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单词 Identifiable
1. She looked young, and was immediately identifiable as a trainee.
2. The police were identifiable by their uniform.
3. The house is easily identifiable by the large tree outside.
4. In her bright yellow coat, she was easily identifiable in the crowd.
5. They go through similar identifiable stages of emotional reactions.
6. The largest identifiable youth group are the monks.
7. The fingerprint on the door was not identifiable.
8. Some identifiable affective event occurred inside you.
9. It was personalized and identifiable in a way unknown since Lloyd George's heyday.
10. The temple is easily identifiable by its long, rectangular Central Court, in this case oriented north-north-east to south-south-west.
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. Hence, there is a readily identifiable gain to both parties.
12. Plurality electoral systems tend to produce two identifiable blocs while majority run-off elections tend to produce more fragmented support.
13. For example, plasticity seems to depend on identifiable ion channels and catalytic molecules that activate or inhibit these channels.
14. But nowhere does the jazz component lose its identifiable tone.
15. In the absence of hone, most cuts are identifiable by the muscle structure.
16. But there is no identifiable general principle determining which acts of government require positive legal authorization in order to be lawful.
17. She is identifiable by her missing left eye, and her green right eye.
18. To be effective, market segments must be clearly identifiable and substantial enough to be potentially profitable.
19. In the corridor were four dirty, ragged bundles, just identifiable as human beings.
20. Within their own group there was little to strive for since there were no clearly identifiable roles available.
21. Neighbourhood police are all too aware of the risk: We are identifiable by our uniform.
22. The price must be clearly legible to a prospective purchaser and clearly identifiable as referring to the goods in question.
23. Tod has a sensing mechanism which guides his responses to all identifiable subspecies.
24. In the case of acute infectious diseases, attempts are made to isolate a single identifiable organism.
25. A closed loop is a self-contained unit that has no identifiable beginning or end, like a circle or an integrated circuit.
26. Checks have been made on roadside sellers throughout the area because the fruit is easily identifiable.
27. There are schools in which the practices of the past are even more clearly identifiable.
28. Scarcity of resources and marketing opportunities Companies are restricted by a shortage of resources from pursuing every identifiable marketing opportunity.
29. Of about forty tracts on the standing army issue, only one was written by an identifiable Tory.
30. In fact, it doesn't have to be anything properly identifiable as a deed to communicate interpretable evidence.
1. She looked young, and was immediately identifiable as a trainee.
31. Richard Lugar of Indiana and businessman Morry Taylor have no identifiable following here.
32. This indicator must be a characteristic that is easily identifiable, and which clearly distinguishes working-class students from others.
33. Male and female do appear to diverge in certain identifiable and significant ways.
34. The personal scent trail which it thereby leaves provides an easily identifiable highway home.
35. The cluster is identifiable with the naked eye, and is clear with binoculars.
36. Financial segregation: Items of account must be kept strictly identifiable with the user department.
37. The adversarial nature of contentious proceedings before the International Court ensures that the parties are readily identifiable.
38. Hartmann's style is utterly consistent, the formal plans are tightly knit, the tone of voice is quickly identifiable.
39. The melodies of most composers have distinguishing characteristics which make them instantly identifiable.
40. For man's earliest identifiable ancestors - notably Neanderthal man - were clearly both more ape-like and culturally inferior to their discoverers.
41. She is, however,[] described as a senior State Department official and is readily identifiable in Washington circles.
42. They were not in identifiable heaps but had melted into the soil.
43. I had got one souvenir and if not identifiable with the shed, at least I knew where it had come from.
44. Each pair, often by different photographers, famous or little-known, is readily identifiable by their matching frames.
45. They passed a counter above which hung trusses of pigeons, pheasants and other less identifiable but more disturbing birds.
46. Presentational infidelity is less clear-cut and less readily identifiable than selectivity or measurement distortion.
47. The bond market traders, like the products they manage, hav no identifiable personal presence anywhere.
48. The wooden black boy in the corner was identifiable by his white gloves in the gloom.
49. Each such coherent structure is identifiable for only a limited time.
50. Even if you shed your red suspenders and adopted protective coloration, you were easily identifiable as a trainee.
51. The identification card should have a clearly identifiable photo and logo.
52. Within the community there will be identifiable groups which have connections with powerful individuals. 3.
53. It was held that there was no appropriation because there was no identifiable property, merely a contractual right against the bank.
54. Only the woman has a dependable and easily identifiable connection to the child-a tie on which society can rely.
55. Crime is seen as only identifiable by the discouraging response it evokes.
56. Like many bird experts, Moldenhauer hears familiar, identifiable voices when others hear just squawks.
57. There are effectively two armies: the regular army and the Republican Guard, identifiable by the red triangle on their uniforms.
58. There are still clearly identifiable wealthy families, even if their assets are spread across different holdings and various forms of investment.
