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单词 Carved
1. She carved a flower out of a radish.
2. The statue was carved out of marble.
3. The beads were carved from solid ivory.
4. Someone had carved their initials on the tree.
5. The valley was carved out by glaciers.
6. The piece of wood had been carved into the shape of a flower.
7. He carved the figure of a woman from a piece of wood.
8. Over the centuries, melting snow had carved valleys in the landscape.
9. This totem pole is carved from/out of a single tree trunk.
10. The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone.
11. I was carved up by a lunatic in a Porsche.
12. He carved up the roast beef and gave each of us a portion.
13. A set of twenty-four carved and gilded chairs appear on the inventory of the house for 1736.
14. He carved out a career for himself by hard work.
15. They carved the territory up into three provinces.
16. In idle moments(), he carved wooden figures.
17. Hieroglyphics are carved into the walls of the temple.
18. He carved the joint of beef.
19. The territory was carved up by the occupying powers.
20. He carved a doll from a block of wood.
21. The scene has been carved in high relief.
22. They carved their initials into a tree.
23. A carved cornice runs around the high-ceilinged room.
24. Many adornments were carved on the temple walls.
25. He carved his name on his desk.
26. He carved his girlfriend's initials in the rock.
27. He carved her name on a tree.
28. They carved their initials on the desk.
29. Joe remained as immobile as if he had been carved out of rock.
30. Stop chipping halfway , you cannot chop down deadwood ; and keep chipping a way[http://], gold and stone can be carved.
