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单词 Wallet
(1) We see not what is in the wallet behind. 
(2) The lady put her wallet in her purse.
(3) My wallet must be around here somewhere.
(4) He tucked his wallet into a pocket.
(5) I had my wallet stolen.
(6) Bloody hell! I've lost my wallet.
(7) I can't find my wallet.
(8) Did you lose your wallet?
(9) Somebody has run off with my wallet.
(10) I've lost my wallet. --That's too bad.
(11) She pocketed her wallet and door keys.
(12) I've only got about £10 in my wallet.
(13) I've lost my wallet.
(14) He had left his wallet on the table, so I went after him.
(15) My wallet was stolen.
(16) I felt for my wallet and papers in my inside pocket.
(17) The beggar seized hold of my wallet and ran away.
(18) My wallet is gone.
(19) I helped him find his wallet.
(20) He took a credit card out of his wallet.
(21) He pocketed his wallet and car keys.
(22) money, property - My wallet was stolen.
(23) Somebody's ripped off my wallet.
(24) I think I might have left my wallet behind.
(25) The pickpocket frisked him of his wallet.
(26) The pupil leaned to the ground to pick up a wallet.
(27) After she paid the bill, she placed the receipt in her wallet.
(28) They knocked me down and robbed me of my wallet.
(29) You'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet.
(30) He pulled a £100 note out of his fat wallet.
(1) The lady put her wallet in her purse.
(2) My wallet must be around here somewhere.
(3) He tucked his wallet into a pocket.
(4) I had my wallet stolen.
(5) Bloody hell! I've lost my wallet.
(6) I can't find my wallet.
(7) Did you lose your wallet?
(8) Somebody has run off with my wallet.
(9) I've lost my wallet. --That's too bad.
(10) She pocketed her wallet and door keys.
(11) I've only got about £10 in my wallet.
(12) I've lost my wallet.
(13) The pupil leaned to the ground to pick up a wallet.
(14) After she paid the bill, she placed the receipt in her wallet.
(15) He had left his wallet on the table, so I went after him.
(16) They knocked me down and robbed me of my wallet.
(17) You'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet.
(18) My wallet was stolen.
(19) I felt for my wallet and papers in my inside pocket.
(20) He pulled a £100 note out of his fat wallet.
(21) The beggar seized hold of my wallet and ran away.
(22) My wallet is gone.
(31) This wallet feels to me like leather.
(32) Someone has stolen my wallet from my back pocket.
(33) The boy made a sudden lunge for his wallet.
(34) It is terrible that she lost her wallet.
(35) The killer had rifled his wallet and stolen £200.
(36) Oh no , I've lost my wallet!
(37) Oh, there's my wallet. Thank God.
(38) He kept his wallet in an ,inside 'pocket.
(39) Bunbury groped in his breast pocket for his wallet.
(40) The thief relieved him of his wallet.
(41) Who relieved me of my wallet?
(42) Oh no, I've forgotten my wallet.
(43) suspicion that he stole my wallet.
(44) This wallet feels like leather.
(45) Bother! I've left my wallet at home.
(46) I filched some notes from his wallet.
(47) He plucked the wallet from the man's grasp.
(48) The pickpocket delicately relieved him of his wallet.
(49) He had a wallet full of plastic cards.
(50) He was dismayed when he found his wallet gone.
(51) I found the wallet lying in the grass.
(52) His wallet had been rifled.
(53) Someone ripped off my wallet.
(54) A couple of guys relieved him of his wallet.
(55) I keep my wallet in an inside pocket.
(56) How annoying, I've left my wallet at home!
(57) She's had her wallet taken.
(58) They acted honourably and returned the wallet.
(59) I slid the wallet into his pocket.
(60) Sir! You dropped your wallet.
(61) Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post - office.
(62) True to form, when it came to his turn to buy the drinks, he said he'd left his wallet at home.
(63) This really isn't my day - my wallet was stolen this morning and now I've lost my car keys.
(64) He picked up a wallet in the street and gave it to a policeman.
(65) My wallet was burgled.
(66) He didn't miss his wallet until the waiter brought the bill.
(67) My wallet was robbed.
(68) The robbers spiked his drink before taking his wallet and passport.
(69) A wallet full of greenback is find on the train.
