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单词 Preaching
1 Christ began preaching to large crowds.
2 The teacher kept preaching about the importance of study.
3 He was always preaching exercise and fresh air.
4 These misguided people go around preaching up violence.
5 My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.
6 He was always preaching the virtues of capitalism.
7 Alexander has been preaching patience.
8 He certainly believed in preaching hellfire and damnation.
9 He traveled the southern states, preaching the gospel .
10 You're preaching at me again!
11 The man was preaching the Gospel.
12 His practice does not consort with his preaching.
13 He practised a preaching and teaching ministry there for over 40 years.
14 Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.
15 My mother's always preaching at/to me about keeping my room tidy.
16 Health experts are now preaching that even a little exercise is far better than none at all.
17 He's such a pain - he's always preaching about the virtues of working hard and getting up early.
18 Furthermore he was preaching against Calvinism.
19 To some extent this means preaching to the converted.
20 It really looks soft seeing women preaching in church.
21 The priest had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel.
22 The charges were preaching sedition in three published articles.
23 Gordon was preaching the morality of scholarship.
24 He had a strong sense of responsibility to his vocation of preaching.
25 Telling conservationists that we need to preserve the natural heritage really is preaching to the converted!
26 You needn't bother telling us how recycling helps the environment,[] because you're preaching to the converted.
27 First, healing became a much more central activity, with much of the liturgy and preaching revolving around it.
28 Space should always be made for the prophetic gifts of the Spirit as well as for preaching here.
29 Born and raised in San Francisco, the 71-year-old Rosenberg has been preaching philanthropy his entire adult life.
30 In 1957, Paisley and Wylie were charged with causing a disturbance in Donaghadee by preaching through a loud hailer.
1 Christ began preaching to large crowds.
2 The teacher kept preaching about the importance of study.
3 He was always preaching exercise and fresh air.
4 These misguided people go around preaching up violence.
5 My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.
6 The man was preaching the Gospel.
31 After completing his studies, in which he excelled in philosophy and theology, he was ordained and was assigned to preaching.
32 After preaching on two or three occasions to the people of Kidderminster, the Vicar banned him from preaching any more.
33 His preaching was carried on more than 3, 000 stations not counting cable.
34 Dudley also presented Richard Baxter with opportunities for public preaching.
35 He had been its implacable scourge, its unbending critic, preaching and practising austerity and revenge.
36 Preaching economic death and disaster may not be Labour's best tactic.
37 By preaching the merits of downsizing, they have provided bosses with arguments for measures that tough economic times have required anyway.
38 In 1869 he sold his business and began preaching throughout Britain.
39 Anglican clergymen busied themselves with preaching up theories of divine right and non-resistance.
40 He then began preaching Wycliffite views to enthusiastic congregations in and near the town.
41 He is preaching to the choir of religious-right Protestants and conservative Catholics whose votes should already be locked up.
42 This is just a fable to frighten the children with a bit of free preaching thrown in.Sentencedict
43 Many of his utterances were, however, sermon commonplaces, to which parallels can be found in other contemporary preaching.
44 In October 1643 the Commons took away his lectureship at Aldgate and banned him from preaching.
45 Gospel preaching will be seriously deficient if this dimension is omitted.
46 This morning I have been set, by the P.C.C the task of preaching about money.
47 Without preaching, writer-director Tim Robbins presents the arguments of opponents and proponents of the death penalty.
48 Even when it is near its best, the call to faith in modern preaching can often border on idealism.
49 He would tour the world quietly preaching the gospel of surfing.
50 Well, just then the circuit preacher was leaving to get to the next town he was preaching in.
51 So, after preaching, he administered the sacraments to the flock.
52 You're preaching to the converted in us, but you've got to get at everyone else.
53 Though such competition frustrated him, Allen poured energies into welfare work, mutual aid, and preaching.
54 To many of them the active life seems more deserving because of the amount of good works and preaching it performs.
55 In his preaching he sought to make the Bible relevant to the spiritual needs of the people.
56 Closely associated with the proclamation and preaching of the Word was scriptural hymnody, in the form of metrical psalms.