59. But the Kula itself simply drove identifiable valuables round in a circle giving no utilitarian advantage to anyone.
60. But she had suffered no physical damage or identifiable psychological illness.
61. This is a work construct defined in terms of activities and physically identifiable consequences rather than mental states.
62. They fell into clearly identifiable categories, many of which can be traced back to the nineteenth century and beyond.
63. Their products are easily identifiable as close substitutes for one another.
64. Each programme had exciting graphics, instantly identifiable signature tunes and a competition.
65. It is based principally on morphological characteristics readily identifiable in the field.
66. That the goods involved be stored in such a way that they are clearly identifiable.
67. The symptoms are often obvious, identifiable, and even treatable before the damage is done.
68. This kind of fundamentalism is easily identifiable in the world today.
69. It was a problem waiting to happen, the most identifiable flaw on a team that wanted to prove otherwise.
70. I had done nothing to bring this off; but I was to be the identifiable face of the campaign.
71. Most of this money came from domestic sources readily identifiable as seekers of federal favors.
72. And fussy, fidgety babies, the researchers found, show an identifiable brain-wave pattern.
73. It had both Egan's fingerprints on it and those of Place, blurred but identifiable.
74. Going back a couple of years, ice climbers were a very small, easily identifiable group.
75. Would he NHS benefit from a single, identifiable leader?
76. That region was the most clearly identifiable trouble spot.
77. This would make them instantly identifiable to a computer.
78. Records shall remain legible , readily identifiable and retrievable.
79. Type I depressor septi muscles(62%) are visible and identifiable, and can be traced to full interdigitation with the orbicularis oris from their origin at the medial crural footplate.
80. An investor presumably would be willing to pay $10 to buy Solarwind company, because this restaurant earns the normal 5 % return which justifies the fair market value of its net identifiable assets.
81. Other identifiable causes of offensive act include frustration or failure in school. the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect.
82. Set aside a coin identification device interface, according to need to install, multi-currency identifiable.
83. Stan Dean, easily identifiable by his oddly-shaped hat, sat in a doorway.
84. Objective : In order to provide identifiable ground for Stevia rebaudiana pharmaceutical botany.
85. A fourth is that, however loosely knit and varying in beliefs and practices adherents may be, they constitute an identifiable group or identifiable groups.
86. To possess a concept is not to own some easily identifiable article.
87. The only information required to activate is a Software Code provided by the software house. No personally identifiable information is required to activate.
88. Most legacy systems are not modularized into identifiable, distinct components that you can test run independently of others.
89. You can create content and mark it up with delimiting tags, making each word, phrase, or chunk into identifiable, sortable information.
90. The detailed estimate or definitive estimate is made when the scope of work is clearly defined and the detailed design is in progress so that the essential features of the facility are identifiable.
91. The "selected state" should be identifiable through the use of color, type style, or other means.
92. Either way, you now have an XHTML page with clearly identifiable sections, as well as hidden text that's marked up and easy to locate.
93. Any identifiable reference to him would have been mortally dangerous.
94. Conclusion: The MRI characteristics of intracranial angiomatous meningiomas are identifiable. The accurate diagnosis before operation is helpful for the operation strategy.
95. Any costs not readily identifiable with a particular product are overhead.
96. Angola was the most identifiable trouble spot in South West Africa.
97. In the West(), most companies have well - established and identifiable lines of organization.
98. Each line must contain several hundred individually identifiable halftone light values.
99. Nonetheless, Google insists that IP addresses are not personally identifiable information.
100. We will only share identifiable information with third parties for marketing analysis with your consent.
101. Physics began to emerge from the more - or - less amorphous body of scientific knowledge as an identifiable discipline.
102. Other identifiable causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect .
103. Normally,() the brain does not interpret tile phosphene patterns as identifiable objects.
104. Are there identifiable sacrifices that you attribute to your success?
105. Alleles of the apolipoprotein E gene have distinct neuroanatomic signatures , identifiable in childhood.
106. Each data mart can tackle an identifiable business problem or subject area, making it possible to calculate ROI.
107. Despite a penchant for contagious geometric patterns, Mr Orozco does not have an identifiable signature style.
108. Figure 1 introduces the Identifiable and Auditable interfaces, which define the API for identifying object instances and setting audit information on object instances.
109. Companies must group long-lived assets with other assets and liabilities at the lowest level for which there are identifiable cash flows.
110. Your cookie data, with the personally identifiable information deleted, is a material asset.
111. Used large sample datum to train the BP network, formed an identifiable and rememberable non-linear forecasting system.
112. AIM: By actively managing the contract life cycle and carefully wording the terms and conditions of the contract, some identifiable project risks can be avoided or mitigated.
113. In what ways are they rational responses to immediate and identifiable incentives?
114. A younger person who has no identifiable name or job title is called by an elderly person as Xiao (Younger) So-and-so.
115. Matthew: Fortunately, the target audience is easily identifiable and easy to please.




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