(70) There's no need to snap at me - it's not my fault that you lost your wallet.
(71) He brought a card out of his wallet and gave it to her.
(72) He tried to tell me a lie about losing his wallet.
(73) He didn't really lose his wallet - that's just a trick.
(74) He carried a photo of his children in his wallet.
(75) He stuffed a few clothes in a case,(http:///wallet.html) grabbed his wallet and left.
(76) My wallet was in the back pocket of my jeans.
(77) My wallet has been missing for several days and I can't find any trace of it.
(78) My wallet was turned in to the police two days later.
(79) I had to cut short my trip when my wallet was stolen.
(80) Someone's nicked my wallet.
(81) The two boys scared the old man into handing over his wallet.
(82) He pulled out his wallet and said 'let me pay'.
(83) The finder of a wallet who takes it home may be guilty of theft.
(84) He tried to sell me a line about losing his wallet.
(85) I've had one of those days: my train was late, and I lost my wallet.
(86) He opened his wallet with a flourish and took out a handful of notes.
(87) I got out my wallet and began to dole out the money.
(88) A boy with a knife relieved him of his wallet.
(89) He pulled out a big fat wallet stuffed with bank notes.
(90) He'd only gone a few steps, when he realized he'd left his wallet behind.
(91) They pinned him against a wall and stole his wallet.
(92) He picked up the photocopy by one corner and put it in his wallet.
(93) I didn't miss my wallet till it came to paying the bill.
(94) Can you take this package while I get my wallet?
(95) She picked up the wallet and handed it back to him.
(96) We returned to the park in the hope of finding her wallet.
(97) For some unaccountable reason, he keeps his wallet in his underwear drawer.
(98) You should hit your husband where it hurts - in his wallet!
(99) Dad kept it in his wallet.
(100) Miami was too quick to open its wallet.
(101) Gomez slid three one-thousand dollar bills from the wallet.
(102) Miguel sat beside him, taking out his wallet.
(103) I must have left my wallet at home.
(104) Satisfied, he returned the envelope to the wallet.
(105) No, there was no wallet with dollar bills.
(105) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(106) He pulled out a fat wallet stuffed with banknotes.
(107) She received a handsome reward for finding the wallet.
(108) Wristwatch, wallet, tie, cigarette lighter.
(109) She held out the wallet as she spoke.
(110) He had about $150 in cash in his wallet.
(111) Alexei took a leather wallet from his belt.
(112) Mack got his wallet out.
(113) I kind of borrowed the money from your wallet.
(114) And I put £20 in my wallet.
(115) David got out and reached for his wallet.
(116) I understood immediately and reached for my wallet.
(117) He had left his wallet behind, too.
(118) But hold on to your wallet.
(119) Bing Crosby and Barry Fitzgerald got me drunk and stole my wallet.
(120) On behalf of them all Tony Pite, tennis club chairman, presented Mr. Offer with a leather wallet.
(121) He opened his coat and got out the ten-shilling note from his wallet and the coins from his trouser pocket.
(122) But on the way to the bank to buy dollars she lost her wallet containing £400.
(123) With my wallet dangerously emaciated, I called GolfDigest, looking for work.
(124) Could have stayed and reported the theft of his wallet to the police if he hadn't produced that revolver.
(125) He fiddles about in his back pocket and finds his wallet.
(126) He took out his wallet, hoping to find something hidden within the pigskin.
(127) He took his wallet from his suit jacket and headed off to the cafeteria.
(128) He reached into his wallet to pull out a few bucks.
(129) He pulled out a wallet and took a photograph from it, smoothing it with his fingers as though to keep it perfect.
(130) No need to stop and pull out a wallet, count the money and wait for the change.
(131) And he did keep the check stub in his wallet like a picture of his kids.
(132) Ticket wallet containing your personal itinerary, luggage labels and travel information.
(133) Doug folded the check and put it in his wallet.
(134) They felt hungry and sat down to eat the bread and cheese from Allen's wallet.
(135) The blind man called the police when he realised they had stolen his brown leather wallet.
(136) A back trouser pocket is the easiest pocket both to pick(), and from which to lose either money or a wallet.
(137) When Mr Diallo reached for his wallet, they believed he was going for a gun.
