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单词 In some way
1. Mary's symptom is similar to Joseph's in some way.
2. We all pay for our mistakes in some way at some time.
3. The question seemed to amuse him in some way.
4. Can the job be speeded up in some way?
5. I'd like to help in some way, but I'm not sure how.
6. Sleep has often been thought of as being in some way analogous to death.
7. Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.
8. Convincing myself that I had gained in some way from my loss was just pure sophistry.
9. She was very striking but in some way I felt repelled.
10. He was connected in some way with that fraud scandal a couple of years back.
11. She has, in some way,[ ] invaded my territory.
12. Each is appreciated by the other in some way.
13. It must have struck home in some way.
14. As though its presence in some way accused me.
15. It may be that these serve in some way as an indication of the quality of the male to the female.
16. In rare cases where components differ in some way they will be pleased to give additional support.
17. With closed questions, the researcher has in some way limited the possible responses.
18. When we feel unwell in some way or another we do not always recognize stress as the culprit.
19. We are aware that these reunions are in some way historic; for a few seconds we are almost reverent.
20. He was eager to get out of the ruck and distinguish himself in some way.
21. I've got a feeling that the death may be tied up with his visit in some way.
22. Any attempt to attack the budget problem is going to have to in some way deal with those issues.
23. Such goods entail the existence of consciousness, so they must relate to conscious experience in some way.
24. It is possible, however, that synthetic chemicals might affect the immune response in some way.
25. Does this mean that our mental images depend on this amine in some way?
26. Has he suddenly stopped wearing that favourite grey jacket or changed his physical appearance in some way?
27. A leaning toward chemistry and chemical engineering was no doubt kindled in some way by a Mickey Mouse comic strip.
28. I am sorry your life is so burdensome, I only wish I could help in some way.
29. Are clinicians reluctant to put older people on surgical waiting lists because they are in some way discriminating against older people?
30. The flinty look in Pargeter's face told Dexter that Blanche had struck home in some way.
1. Mary's symptom is similar to Joseph's in some way.
2. We all pay for our mistakes in some way at some time.
31. It also contained the following findings: Children performed better when the day was structured in some way.
32. His stare challenged her to look right at him and be absorbed by him in some way.
33. This explains why most of today's top helicopter pilots are connected with the model trade in some way!
34. Indeed, many do, because Giardia, like Candida, seems to be linked in some way to food sensitivity.
35. Therefore, in some way, often very subtle, these designs all introduce some element other than plan black-on-white writing.
36. They must in some way make these their own - take them into their personal repertoire.
37. And if it can, does that in some way lessen the experience?
38. It decrees that intelligent life in some way selects out its own actual universe from a variety of possible alternatives.
39. If it can startle the predator in some way, there is a faint chance that the enemy may panic and flee.
40. A penalty should be something that the client genuinely dislikes but is in some way constructive.
41. Moreover they nearly always end in tragedy because the protagonists reach out in some way fur the unattainable.
42. There is an urge to recapture the missing person in some way by hanging on to memories, and treasures.
43. He hopes that I may be able, in some way, to plug the gap in his family history.
44. The design team made more than eighty-five films, each in some way conceived as an extension of the design process.
45. It is surely fitting that this should happen since nearly every member of the congregation contributed in some way to the result.
46. Some of the students probably thought of me as in league with him in some way.
47. Most proposed solutions to the funds' problems involve limiting the benefits of current recipients in some way.
48. Whenever I seemed to advance towards him, my steps deviated in some way.
49. Punishment on the basis of reciprocity is always related in some way to the content of the rule broken.
50. Apart from anything else, she wanted to recompense him in some way, although she doubted he would accept a reward.
51. In some way, mutations must correlate to produce an overall advantage for an organism as a whole.
52. Reinforcement occurs when I help you in some way and you reciprocate by helping me.
53. Or maybe the spectrum of smells is perceived in some way similar to our human perception of colour.
54. It may be possible to apply all of these to groups who contrast in some way, so facilitating a comparative analysis.
55. It seemed to geophysicists that the continents should shape the gravity field in some way.
56. Memory, then, must organize itself in some way to accommodate more possible thoughts than it has room to store.
57. In fact the two strains-puritanism and pentecostalism-seem in some way to be nearly polar opposites.
58. This formerly powered a number of mills, involved in some way with the cloth trade.
59. The conventional accounts of violence against women suggest that most men who are violent to women are mentally unstable in some way.