57 By 1969 the parish was renowned for its vibrant liturgies, lusty singing and excellent preaching.
58 A political novice comes to town, preaching change and rampant wealth by tax cut.
59 Two years later the itinerant returned to attack Garden outright for allowing laxity and not promoting the preaching of grace.
60 After his father died he did a lot of odd jobs, including shining shoes, boxing professionally and preaching.
61 And it remains a matter of debate to what extent Luke is exercising editorial privilege in his accounts of the apostolic preaching.
62 It was only a few minutes into Sunday when Vice President Gore started preaching the gospel.
63 His preaching was aimed primarily at the understanding and the conscience of his hearers.
64 Preaching to the converted, he said that credit was the best indicator of forthcoming recession, or the end thereof.
65 His jailers realized that his ransom would exceed those of the other prisoners, so Raymond was continuously tortured for preaching.
66 Frequently the visitors were so numerous they could not fit into the house, so Seymour began preaching from the porch.
67 A speech impediment did nothing to stop him from preaching.
68 I believe it was the fact that the preaching was truly expository that hooked him.
69 This means a goal of thirty viable gospel preaching churches in our town and twelve in Cranham alone.
70 Our Pastor was preaching on Psalm 37 and verses 5 and 6 really spoke to me.
71 The reading of Scripture, preaching and prayers can take place in a variety of idioms, depending upon the circumstances.
72 You're always preaching honesty, and then you lie to me.
72 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
73 In those days there was little opportunity to hear Gospel preaching in Shropshire.
74 Inland travel and preaching became easier at once, though he had hair-raising adventures and was not naturally brave.
75 He go on and pay his fifty-dollar fine for preaching without a permit and go on back out here.
76 Ministers rode the circuit, so the elder of the church did most of the work, including preaching.
77 Known for her preaching, Dinah Morris easily gains admittance to the prison in Stoniton when she asks to see Hetty.
78 The party that became notorious in the 1980s for bombing embassies and kidnapping foreigners is now preaching against rudeness.
79 But they will still usually be only the party faithful, so he will find himself preaching to the converted.
80 Until people are unequivocally taught this unpalatable truth there can be no preaching of good news.
81 Another incident followed Richard Baxter's preaching of a sermon on original sin.
82 Richard Baxter was preaching in Alcester one Sunday in September 1642 when the sound of distant canon fire was heard.
83 He showed me that all my preaching, writing and other ministry was absolutely nothing compared to my love-relationship with him.
84 Only days later, however, he was preaching that the outcome was the best thing that state had ever seen.
85 In 1807, Dinah is no longer preaching, the Conference having changed its rules to forbid it.
86 Not only was he preaching to the choir, he was talking to tax-cutting evangelists.
87 It is usually reserved for the grand finale, after the singing and preaching have induced a receptive mood.
88 But she had also issued a proclamation forbidding all preaching and teaching.
89 If you actually worked for Jobs, he took time out from preaching the Mac gospel to meddle in your life.
90 It draws attention to the centrality of preaching in the New Testament.
91 Indeed they seemed to invite persecution by preaching openly in public places.
92 Mom, stop preaching - I'm old enough to take care of myself.
93 Rome has more churches and less preaching in them than any city in the world.
94 In such establishments the emphasis is usually strongly evangelistic, with worship songs, visiting choirs, pop groups and challenging preaching.
95 How can they hear without some one preaching to them?
96 For the Nonconformist minister as well as for the man in the pew, preaching lay at the heart of chapel life.
97 Again, he could not have stayed for long as in 1680 he was back preaching in Mauchline.
98 As Chesterton was preaching to the converted there was no chance of this, so he avoided prosecution.
99 His conduct does not harmonize with his preaching.
100 Billy Graham comes in preaching the gospel of Christ.
101 The headmaster was preaching to his pupils.
102 He was preaching down on the unrepentant sinners.
103 I am weary of his preaching.
104 Inside[sentencedict .com], there is a high rostrum for preaching.
105 His preaching was ingenious and pithy.
106 But now that we are the ones in crisis and in need of shock therapy, everyone is preaching gradualism.
107 Come on, Brother Busby, are you objectively interpreting your data here or merely preaching to us?
108 13When the Jews in Thessalonica learned that Paul was preaching the word of God at Berea, they went there too, agitating the crowds and stirring them up.
