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单词 Revised
1. The text has been quite radically revised.
2. The college has revised its plans because of local objections.
3. The council has revised its projections of funding requirements upwards.
4. The revised edition is quite different from the previous edition.
5. I'll prepare a revised estimate for you.
6. The budget has been revised upwards.
7. This dictionary is revised from Treasures of English Words.
8. We have revised our estimates of population growth.
9. The death toll was later revised downwards to 689.
10. The expected rate of inflation was revised upwards.
11. I have revised my opinion of him.
12. When he revised the play, he tamed it.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. Forecasts of economic growth are being revised downwards.
14. They openly revised Marxism.
15. These figures may have to be revised in an upward direction.
16. The revised edition of the book includes many useful annotations.
17. The procedures are continually revised?it is very difficult to keep up with the latest version.
18. In order to progress their project smoothly, they revised the plan several times.
19. We will always confirm the revised amount to you in writing before debiting your account.
20. The encyclopedia will shortly be out in a revised edition.
21. The English textbooks for middle schools have been completely revised.
22. The estimate for the building work had to be revised upwards.
23. It has been decided that the book should be revised.
24. These three players will form the nucleus of a revised and stronger team.
25. They realised that some of their prices were higher than their competitors' and revised prices accordingly.
26. Official projections of the spread of Aids have mercifully been revised downwards .
27. The death toll was initially reported at around 250, but was later revised to 300.
28. She accepted the contract with the provision that it would be revised after a year.
29. Conceivably, supporters of the law could filibuster to prevent it from being revised.
30. The new proposals are a halfway house between the original treaty and the British government's revised version.
1. The text has been quite radically revised.
2. The college has revised its plans because of local objections.
3. The English textbooks for middle schools have been completely revised.
4. The council has revised its projections of funding requirements upwards.
5. The revised edition is quite different from the previous edition.
31. The cost of completion has been revised upwards again due to inflation.
32. A couple of sections of the book will need to be revised.
33. The figure has now been revised from £1 million to £2 million.
34. According to the revised estimate, four million people will be without homes.
35. A revised Marelli fuel injection system completes the changes.
36. Under the revised law, says Prof.
37. A second, revised edition was published in 1634.
38. The 1992 figures were revised by the company.
39. CE/E Review international reciprocity agreements against revised policy.
40. Those new relationships define how much potential exists, which then leads to a new or revised set of options to consider.
41. The Commission expresses its anxiety that the proposed syllabus in the revised music curriculum allows less time than hitherto for choral music.
42. All Part 1 monographs included in previous editions have been revised and there have been 173 monographs deleted and 283 added.Sentence dictionary
43. The Ministry of Railways and the national monopolies commission will draw up revised conditions of carriage to reflect the new statute.
44. The introduction of the new type of development plan under the 1968 Act involved revised provisions in relation to planning blight.
45. This indicates which of the revised modules replace existing modules.
46. A heavily revised version of this madrigal was included in Morley's collection.
47. He has revised regulations to prohibit discrimination against gays serving in federal government.
48. The bishops received word in February that a revised draft would receive Vatican confirmation if it were resubmitted.
49. Following the announcement of the revised schedule the premises of the national radio station were briefly occupied by a group of soldiers.
50. Second, within the revised section he should know the degree of use received by different subject elements.
51. Our working party has drawn up a set of revised guidelines on monitoring dietary management.
52. New books and revised editions on the quantum theory of atoms and molecules continue to appear.
53. Discussion documents will be prepared in a form accessible to curriculum planners, tested and revised in the light of comments received.
54. Maximum penalties, and occasionally fixed penalties, are set out in statutes and periodically revised.
55. Revised bodywork and a bigger 17-litre fuel tank complete the picture.
56. The Guide has recently been slightly revised and the second edition should now be in all centres.
57. The Commission later renewed its efforts and issued a revised proposal in 1989.
58. When a revised edition appeared c. 1775, Leapor was still the most heavily represented poet.
59. Wilson says House Democrats rewrote his amendment, yet he supported the revised measure.
60. Tomorrow, revised November industrial production and December money supply figures are released.
61. Revised guidance due early this year will included strengthened guidance on these checks for hospital locums and other staff.
62. In each case it is the revised versions which are to be played in this concert.
63. The study made headlines everywhere, and newspapers printed a revised height-weight chart that reflected the lean weights Willett recommends.
64. Lautro's rules at the relevant time Lautro's rules were revised in February 1992.
65. The trouble is that the revised version of the legend of the Courts of Love is as ill-founded as the old one.
66. Under the revised plans Nirex now aims to submit its application by the autumn of 1993.
67. If the second edition of a book contains revision material, it is the first revised edition.
68. They suggest that forecasts of warming may have to revised downwards.
69. It is hoped also that a revised grant application form will be available for distribution before the meeting.
70. In October, total consumer credit increased a revised $ 11. 4 billion.
71. The revised guidelines are expected to avoid giving care workers specific advice on how to physically restrain absconders.
72. Revised forecasts - expected in November - are likely to be more pessimistic.
73. Testing will be revised soas to add less to teachers' workloads. External examiners may be used more.
74. The book first came out in 1994 and a revised edition was published this year.
75. All told[/revised.html], the Communists could come out of the general election with some 45-50 seats in the revised 500-seat lower house.
76. An estimated 40,000 names on a revised electoral roll were reported to be suspect.
77. The text has been revised and a new introductory essay has been added for the second edition.
78. It makes its road debut in a revised Griffith in March next year.
79. Each will be revised regularly to check on progress, and raise standards higher.
80. Plans for the tunnel had to be revised at an additional cost of $180 million.
81. The company refused to comment further on its revised forecasts.
82. The planning process includes a series of public meetings this fall, with the revised plan scheduled for adoption next spring.