60. Apparently the movie has to be officially called off in some way and that takes time.
61. Lucky had wanted to gain his attention in some way.
62. Most guitarists know people who can outplay them in some way and so most register somewhere on the meek and self-effacing scale.
63. Nerves afflict everyone in some way, and without them acting would be the poorer.
64. These works, in some way, seem timeless and devoid of artifice.
65. What measures of success might there be if the goal of changing client behaviour in some way is no longer centre stage?
66. Perhaps custodial aesthetics, which is directed more to the specifics of particular cultures, in some way addresses his concerns.
67. He suspected Hubert had erred in some way, but did not care to ask.
68. He wondered it if were connected in some way with the fouling of the water system.
69. Reasons for: She may get into bad company and be at risk in some way.
70. His idea was that these have to be fused in some way in industrial societies otherwise such societies could not survive.
71. It could only be concluded that the cause of the intense eye irritation was in some way related to vehicle exhaust emissions.
72. Social distress - a restricted,[ ] inadequate or disturbed individual whose social performance is in some way leading to personal difficulties.
73. I guessed that you were breaking the law in some way.
74. I wondered if I had offended him in some way.
75. In some way he was a danger to an ex-con, that must be it.
76. For instance, could the infield fly rule be in some way analogous to punctuated equilibrium?
77. Marguerite was not exactly a motherly woman, but she was in some way comfortable.
78. Most of us sell our bodies in some way or another.
79. They had all sinned against her, and in some way rejected her advances.
80. They are in some way dependent on physiological and physical conditions.
81. Two essential freedoms - the right to communicate and the right to reputation - must in some way be reconciled by law.
82. The definition given by M.. Mauss has attained classical status, and more recent theories relate to it in some way.
83. This highlights a crucial tactical problem for new groups or those whose demands are seen as in some way unconventional.
84. Perhaps a scientist suggests that in some way the bat's ears are involved in its ability to avoid obstacles.
85. The Ghost of Banquo is more than a figment of Macbeth's imagination: it stands in some way in relation to his conscience.
86. A sign of the recession or fear that these impressionable young booksellers might be contaminated by their publishing counterparts in some way?
87. In the light of the fifth commandment should you be modifying your response in some way?
88. An alternative suggestion is that the substances produced by ants might supplement the birds' preen oil in some way.
89. Was there an intention to try to blackmail her in some way as well as Derek?
90. The alert and attentive reader, however, usually brings critical attention to what is being read and reacts in some way.
91. The contact becomes an act only if in some way or another it can be provided with a social meaning.
92. The next section reviews published natural language applications that have in some way addressed the problem of semantic knowledge representation and processing.
93. In a chemical reaction, one or more substances are mixed together or combined in some way.
94. And if she took Johnny into the cottage, might this in some way break the spell and spoil the magic?
95. But only that the community as a whole has a duty to provide adequate protection in some way.
96. The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better. Robert F. Kennedy 
97. Each novel presents a main character in a situation in which he or she is in some way alienated.
98. Aren't they connected with his father's business in some way?/in some way.html
99. Formerly, the rich depended in some way on the well-being of the whole nation.
100. Sometimes the price advantage lies with fresh, unmodified food and sometimes with food processed in some way.
101. Are people who volunteer to answer questionnaires in some way different from those who refuse?
102. He was lying on something that felt like a camp bed, except that it was higher off the ground and that he was fixed down in some way so that he could not move.
103. The word is inapt, however, in so far as it might suggest that it is in some way concerned with the relations between states (it is even more inapt if it suggests 'nations' rather than states).
104. The international transport and the international logistics are same things in some way.
105. For example, even when someone likes a new stepparent, it's natural to feel some pangs that this new person is "replacing" a beloved parent in some way.
