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单词 standard
释义 Word family  noun standard standardization adjective stardard substandard verb standardize  Related topics: Music, Daily lifestan·dard1 /ˈstændəd $ -ərd/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  level of quality/achievement 质量水平/成就高低 [countable, uncountable]LEVEL the level that is considered to be acceptable, or the level that someone or something has achieved 水平;水准;标准 Students have to reach a certain standard or they won’t pass. 学生必须达到某一标准,否则无法通过。 The airline has rigorous safety standards. 这家航空公司有严格的安全标准。standard of The committee is assessing the standard of care in local hospitals. 委员会正在评估当地医院的护理水准。2  MORAL PRINCIPLES 道德原则standards [plural] moral principles about what kind of behaviour or attitudes are acceptable 道德水准,行为标准 the recent decline in moral standards 近来道德水准的下降standards fall/slip/go down Standards have slipped since I was a boy. 从我小时候起,行为标准就已经降低了。3  measurement 计量,测量 [countable]USUALLY a fixed official rule for measuring weight, purity, value etc 〔重量、纯度、价值等的〕标准,基准 an official government standard for the purity of silver 白银纯度的政府法定标准4  song 歌曲 [countable]APM a popular song that has been sung by many different singers 〔很多歌星演唱过的〕流行歌曲 popular jazz standards 被多人翻唱过的爵士流行歌曲5  flag 旗 [countable] old-fashionedD a flag used in ceremonies 仪式用旗帜 the royal standard 王室的旗帜 → double standard, living standard COLLOCATIONSverbsmeet/reach a standard 达到标准Many food businesses fail to meet basic standards of hygiene. 许多食品企业未能达到基本的卫生标准。set/lay down a standard 制定标准The government sets standards that all hospitals must reach. 政府制定了所有医院都必须达到的标准。raise/improve standards 提高标准We are determined to raise standards in our schools. 我们决心提高我们各所学校的水准。lower standards 降低标准He refused to lower his standards. 他拒绝降低自己的标准。maintain standards (=keep them at a good level) 保持水准nTelevision companies should maintain standards of taste and decency.standards improve 水准提高nThe standard of this festival improves every year.standards fall/slip/decline 水准降低/下滑/下降nSchool inspectors say that educational standards have fallen.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + standardhigh/good 高的/好的The standard of their work was generally very high. 他们的工作水准通常很高。low/poor 低的/差的The report says the standard of children’s diet in Britain is poor. 报道称英国儿童的饮食标准很低。acceptable 可接受的All too often their behaviour has fallen below acceptable standards. 他们的行为有太多的时候都达不到可接受的标准。stringent/strict/rigorous/tough standards (=high standards that are difficult to reach) 严格的/严厉的标准nThe Marines’ rigorous standards mean that only a small proportion of applicants are standards 国际标准nClearly there is a need for international standards to be laid down to govern food etc standards 安全/卫生/质量等标准nAll our products meet the current safety standards.academic/educational standards 学术/教育水准nThere had been a policy of raising academic standards within the school.nenvironmental standards (=to protect the environment)They called on the Indian government to apply stricter environmental standards.nprofessional standards (=within a particular profession)The institutions have an evident interest in maintaining professional standards (also standard of living) (=the level of comfort and the amount of money people have) 生活水准nLiving standards at all income levels improved over that period.phrasesan improvement/rise in standards 标准的提升There has been an improvement in living standards. 生活水准已有所提高。a decline/drop in standards 标准的下降nThere has been a general decline in standards of literacy among up to standard (=be good enough) 达到标准Her work was not up to standard. 她的工作未能达到标准。be below standard (=not be good enough) 未达到标准His performance yesterday was below standard. 他昨天的表现没有达到标准。by modern standards/today’s standards 按现代的标准/今天的标准The technology was crude by modern standards. 这项工艺按现代的标准来看是粗糙的。by our standards (=judging by what we are used to) 按我们的标准nThe equipment was very old-fashioned by our British/African etc standards 按英国/非洲等的标准nClass sizes are small by British standards.Examples from the Corpusstandard• If the pilot has not been trained to normal airline standards, he will not be employed by us.• The organisation published a draft standard on computer graphics at the end of March.• Judges remarked on the high standard of this year's entries.• All his work is of a very high standard.• The industry standard of temperature for shipping produce is 41 degrees Fahrenheit.• Ministers have shifted their focus from primary standards to the lack of pupil progress at key stage 3.• Months of wrangling over new production standards for the vaccine and new inspection procedures followed.• Air quality standards vary from state to state.• Safety standards are simply not being maintained.• They need a person who sets standards of competence and integrity to be aimed at.