1. She carved a flower out of a radish.
2. The statue was carved out of marble.
3. The beads were carved from solid ivory.
4. Someone had carved their initials on the tree.
5. The valley was carved out by glaciers.
6. Joe remained as immobile as if he had been carved out of rock.
7. The piece of wood had been carved into the shape of a flower.
8. He carved the figure of a woman from a piece of wood.
9. Over the centuries, melting snow had carved valleys in the landscape.
10. This totem pole is carved from/out of a single tree trunk.
11. The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone.
12. I was carved up by a lunatic in a Porsche.
13. He carved up the roast beef and gave each of us a portion.
14. A set of twenty-four carved and gilded chairs appear on the inventory of the house for 1736.
15. He carved out a career for himself by hard work.
16. Hieroglyphics are carved into the walls of the temple.
17. Europe was carved up after World War I.
18. The thieves carved up the profit from the robbery.
19. He carved marble faster than any mason.
20. He carved out a name for himself in the engineering business.
21. He carved the stone into the figure of a man.
31. Europe was carved up after World War I.
32. He got carved up outside the pub last night.
33. The river had carved channels in the limestone rock.
34. Man's earliest implements were carved from stone and bone.
35. His walking stick was carved with a horse's head.
36. The company carved $1 million from its budget.
37. The thieves hurriedly carved up the loot.
38. He carved the roast expertly.
39. The thieves carved up the profit from the robbery.
40. The statue was carved .
41. Eventually they reached a pair of ornately carved doors.
42. He carved marble faster than any mason.
43. He carved out a name for himself.
44. The bulldozers carved a great gash through the forest.
45. There was an inscription carved over the doorway.
46. One of the prisoners has carved a beautiful wooden chess set.
47. Lloyd has carved/made a niche for himself as a professional tennis player.
48. The victors pitilessly carved up the defeated country, each taking an equal share.
49. The host carved me a nice piece from the chicken.
50. Her official number is carved on the port side of the forecabin.
51. She carved out a unique niche for herself in the music business.
52. Boxwood is used for making small carved objects and tool handles.
53. He's carved out a successful career in the building industry.
54. The ornately carved doors were made in the seventeenth century.
55. She carved out a very successful career in the film industry.
56. The Nazi-Soviet pact carved up the Baltic states in 1939.
57. A three-foot-high silver World Championship cup takes pride of place near a carved wooden chair.
58. She carved the chicken.
59. Sometimes she carved wood and sometimes stone; sometimes she modelled clay.
60. She has carved out quite a niche for herself in fashion design.
61. A Latin inscription had been carved on the lid of the box.
62. She carved out a reputation for herself as an aggressive businesswoman.
63. He carved out a name for himself in the engineering business.
64. Scientific opinions are not carved on tablets of stone; they change over the years.
65. People should remember that our proposals aren't carved in stone.
66. Unfortunately, the carved ceilings have suffered woodworm attack over the years.
67. She has carved a place for herself in the fashion world.
68. He carved the stone into the figure of a man.
69. She carved out a name for herself in the engineering business.
70. Running water had carved a groove down the face of the wall.
71. She carved out a name for herself as a reporter.
72. These words are carved on the stone beside his grave.
73. He had carved a niche for himself as a photographer.
74. Some idiot carved us up on the way over here - I don't know how he missed us!
75. I could just pick out some letters carved into the stone.
76. The huge carved door was embellished with brass door knockers.
77. These proposals are for discussion, they're not carved in stone.
78. Michelangelo carved in marble.
79. The Ottoman Empire was carved up by Britain and France after World War I.
80. The victorious nations carved up the defeated country into several parts,each taking an equal share.
81. The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root.
82. They are not carved on tablets of stone.
83. The vulva signs carved on the walls suggest this.
84. Elephants carved in wood,[/carved.html] a bull in terra cotta.
85. Both show the four-centred arch with carved decoration above.
86. In this sense sovereignty can not be carved up.
87. All those carved white horses on chalk hillsides.
88. It was carved by Kaspar Bechteler in 1623.
89. All were carved by J. B. Kohl - Severa.
90. Therefore, George carved them into the wood in relief.
91. Ramses ordered colossal statues carved in his honor.
92. An off-the-lip carved out the Himalayas.
93. It carved the daemon in two.
94. A carved cornice ran around the high-ceilinged room.
95. They travelled by a short stairway from the morning room, up into a narrow corridor carved with horses' heads.
96. The rough pebbles of scar tissue interrupted the deep lines that laughter had once carved into his temples.
97. Intimates knew him as Stumpy Will and remarked upon the craftsmanship and lifelike nature of his carved elm prosthesis.
98. The men were then seconded to Britain to assemble the intricately carved blocks of stone that make up the temple building.
99. The war has left the sprawling nation carved up into various regions controlled by the government and rebel armies.
100. That was at the very apogee of the age of imperialism, when white men carved up the black continent between them.
101. These stately craft are an awe-inspiring sight(), each carved from the bole of single great ironwood tree.
102. She is here carved riding in a car drawn by elks.
103. There was a wooden porch over the front door, elaborately carved, and canopies over the windows of similar design.
104. The keystones are richly carved and the arch soffit is deeply coffered and enriched.
105. Inside the church, the earliest feature is an Anglo-Saxon carved stone cross head which was found in the churchyard in 1934.
106. Through hard work and sheer determination, Dennis carved out a career in the building industry.
107. Guy froze, unmoving, the light and shadow of his face above her like carved granite.
108. Underneath was a moulded jetty, close-studding with a herringbone gable, carved flaming torches supporting an oriel window.
109. The moonlight illuminated a hand carved wooden name plaque on the freshly painted gate, Honey Cottage.
110. The painting is small, about 8 by 12 inches in its carved wooden frame.
111. The balustrades were carved oak panels decorated with scrolls of acanthus foliage, each newel surmounted by a heavy oak pineapple.
112. And when I went to the museum on Gozo I discovered a block with a carved snail shell.
113. In 1679 the territory of New Hampshire was carved out of it,[] and was established as a separate colony.
114. And if we examine the bare rock at the base of the grassy hill we discover carved spirals.
115. Here the four powers had carved themselves out oddly shaped zones amongst the rubble and devastation left by the Allied bombing.
