa.
188) Three years later, access to HIV treatment has increased three-fold, but major challenges still remain.
189) Anal sex without a condom is extremely high risk activity for HIV transmission.
190) Nevirapine — the cheaper of the two drugs — was found to be less effective in patients with existing TB, with higher HIV loads in their blood than those on efavirenz.
191) The primary outcome was weighted mean difference (WMD) for CIMT comparing HIV positive versus negative patients.
192) Methods Information about voluntary blood donors from 2000 to 2006 was colleted, then donors who were confirmed HIV seropositive were retrospectively analyzed by statistical comparison.
193) Blood will be taken, and this blood will be screened for HIV, usually at the same time that a full blood count is taken and rubella antibodies, hepatitis B and syphilis infection are tested for.
194) U. S. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital as a result of three recent "Hello chew" food-borne HIV virus were studied.
195) Also, promotion of condom use among high-risk groups allows us to kill two birds with one stone(), with regard to preventing sexually transmitted HIV and other STIs.
196) Reduced Fitness of Protease Inhibitor - Resistant HIV In Vivo.
197) According to ARAS worker Luca: "In one evening the team can have four girls who test positive for HIV."
198) The rate is even higher in sub-Saharan Africa where girls and young women make up 71% of all young people living with HIV - essentially because prevention strategies are not reaching them.
199) Conclusion The HIV/AIDS-related health education directing at male populations should be strengthened to compensate for tendentiousness due to the personality characters.
200) The introduction of routine PITC using lay counsellors into health-care clinics in Lusaka, Zambia, dramatically increased the uptake and acceptability of HIV testing.
201) One of these patients, an HIV - positive boy named Raphael , was orphaned at the age of three.
202) Objective To investigate the high - efficiency of pseudotyped HIV as gene transfer vector.
203) The Kibera Integrated Community Self-Help Program offers a variety of services to those infected by HIV and AIDS.
204) When the immune system is very weak due to advanced HIV disease or AIDS, opportunistic infections such as PCP, toxoplasmosis and cryptococcosis develop.
205) Methods The result of 2003,2004 HIV antibody suspected samples, between primary screening test and reconfirmation test were analyzed.
206) Today's anti - HIV drugs block the virus once it gets into a cell.
207) Basic screening lab tests and regular cervical Pap smears are important to monitor in HIV infection, due to the increased risk of cervical cancer in immunocompromised women.
207) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
208) In early HIV disease people can develop tuberculosis, malaria, bacterial pneumonia, herpes zoster, staphylococcal skin infections and septicaemia.
209) Risk factors for stroke in children include heart disease, sickle-cell anemia, some blood-clotting disorders, vascular malformations, and viral infections, such as varicella, HIV and others.
210) But clade C accounts for around 90 per cent of HIV infections in India and South Africa, which together have some of the highest infection rates in the world, Chauhan said.
211) In one instance, the researchers found that adding just one specific amino-acid building block rendered the protein useless in protecting against HIV.
212) The Administration is working to compassionately address the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and to prevent new HIV infections within the United States.
213) Potent antiretroviral therapy lowers HIV viral load, allowing the CD4 cell count to increase, thereby reducing the risk of HIV-related opportunistic infections and cancers.
214) In what some are calling a historic day in HIV prevention, a microbicide gel has been found to help prevent HIV transmission.
215) An HIV positive mother should be counselled on the risks and benefits of different infant feeding options and should be helped to select the most suitable option for her situation.
216) Powerful anti-HIV drugs have come tantalizingly close to eradicating the virus from people, driving the blood level of HIV so low that standard tests cannot detect it.
217) However, being well-informed about HIV and related issues can be vital and doctors, support organisations and other people living with HIV can all provide both advice and information.
218) Next generation Fusion inhibitors like T - 20 may soon fight HIV.
219) Antiretroviral chemoprophylaxis before exposure is a promising approach for the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) acquisition.
220) It explores the early spread of HIV and AIDS, starting in nineteen eighty-one.
221) HIV is the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome ( AIDS ).
222) Despite the mounting toll from Aids, and some five million cases - the highest HIV/Aids caseload in the world - few public figures have come forward to say that Aids has affected their families.
223) A simple multivitamin pill may slow the advance of HIV, say US doctors.
224) Nevirapine for Prevention of Mother - to - Child HIV Transmission : Concerns over Resistance.
225) Not long ago, people have a half blood, the heart suddenly tense up, asked if people living with HIV.
226) At least 89 such arrests have taken place between 2008 and 2011, under the HIV criminalization laws upheld by 34 states across the US.