(138) There was a Bic pen and a snap wallet, some Tums, and a rhinoceros-head eraser.
(139) Somewhat as a reflex, the old man reached into his hip and pulled out his wallet.
(140) Taking a one rouble note from my wallet, I tapped on his window.
(141) That same day a thief walked into premises at Mill Lane and took a wallet from a jacket.
(142) If you leave your wallet unattended on the beach while frolicking in the waves, you are asking for trouble.
(143) The unions have become like a resident Grandad - no less embarrassing for enfeeblement, but still handy with his wallet.
(144) This time he decided to take very little in his wallet.
(145) Barnett kept the backs of his hands resting against the bar as he opened the wallet.
(146) She touched his hand to prevent him from opening his wallet.
(147) He dropped it into the wallet which closed around it.
(148) His killer had rifled his wallet before casting the stone into the stream.
(149) I took my wallet out and took two fivers and put them on the table.
(150) I think clinical need is often influenced by the thickness of somebody's big wallet.
(151) He carried notes about with him in his wallet, on one occasion, at any rate about a hundred pounds.
(152) They'd nick you for lifting the wallet, and me as well probably, for helping you.
(153) My bumf-crammed wallet was intact: credit cards, eighty-odd dollars, thirty-odd pounds.
(154) He fondled the long dagger he'd pushed through his wallet, drawing comfort from its metal coiled handle.
(155) I found a wallet full of cash and credit cards in the parking lot.
(156) If the light had been better, I might have reached for my wallet and looked at my calendar.
(157) What had he done with that wallet? What a nerve, taking it away.
(158) Ticket wallet containing your detailed itinerary, luggage labels, travel information, etc.
(159) Then he said something in a very low voice, while gesturing at the bruiser with the wallet.
(160) I'd have loosened my tie, but they had taken it away along with my wallet, gun, belt and shoelaces.
(161) Harry drew the wallet from his pocket and leafed through the pictures until he found it.
(162) Then, quite by chance, I caught him red-handed, stealing the wallet of one of the machinists out of the cloakroom.
(163) She finished her drink and picked up a ticket wallet from the table.
(164) So grab the kids, open your wallet and mouth, and commence to eating.
(165) Instead of locking up drug offenders, hit them where it really hurts - in the wallet.
(165) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(166) But when Mr Fitzpatrick was found he still had 300 dollars in his wallet and a camera slung around his shoulder.
(167) George pulled into a lay-by and gingerly fingered through the wallet with renewed twinges of horror.
(168) What would have thinned down-his wallet, his waistline, his ego?
(169) When she had handed Tim his wallet, she said nothing about the pedlar.
(170) If they can build aqueducts you'd think they could engineer a wallet to keep their money in.
(171) Balvinder got out his wallet and handed two 100-rupee notes to his neighbour.
(172) The rector patted his pockets for the heavy office key and checked his wallet.
(173) Primo reaches for his wallet, lets it fall open in his hand and slips out a five.
(174) The husband reaches for his wallet but can not find it.
(175) Store cards Store cards do not deserve their place in your wallet as they carry punitive rates of interest.
(176) But if he really wants to build up his muscles for a gold, he should try lifting his wallet.
(177) He pulled a hundred-bill from his wallet and told me to buy a new shirt.
(178) In her pocket was a thin leather wallet containing six ten dollar bills.
(179) But several days after she opened the wallet, her brother arrived from Norfolk.
(180) He pulled a twenty out of his wallet and tossed it on the table.
(181) Ranulf scooped his dice into his leather wallet and they went down the spiral wooden staircase and into the hall.
(182) At Newcastle station, the buffet was closed and some one stole his wallet.
(183) I looked through my wallet for last month's wage slip.
(184) I had forgotten my wallet in the usual Monday morning rush.
(185) We waited for the old skinflint to find his wallet and pay us our money.
(186) My wallet is in the inner breast pocket of my jacket.
(187) The morning after the funeral, Jean started trying to fathom the mysteries posed by the contents of Brian's wallet.
(188) There wasn't even much attempt to make it look like a mugging; he still had his wallet.
(189) Josie had given her a black nylon wallet for Christmas with a ten-pound note in it.
(190) Then he took the wallet of photographs from his pocket and leafed through them to the ninth picture in Heather's collection.
