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单词 Articulation
1. As he drank more wine his articulation became worse.
2. She spoke with a lazy articulation.
3. As he drank more wine, his articulation suffered.
4. The singer worked hard on the clear articulation of every note.
5. He got therapy at school for articulation and comprehension.
6. Number twenty-five, do not penalize for articulation errors.
7. It is also good articulation and crisp, clear consonants.
8. Eliot's articulation of his authentic poetic voice gives way, despite himself, to a staging of his own destruction.
9. It is the organs of articulation which are used to create this barrier.
10. The report contains an articulation of the agency's mission statement.
11. Articulation of modes of production and dependency theories would view the continued use of these labor forms as beneficial to capitalism.
12. Me, wrestling with the right articulation, and Lucker with his blunted anger.
13. Secondly, for a few, increased articulation will provide entrepreneurial openings.
14. It is not clear whether this articulation makes use of the working memory system or is independent.
15. Thus a theory of articulation does not mean that the musical field is a pluralistic free-for-all.
16. This articulation draws on dominant discourses of children which position them in constant relationship to both their and society's futures.
17. But, in general, the articulation of the conventional wisdom is a prerogative of academic, public or business position.
18. Lipatti s performance possesses a clarity of articulation, a depth of sonority and an energy that shine through the crackly recording.
19. The ulna forms the chief articulation at the elbow.
20. the articulation of his theory.
21. The explanation is better sought in the specific social and material circumstances and their articulation with political and ideological structures.
22. Nevertheless the Finale is given high definition characterisation, through scrupulously worked articulation(), and a fine rhythmic sense.
23. I found the Sanctus, though essentially vigorous, perfunctory in its lack of subtlety in emphasis and articulation.
24. I know of no-one else who has the same depth of knowledge of the subject and who can write with such articulation.
25. What distinguishes one mode of production from another is the particular articulation of the various levels or elements.
26. Yet it really happened and I deeply appreciate his articulation of my greatest ambition as a baker.
27. This calls into use a response buffer which produces articulation of the translated message.
28. In both examples the alveolar is assimilated to the place of articulation of the following segment.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. They are rigidly connected with the cuticle, having no membranous articulation and are therefore readily separable from cuticular appendages.
30. I watched the prisoner nearest, slightly hypnotized by the movement of his cutter and the articulation of his bony arm.
1. She spoke with a lazy articulation.
31. A graph with no articulation points is nonseparable.
32. Nature lesion removing shoulder sleeve tearing , articulation humeri tuberculosis , tumour and other purulence at the same time.
33. A new kind of FCMAC ( Fuzzy Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller ) is presented.
34. For a congruent patellofemoral articulation, the patella must track centrally in the trochlear groove.
35. In addition, overlap - adding ( OLA) technique and frequency tracking technique are presented in order to improve the articulation of synthetic waveform.
36. Results Myoactive potential of palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus was produced when soft palate was descending. Palatogossus and palatopharyngeus also took part in articulation in speech.
37. Thirdly, by fuzzifizing the space division method of cerabellar mode articulation controller , a fuzzy cerabellar mode articulation controller is proposed.
38. Restrain rheumatism and arthritis, helpful for improve pain of articulation whenrain day and adjust osseous swell.
39. This paper explores those questions, suggesting a basis for the articulation of a legitimizing constitutionalist theory for states organized on a state-party model along certain lines.
40. Objective To study CT features of ankylosing spondylitis ( AS ) in sacroiliac articulation.
41. Apraxia of speech is a term frequently used by speech pathologists to designate an impairment in the voluntary production of articulation and prosody (the rhythm and timing) of speech.
42. The first consisting in reminding you of the point that we are at about the logical articulation of phantasy, which this year will be, properly speaking, my text.
43. Though many new therapeutic methods occurs, they cann't intercept patho-destruction of articulation, not to mention the histological repairment of articular cartilage in histology.
44. Moreover, the wheel support is fitted with a flange with an upper articulation point connected to the cervical arm and a lower articulation point that is connected to aforementioned shaft.