• In reading tests, 15% of school students were found to be below the standard for their age.• Many Europeans who consider themselves to be poor are rich by the standards of some Third World countries.• Shakespeare is the standard against which all playwrights must be measured.• I'm afraid you haven't quite reached the standard required for the job.• The standard of workmanship on this table is extraordinarily high.• I'm afraid your driving isn't yet up to standard.• Similarly, your internal editor insists that you create documents based on equally arbitrary and unattainable standards.• Many of them are of a Victorian standard and need considerable investment.standard of• The agency establishes and enforces standards of food production.Related topics: Education, Linguisticsstandard2 ●●● S2 W2 adjective  1  NORMALUSUALLYaccepted as normal or usual 正常的;标准的;普通的;普遍接受的 We paid them the standard rate. 我们付给他们标准工资。standard practice/procedure (=the usual way of doing things) 例行做法/程序 Searching luggage at airports is now standard practice. 机场的行李检查现在是例行做法了。 The format is fairly standard. 这个格式是比较标准的。► see thesaurus at normal2  USUALLYregular and usual in shape, size, quality etc 〔形状、大小、质量等〕标准的 OPP non-standard We make shoes in standard and wide sizes. 我们制造标准码和加宽码的鞋子。 All these vans are made to a standard design. 这些客货两用车均按标准设计制造。3. SEa standard book, work etc is read by everyone studying a particular subject 〔书、作品等〕公认为标准的,权威的4  SLthe standard form of a language is the one considered to be correct and is used by most people 〔语言〕标准的,规范的 OPP non-standard the standard spelling 规范的拼法 standard English pronunciation 标准英语发音Examples from the Corpusstandard• Most industrial/commercial concerns will have such standard costs calculated for their ranges of products.• Students are encouraged to learn standard English because this is what they will need to know in the business world.• Supermarkets typically have six standard food departments.• A work week of forty hours is standard in the U.S.• You must know the rules and be familiar with standard market terminology.• Prices start at $15,489 for the standard model.• Letters can be compiled from standard paragraphs stored in the memory.• All hand-baggage was X-rayed - this is now standard practice at most airports.• Drug tests are a standard procedure following train accidents.• In telephone and face-to-face selling standard sales pitches are used, regardless of the specific needs of the customer.• standard size paper• We make shoes in all standard sizes.standard practice/procedure• Probyn's technique, controversial though it has been, was once virtually standard practice.• Such abbreviated language is standard practice and will be widely adopted in the remainder of this book.• This is standard practice, but such an event is unlikely.• Win had also used a false name through the years, standard practice for officers engaged in covert work.• Bail conditions appear also to have become a standard practice in public order cases.• The first is the wide variation in specification and finish that are standard practice in the motor industry.• Again this is a standard procedure throughout Grimes.• One standard procedure would be to see if your inspectors' judgments matched other evidence.nThe StandardStandard, The  n → Evening Standard, TheFrom Longman Business Dictionarystandardstan‧dard1 /ˈstændəd-ərd/ noun1[countable, uncountable] a level of quality, skill, ability, or achievement by which someone or something is judged, and that is considered good enough to be acceptableThe airline has rigorous (=very strict) safety standards.standard ofWe take pride in the high standards of service offered to clients.Her work was not up to standard (=good enough).The Law Council sets standards for equal opportunity in the legal profession.2[countable] something you use to compare one thing with anotherby somebody’s standardsBy American standards, her salary is pretty low.3[countable] a fixed official measure of weight, purity, value etcan official government standard for the purity of silver → accounting standard → CAT standard → gold standard → monetary standard → Trading Standardsstandardstandard2 adjective1accepted as normal or usualIt’s standard practice (=the usual way of doing things) to employ people on a freelance basis.We paid them the standard rate for the job.2regular and usual in shape, size, quality etcWe make shoes in standard and wide sizes.All these vans are made to a standard design.Origin standard1 (1100-1200) Old French estandard “battle-flag”stan·dard1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1standard2 adjectiveStandard, TheLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or be level Corpus acceptable, Business to considered the is the that




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