(191) He stood there like a weak-kneed schoolboy who'd impulsively confessed to stealing the headmaster's wallet.
(192) Pushing aside tie and scarf, he took out the wallet.
(193) Some one nipped in and stole his cheque book and wallet.
(194) The thugs stole £20 from his wallet before fleeing the car park at Reading, Berks.
(195) The muggers stole his mobile and wallet in full view of a crowd of shoppers.
(196) Wade nodded at him and pulled a small photograph from his wallet.
(197) My wallet with 600 francs in it has been stolen.
(198) He was grabbed from behind by three men, who held him down, and stole his watch(/wallet.html), jewellery and wallet.
(199) He put the fake petunias back up on the wall, then went intO his room to get his wallet and keys.
(200) All right, so you lifted the bearded geezer's wallet, but never mind that for the moment.
(201) Comprehensive ticket wallet including luggage labels, exclusive full colour street map of Amsterdam and detailed travel itinerary.
(202) Bunny straightened up and took my wallet out of his back pocket.
(203) Cabby,() I think your last passenger left his wallet.
(204) tri-Fold Black leather wallet includes box.
(205) Losing your wallet is a real bummer.
(206) He tried to steal my wallet, the dirty dog.
(207) What other items have you craftily cut out of your wallet?
(208) One day John pulled a folded paper from his wallet.
(209) Extra pockets for keys , wallet, cell phone or diaper.
(210) They looked in mute horror at the spectacle of a credit card wallet with a bullet hole nearly all the way through it.
(211) It's luckless, I lost my bicycle in the morning and my wallet was stolen in the afternoon!
(212) Keep them in the side pocket of your suit jacket next to your heart, but never in your wallet if you carry the latter in your rear pants pocket.
(213) The thieve snap the wallet with a rush and run away.
(214) I've even been in the wallet of two Presidents of the United States, and once when Princess Diana visited the US, she used me to buy a packet of gum.
(215) The Chinese reached into his wallet and produced a Quebec hunting license.
(216) Travel Goods, Document Bags , Computer Bags , CD Cases , Organizers, Wallet, Checkbook.
(217) "I keep a picture of him in my wallet, " Vassello testified in court in West Palm Beach, Florida.
(218) He took out his fat wallet and peeled off some notes.
(219) I coast into the gas station, kill the engine, grope for my wallet.
(220) While Americans might casually flip out a card from their wallet, for example, Japanese executives will carefully present their cards with both hands as a sign of respect.
(221) Tyson knocked my wallet off, so I took a poke at him.
(222) Slip a few maximum-strength antihistamines, like Benadryl Allergy capsules, into your wallet.
(223) He took out his wallet and gave five pounds to the tramp.
(224) Often a deflated wallet, gold will not enter the door of his.
(225) Tyler Clementi's wallet was found on the George Washington Bridge on 22 September after two witnesses saw someone jump from the structure, authorities told the AP news agency.
(226) Currently, only American Eagle Outfitters allows loyalty cards and gift cards with Google Wallet in some of its New York stores.
(227) The pick - pocket spotted an easy mark and tried to take his wallet.
(228) Unfortunately, the bigger his wallet, the more likely your busy bee is to cozy up with an office buddy.
(229) At Brussels airport he fell victim to pickpockets who pinched his wallet.
(230) If you have cash in hand or a credit card in your wallet, it’s a lot easier to buy that trinket than if you didn’t have the cash or the credit card with you.
(231) Someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor.
(231) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(232) Then, I lost my home work assignment for math. I invited my girlfriend to lunch and after we ate, I found I'd left my wallet at home. It never rains but it pours.
(233) Torch , Mirror , Sewing Kit , Lint Brush, Nylon Bags, Wallet, Telephone Accessories Telecommunication Equipments.
(234) Wasn't that the name on the business card you found in the vic's wallet?
(235) And travel experts say whether couples choose a beach in the Caribbean or a castle in Spain, combining wedding, reception and honeymoon can be kinder to their nerves and their wallet.
(236) Peter took out his wallet and showed his ID to the man.
(237) After slipping the watch back on my wrist, I transferred wallet, cigarettes, and lighter, took the dungarees aboard the Topaz, and snapped the padlock on the companion hatch.




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