109 This I think is so interesting because Bernard is preaching on the Song of Songs,() to us moderns it just looks like a love poem.
110 He was preaching me sermon about giving up smoking to his son.
111 His mother has been preaching at him again about his lack of neatness.
112 Preaching of self-contempt, eternalised in guilt. In words and deed, a man's high treason.
113 Mauritiania, Mali, Niger and Algeria are working together against the group that began in Algeria in 1998 as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat.
114 Clearly, Nietzsche's superman philosophy is a type of optimistic view of life but it has always been misunderstood as preaching hero worships and egocentrism.
115 Preaching an anti integrationist message, Elijah Muhammad frequently voiced warnings about "the human beast."
116 Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.
117 September 17,1984 Master Erdeni Gyaincain Kyrgyzstan has come preaching that monastery.
118 To spread the truth of these visionary teachings, she sojourned alone, lecturing, singing gospel songs, and preaching abolitionism through many states over three decades.
119 Avalokitesvara, standing in the centre, is reminiscent of scenes of the Buddha preaching at the Vulture Peak, by reason of the large almond-shaped aureole.
120 Everything else in them is nothing but absolutism, preaching, moral didacticism.
121 As preaching disciples do you recount your experience to your Lord?
122 Mr Mandelbaum has been preaching the gospel of petrol a long time, and does so persuasively.
123 The preacher likes to make an allusion to Homer while preaching.
124 This occasion was provided by the preaching in Germany of an Indulgence proclaimed by Leo X. (1513-21).
125 He remained there for a fortnight, preaching, administering the sacrament, teaching, exhorting.
126 The great John Wesley had been preaching for a number of years when someone challenged him concerning his faith.
127 Implication of apologetics as preaching: we must not preach falsehoods.
128 According to Paul's Letter to the Galatians, James the Just sent envoys to check up on him and what he was preaching (Galatians 2:12).
129 The preacher should still do an exegetical study of the passages before preaching, and include an exposition of the texts in his sermon.
130 Actors are such a band of guys that they do not undertake a great man's responsibilities and sufferings while preaching stagewise to the public.
131 Singapore's prime minister warned Sunday in his National Day speech that "aggressive preaching" by religious groups and attempts to convert others threaten the tiny city-state's stability.
132 Paul himself had suffered in Philippi for the sake of the Gospel (v. 2), but even that did not stop him from faithfully preaching the same message at Thessalonica.
132 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
133 He insists over and over that his task is not buffoonery, but teaching ( or even preaching ).
134 The office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence.
135 In the audiences ' view, the local documentaries in China has been closely with the traditional church-state together, and full of consciousness and preaching color.
136 The children who were preaching self fulfillment to their parents are now parents themselves.
137 James is a self-confessed Linux fanatic and has spent many happy hours preaching on the subject to anyone within earshot.
138 Their paranoid espousal of various conspiracy theories, rabid support of Israel and religious Zionism, and fiery preaching about the "Islamic Threat" held for me a strange fascination.
139 I will make a shift as Macwhid did with the preaching.
140 Nightfall found him many minels short of his appointed preaching place.
141 You don't have to tell Welsh about the attractions of rugby football - you' re preaching to the converted!
142 The effect of his preaching was counteracted by the looseness of his behavior.
143 But he is making his own personal judgement about his circumstances,() not preaching to the world.
144 His other activities in Persia and later Assyria, included healing and preaching.
145 "Yes, I know," assented the Malefactor - "three years' imprisonment and the preaching.
146 Wherever he went, he sowed the dragon's teeth by preaching racial segregation.
147 A noted pastor once told me, "When I'm preaching through the Sermon on the Mount, I sound like a legalist;"
148 Middle school art teacher Dave Warwak was fired in 2007 for preaching veganism.
149 The Bible calls Noah a preacher of righteousness. (II Peter 2:5) For 120 years God was trying to warn the people through Noah's preaching and through seeing the ark being built.
150 The next preaching series is the book of Ephesians. Please read the book once.
151 In all Buddhist countries the Jataka tales were the major sources for developing the character of the people. They were used widely in preaching by monks and lay preachers .
152 But even that did not stop him from faithfully preaching the same message at Thessalonica.




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