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单词 Expire
1. When does your trade agreement with Japan expire?
2. My season ticket will expire this week.
3. When does the lease expire?
4. My lease will expire on September 30th, this year.
5. When does your driving licence expire?
6. Our trade agreement with Holland will expire at the end of this year.
7. His contract is due to expire at the end of this year.
8. The contract between the two companies will expire at the end of the year.
9. Their present one was due to expire in 1845.
10. That agreement is about to expire.
11. Those compacts expire after 10 years.
12. Sartzetakis's term was due to expire on March 30.
13. His Soviet exit visa would eventually expire.
14. The authority will expire at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held in 1994.
15. Several of the leases are set to expire this year.
16. He said he'd expire if he had to sit on that high stool much longer.
17. A court order freezing proceedings will expire on November the ninth.
18. Current contracts with production companies expire in September, when C4 plans to begin broadcasting the new output.
19. Approval for the money is scheduled to expire by the end of March unless the committee acts.
20. The contracts are due to expire in July, and a decision on the new three-year contracts are due in the spring.
21. Both these authorities expire on the date of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.
22. His cooling-off period does not expire until the end of seven days following the acceptance.
23. Yet he can still play for his former club while he waits for the clearing period to expire.
24. And rents, mostly above-market rates currently, could fall once leases begin to expire in coming years.
25. In return he would be allowed to continue in office, with his term not due to expire until 1996.
26. They are the only members of the first-team squad whose contracts expire at the end of the season.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. Thus, Progressive Networks has caused its player software to expire after a certain period of time.
28. Last month Putin decided to retire silo-housed intercontinental ballistic missiles as their service lives expire.
29. The settlement put a Dec. 31 deadline on meeting conditions of the agreement or the purchasing authority would expire.
30. It is a daunting task in a crowded, segmented marketplace where magazines rear up and expire as quickly as fruit flies.
1. When does your trade agreement with Japan expire?
2. My season ticket will expire this week.
3. My lease will expire on September 30th, this year.
31. Your passport will expire ten years from the issue date.
32. Unfortunately, they allowed his notice to expire without further action and proceeded to recruit new employees.
33. Three times this season, the Clippers have let the 24-second clock expire after a timeout.
34. Luckily, few of the patents on Pfizer's top-selling drugs are due to expire in the near future.
35. That authority will expire at the end of this year's Annual General Meeting and Resolution 9 seeks a renewal of it.
36. His contract there was due to expire at the end of this month.
37. But, coupons expire faster than before, because manufacturers want faster feedback on product use for their new databases.
38. The term of the lease is limited to expire in 2015.
39. This agreement will expire in March 1987, and it has been decided not to renew it.
40. Harman J decided that the injunction restraining a breach of confidence should expire at the same time as a restrictive covenant.
41. The exemption for the units at Fort William and Wick, was due to expire in October 1994.
42. The section 25 notice may expire any time after the expiry of the break-notice.
43. A restriction that he refrain from counseling women will expire at the end of this month.
44. The French company's concession would expire in 1904.
45. Two seconds later, as the suspend() timeouts expire, the first request is retrieved from the pending queue and resubmitted to the ContinuationServlet.
46. Expiration notice: We must hear from you by the deadline on the front of this mail Otherwise your ID number will expire.
47. HSBC's offer to buy a 51 per cent stake in KEB from Lone Star, the US private equity group, will expire on April 30 if it has not been approved by regulators.
48. Depending on jurisdiction and on type of collateral, a perfection of security interest may expire after a certain period (limitation period effects).
49. Negotiators gather in the Danish capital in December to draft a new accord aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol set to expire in 2012.
50. Cards will expire half a year after issuing , Two hours fixed time slot each week.
51. My lease will expire on September 30 th of this year.
52. The first patents for Avandia expire in 2011, with some running until 2017, according to FDA's Orange Book.
53. Buyer should issue written purchasing contract to supplier for commodities which are NOT due to expire in less than a year.
54. As a result, a valid Notice of Termination of Contract dated 23 July 2008 was given to the Plaintiff to inform him of the decision and that the Labour Contract would expire on 31 July 2008.
55. UN-led conference in the Danish capital in December is meant to approve a new global warming treaty for the period after 2012, when the Kyoto Protocol's obligations to cut carbon emissions expire.
56. So T-Mobile customers are being asked to plunk down $199 and sign a two-year service agreement for a phone whose freshness date is about to expire.
56. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
57. The flowers expire fragrance.
58. I think you may need to do it again if the medical test result expire before you get assigned for a case officer.
59. They also remind Clapper that the FISA Amendments Act is set to expire at the end of the year.
60. When bill discount, the bank presses fixed interest rate from bill expire deduct in the value come from loan day of note maturity should plan accrual, pay the person that oppose a bill more than.
61. Futures contracts expire every few months, making long - term charts difficult to analyze.
62. Mr. Remis sued in 2009, just before the statute of limitation was about to expire, according to Mr. Fried.
63. The owners' collective bargaining agreement with the player is set to expire after the season which kicks off tonight.
64. A hardware timer that is periodically reset by software. If the software crashesor hangs, the watchdog timer will expire, and the entire system will be reset automatically.
65. This account's current prepaid time will expire on April 18,2007 1:12 AM UTC.
66. In any event, the provisions of subparagraph shall expire 15 years after the date of accession.
67. If the software crashesor hangs, the watchdog timer will expire, and the entire system will be reset automatically.
68. The left-leaning assembly is studying a new initiative to introduce temporary marriage licenses that would expire after two years if the couple so desires.
69. Take note and report beverage items which are about to expire.
70. That meant Rabobank, which was concerned about the overall market, was unlikely to renew an additional $2 billion credit agreement set to expire the next week.
71. Yesterday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar ended the ban, which was scheduled to expire on Nov. 30, and said that oil companies must meet new safety requirements.
72. These cells possess the ability to divide and create progeny — some of which will eventually expire, others that are self-renewing.
73. The term of lease under Lease No.123 will expire on December 31, 1992.
74. Your transfer request will remain active in our system for 30 days, after which time it will expire.
75. Expire the milk of ache slightly need not fall, use the water of double first its dilute, after reoccupy dishcloth infiltrates, twist dry, wipe forcibly.
76. The initial stock-index futures will expire on the third Friday of each month, starting with contracts in May, June, September and December.
77. When contracts expire, a trader can choose to take physical delivery rather than a cash settlement.
78. My driving license will expire till the end of this year.
79. The National Development and Reform Commission, China's main economic planning agency, said on Dec. 9 that the 7.5% tax break would expire at the end of this year.
80. His term of office as President will expire next year.
81. The facility will expire on such date as specified in the facility letter.
82. The parking company contract will officially expire on 2012, and will this be renewed?
83. If the Call Price is reached before expiry, the CBBC will expire early and the trading of that CBBC will be terminated immediately.
84. The deal was to expire if the Chinese Ministry of Commerce didn't approve by Wednesday.
85. Actually, expire the milk of ache slightly can be become the substitute of olefin, caky milk is classy olefin more.
86. My subscription to the magazine will soon expire, I will renew it./expire.html
87. Unfortunately, the items Magic Umbrella and Magic Cleaning Tool are temporary items that expire as soon as the account is logged out of.
88. His term of office as president will expire next year.
89. Why did I not die at birth , Come forth from the womb and expire?
90. If no compromise is found, current tax rates would expire for all Americans at the end of the year.
91. Yes, I am living in Rose Garden now, but the lease will expire in two months.
92. The scheduled execution time for two years, about to expire next month.
93. When creating user accounts, you should make it a policy to have a minimum and maximum password age forcing users to change their passwords when they expire.




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