116. There were empty arched pigeonholes at the back, fretted and carved, and two empty little drawers.
117. The idea that these people could have designed the Parthenon or carved the sculptures of Praxiteles is laughable.
118. The choir arcade piers are grouped with large carved foliated capitals.
119. Huge beams have been added at the top of the walls to reinforce the carved medieval roof.
120. He was like somebody carved from rock, handsome, hard and dangerous.
121. The busiest routes are carved up by bilateral deals between the national airlines at either end.
122. Ornate patterns are carved into the bricks framing the entrance.
123. Amuletic wands were carved from its teeth with the object of deterring snakes and other noxious creatures.
124. There is a fine oak carved overmantel and an old door opens on to the curved stone stair to the first floor.
125. She officially unveiled a carved plaque to commemorate the centenary last year of the death of poet Richard Watson.
126. But another scholar speculates that the figure was carved by a reclusive, avant-garde sculptor.
127. Caves of Almanzora Even today, groups of gypsies still dwell in these amazing caves, carved deep into sandstone cliffs.
128. As Lyman and Scott explain: Free territory is carved out of space and affords the opportunities for idiosyncrasy and identity.
129. On the back of the bicentennial opportunity she had struck fast and hard and carved a unique niche for herself on television.
130. Nicklaus made regular visits to oversee operations as the course was being carved out of the lush countryside.
131. A long, carved oak table dominated the room, heavy chairs to match.
132. The stone benches with carved angels' heads were crumbling to dust.
133. A view, in other words, unsullied by buildings with the names of individuals carved in stone on their facades.
134. The lean face had grown gaunt, the cheeks hollowed, the scar about his mouth carved more deeply into his skin.
135. There is a heron carved on the top of the box.
136. This head once formed part of a small figurine carved from mammoth ivory.
137. Who am I to deny the power of the carved pebble on my bookshelf?
138. The rods are carved in the form of a series of gargoyle faces and grotesques, but are harmless.
139. It was also carved on to a number of the walls, as if to ward off Evil.
140. A carved plaque with an occasional bouquet of cut roses is hardly the memorial those early saints would have wanted.
141. This plywood structure has grown bigger and bigger, and he has even carved gothic spires on its top.
142. The bust was mutilated in late antiquity, probably by Christians who carved a cross in the forehead.
142. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
143. Near the waterline, the rushing waters have polished the schist to gunmetal, and carved it into fantastic flutes and chambers.
144. Her son holding his head beside the big carved pumpkin, mimicking a wide, toothy grin.
145. I carved my first wide turn through virgin powder, experiencing a transcendence of Buddhist proportions.
146. Ben carved his name in the tree trunk, using the point of his knife.
147. He had carved figures which sold in the shops in Salzburg, but he had never set foot on a farm.
148. Their seven children, carved in high relief in diminishing size according to age, clustered round their feet like rabbits.
149. The Everglades was carved into sections by an intricate network of canals and levees - 1,400 miles in all.
150. Behind the Victorian front door frame was an earlier one, with mouldings and sockets for a carved headpiece.
151. He left behind him two monuments: one inscribed on parchment, the other carved in stone.
152. Charles stood like a carved idol receiving the homage of the faithful.
153. I am lying in the cornfield gazing at clouds being carved up by harp-edged leaves above me.
154. It stuck to Adam's body, burnt into the jigsaw of cuts that had been carved into his skin.
155. She traced with her forefinger the silky whorls of the carved garland of oak leaves that swung across both doors.
156. Once inside, I mounted the battlements and explored hidden alcoves carved into the thick walls.
157. Hunter carved a hideous noughts and crosses pattern on Heidi's naked bottom after strangling her with a belt.
158. In the distance below, the three lakes Shimmered - the wind carved its many names On the face of the waters.
159. I focus for a moment on one arch carved into the Redwall limestone.
160. Beside the portrait was a carved cuckoo clock with green ivy and purple grapes growing around a green front door.
161. Compass points had been carved into the circular slab in the centre of the floor.
162. In the middle of the room was a round table covered with oilcloth, and four high-backed carved chairs set around it.
163. It was carved with very competent lettering, but all it said was 15 April 1945 and a list of names.
164. One was a simple wooden structure carved in the shape of the building.
165. The mouth yawned open.Canines and incisors were long sharp fangs, the canines hollow like hypodermic syringes carved of ivory.