227) Assan Jaye, a Gambian researcher on the study, told SciDev.Net that because HIV-1 also has a Gag gene(), we now have "greater insight about how to best design a vaccine against HIV".
228) If your doctor lacks such expertise then it may be sensible to also find a complementary practioner, ideally one with experience in treating people with HIV.
229) Baby: " The chin is from granddad. The eyes are from dad. The HIV is from mom. "
230) If this could be implemented in sub-Saharan Africa, he told the Guardian, "the proportion of people with HIV would run to under 1% in less than 50 years".
231) The criminalization of sex work and LGBT relations in Uganda further thwarts HIV prevention and treatment efforts, according to the report.
232) Dr Margaret Chan, Director- General of WHO said: "International and national investment in HIV treatment scale-up has yielded concrete and measurable results.
233) Patient losses between HIV testing, baseline CD4 cell count and the start of care and ART are high.
234) Associated conditions also include HIV, sarcoidosis, Sjogren syndrome, tuberculosis, mumps, and cat scratch disease. It is rare in pediatric patients.
235) Injecting drug use is a major mode of HIV transmission in several regions and is emerging as a concern in Africa.
236) The calicivirus, the culprit of the stomach flu, lives for days or weeks, while HIV dies nearly instantly upon exposure to sunlight.
237) A meeting was held with Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention to foster collaboration on HIV prevention work in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
237) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
238) Objective: To observe the impact of acute vivax malaria on the percentage of apoptotic CD4 lymphocytes in HIV infected subjects, to explore partial mechanisms of malariotherapy for HIV infections.
239) The two most common cancers to affect people with HIV are lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma.
240) In July 2000, the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim offered to donate its drug nevirapine, which could prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to child during labour.
241) Production of HIV affection on the economy, sociality and human beings.
242) Not recommended for individuals with autoimmune diseases, HIV infection, progressive systemic disease, or who are allergic to echinacea or other flowers of the same Compositae (or Asteraceae) family.
243) Leaving coverage of high-level politics to other papers, Verdade focuses on the issues that affect those on Maputo's fringes: bread subsidies, electricity prices, crime in the slums and HIV/AIDS.
244) An HIV strain resistant to all protease inhibitor drugs currently on the market turns up in San Francisco.
245) HIV attacks a type of immune system cell called the T - helper cell.
246) Besides, because people often infect HIV easily by promiscuousness and intravenous drugs injection, that is apt to cause prejudice to AIDS patients.
247) Other research has shown that St. John's wort can interact unfavorably with other medications, including those used to control HIV infection.
248) My try: Be cautious of Sex: Any sex activity with HIV carriers may cause the spread of AIDS.
249) However, in many cases, there is poor enforcements of such laws and stigmatization of people living with HIV and most-at-risk populations persist.
249) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
250) Objective To explore the feasibility of HIV - 1 genotypic resistance testing and its potential clinical application in HIV- infected patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy(HAART) .
251) St. John's wort can interact with other medications, including those used to control HIV infection.
252) The Gambian department of health has released statements saying that in some patients the HIV virus was no longer detectable.
253) The names of some are notoriously well-known: Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the organisms responsible for toxic shock syndrome and legionnaire's disease.
254) CCR 5 , one of the coreceptors of HIV ? 1, is a new target of anti - HIV therapy.
255) Confounding may contribute to overestimation of the risk associated with HIV and PI exposure.
256) Indinavir is a protease inhibitor that has been found to be extremely effective for patients with HIV and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
257) Her body had wasted away to 61 pounds, ravaged by a heavy-duty crack cocaine addiction, hepatitis, HIV, and late-stage syphilis.
258) Your culture may make it impossible to discuss HIV with your family and friends.
259) Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-converting enzyme (TACE) has emerged as a potential therapeutic target in the areas of arthritis, cancer, diabetes and HIV cachexia.
260) They may also choose to treat everyone who is diagnosed with HIV, regardless of symptoms or CD4 count.
261) Generalized: a response to a systemic infection such as tuberculosis, syphilis, infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, fungal infection, toxoplasmosis, HIV, etc.
262) All positive HIV test results, regardless of whether they are from rapid or conventional tests, must be verified by a second "confirmatory" HIV test.
263) Maintenance of a functional HIV-specific CD4 T cell response correlates with long term non-progression of HIV disease.
264) The nonfiction book is based on the life of a 17-year-old Latin American mother infected with HIV.
265) A surgical strike on specific, steadfast sectors of HIV could lead to new drugs or vaccines, according to a new study.
266) No. Emergency contraception, also called "the morning after pill", only protects against unwanted pregnancy. It does not protect you from HIV/AIDS or any other STD.




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