106. You have occasionally kept people uninformed in order to give you an advantage in some way.
107. This misconception and his gallantry seemed in some way to bring her and me closer together.
108. He may have thought it would help provide Divine guidance in some way.
109. In some way he depended upon the excitement he could arouse in her hysterical nature.
110. He might have been attached in some way to tote.
111. Composite isolation technique is a new technique using rubber bearing isolation and sliding isolation, which fits together in some way.
112. I must have wronged you in some way at Marseilles.
113. The major origin and impetus of veneration of Mary comes from the Christological controversies of the early church - many debates denying in some way the divinity or humanity of Jesus Christ.
114. The raw data, then, must be preprocessed in some way to be of any value.
115. It might compensate in some way for his seeming neglect of her.
116. The Unfortunate is threatened in some way by the Threatener and is saved by the Rescuer.
117. There is a picture offered at the communion table. The picture is that if you participate in communion, you are in some way "taking Christ in" and making him a part of you.
118. In some way, positive and negative ions are developed in a thunderstorm.
119. This book includes more personal references than any of my other publications including a tribute to some of the people who have assisted Cloverleaf in some way.
120. Moreover, the contributions made by Spanish and French laws are in some way Roman Law.
121. That which is irreducible to the self begins to come into focus e-e-e-e and a way of expressing this is to say e-e-e-e which is perhaps in some way or another a mask or a simulacrum of he-he-he-he.
122. Although tough in some way, the policy's base point is not confrontation but cooperation.
123. About the size of a cricket ball, they are precisely fashioned to be within a millimetre of the same size. This suggests they were meant to be used together in some way rather than individually.
124. You yourself can feel or in some way sense the beauty of people's mental auras.
125. In some way, China youth's political nonparticipation is common and dangerous.
126. Perhaps the biggest innovation is a "pay as you throw" policy, where garbage collection fees are linked in some way to the actual amount of trash a household produces.
127. The quality of field seismic data acquisition depends on correct operation of geophone in some way.
128. Why had it not been possible to outflank them in some way?
129. Eroticism was, in some way , dangerous business ,[http:///in some way.html] unseemly to his way of thinking.
130. Will it galvanize this team in some way? Who knows?
131. If we do work on any body, the principle of conservation of energy tells us that the work done must all be accounted for in some way.
132. About 15 % of farmers surveyed are transferring their land in some way.
133. I like to think that these essays edify me in some way, but at the very least they appeal to the voyeur in me.
134. Yet effective investment anywhere has to be planned in some way, either on the input side by the price and quantity of available capital or on the output side by bureaucratic fiat.
135. Is it possible, that plain old salt, is in some way more important to the proper functioning of her muscles than in someone who does not have MTM?
136. Composite keys are sometimes used because the choice of key relates in some way to the end-user business domain.
137. The final conclusion is: edge technique has high signal to noise ratio, small statistical errors, large measuring range in high accuracy, and can prevent back ground noise in some way.
138. In some way he gets access to the official papers for top managers.
139. The international transport and the international logistics are not alike stuff in some way.
140. Others expect you to become self-sustaining and self-supporting, to deal with security problems, and to support the arts in some way.
141. Will time turners or divination come into play in some way again?
142. It seems as if the blanket of depression is in some way necessary to help them blot out the even greater pain of real life.
143. And yet it was in some way if not as memory fabled it.
144. Luminescence is a process during which the absorbed energy is converted to optical radiation in some way.
145. He was eager to get out of the ( common ) ruck and distinguish himself in some way.
146. Carrie felt this to contain, in some way , an aspersion upon her ability.
147. It must have been possible to outflank them in some way.
148. These parameters are often used to filter the report data rows in some way.
149. First, I think it's a ridiculous idea of some government officials. In some way, they just want to please the public with claptrap.
150. An empirical study indicates that the functions of PICC serving as the governing law and as interpreting means have been realized in some way.
151. We have to account for that in some way because we know that they don't have identical average valence electron energies.
152. LDH may cause abnormality of the blood-supply and metabolism of tissue such as the muscles, tendons or soft tissue etc. in some way, and then Tender points are produced.
153. Most Langley residents participate in some way in the Mystery Weekend, a true community event.




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