166. The white glass has been carved with scenes from classical in mythology.
167. Montour will perform 20 seconds from an original composition on a flute he carved.
168. And the hair that looked as though it had been dramatically carved out of something shiny rather than been grown in the normal way.
169. He relished the coolness, the raised beds of flowers and herbs, and the elaborately carved fountains splashing in the centre.
170. She had a bun of hair at her nape from which stuck out carved hairpins, thinner than split matchsticks.
171. The Dorfwirt is a distinctive hotel with carved wooden balconies, and the peaceful atmosphere is totally in keeping with this relaxing resort.
172. The chapel is splendid with an early Baroque altar carved by A. Heidelberger.
173. The surrounding carved stonework contained the date[], and in the middle were metal panels displaying a dolphin with bulrushes.
174. The cloisters are fine and have varied and original carved columns and capitals.
175. Anthony's hard features looked as if they had been carved from stone.
176. Letters carved on gravestones become unreadable in mere hundreds of years.
177. Everything in its new gallery has been made carved painted by mentally disabled people.
178. The 18C owner, one Ondrej Kranner, carved the statue standing beside the pavement.
179. In 1918 Brancusi produced Endless Column, the first in a series of works usually roughly carved from wood.
180. In the church a carved stone shrine was erected to contain the saint's relics.
181. The fingers are the same color as the dice and look like they were carved by his other hand.
182. Some courts have carved out exceptions to governmental immunity, however, and found school boards liable.
183. Near the elevator door was a fake fireplace and an antique mahogany mantelpiece with great bunches of fruit carved on each corner.
184. My grandmother sat down in the carved chair next to the china cabinet.
185. Shapes of naked half-men half-beasts writhing in some hideous dance were carved on to the mahogany chair.
186. Light from the ceiling moved uncertainly over the carved wood Quiss was still staring at.
187. Out past the northern arc of the perimeter highway, comfortable subdivisions have been carved under a leafy canopy.
188. Something like marble gleamed close by the shore, seeming to leap yet not to fall again-a carved statue of a hound!
189. Midnight was squatting down, back against the wall, as still as the carved bear's head hanging above him.
190. Though his features looked as if they'd been carved from stone, in the depths of his gaze something stirred.
191. Hepolled so well last year that he couldn't be carved out of the action again.
192. This I washed down with lager from a great stein as monumentally carved as the Parthenon.
193. At first glance it could be mistaken for an ornately carved stool, its black and white surfaces for a kind of sculpture.
194. But his features were carved from stronger stuff, the mouth wider beneath a nose that was broken though still straight.
195. The pot surface can also be carved, incised and perforated: all three of these techniques involve the removal of clay.
196. Important buildings were constructed in stone and have lofty towers and spires and great richness of sculptural and carved decoration.
197. Compared to the austerity depicted at the start of the tour, the carved mahogany bed and canopy seem positively indecent.
198. Underground, hidden rivers have carved out an amazing system of caverns, like those of the famous Wookey Hole Caves.
199. All rooms are hung with green or crimson silk damask and the cornices, door-cases and chair-frames are all carved in gilt.
200. The skiing is challenging and even blue runs tend to be carved into moguls.
201. Door theft: Thieves have stolen the carved doors off a remote moorland chapel.
202. Nicole and Bernard, or whatever his name is, getting carved up on the flagstone.
202. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
203. Michelangelo carved this figure from a single block of marble.
204. The figure was carved out of a solid block of wood.
205. The figure is carved from a thin slab of Carrara marble.
206. A delightful unguent jar from Mostagedda carved from ivory in the form of a hippopotamus argues that the animal attracted favourable attention.
207. Why, I even had this staff carved from one such, during my last venture there.
208. Over the years they have carved out a powerful position within the town's antique trade.
209. It was fashioned of sandalwood, beautifully carved, and no larger than was needed to hold a psalter.
210. In other words, Salomon carved a tiny fraction out of each financial transaction.
211. Stockings and petticoats, discarded for the wash, lounged about in here, flung over the back of a carved armchair.
212. He was a loosely articulated dummy with a roughly carved face.
213. These narrow paths should be carved from the space currently devoted to vehicle carriageways.
214. An imperial eagle lectern carved in jet supported upon its open black wings a huge, chained copy of the Codex Astartes.
