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单词 distinctly
释义 Word family  noun distinction adjective distinct ≠ indistinct adverb distinctly ≠ indistinctly  dis·tinct·ly /dɪˈstɪŋktli/ ●○○ AWL adverb  1  CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDclearly 清楚地,明白地 OPP indistinctly Speak clearly and distinctly. 说话要清楚明白。 He distinctly remembered the day his father left. 他清晰地记得父亲离开的那一天。2  very 非常,很,极 Paul was left feeling distinctly foolish. 保罗觉得自己太傻了。distinctly uncomfortable/uneasy/unhappy etc 非常不舒服/不自在/不开心等3  OBVIOUSused to say that something has a particular quality or character that is easy to recognize 明显地〔用于表示某物具有某种易辨认的特征或特点〕 dishes with a distinctly Jewish flavor 带有明显犹太风味的菜肴Examples from the Corpusdistinctly• New Orleans has a distinctly European feel to it.• By the time he reached the office Matthew was feeling distinctly indignant.• The old estate looked quite ready to swap tarmac for mud; this one has a distinctly more suburban air.• Although the intensity of the pain may fluctuate, headache-free periods are distinctly rare.• As he turned on the attic lights and climbed the creaking steps, he smelled it more distinctly than before.• I distinctly told you to be home before 11:00.• The whole concept of wealth made her distinctly uneasy.• By lunchtime she was distinctly unwell and the school nurse told her she had a temperature and sent her home.distinctly uncomfortable/uneasy/unhappy etc• A single nun, working in an unorthodox manner in the slums, made some of the local clergy distinctly uncomfortable.• I was 17, a private just a few weeks into my enlistment, and distinctly uncomfortable.• It was an hour later that the jeep, always a vehicle that threatened trouble, started to sound distinctly unhappy.• The whole concept of wealth made her distinctly uneasy.• Viewing the pilot episode Newman and Wilson were distinctly unhappy.• Evans had been distinctly uncomfortable about Horowitz's presence in his office.• Tanner was distinctly unhappy to see Maxim again.dis·tinct·ly adverbChineseSyllable  clearly Corpus




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