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单词 Refrain from
(1) We must refrain from spitting in public places.
(2) Please refrain from talking during the performance.
(3) They appealed to the protesters to refrain from violence.
(4) Please refrain from eating here.
(5) Please refrain from smoking in this area.
(6) It is difficult for us to refrain from laughing when we are seeing a comedy.
(7) You should refrain from unprincipled argument.
(8) Please refrain from smoking during the performance.
(9) Please refrain from smoking during the flight.
(10) Please refrain from smoking.
(11) When breaking in an engine(http://), you probably should refrain from high speed for the first thousand miles.
(12) And one must refrain from apriori acts of belief.
(13) To refrain from rocking the boat.
(14) Arafat has urged his people to refrain from violence.
(15) Please refrain from smoking in the restaurant.
(16) People save, or refrain from consumption, today in order to consume more tomorrow.
(17) However,() the rational wealth maximizing company may refrain from such conduct even if there are strong incentives to use the information.
(18) The panel recommended that officers refrain from such actions, Eide said.
(19) I will refrain from horror stories of Burleigh's past, but I assure you, Corbett is right.
(20) So many things you refrain from asking that you'd love to know.
(21) We should refrain from placing at our political focal point only those subjects for which a solution has not been found.
(22) Chamlong, seated beside Suchinda, appealed to protestors to refrain from violence.
(23) Rather, remain calm, let Mailer be Mailer, refrain from casting stones and you will be rewarded.
(24) The vendor will undertake that the company will refrain from doing certain acts or matters pending completion.
(25) The two trade union confederations undertook to refrain from general strikes in return for minimum wage and unemployment benefit guarantees.
(26) Thus, a doctor is under a duty to refrain from any act which may aid his patient in committing suicide.
(27) The same would apply to attempts to persuade some one to refrain from doing so.
(28) Lydia did not castigate herself for so disliking a fellow-being, believing that it was sufficient merely to refrain from overt unkindness.
(29) His swollen, inflamed face had become unbearable now; he could neither touch it, nor refrain from touching it.
(30) The initial punishment for the four securities houses had been only an instruction to refrain from certain securities transactions for four days.
(1) We must refrain from spitting in public places.
(2) Please refrain from talking during the performance.
(3) They appealed to the protesters to refrain from violence.
(4) Please refrain from eating here.
(5) Please refrain from smoking in this area.
(6) It is difficult for us to refrain from laughing when we are seeing a comedy.
(7) Please refrain from smoking during the performance.
(8) Please refrain from smoking.
(31) This should be contrasted with the situation in which the patient instructs the doctor to refrain from further treatment.
(32) I shall refrain from doing so, though even the dust jacket has chosen to ignore that discretion.
(33) But for most women, it was fashionable to refrain from eating long before it became fashionable to be slender.
(34) I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from speaking for me.
(35) I guess I have to refrain from stereotyping fraternities now.
(36) Black leaders will refrain from hammering at the issue out of an uneasiness at speaking about intergenerational oppression.
(37) A restriction that he refrain from counseling women will expire at the end of this month.
(38) Chichi couldn't refrain from giving him a BIG HUG!
(39) Refrain from using such coarse language.
(40) We refrain from reproducing them here.
(41) I'm just trying to refrain from drowsing at work.
(42) She couldn't refrain from smiling through tears.
(43) Can you refrain from laughter( ), my friends?
(44) He appealed to all factions to refrain from violence.
(45) Can we refrain from exercising the people's democratic dictatorship?
(46) Please refrain from feeding the monkeys.
(47) They might refrain from glorying in them.
(48) How shall I refrain from tears when we part?
(49) I made a terrific effort to refrain from tears.
(50) In (the) a VOA interview last month she (void) voiced support for the pro-democracy movement and urged ( Barmy ) Burmese soldiers to (referring) refrain from violence against those seeking freedom .
(51) The depreciation of the dollar raises concerns among world leaders who agreed at the last meeting to refrain from "competitive devaluation" of currencies.