83. But this creates difficult administrative problems about how often official valuations of property values are revised.
84. Plans are under way for a revised edition, which should be published in the near future as a self-financing project.
85. In fact, the authors simply bring their diagnosis into verbal conformity with revised social stereotypes.
86. But he has also incorporated, and indeed revised, much recent analysis by economists.
87. The inventory-to-shipment ratio in November was revised to 116. 2 from an initial 116. 4.
88. In the event that we can not agree an acceptable revised fee scale then we withdraw from the sale.
89. Many successful companies in the most advanced industrial countries would attribute much of their success to revised approaches to quality assurance.
90. Guidance was first published in 1973, and it has been periodically revised in the light of experience gained.
91. The revised bids came in at 3: 55 p. m. yesterday, five minutes before the deadline, he said.
92. Table 6.13 below shows a revised estimate of daily water use.
93. The reason for this is that inflationary expectations are revised according to what has happened to inflation in the past.
94. Although an expert knowledge of the subject being revised is obviously an advantage, it is not essential.
95. The death knell for a revised Thanksgiving came when retailers began admitting their revenues had not improved after all.
96. A slightly revised theory of the ignorance of paternity involves the idea that women and men led largely separate lives.
97. In other words, the series begins at the threshold of adulthood, when expectation has not yet been revised by experience.
98. True, there have been plenty of conductors more recently who have used new or revised editions.
99. Several passages from these chapters appear here in slightly revised form. philosophical theology right up to the present.
100. Baxter saw only preliminary data, which were later revised and verified.
101. The wife brought an action to enforce the revised agreement and the husband argued that the agreement was unsupported by consideration.
102. The revised law laid down strict rules on the issuing of permits for demonstrations and forbade government and party officials from participating.
103. The Yellow Book is currently being revised and the existing edition is due to be entirely replaced.
104. The Steady State Theory floundered on for a few more years, being continually revised,[http:///revised.html] but eventually its three proponents conceded defeat.
105. The questionnaire was piloted, then revised, and a final version agreed.
106. The revised method also shaves half a percentage point off average annual growth during the four years of this economic recovery.
107. The Octet Scherzo is played beautifully in the revised scoring for full orchestra.
108. He then organized a team of five employees who revised the proposal and several other documents-without interrupting the regular work flow.
109. The updated catalogue includes new and revised modules developed over the past year.
110. Agree with the vendors the timetable of events following the meeting and the deadline for the revised firm offers.
111. When the first draft is completed, it will be piloted and revised.
112. However, the goal line may be unclear and the rules of the game are constantly being revised.
113. Maurin and the Josephs gaped at him, then revised some ideas.
114. This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
115. The company claimed that the overall impact of the revised figures was small.
116. A completely revised and updated edition of the publication first issued in 1984.
117. After negotiation about its substance, a revised, agreed version was presented to the departmental team at a formal meeting.
118. Progress of constitutional talks Buoyed by its success in the referendum, the government moved swiftly to present revised constitutional proposals.
119. However, the bill was revised in parliament by Solidarity politicians bowing to populist pressures.
120. And it remains finally to ask what place there was for trade unionism in the Labour Party's revised prospectus.
121. Fifteen years later he expanded and revised, not always accurately, his first brief report on the cataract.
122. The revised syllabus was devised after wide consultations with the profession, including major employers of tax professionals.
123. Simpson later offered a revised version of the identification system that would include substantial safeguards.
124. In its employment report, the Labor Department revised higher the November job growth total to 166, 000.
125. At first glance, the S1 looks like an R1 with revised bodywork and little more.
126. Story then becomes revised into recitation or into a deliberately implausible sequence against which the narrative voice can play.
127. This revised and expanded edition has two new chapters on capillary electrophoresis and supercritical fluid chromatography.
128. But that was built into the revised system regardless of who got the contract.
129. The exact amount is decided by Parliament and usually revised each year to take account of the rise in prices.
130. Heat, light and power should be revised and contained at 3%, and administrative costs reduced to 10%.
131. According to some reports Li's speech had been revised at the last moment to bring it in line with the current Dengist campaign.
132. Once the revised time schedule is established, the proposal writer should set his dates of completion for each task.
132. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
133. Eight existing modules are being revised and two new ones are being developed in video production and role play.
134. The revised budget for 1989/90 showed a deficit of 1,367 million kyats, compared with the planned surplus of 7,000,000 kyats.
135. The regional director, Ken Vernon, had revised the repayment contract under political pressure and it was a complete giveaway.
136. Convention concerning the Repatriation of Seafarers ( Revised ).
137. Starting December 29, the newly revised Machinery Directive effect.
138. Adverse discrimination doesn't violate the fourteenth revised law of American Constitution.
139. I had reviewed and revised the report in yellow highlights.
140. The consequences of failure and reorganization under the revised statutes , while serious, are not unthinkable.
141. TK : I've revised a lot of poems into a comatose state.
142. The value of the sticking coefficient may have to be revised.
143. With college students as subjects, Cattell 16 PF was revised in Vietnam.
144. The original 16 Policy Bureaux will be revised to 11.
145. Therefore copyright fare use system is designed and periodically revised to equilibrate the antinomy.
146. The revised edition is to all intents and purposes a new book.
147. Production estimates have been revised downward for several countries including Argentina, Brizil, Nicaragua, and Peru.
148. Many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition.
149. We take this opportunity calling your attention to our revised price - list, as annexe, for old vintage.
150. The paper reviews the advancement and dissemination of Burton - Kebler function and MoTbleB revised function.
151. The draft was revised several times before it was finalized.




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