215. Note the rollers of the mangle carved on either side of the window frame.
216. There is also a carved and painted wood pulpit with high relief figure-decoration.
217. It took the form of a hemisphere, with a face carved on the inner surface.
218. It was a copy of the carved eagle on the pulpit.
219. While I was there, a pair of huge marble hands designed by Larry Kirkland were being carved into life.
220. Only the people seemed distinct, each individual carved out in the lemon-whiteness like moving, high-definition sculptures.
221. Its surface is carved in some detail and lettered to show the continents and oceans.
222. The soot-black metal of the stoves was carved with grotesque faces from which a dark heat beat out at Quiss.
223. Behind him on a finely carved desk was a gleaming working model of the St Petersburg-Cannes Express constructed in pearls and amethysts.
224. If Beth had got her just rewards, Tyler Blacklock had carved himself a very different destiny.
225. The rival factions have carved fiefdoms within the government, with more powerful faction leaders claiming seats on the Council of State.
226. Now most of the monasteries have carved stairways into the stone or erected bridges to usher outsiders into their world.
227. She pressed her back against the door, grateful for the support of its solid carved oak.
228. He found the tape recorder attached to a small alcove carved out from underneath the desk.
229. In general, male stones are employed for making major icons of Gods while the pedestal is carved out of female stones.
230. The Kha-Khan was sitting in a chair which had been carved into the shape of a reclining dragon.
231. She carved up Muriel Spark and Iris Murdoch at the same time as the bacon.
232. The walls were exquisitely panelled and bordered with carved scrolls and cornices decorated with gilded flowers.
233. The monastic cloisters enclose a medieval-style secret garden and an ancient stone fountain carved with fantastic beasts!
234. The plinths below the columns, the arch spandrels, friezes and entablatures were enriched with carved ornament and sculpture.
235. He ignored the mottled marble floor, the neo-Doric pillars and the intricately carved oak ceiling.
236. The carved chestnut central staircase is a showpiece, and the mahogany paneling gleams in the spacious living room and dining room.
237. Matta's game had had something like a worm, a maggot, carved on the box - something fat and sinuous.
238. Richly carved exterior depicts famous figures and scenes from Northampton's history, the interior is richly decorated.
239. Only I know which carved wooden panel to press to release the catch and allow me into the sanctuary of my past.
240. Walls, ceilings, floors were clad in smooth obsidian and jet carved with runes, sacred hexes and texts.
241. The long, carved lips were set in a tight line and the straight black brows were screwed up in a frown.
242. One of her legs ended in a carved wooden peg.
243. The pale face lay as if carved on the white pillow.
244. Since land allotments would be carved out of land that belonged to the gentry,[] serfs would have to pay for them.
245. Just off its shore stand giant rocks carved into strange jagged patterns by the sea.
246. The beef was carved into slices so thin you could almost see through them.
247. It was an entire village, carved out of wood, four feet square.
248. He neither moved nor made a sound, like a figure carved of stone.
249. Contemporary locomotives are carved on their headstones, which also bear nauseating rhyming epitaphs of the kind so beloved by the Victorians.
250. This event has been carved on Metzler Gate in Kaiserslautern for as long as people can remember.
251. It is carved into small squares and rolled up inside a thin wheat pancake with hoisin sauce and spring onions.
252. We pass a council estate and a forlorn shop which seems to have been carved into the ground level of the estate.
253. Sometimes, these are fine monuments with letters or numbers carved on them indicating the names of particular parishes or estates.
254. The doll shoots across the floor, into a pile of carved stone, leaving a dark streak in the dust.
255. But he carved his place in Sooner lore and will go down as the progenitor of the Oklahoma program's rebirth.
256. The lid of his now-gone sepulchre remains, a marble piece with Grifo's carved effigy.
257. the elaborate decoration on the carved wooden door.
258. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict the same images carved in stone.
259. We carve and paint and we enjoy what is carved and painted.
260. She has carved a niche for herself as a comic actor.




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