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单词 Romanticize
1 Don't romanticize stick to the facts.
2 Men tell violent tales and romanticize the lessons violence brings.
3 It's easy to romanticize this basically squalid lifestyle and the repression is bound to slow down development.
4 You have a tendency to romanticize your life.
5 Don't romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!
6 Sure, it's a mistake to romanticize all this any more than is strictly necessary.
7 While many romanticize the idea of getting married and living happily ever after, others choose to engage in committed relationships without the legality of becoming man and wife.
8 Liberals tend to romanticize trains (because the French use them) and conservatives tend to disparage them (because the French use them).
9 I can't romanticize the past, making the heroes of my childhood larger than life, as we all have a tendency to do.
10 Kristof and others constantly romanticize the life they imagine we live, or used to live, and I wouldn't trade it for any other. But it can be as sharp as a serpent's tooth.
11 "Some journalists like to romanticize what they see out of a lack of knowledge and may hold Locke up as a mirror for Chinese officials, " the editorial said.
12 Neptune's time in seventh house Aquarius can romanticize the concepts of marrying a best friend.
13 Other research has shown that we romanticize our relationships with spouses and partners significantly more when we believe we have sacrificed for them.
14 It is okay to romanticize things a little bit every now and then: it gives you hope.
15 You may be somewhat of a dreamer and romanticize emotions, yet your dreams may reflect truths when you are in tune to your higher awareness.
16 Sure a mistake to romanticize all this any more than is strictly necessary.
17 Only those who have not been tied to the land can romanticize it.
18 It stirs in the mud of rugby fields and in the mist of recent films that romanticize clan heroes.
19 Kleiser is not the first maker of narrative fiction to romanticize death.
20 No one would want an author to walk away from authentic evidence,[] to touch up or romanticize Mary Lincoln 's portrait.
21 Over the years, the itinerant lifestyle came to be part of the Gypsy culture, and though it is easy to romanticize (camaraderie! freedom!
22 But romanticizing the whimsy of classic American cars is to romanticize the decades-old trade embargo that the United States has imposed on Cuba.
23 I'm lucky that I had the opportunity, back at age twenty, to romanticize things and be naive.
24 In the face of such beauty, it's easy to romanticize these surroundings.




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