(52) G20 summit communiqu_ Friday said it was agreed to refrain from "competitive devaluation" of currencies and move towards market-determined exchange rates.
(53) Refrain from petty arguments; if you disagree, raise your concerns diplomatically while dignifying opposing views.
(54) This method refrain from any backtracking . The time and space consumed by search are greatly reduced.
(55) Please refrain from swimming, sauna or water sport for 1 month.
(56) They perform the obligations, refrain from all the prohibitions, and engage in performing many supererogatory acts of worship.
(57) Tubman called for government security forces and United Nations peacekeepers to refrain from threatening and intimidating CDC members as they exercise their rights of assembly, association and speech.
(58) He urged fellow surgeons to wash themselves, put on clean clothes and refrain from deliveries for 48 hours after coming into contact with a case of puerperal fever.
(59) All users should refrain from damaging the driving range, its fixture and equipment.
(60) It calls on nations and international financial institutions to refrain from providing new grants, financial assistance and concessional loans to Iran except for humanitarian and development purposes.
(61) Dow Jones newswires reports that a draft communique prepared for the meeting calls for member countries to "refrain from competitive devaluation."
(62) AIM: To introduce the conception and process of mental rehabilitation of the Alcoholic Anonymous, which is an effective method to refrain from winebowl.
(63) The fourth precept is to refrain from stealing, being tranquil and detached.
(64) We have to ask whether 10 or 20 or 50 nuclear-armed nations will protect their arsenals and refrain from using them.
(65) Please refrain from smoking until you are inside the air terminal.
(66) Presenters and recipients at the next Academy Awards would be advised to refrain from rambling thank-you and unentertaining political proclamations.
(67) It's wrong to bear with him and refrain from principled argument.
(68) Momentum effects are yet another reason to refrain from imposing restrictions on short-sellers.
(69) In a buck-passing situation, states would refrain from taking an active stance against the zombies in the hopes that other countries would do the dirty work of uniting to slay the demon hordes.
(70) Without a comprehensive plan, we should refrain from rushing headlong into actions.
(71) It also stated that pregnant orbreast-feeding women should refrain from eating any pilot whale meat at all.
(72) Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto has committed an about-face on policy by telling his ministry to refrain from vouching for the safety of Japanese food.
(73) Local governments should refrain from recklessly pursuing GDP growth by investing in sectors that guzzle energy and spew out pollution.
(74) These limits are to build scale development Chanpian construction scale refrain from digging, phased sub-plots, and other means ultra vires approval.
(75) All must contribute to the peaceful settlement of international dispute, and members have pledged to refrain from the threat or use of force against other states. The U.
(76) A G20 summit communiqu_ Friday said it was agreed to refrain from "competitive devaluation" of currencies and move towards market-determined exchange rates.
(77) They would have to refrain from having the age of consent for non - marital sex.
(78) Abstinence programs encourage children to refrain from sexual intercourse before marriage.
(79) For example anger may provoke violent feelings towards another, but generally people refrain from stabbing each other willy-nilly.
(80) The onus is now on the Libyan people to show restraint and respect for the rule of law in dealing with regime officials and soldiers, and to refrain from vigilantism and retributive justice.
(81) The ministers did make the IMF a cop for bringing trade imbalances under control, and they promised to refrain from competitive devaluation.
(82) I have tried to refrain from drowsing in the class, but it failed.
(83) The child is old enough to refrain from bitting the thermometer.
(84) They shall refrain from any act which might bring the profession into disrepute.
(85) They agreed to maintain production and refrain from severe wage reductions.
(86) All countries should strictly comply with non-proliferation obligations, refrain from double standards, and tighten and improve export control to prevent proliferation.
(87) Never bite straight into a roll and refrain from cutting it in half and buttering.
(88) Just try to refrain from posting photos of drunken revelry or other questionable images that could land you in some hot water.
(89) Houses of worship must refrain from endorsing or condemning specific candidates to maintain tax-exempt status.
(90) F. I will respect and refrain from interfering with or supplanting any business relationship between my client and my client's client.




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