45. Capitalist social formations reflect the interaction, or articulation, of different modes of production.
46. The effects of voice packet loss on articulation of Chinese speech in packet voice communications have not yet been published before.
47. He deliberately unclear Articulation of the rap songs of the more rhythm.
48. The third articulation cannot be on the order of individual subjectivity but social enunciation.
49. The rear, however, did not bind or falter at full articulation.
50. By separation, the subject finds, one might say, the weak point of the primal dyad of the signifying articulation, in so far as it is alienating in essence.
51. To evaluate the results of AO special plate in the treatment of extremital fracture near articulation.
52. It also boasts both excellent articulation and agility in the low frequencies.
53. Conclusion The reasonable operation design and systemic speech training after operation can significantly improve articulation of palatoplasty.
54. It should be self-understandable that the hand, realizing the more or less portamento resembled articulation, must become allowed to do it as the entire, FREE of any EXTRA TENSION wholeness.
55. Methods Supply speech training to 18 patients with velopharyngeal closure well palatoplasty, including articulation test and evaluation, before and after training.
56. You are tied down to a given and appropriate articulation.
57. This paper proposes an intelligent Cerebella Model Articulation Controller ( CMAC ) with the sliding mode control.
58. Bowing and articulation of cello is a basic problem in performance. Vigorous, filled, well-proportioned, changing, and expressive tamber cannot do without an accurate bowing.
58. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
59. This results in exceptional speech articulation even in reverberant spaces with poor acoustics.
60. Finally, the clearest articulation of value is expressed in returning business.
61. Objechive To explore the causes and therapeutic strategies articulation disorder of lingua - palatal phoneme with hearing impairment.
62. According to the International Phonetic Alphabet (revised to 2005), there are two ways to classify consonants: by place of articulation and by manner of articulation.
63. The above is exactly the theoretical ending point of the Zhouyi, and also is the important articulation point in the Tuishishu.
64. He leads him along paths of an ever more urgent articulation.
65. The sternoclavicular articulation is the only atthe extremity is connected the rest of the skeletal system.
66. His articulation is poor.
67. The distinction between content and expression is always real, in various ways, but it cannot be said that the terms preexist their double articulation.
68. Small osteophytes are seen in relation to the patellofemoral articulation more pronounced of the right.
69. The articulation of the radius and ulna in the arm is a pivot joint.
70. Modern dance has four pillars : articulation, freedom, strength, and witty rebellion.
71. Other fibers pass through the articulation to join the contralateral perichondrium.
72. Programmatic Articulation: Each of the various thematic spaces is organized transversally between two main attractor fields: the Science Centre and Reference Centre.
73. Its place of articulation is alveolar, which means it is articulated with either the tip or the blade of the tongue against the alveolar ridge, termed respectively apical and laminal.
74. All of these problems concern articulation , the clarity of speech.
75. The tongue-and-groove articulation between the quadrangular cartilage and the maxillary and palatine crest deserves special mention.
76. Both the architectural acoustics and electroacoustics are used in the language articulation design.
77. The articulation index of putonghua (standard colloquial Chinese) is derived with a new method.
78. Coarticulation : When simultaneous or overlapping articulation of the vocal organs is involved(), we call the process coarticulation .
79. The speaker's ideas were good but his articulation was poor.
80. Coarticulation : When simultaneous or overlapping articulation vocal organs is involved, we call the process coarticulation.
81. The articulation of its neck armor exploded off the creature.
82. Restrain rheumatism and arthritis , helpful for improve pain of articulation when andand adjust osseous swell.
83. Objective To describe a treatment method of old lower tibiofibular articulation separation with long peroneal muscle graft and ligament reconstruction.
84. The credit transfer system between TAFE and universities in Australia may serve as an effective way to achieve seamless articulation.
85. Articulation Pitch resolution of a musical instrument. How well an audio component resolves the inner harmonic structure of an instrument.
86. Self-Organizing Fuzzy Cerebella Model Articulation Controller (SOFCMAC) neural network is used to correct the nonlinear system inversion error due to modeling uncertainties and disturbances.




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